9.2 & 9.3 Critical Value vs P

Hypothesis Testing: Critical Value vs. P­Value Approach
November 04, 2015
9.2 & 9.3 Critical Value vs P­value Approach
1. Learn the 2 approaches used for hypothesis testing: classical or critical value, and p­value.
2. Understand the critical value for hypothesis testing is the same zα/2 or tα/2 used in finding Confidence Intervals.
3. Learn the p­value as the observed significance.
4. Find the p­value for 1­tailed and 2­tailed tests.
Study Ch. 9.3, #47­53 (45­51),
55­61, 63­67 (55­59)­59
Class Notes: Prof. G. Battaly, Westchester Community College, NY
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© Gertrude Battaly 2014
Class Notes
9.2 & 9.3 Critical Value vs P­value Approach
Hypothesis Testing: attempt to determine if sample data is different from a previously known or expected value.
H0: μ = μ0
Start with an assumption that sample data
equals the known or expected values. What do we use to decide?
distribution of x
μ x
How do we decide?
2 different approaches Class Notes: Prof. G. Battaly, Westchester Community College, NY
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© G. Battaly 2015
© Gertrude Battaly 2014
Class Notes
Hypothesis Testing: Critical Value vs. P­Value Approach
November 04, 2015
9.2 & 9.3 Critical Value vs P­value Approach
Approach Critical Value P­Value
(table based, can use calculator) (calculator based, can use table) 1. State the Null and Alternative Hypotheses: H0,Ha
2. Decide the significance level, α, and sketch
Ha: μ < μ0
Ha: μ ≠ μ0
Ha: μ > μ0
3. Compute the test statistic: z, t, etc.
4. Find the critical values Find the P­value
zα, zα/2, tα , tα/2
5. Decision: Rej. H0 if test Decision: Rej. H0 if
statistic lies beyond critical P ≤ α
value in rejection region
6. Interpret results
Class Notes: Prof. G. Battaly, Westchester Community College, NY
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© Gertrude Battaly 2014
Class Notes
9.2 & 9.3 Critical Value vs P­value Approach
Class Notes: Prof. G. Battaly, Westchester Community College, NY
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© G. Battaly 2015
© Gertrude Battaly 2014
Class Notes
Hypothesis Testing: Critical Value vs. P­Value Approach
November 04, 2015
9.2 & 9.3 Critical Value vs P­value Approach
P­Value: observed significance
1. area in the tail beyond the test statistic
2. smallest significance level for rejecting H0 G: left­tailed test, z = ­1.84 F: P; at 5% signif level, can reject H0?
z = ­1.84
P = normalcdf (­5,­1.84,0,1) = 0.0329
P = 0.0329 < 0.05 Therefore, reject H0.
Class Notes: Prof. G. Battaly, Westchester Community College, NY
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© Gertrude Battaly 2014
Class Notes
Class Notes: Prof. G. Battaly, Westchester Community College, NY
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Class Notes
©Gertrude Battaly, 2012
9.2 & 9.3 Critical Value vs P­value Approach
G: 2­tailed test, z = 3.08 F: P; at 5% signif level, can reject H0?
normalcdf (______,_____,0,1) = ______
P = 2 (________) = ______
P = _____ __ 0.05 Therefore, ___________ H0.
Class Notes: Prof. G. Battaly, Westchester Community College, NY
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© Gertrude Battaly 2014
Class Notes
Class Notes: Prof. G. Battaly, Westchester Community College, NY
Statistics Home Page
© G. Battaly 2015
©Gertrude Battaly, 2012
Class Notes
Hypothesis Testing: Critical Value vs. P­Value Approach
November 04, 2015
9.2 & 9.3 Critical Value vs P­value Approach
p. 378 #58a. G: 2­tailed test, z = 3.08 F: P; at 5% signif level, can reject H0?
Class Notes: Prof. G. Battaly, Westchester Community College, NY
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Class Notes
© Gertrude Battaly 2014
Class Notes: Prof. G. Battaly, Westchester Community College, NY
Class Notes
©Gertrude Battaly, 2012
Statistics Home Page
9.2 & 9.3 Critical Value vs P­value Approach
P­Value and Strength of Evidence
against H0 p > 0.10 None or Weak
0.05 < p ≤ 0.10 Moderate
0.01 < p ≤ 0.05 Strong
p ≤ 0.01 Very Strong
p. 378 #54. G: P ­ Values below F: the strength of the evidence against the null hypothesis, H0?
a) P = 0.184 _________________
b) P = 0.086 _________________
c) P = 0.001 _________________
d) P = 0.012 _________________
Class Notes: Prof. G. Battaly, Westchester Community College, NY
Statistics Home Page
© G. Battaly 2015
© Gertrude Battaly 2014
Class Notes