Classes involved in Allegro’s Holiday Showcases – December 18,2011 Show 1- 1pm Show 2 – 4pm Show 3 – 7pm All Drama and Musical Theater All pre-dance All Hip hop: levels 1-5 Jr and Sr All youth – hip hop and combo 1 JR – Jazz 2 JR- Tap and Ballet 3 JR- Lyrical and Jazz 4 JR a and b – Ballet and Jazz 5 JR – Tap and Jazz 1 SR Jazz 2-3SR- Lyrical and Tap 4 SR – Tap and Jazz 5SR – Lyrical and Ballet 6SR- Tap and Lyrical 7’s – Jazz and Ballet OUTLINE of show info, classes performing in which show and costume info to purchase or put together on your own: 1. Downtown Kent Holiday Celebration Costume: Female- solid color leotard, ballet skirt and long piece of material that match (long piece of material will be pinned to front of leo and drape over both shoulders.) Pink tights, pink ballet shoes and hair in bun Male- solid color form fitting long sleeve shirt, black tights, black ballet shoes Show 1- Level 7 Ballet Show 2- Level 5 SR Ballet Show 3 – Level 4 JR (a and b) Ballet ------2. Kids excited for the holidays Costume: Female- Red, Green and white festive holiday outfits, no jeans please Sneakers for hip hop classes/black jazz shoes for jazz classes Fun accessories are ok, hair pulled back somehow so that it doesn’t hang in face Male- same as above Show 1- HH1 youth Tues, HH1yth Wed Show 2- Jazz 1 and Jazz 2 youth Fri Show 3 - Sat HH 1 yth & Jazz 1 yth ------3. Drama Scene – Family at home ------- 4. Burgulars Costume: Female- Black sweats, black shoes and socks, black hooded sweatshirts - no ski masks Hair pulled back a little Male- Same as above Show 1- HH 4 JR and SR Show 2- HH 5 JR and SR Show 3 - HH 3 JR and SR ------5. Drama Scene - Special Delivery Leg lamps: Show 1, 2 and 3 – Jazz 7 Costume: Female- black heels, black fishnets, jazz 7 costumes from last showcase and would like to have a hairpiece of some sort (see teachers?) Hair pulled back into bun Male- see teachers ------6. Drama Scene - Getting ready to go to school ------7. Musical Theater JR scene - At School & 'All I want for Christmas' (anyone also in Lyrical 3 JR will need to go 'to school' in the lyrical costume) Costume: Female- ‘going to school’ outfits Male- same as above ------8. Christmas List – Costume: Female- Hunter Green and creme outfit (dress or top and skirt) booty shorts under Bear paws/pirouette shoes and hair pulled back into low ponytail Male- Suggest crème/khaki pants with hunter green top, bear paws Show 1- Lyrical 3 JR Show 2- Lyrical 5 SR & 2-3 SR Show 3 – Lyrical 6 SR ------9. Drama Scene - Getting ready to go outside ------- 10. It's Cold! Costume: Female- Own winter outfit with gloves, scarf and hat for going outside (ballet class girls - leo and skirt that match scarf/hat/gloves, pink tights, pink shoes and hair in bun) Male- Same idea as above but with pants/no jeans please (ballet boys – black ballet shoes with black socks) Show 1- Wed HH 2 yth’s Show 2- Ballet 2 JR Show 3 - Thurs and Fri HH 1 JR’s (RL and Tony) ------11. Drama Scene - Recess ------12. Trip into Seattle- Holiday Parade Costume: Female- jeans and a football jersey of your choice, sneakers and hair pulled back off of face Male- same as above Show 1- HH 1 SR, HH 2 SR Wed (Tony) Show 2- Tues HH 2 JR (RL) & Tues HH 2 JR (Sara- go first?) Show 3 - Mon HH 1 SR (go first?) & Mon HH2 JR (Sara) ------13. Shopping at Macy’s Costume: Female- Red and white stylish shopping outfits – little bit of black is ok (booty shorts under skirts) Hair pulled back into low ponytail and black jazz shoes Male- same idea/color scheme Show 1- Jazz 4 SR & Jazz 3 JR Show 2- Jazz 5 JR & Tap 2 JR (go last) Show 3 - Thurs J1 JR & Fri J1 JR (RL)& Mon J1SR (Sara – go last?) & 4 JR Jazz ------**Intermission -------14. Drama Scene - Macy’s to visit Santa & Musical Theater SR scene - 'We are santa's elves' Costume: Elf costumes ------- 15. Drama Scene - Christmas Tree Shopping ------- 16. Trees Costume: Female- Black slacks with hunter green dress shirt tucked in, black socks, black tap shoes and hair in low ponytail Male- same color scheme Show 1- Tap 4 SR Show 2- Tap 2-3 SR & Tap 5 JR Show 3 - Tap 6 SR ------17. Drama Scene – Family at home Christmas Morning ------18. Bunny PJ’s Costume: Female- bunny pj's - if they have feet in them – please cut out the bottoms so that they are not slippery and they can still wear ballet or tap shoes, hair pulled back out of face Male- same as above Show 1- Pre-dance Tues Show 2 – Pre dance Fri Show 3 - Pre dance Sat ------19. Drama Scene - Western Hero ------20. Dogs eats Christmas dinner Costume: Female- Own puppy/dog costume of your choice, hair away from face, ballet or tap shoes depending on the class Male- same as above Show 1- Tues C2 and C3 youth Show 2- Fri C2, C2, C3 and C1 youth Show 3 - Sat C1 and C1 youth ------21. Drama Scene - Mexican Restaurant for Christmas Dinner ------22.Allegro Precision Dance Company Finale - Mostly white with red and green accents - ok to have some latin accessories (careful not to go overboard so to not be perceived as disrespectful)