DUBAI 11-13 APRIL 2016 4 ICC MENA CONFERENCE TH INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA 11-13 APRIL 2016 Dubai, United Arab Emirates Taking place in English and Arabic, this fourth annual conference is a “must attend” for arbitration professionals who want to keep up to date on the latest arbitration developments in the MENA region. The conference will offer a line-up of top-class speakers, topical discussions and relevant news, but also an excellent opportunity to network. EARN up to 22 CLE Credits 18,25 MCLE Credits 18 CPD Hours* 18 CNB Hours* Who should attend? Practising lawyers, corporate counsel, ­arbitrators, mediators, business professionals and academics. ADVANCED TRAINING PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS 11 APRIL 2016 This training will provide participants with practical insights on how to manage ­production of documents in international arbitration. ICC INSTITUTE OF WORLD BUSINESS LAW ADVANCED LEVEL TRAINING: PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS MONDAY 11 APRIL 09.30–09.45 WELCOMING ADDRESS AND INTRODUCTION 09.45-11.00 THINKING STRATEGICALLY ABOUT THE DOCUMENT PRODUCTION PROCESS & Case scenarios ■■ Procedural and strategic choices that should set the approach to document production in international arbitration ■■ Discuss how to identify documents that are relevant and material to the case ■■ Discuss issues of document collection and preservation strategies both from a theoretical and a practical standpoint 11.00-11.15 11.15-12.15 COFFEE BREAK PARTY-PROMULGATED DOCUMENT REQUESTS (part 1) – how to draft effective requests & case scenarios ■■ Explore the limits of document production in international arbitration ■■ Provide practical insights on how to frame an effective request resulting in an expeditious and cost effective document production procedure 12.15-13.15 PARTY-PROMULGATED DOCUMENT REQUESTS (part 2) how to draft effective objections & case scenarioS ■■ What are the contours of the grounds for refusing to produce documents? ■■ How can a party best respond to a broad and indiscriminate document request? ■■ How can parties make available information necessary and material to a dispute but maintain confidentiality and competitive secrets? 13.15-14.15 14.15-14.45 LUNCH ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS UNIQUE CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES ■■ Recent trends and possible developments on how electronic evidence should be treated in international arbitration 14.45-15.45 PROTECTING LEGAL PRIVILEGES AND COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCES & Case scenarios ■■ How can parties identify and withhold privileged material in practice? ■■ How can parties resist claims of privileges and protect commercial confidences? 15.45-16.00 16.00-17.00 COFFEE BREAK NON-PARTY DOCUMENTS: TECHNIQUES TO GET THEM IF YOU NEED THEM & case scenarios ■■ Practical challenges when seeking relevant evidence from non-parties to the arbitration such as competitors, third party advisors or investigative bodies CONCLUDING REMARKS SPEAKERS Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab, Founding Partner and Head of International Arbitration, Zulficar & Partners Law Firm, Egypt; Chair of Private International Law & Professor of International Arbitration, Cairo University; Vice-President, ICC International Court of Arbitration Yves Derains, Founding Partner, Derains & Gharavi, France; Chairman, ICC Institute of World Business Law; Former Secretary General, ICC International Court of Arbitration Jason A. Fry, Partner, Clifford Chance Europe LLP, France Samaa A. Haridi, Partner, Hogan Lovells US LLP, United States Sami Houerbi, Director for Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East & Africa, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Dubai/Tunis Philippe Pinsolle, Managing Patrner, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, France Tyler B. Robinson, Partner, Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett LLP, United Kingdom 2 INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 4TH ICC MENA CONFERENCE 2016 CONFERENCE: PROGRAMME AND SPEAKERS DAY 1MONDAY 11 APRIL 18.00-20.00 DAY 2 07.30-08.45 COCKTAIL RECEPTION TUESDAY 12 APRIL OPTIONAL ICC/ARBITRALWOMEN BREAKFAST UNCONSCIOUS BIAS IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION (in English only, space is limited) Mirèze Philippe (Chair), Special Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris Nagla Nassar, Partner, Nassar Law, Egypt Rabab Yasseen, Partner, Mentha & Associés, Switzerland; Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law 09.00-09.30 WELCOME ADDRESS AND OPENING KEYNOTE SPEECH Sami Houerbi, Director for Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East & Africa, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Dubai/Tunis Alexis Mourre, President, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris 09.30-10.15 ABUSE OF PROCESS IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION Abuse of process has become increasingly prevalent in the fields of international commercial arbitration and investment treaty arbitration over the past decades. How to distinguish abuse of process from other litigation strategies developed by parties to international arbitration and their counsel? A true instance of abuse of process denotes conduct that is prima facie legal and that cannot be redressed through the application of established rules of procedure or due process. Drawing on arbitral case law and his wealth of experience as arbitrator and counsel, Professor Gaillard identifies categories of abuse of process that arise in contemporary arbitral practice and proposes legal tools that can effectively tackle this growing phenomenon. Discussion 10.15-11.30 Emmanuel Gaillard, Partner, Shearman & Sterling LLP, France; Visiting Professor of Law, Yale Law School, United States ICC DECISIONS AND AWARDS INVOLVING MENA PARTIES: IS THERE A MENA SPECIFICITY? ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ Interim measures of protection The power of arbitrators Ex-Parte interim measures; ICC recent experience scrutinizing draft awards involving MENA parties; ■■ Dissenting opinions Discussion Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab(Chair), Founding Partner and Head of International Arbitration, Zulficar & Partners Law Firm, Egypt; Chair of Private International Law & Professor of International Arbitration, Cairo University; Vice-President, ICC International Court of Arbitration Ali Al Aidarous, Managing Attorney, Al Aidarous International Practice, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Alexander Fessas, Managing Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris Tarik Mossadek, Partner, Mossadek & Partners Law Firm; Law Professor, Morocco 11.30-12.00 COFFEE BREAK 3 3 INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 4TH ICC MENA CONFERENCE 2016 12.00-13.30 CORRUPTION IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION ■■ What is the corruption index: Illicit agreements, ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ bribery, money laundering…? When and how can corruption interfere with the arbitration process? Practice and precedents on corruption in investment and commercial arbitration: what lessons to be learned? Are there efficient International instruments to fight corruption in International arbitration? What role could arbitrators and institutions play in addressing corruption? Discussion 13.30-15.00 LUNCH 15.00-17.00 PARALLEL INDUSTRY SESSIONS CONSTRUCTION DISPUTES ■■ Time and construction contracts ■■ Dealing with notice and time bar provisions in the context of claims, counterclaims and set-off claims ■■ Liquidated damages and penalty clauses ■■ Variations Discussion Michael Grose (Chair), Partner, Clyde & Co., Dubai, United Arab Emirates Bommel van der Bend, Partner, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, The Netherlands Nayla Comair-Obeid, Senior Partner, Obeid Law Firm, Lebanon; Professor, International Commercial Arbitration, Lebanese University; Council Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law; Deputy President, CIArb Roger ter Haar, QC, Crown Office Chambers, United Kingdom Yves Derains (Chair), Founding Partner, Derains & Gharavi, France; Chairman, ICC Institute of World Business Law; Former Secretary General, ICC International Court of Arbitration Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Director, Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration, Egypt Michael Hwang, Chief Justice, Dubai International Financial Centre Courts, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Abdulhay Sayed, Managing Partner, Sayed and Sayed, Syria/Switzerland ENERGY DISPUTES ■■ Joint operation agreement disputes ■■ Take or pay gas sales and gas pricing disputes ■■ Oil & Gas Concessions Discussion Yas Banifatemi (Chair), Partner, Shearman & Sterling LLP, France; Vice-President, ICC International Court of Arbitration Mohamed Y. Alem, Managing Partner, Alem & Associates, Lebanon Massimo Benedettelli, Partner, ARBLIT, Radicati di Brozolo Sabatini Benedetelli, Italy; Professor of Private International Law, University of Bari Paolo Daino, Partner, BonelliErede, Italy Georges von Mehren, Partner and Practice Group Leader for International Dispute Resolution, Squire Patton Boggs, London and Cleveland, United Kingdom/United States Eric A. Schwartz, Partner, King & Spalding LLP, Paris/New York, France/United States; Former Vice-President and Secretary General, ICC International Court of Arbitration; Vice-Chair, ICC Institute of World Business Law 20.00 DAY 3 07.45-09.15 DINNER WEDNESDAY 13 APRIL OPTIONAL BREAKFAST LET’S TALK ABOUT COSTS! (in English only, space is limited) The ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR will present its new Report entitled Decisions on costs in international arbitration. This Report is the Commission's latest initiative to ensure that arbitration continues to be a viable and attractive form of dispute resolution for its users. The Report will create more awareness on how to address and deal with cost issues in arbitral procedures and awards. Alexis Mourre (Co-Chair), President, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris Andrea Carlevaris (Co-Chair), Secretary General, ICC International Court of Arbitration; Director, ICC Dispute Resolution Services, Paris Essam Al Tamimi, Partner, Al Tamimi & Company, Dubai, Vice Chairman, ICC Commission on International Arbitration Philippe Cavalieros, Partner, Winston & Strawn, France; Co-Chair, ICC Task Force on Decisions as to Costs; Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law Jalal El Ahdab, Partner, Ginestié Magellan Paley-Vincent, France Alexander Fessas , Managing Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris 4 INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 4TH ICC MENA CONFERENCE 2016 09.30-11.00 EMERGENCY ARBITRATION SESSION Under the ICC 2012 Rules of Arbitration, parties may apply to have an emergency arbitrator decide on urgent conservatory or interim measures that cannot await the constitution of the arbitral tribunal. This session will focus on the application for emergency arbitration, appointment of emergency arbitrator, establishment of a procedural timetable and other procedural issues, as well as the oral hearing and subsequent order or award issued by the emergency arbitrator, focusing on the impact of the emergency arbitrator process on issues such as enforcement and the ICC scrutiny process. Featuring arbitrators and practitioners who have first-hand experience in the application of the ICC emergency arbitrator procedure, this session will provide both an extensive analysis of the distinctive characteristics of this procedure through the study of a mock case and an opportunity to hear the speakers’ personal experience. Discussion Marnix A. Leijten (Chair), Partner, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, The Netherlands; Vice-President, ICC International Court of Arbitration; Co-Chair, ICC Commission Task Force on Emergency Arbitration Ghanem Al Hajeri, Founding and Managing Partner, International Consultant Law Offices (ICLO), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Diamana Diawara, Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris Maxi Scherer, Special Counsel, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale & Dorr LLP, United Kindom; Senior Lecturer, Queen Mary University of London 11.00-11.30 COFFEE BREAK 11.30-13.15 ANNUAL SPOTLIGHT: ROUNDTABLE ON THE CURRENT STATUS OF INVESTING AND DOING BUSINESS IN IRAN ASSESSMENT OF RISKS: THE LIFTING OF SANCTIONS Speakers will present a landmark case which features some of the specificities of arbitration law, institutional arbitration and practices in Iran ■■ What to expect when doing business with Iranian parties? ■■ How to secure Investment in Iran: Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act (FIPPA) and BITs? ■■ What business/investment sectors are most likely to involve disputes with Iranian parties? ■■ When can Iran offer a regional/international seat of arbitration: prospects and challenges? Discussion Mohsen Mohebi (Chair), Founder and Partner, Law Offices of Dr Mohebi & Associates, Iran; Professor of International Law, Centre for Sciences and Research, University of Azad; Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration Koorosh H. Ameli, Arbitrator and Legal Consultant, Ameli International Arbitration, The Netherlands; Former Judge, Iran-US Claims Tribunal, The Hague; Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law Laya Joneydi, Senior Partner, Joneydi & Associates Law Office (JAALO), Iran; Associate Professor, University of Tehran Cyrus Shafizadeh, Managing Partner, Atieh Associates Law Firm, Iran Shahram Shams, Partner, Shid Associates, Iran 13.15-14.45 LUNCH 14.45-16.45 ROUNDTABLE: THE ROLE OF IN-HOUSE COUNSEL IN ARBITRATION PROCEEDINGS In 2014, the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR released a guide entitled “Effective Management of Arbitration: A Guide for In-House Counsel and Other Party Representatives”, recognizing the fact that corporate executives and in-house counsel have a key role to play in the management of arbitration proceedings. This panel will bring together a group of in-house counsel to discuss the various strategic decisions they are called to take throughout the arbitration process, from any settlement considerations and initial case assessment prior to the commencement of proceedings to the management of the case and enforcement proceedings following the issuance of the award. Discussion 16.45-17.00 Andrea Carlevaris (Chair), Secretary General, ICC International Court of Arbitration; Director, ICC Dispute Resolution Services, Paris Sana Belaid, Senior Corporate Counsel, Cisco, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Karl Hennessee, Vice-President, Public Law & Technology, Halliburton Energy Services, Inc., Houston, United States; Chairman of the Governing Body, ICC International Court of Arbitration Yasmin Mohammad, Senior Counsel, Vannin Capital, France Oussama Daniel Nassif, General Counsel, OTMT, Egypt Iryna Telychko, General Legal Counsel, Etihad Rail DB Operations LLC, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates CONCLUSION Sami Houerbi, Director for Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East & Africa, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Dubai/Tunis 5 INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 4TH ICC MENA CONFERENCE 2016 LOGISTICAL NOTE VENUE Park Hyatt Dubai (by Dubai Creek Golf and Yacht Club), Dubai, United Arab Emirates REGISTRATION FEES ADVANCED TRAINING 1 Early-bird until 18 February 2016 ICC members Non-members €515 €599 €749 €679 €799 €999 PACKAGE: CONFERENCE AND TRAINING €955 €1119 €1399 ACCOMPANYING PERSON FOR SOCIAL EVENTS3 €210 4 TH ANNUAL ICC MENA CONFERENCE 2 VAT exemption-French Tax Code, Article 259A5° 1all training activities including documentation, lunch and coffee breaks, cocktail reception 2all conference activities including documentation, lunches and coffee breaks, Monday cocktail reception and dinner on Tuesday 3Monday cocktail reception and dinner on Tuesday (sessions and networking lunches are restricted to participants only) SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ICC Members may benefit from an extra 5% discount. Please contact your local NC to obtain your discount code. Group rates: Register five persons from the same company and pay for four. In-house Counsel, full time Academics, Government representatives may benefit from a 30% discount. Please contact for more details. HOW TO REGISTER Easier and faster: register online (secured payment by credit card) at Or return the registration form indicating method of payment to: E T +33 (0)1 49 53 28 67 F +33 (0)1 49 53 30 30 ICC Services, Training and Conferences, 33-43 avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris, France Registration will be confirmed upon receipt of the registration form and registration fees. To benefit from early bird rates, please note that ICC Services must receive the payment before the deadline TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION Travel and hotel expenses are not included in the registration fees. Participants are responsible for making their own arrangements and reservations. Details about how to make a reservation at the Park Hyatt Dubai, where ICC has negotiated preferential rates at AED 1,250 (single room) and AED 1,450 (double room) per night, will be sent upon registration. Please note that the number of rooms reserved with the ICC rate is limited. As they will be distributed on a “first-come, first-served” basis, we recommend that you make your reservation ASAP. All reservations must be guaranteed by a credit card. The pre-reservation cut-off date is 1 March 2016. Hotel reservations received after this date will be accepted on a space available basis at prevailing rates. VISA Visa applications for entry into the UAE can take several weeks to process. If travellers from your country of citizenship require a visa to enter the UAE we highly recommend that you begin the visa application process now. Please note that the hotel may assist you with the application procedures. 6 Further information will be available on the hotel reservation form. We are able to dispatch visa invitation letters to support your visa application only after receipt of your registration form and full payment of your registration fees. WORKING LANGUAGES English and Arabic. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided. CREDITS AND HOURS ICC Training and Conferences is eligible for CLE credit under New York’s approved jurisdiction procedures, is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider and accredited by the Bar Standards Board to provide CPD for barristers at the Bar of England & Wales. French Bars: This training approved by the CNB. Lawyers practising in France may apply for reimbursement from the FIFPL (Fonds Interprofessionnel de Formation des Professionnels Libéraux), subject to terms and conditions. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES This conference offers you an unrivalled opportunity to maximize your visibility to practising lawyers, corporate counsel, business professionals, and academics coming from or doing business in the MENA region. For further information please contact Ms Luz Rodriguez at: CANCELLATION POLICY 50% of the registration fee will be refunded if notice of cancellation is received in writing before 11 March 2016. Cancellations after this date are not refundable. Subject to agreement from ICC Training and Conferences prior to the event, the registration may be transferred to another person from the same company or organization at no extra charge. Updated registration information will be required. Please note that ICC Services reserves the right to cancel this event or to make minor alterations to the content and timing of the programme or to the identity of the speakers. In the unlikely event of cancellation, delegates will be offered a full refund. ICC Services will not, however, be held responsible for any related expense incurred by the participant. INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 4TH ICC MENA CONFERENCE 2016 SPONSOR SUPPORTERS MEDIA PARTNERS 7 INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 13TH ICC MIAMI CONFERENCE | 2015 ICC International Court of Arbitration Established in 1923 as ICC’s arbitration body, the International Court of Arbitration pioneered international commercial arbitration as it is known today, initiating and leading the movement that culminated in the adoption of the New York Convention, the most important multilateral treaty on international arbitration. The Court is one of the world’s most experienced and renowned international arbitration institutions. Working closely with its Secretariat, the Court’s primary role is to administer ICC Arbitrations. The Court performs the functions entrusted to it under the ICC Rules of Arbitration available upon request from the Court. The Court provides parties with a flexible and neutral setting for dispute resolution. It offers confidentiality and extraordinary freedom for parties to choose the framework for how and where they want to resolve their dispute. While the dispute itself is resolved by independent arbitrators, the Court supervises the process from beginning to end, increasing the quality of the process and enforceability of the awards. Members of the ICC Court are appointed by the ICC World Council on the proposal of national committees and groups. To date, the Court has 190 appointed members. The Court members’ diverse professional, legal and cultural background brings richness to the Court’s daily work and decision making process. The Court’s Secretariat, headed by a Secretary General, comprises a permanent staff of more than 80 lawyers and support personnel of 30 different nationalities, mastering around 30 languages. The Secretariat is divided into nine case-management teams, seven based in Paris, one in New York and another in Hong Kong. Since its inception, the Court has administered over 21,000 cases involving parties and arbitrators from some 180 countries. For more information visit: The ICC Institute of World Business Law The ICC Institute of World Business Law acts as a think-tank working closely with the ICC International Court of Arbitration. It is composed of 34 Council members of 21 nationalities, all experienced professionals or academics in international business law or international commercial arbitration, as well as more than 200 members from around the world. Created over 35 years ago, the Institute provides research, training and information to the legal profession concerned with the development of international business law. In line with its philosophy of excellence, it proposes publications, trainings and conferences on different topics related to international business law. 33-43 Avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris, France INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 4TH ICC MENA CONFERENCE 2016 REGISTRATION FORM S1610 4TH ICC MENA CONFERENCE/ADVANCED-LEVEL TRAINING: PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS 11-13 APRIL 2016 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) Title (Mr/Dr/Mrs/etc.)............................. Family name........................................................................................................................... First/given name............................................................................................................................................................................................. Position...................................................................Company........................................................................................................................ Address............................................................................................................................................................................................................... City/state.........................................................................Zip/postal code.................................................................................................. Country............................................................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Phone...............................................................................Fax............................................................................................................................ REGISTRATION FEES Early-bird until 18 February 2016 ICC members Non-members ADVANCED TRAINING FF €515 FF €599 FF €749 4TH ANNUAL ICC MENA CONFERENCE FF €679 FF €799 FF €999 PACKAGE: CONFERENCE AND TRAINING FF €955 FF €1119 ACCOMPANYING PERSON FOR SOCIAL EVENTS FF €210 FF €1399 VAT exemption-French Tax Code, Article 259A5° Special code (NC, etc.)................................................................................................................................................................................ METHOD OF PAYMENT American Express Euro/MasterCard Visa Card number.................................................................................................................................................................................................... Expiry date..................................................... Name of cardholder.......................................................................................................... BY BANK TRANSFER: LCL Account No. 0000060021B Clé RIB 64 Bank Code 30002 Branch Code 04866 Swift: CRLYFRPP IBAN: FR61 3000 2048 6600 0006 0021 B64 Please indicate the reference “S 1610” and the name of the participant. Please note that transfer fees charged by the bank must be covered by the participants themselves. Date.................................................................................................... Signature.......................................................................................... Data protection information The details you provide on this form will be used for registration purposes. They will be stored in ICC’s databases for the sole use of ICC (the International Chamber of Commerce and its wholly-owned affiliate ICC Services). Under the French law ‘informatique et libertés’ of 6 January 1978, you may have access to these details and request deletions and corrections at any time by contacting ICC at The details you provide may be used by ICC to keep you informed of developments in your area of activity through publications, subscriptions, events and other commercial offers. Please indicate if you wish to receive such information: Please indicate if you wish to receive commercial offers from associated organizations, including in particular ICC National Committees: Disclaimer The photos and audiovisual recordings taken at this meeting/event may be used and published by ICC, its subsidiaries or affiliates, for informational or promotional purposes in printed materials or online, including on ICC websites and in social media. Participation in the meeting/event implies agreement to such use of photos or audiovisual recordings in which the participant may appear unless ICC Services receives written notification to the contrary.