newsletter 29.2015 – 11 september 2015 pupil free day – tuesday 6

Committed to Excellence in Catholic Education
Phone: 02 6953 3622
Fax: 02 6953 5087
NEWSLETTER 29.2015 – 11 SEPTEMBER 2015
Hello everyone
We have collaborated with our friends at Marian Catholic
College, Griffith and are pleased to present a combined
professional learning day for teachers and teacher assistants,
hosted here in the ARC @ SFC.
On Tuesday 6th October, we will host Stephen Collis Director of
Innovation Northern Beaches Christian School, Sydney
Steve joined NBCS in 2002 teaching English and French, and
quickly attracted recognition in awards for ‘Excellence by a
Teacher’ (National Quality Schools Awards) and ‘Microsoft
Innovative Teacher of the Year’. He joined the NBCS leadership
team soon after, promoting innovation school-wide, and
delivering training programs and workshops at schools around
Australia and beyond. Steve helps colleagues’ re-envision virtual
and physical spaces to facilitate personalised learning and
increased student engagement and agency.
Parents may be interested in the following links
Above and Beyond
The Four C's of Education
Student Centred Learning
So please make a note that all students will return to school for
the start of term 4 on Wednesday 7 October.
The final days for year 12 are upon us. I thoroughly enjoyed
reading the Year 12 final reports which were emailed home to
parents on Wednesday 9 September. They were also made
available to parents and students via the parent portal. The
reports generally indicated that students have worked well to
prepare themselves for the HSC examinations.
In the meantime, there are some important events for year 12.
On Tuesday 15 , the annual Staff vs Year 12 soccer game is
scheduled. That evening, Year 12 will host the final Social, with a
“siesta” theme. On the Wednesday, Year 12 along with Mrs Ryan
and the pastoral team will engage in a final day of reflection and
preparation. I’m pleased to invite all parents and caregivers to
join with Year 12, fellow students and staff to the final Mass and
prize-giving assembly next Thursday 17 September.
Also on Thursday, the new student leadership team will be
announced. We look forward to the next group of students
giving great example and leadership to their peers.
Year 12 Drama teacher Mrs Alanya Skewes has reported the
incredibly exciting news that one of the group devised
performances for this year’s HSC has been nominated for the
“onstage” tour. Every February, HSC groups and individual
performances from the previous year are invited to present their
work at a series of performances at the Seymour Centre in
Sydney. There is no guarantee that they will make the final
program, but it means they are deemed to be in the finest
groups in the state. Congratulations to Meg Collins, Joshua
Dean, Daniel Heath, Olivia McLean and Rachel Preston.
St Francis College students and staff will join the local Leeton
“Running for Others” community group for a fund-raising
run/walk/ride this Sunday in support research into Ovarian
Cancer, which is affecting some of our families. It should be a
great event given the beautiful weather.
Have a great weekend. I hope your footy teams are still going
and that they have success.
Thank you for your continued support.
Acting Principal
Phone 02 6953 3622
Fax: 02 6953 5087
The end of term three is fast approaching and students and staff are looking forward to celebrating with Year 12 next
Thursday, September 17 for their final Mass and Prizegiving Assembly.
Year 11 are busy completing their final exams for Preliminary HSC courses and students in all year groups have
assessment tasks due next week.
On Thursday, all students will go directly to the church and roll marking will occur before Mass. Day buses have been
instructed to drop students off at St Joseph’s on this day. After Mass, students will walk back to school and move
into an earlier lunch, followed by the whole school attending the Year 12 Final Assembly and Prizegiving ceremony in
the hall. Normal periods 4 and 5 as well as afternoon tea will operate.
We also have some exciting events that all students will have an opportunity to experience early next week. On
Tuesday, all students are invited to wear casual clothes for a gold coin donation. This donation will contribute
towards year 12 fundraising which is being used to support a number of charities. The annual staff versus students
soccer match will also take place during period 5 on Tuesday.
The School Social, also hosted by year 12 will take place on Tuesday evening between 6.30-9.30pm. Our school social
expectations are also included as part of this newsletter.
Next Monday, September 14, the School Police Liaison Officer for Wagga Wagga Local Area Command, Matt
Davenport will visit SFC, delivering presentations to all students in years 7-10. Matt will spend a considerable
amount of time talking to our students about cyber safety and the law. Technology misuse continues to be a
problem at Saint Francis and parents are strongly encouraged to talk to their children about this important topic,
perhaps after the Police visit.
Students are encouraged to remain focused for our final week of term 3 whilst also enjoying the celebrations as our
Year 12 class of 2015 finish their formal classes at our wonderful school.
Mrs Marni Milne, Acting Assistant Principal
Students and parents should be aware of the following GUIDELINES and EXPECTATIONS regarding Student
Behaviour at the Social:
The Social commences at 6.30pm and ends at 9.30pm;
No use of cigarettes, alcohol or illegal substances, High Energy Caffeine Drinks prior to, or during, the social;
NO BACKPACKS are permitted in the Hall;
NO use of phones or cameras in the Hall;
No one other than current SFC Students and their parents will be permitted on the School Grounds during the
Tickets for the Social must be bought in person and are only available at the door at the beginning of the Social.
Ticket price is $5.00 per person;
A “PASS OUT” System will apply for visits to the Toilets;
Latecomers will not be given entrance to the Social unless a parent/guardian brings them to the door of the Hall;
Students are not permitted to leave early unless parents/guardians call to the Hall to collect those students;
Dress is to be suitable and appropriate, eg. clothes need to be clean, tidy, no bare midriffs or too skimpy skirts;
Behaviour is to be appropriate throughout the Social – activities such as head banging’ or ‘crowd surfing’ are not
permitted. No student is to be on the stage at any time during the Social. Inappropriate displays of affection
between students is not appropriate behaviour at a School Social;
Any student not following these Guidelines could be asked by Staff to leave the Hall. It would be unlikely such a
student will be welcome at future Socials, and could put the holding of future Social in jeopardy.
Phone 02 6953 3622
Fax: 02 6953 5087
Date: Tuesday 15th September
Time: 6:30pm to 9:30pm
Place: College Hall
Cost: $5 entry
$1 lolly bags and $2 chips and drinks will also be on sale.
Come dressed to celebrate Year 12’s last social in a Fiesta themed outfit. Pop on a
sombrero and come and dance to the music provided by our Year 12 DJ’s and the
Year 11 Living in Paradise Band. Hope to see you there!
Year 7 to 11 are invited to participate in a casual clothes day. Students are asked to give a
gold coin donation during Pastoral with the funds going to Year 12 Fundraising. Each year
Year 12 raise money to sponsor a teaching scholarship in East Timor.
Year 12 will come to school dressed in the theme
“What I wanted to be when I was 5”.
Phone 02 6953 3622
Fax: 02 6953 5087
Year 10 NEWS
What's happening in Year 10
Monday we will have the Police liaison officer from Wagga talking to the students about cyber safety and policies in regards
to underage drinking/partying.
Tuesday will be the last day of the Futures are Us program. All students have done a great job, hopefully employment
opportunities will follow.
Don't forget to get Work Experience organised for week 7 & 8 Term 4.
Assessment task due during week 10
Monday - Music
- Visual Arts
Tuesday - Science
Wednesday -Agriculture
- Textiles
Sorry didn’t have a chance to write a report this week, but here’s what’s happening in the last week of Term Three;
Monday 14th Sept:
- Cyber Safety talk (period 2)
- HSIE Task due (Medieval)
Tuesday 15 Sept: - Temora Aviation Excursion (students who have not handed in their permission notes
will not be able to attend)
- Social (6:30-9:30)
Wednesday 16 Sept: - English Task due
Thursday 17th Sept: - Year 12 Graduation Mass & Final assembly (students will need to bring their books
for periods 4 & 5)
Friday 18th Sept:
- Last day of Term Three
* Please note there is no Visual Arts task due in Week 10, it has been changed to Term Four
Phone 02 6953 3622
Fax: 02 6953 5087
St Francis College wins the Caldwell Cup!
The College was awarded the Caldwell Cup during this week. The
Caldwell Cup is presented to the school with the highest aggregate
score from the BISSA Athletics, Swimming and Cross Country Carnivals
– the BISSA Grand Aggregate Award.
The cup was named after Mr. Terry Caldwell. He was the instigator of
the Border Independent Secondary Schools Association (BISSA) in
1992. At its inception, BISSA was made up of four independent
secondary schools within the Riverina area. Currently, BISSA has 12
schools representing approximately 6000 students.
Mr Caldwell’s selfless service over a long and distinguished career,
highlights the attributes that are also evident within the athletes who
have shown the commitment, dedication and perseverance which
have led to this prestigious award.
Jessica Murphy (Open BISSA Athletics Age Champion) and Sam Mallon
(Open BISSA Cross Country Age Champion) hold the Caldwell Cup.
Over the next week I would to show a Four Corners Episode titled "While they were Sleeping". This is quite confronting
episode, however, very valuable in Legal as well as in their lives as they start to go to parties. Below is the Blurb from the
Four Corners website:
It was meant to be fun.
An Australia Day paddock party, a reunion for a group of 19-year-old school friends before they went their separate ways,
to university and work.
But something went very wrong.
By sunrise, two young people were dying, their families and friends devastated and a community was in shock.
At around 4:45am, a 17-year-old reversed his ute and ran over two sleeping teenagers, sharing a swag on the ground next to a
stockyard fence. It was an accident, but the driver responsible had broken the law. He didn't have a licence and had been drinking
throughout the night.
To complicate matters, the driver was also the son of a long-serving local highway patrol officer, who was a colleague and friend of
police attending the scene.
For everyone concerned it was a shocking and conflicted situation. Over the following months, people began to ask questions
about the police investigation. Even after a Coronial Inquest, many questions remain unanswered: what did police do on the
morning of the incident? Why didn't police take a statement from the driver, or try to interview him that morning? How did the driver
blow zero when he was breathalysed? And why did police tell the public and the grieving parents that alcohol was not a factor - and
never publically correct their mistake?
By reconstructing the events of that night, Four Corners investigates the police handling of the case, asking: why has no one been
held to account?
Nicole Preston
Phone 02 6953 3622
Fax: 02 6953 5087
A HUGE thank you to all parents and students for a fantastic fun day last Friday! We were so lucky with the
weather, and the participation from students and staff was wonderful. Thanks to all parents who gave up their time
to cook and sell food on the day. Special thanks to Phil and the kitchen/canteen staff for use of the kitchen/canteen
area during the day. It saved our legs!! A full rundown of income will be available in the next few weeks, after
accounts have been finalised.
Next meeting of the P & F will be held on Tuesday 15th September at 6pm in the College Boardroom.
Please keep sending Golden Apple dockets in to school.
Liz Lane, P & F Secretary
A positive week this week for year 7. The majority are working hard and being respectful to both their
teachers and peers which is great. The cohort’s first SFC fun day was a great success, from a great mass
in the morning to the rides and activities in the afternoon. Next week there will be a number of changes with
year 12 leaving and a Wagga’s LAC Matt Davenport coming to speak to the students about cyber safety
and the legalities of this.
The students were again reminded this week about the proper use of social media as this continues to be a
problem. If you can encourage the proper use at home that would be much appreciated. Another reminder
that students must change before and after PDHPE prac lessons. There have been some students in PE
uniform when they shouldn’t be. Students who do not follow these rules will be made to do theory when
practical lessons are on.
Next week’s timetable
Guest speaker Matt
Davenport P1.
Swap P2 and P5.
(Assembly will now be P5.
Normal P5 class will move
to P2).
Year 12 fundraising
day and social. Casual
clothes, gold coin
donation. Social starts
Year 12 Mass. Whole
school to attend.
Last day of term 3.
Year 12 final assembly
and awards P3. Normal
classes P4 and P5.
Staff v students soccer
game. P5 (no
Again if there are any issues please feel free to contact me at the College for any issues you would like to
discuss on 02 6953 3622 or
Celi’s Bus Service would like to advise that an extension of the current Celi’s Bus No 3 route will now extend to
River Road, approximately 15km Whitton side of Darlington Point.
The service will commence the first day of term 4 and will be a day service from River and Young Road to Leeton
and return, via Whitton and Stanbridge.
For all timetable enquiries, please contact Peter Celi 0458533681.
Peter Celi
Phone 02 6953 3622
Fax: 02 6953 5087
Running for Others - RFO will be dedicating a Run/Walk/ Ride on Sunday for Pam Guest and her family. Pam
is fighting Ovarian Cancer.
Starting at 9am on Sunday at the skate park. Ribbons will be for sale signifying ovarian cancer awareness.
Any donations given, will go to Ovarian Cancer Research.
A huge thank-you to the support already shown. Thank-you to Trish Doyle and Lee Norman for their
Please like our “Running for Others” Facebook page.
Our RFO group is about showing others who are struggling or facing challenges that we are thinking of them
in thought and prayer. It aims to bring some light into their day. It runs every Sunday at 9am. You can run /
walk or ride on the track.
We would love to see you there. Everyone is welcome.
Phone 02 6953 3622
Fax: 02 6953 5087
What have you been doing recently? We would love to hear your news!
In addition to stories about our past students, it is important to include what is happening with
our current students/families as well as our past so please phone, email or fax any news you
would like to share with the College Community to Mrs Briggs at the College Office at
At SFC we are striving to maintain an accurate database of contact details for all past students to
ensure ongoing effective communication with the thriving wider community.
If we do not have your current email address, please email it to us at
All bookings/ travel variations for boarding students must be made through the College Office.
All students are requested to submit/advise ALL TRAVEL variations to the College Office (C/- Mrs Briggs) no later than 4pm on a
Monday for the following weekend’s travel. A LATE VARIATION to normal routine will be accepted in the case of an emergency
We have a duty of care to our students and in conjunction with the support of all families can we ensure that travel
arrangements are correct at the time of our students departing and returning to the College on a weekly basis. Therefore it is
expected that students and/or parents/carers take the responsibility of notifying the College Office advising of any changes to the
normal routine of weekly travel for your child/children with an explanation of that day’s CHANGED MODE OF TRAVEL – HOW,
WHEN AND WHO WITH that your son/daughter will be travelling.
If no notification of variation received for travel by parents/carers; students will remain on their weekly designated mode of travel.
The best method for this is via a written note, Boarding Students’ Travel Variation Notice, either in person, via fax or through email.
Phone notifications will be accepted with a written notification to be forwarded.
If a change happens over the weekend for a Monday travel, please email Mrs Briggs at the College Office If you have a query or you are uncertain of the term “VARIATION TO NORMAL BUS ROUTINE”
please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Briggs at the Office.
The College Council encourages both Day and Boarding Student families to provide a Catholic Secondary Education
for their child or children in attending St Francis College, by offering two forms of Scholarship - Academic and
Financial Hardship; details are as follows:SCHOLARSHIPS ON OFFER:
3 two year (financial hardship) scholarships covering the Tuition Fee;
2 one year (financial hardship) scholarships covering the Boarding Fee; One scholarship is available to a
student from the Junior School (Years 7 to 10) and one scholarship to a student from the Senior School
(Years 11 and 12);
2 one year (academic) scholarships covering the Tuition and Basic Service Fees; One scholarship is
available to a student from the Junior School (Years 7 to 10) and one scholarship to a student from the
Senior School (Years 11 and 12)
Phone 02 6953 3622
Fax: 02 6953 5087
The scholarship holder will be subject to all the rules and regulations of the College in the same way as are
for all other students;
The closing date for all scholarship applications for the ensuing year is the last school day of Term 3 each
The value of the scholarship awarded will equal the charge of the relevant fee as outlined in the Fee
Schedule contained in the College Information Handbook;
In financial hardship cases, the applicant is expected to be an average academic pupil who will be able to
cope with and maintain acceptable standards of progress, conduct and leadership;
The College Advisory Council reserves the right not to award any scholarship if, in their opinion, there is
no appropriate applicant;
The College Advisory Council reserves the right to terminate the scholarship of any student whose
performance is not considered satisfactory;
The decision of the College Advisory Council is final and absolute and no discussion or correspondence
will be entered into.
All enquiries and information concerning scholarships will be treated as confidential, with all
correspondence disposed of at the close of proceedings.
Student Scholarship Applications are available from the College Office or by downloading the Scholarship Application
from our website at - Closing Date for Applications is Tuesday 6 October 2015 at
Futures are Us Program
Year 12/Staff Soccer Match
14 September
15 September
Year 12 Reflection Day
Year 12 Grad Mass
Year 12 Final Assembly
2016 Leaders Announced
16 September
17 September
18 September
If you are able to help out for a day a term or even two days per term please contact Lyn via email Or during school hours please contact Lyn Vant directly on 6953 3622, Extension 219.
If a family who knows now that their child/children will not be returning in 2016 please advise Mrs Deidre Briggs (Student
Registrar) via email or fax 026953 5087.
Name of Student/s & 2015 Year Level/s who are NOT returning in 2016:
Print Parent/Carer Name:
Parent/Carer Signature:
Phone 02 6953 3622
Fax: 02 6953 5087
Jerilderie Cricket Club
Jerilderie Cricket Club will be holding its registration for the 2015/16 season on the following dates and times at Monash
Park, Jerilderie:
Juniors: Tuesday 15th Sept at 5pm
Seniors: Friday 18th Sept at 5pm
Could you please add a notice to your next school newsletter? If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact
me on 0410491315.
Karen Sleeman - Secretary
What a great start to the new season of basketball last week.
Junior boy’s teams and Intermediate boy’s teams we will need to change the times to
accommodate all games.
Would love to see a few more girls sign up if interested please come along on Thursday.
We are having a HOT SHOT competition in each division every week. Last weeks winners were
Junior Girls Mikayla Bloomfeild,
Intermediate girls Olivia Absolom, Senior Girls/Boys Gina Paterson, Junior Boys Hudson Coelli
and Intermediate boys Heath Wasley Reilly.
Congratulations to all our winners. A big thank you to the sponsors of our Hot Shot competition
Camjai Catering, Narrandera Bakery, Subway,
Narrandera Pizzaria & Lee Longford for the prizes each week.
This week games will be Thursday
5.00pm Junior girls Yrs 1, 2 & 3.
5.55pm Intermediate girls Yrs 4, 5 & 6
6.50pm Senior Girls Yrs 7, 8 & 9
Friday will see 1 game juniors boys at 4.30pm and the other 2 at 5.15pm this will be on face book
by Wednesday and
The Narrandera Argus Thursday.
4.30pm Junior Boys Yrs 1, 2 & 3.
5.15pm Junior Boys Yrs 1, 2 & 3.
6.10pm Intermediate boys Yrs 4, 5 & 6 All teams are to turn up as there will be a few boys away.
7.05pm Senior boys Yrs 7, 8 & 9
Narrandera Basketball has a face book page please feel free to join.
Referees will be on f in the week.
Phone 02 6953 3622
Fax: 02 6953 5087
Communication for Mental Health Caring
The path to recovery often begins with a difficult conversation.
This three part program designed specifically for mental health carers will give you the opportunity to
understand how to approach a difficult conversation with your loved ones and also
develop the skills and strategies needed to facilitate positive change.
Carer Assist invites you to our three week (once a month Sept, Oct & Nov)
‘Effective Communication for Mental Health Caring’
program in Leeton, which will include workshops on:
o Assisting with Meaningful Communication: Communication for families where a
mental illness is present can often be challenging. This workshop teaches some
foundation skills for positive and effective communication with a view to
developing partnership and understanding.
o Assisting with Conversations about Change: Building on your skills of effective
communication, this workshop will help you to understand the process of change
and strategies for holding conversations around change with your loved ones.
o Assisting with Challenging Conversations: This module gives participants the
opportunity to consider the types of challenging conversations mental health
carers face. It will introduce the concept of conflict and ways of handling conflict
and aggression. Conflict resolution and other related communication is vast.
Where: Leeton
When: Thursday 17th September to Thursday 19th November 2015
Times: 12:30pm – 4:00pm
Please contact Sonia Skewes at Carer Assist Griffith: (02) 6962 3099 for more
information or to make a booking. Venue details will be provided on booking.
Numbers are limited and bookings are essential.
You do not need to be on a Centrelink carer’s payment to attend these workshops.
Hope to hear from you soon..
Phone 02 6953 3622
Fax: 02 6953 5087
Phone 02 6953 3622
Fax: 02 6953 5087
Phone 02 6953 3622
Fax: 02 6953 5087
Phone 02 6953 3622
Fax: 02 6953 5087
Phone 02 6953 3622
Fax: 02 6953 5087