Chapter 9 - Rockdale County Public Schools

Chapter 9
Indicators of Development
• Economic indicators of development
Gross domestic product per capita
Types of jobs
Raw materials
Consumer goods
• Social indicators of development
– Education and literacy
– Health and welfare
• Demographic indicators of development
– Life expectancy
– Natural increase rate
– Infant mortality rate
– Crude birth rate
Human Development Index, 2005
Fig. 9-1: Developed by the United Nations, the HDI combines several measures of
development: life expectancy at birth, adjusted GDP per capita, and
knowledge (schooling and literacy).
Annual GDP per capita, 2005
Fig. 9-2: Annual gross domestic product (GDP) per capita averages over $20,000 in most
developed countries but under $5000 in most less developed countries.
Employment Changes by Sector
Fig. 9-3: Percentage employment in the primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors of
MDCs has changed dramatically, but change has been slower in LDCs.
Telephone Land Lines per Population
Fig. 9-4: Telephone land lines per 1000 persons, 2005. MDCs have several
hundred phone lines per 1000 persons, while the poorer developing
countries may have less than 100.
Cellular Phones per Population
Fig. 9-5: Cellular telephone lines per 1000 persons, 2005. Cell phones are now more
common than land lines in much of Europe and Africa, but they are less
common than land lines in North America.
Primary Student-Teacher Ratios
Fig. 9-6: Students per teacher, primary school level. Primary school teachers have
much larger class sizes in LDCs than in MDCs, partly because of the large
numbers of young people in the population.
Health Care Expenditures per GDP
Fig. 9-7: Expenditures on health care as percent of GDP, 2005. MDCs have much higher
GDP and spend a greater proportion of GDP on health care than do LDCs.
Physicians per Population
Fig. 9-8: Physicians per 1000 people, 2005. MDCs have three or more physicians
per 1000 people compared to less than one in most LDCs.
Calories per capita
Fig. 9-9: Daily available calories per capita as percent of requirements, 2005. In MDCs, the
average person consumes one-third or more over the required average minimum,
while in LDCs, the average person gets only the minimum requirement or less.
Private Health Care Expenditures
Fig. 9-10: Private expenditure on health care as percent of total health care expenditure,
2005. Except for the US, health care is considered a public service in most
MDCs. In most LDCs and in the US, most health care costs are paid by
More & Less Developed Regions
• More developed regions
– Anglo-America
– Eastern Europe
– South Pacific
– Western Europe
– Japan
• Less developed regions
– Latin America
– Southeast Asia
– South Asia
– East Asia
– Middle East
– Sub-Saharan Africa
More & Less Developed Regions
Fig. 9-11: The less developed regions include Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa,
Middle East, South Asia, East Asia, and Southeast Asia.
Air Pollution in Eastern Europe
Fig. 9-1.1: Sulfate emissions in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. GIS was used to map
previously secret data on air pollution after the fall of the communist regime.
Extremely high levels were found in some of the main industrial areas.
China, GDP per capita by Province
Fig. 9-12: GDP per capita, China provinces, 2001. The highest gross GDP per
capita is found along the eastern coast where manufacturing is
concentrated, while income in much of the interior is far lower.
& Tradition
Women in a traditional Muslim society
work on computers while wearing a
chador, combining a head covering
and veil.
Urban Agriculture in Indonesia
Farming a small plot in Jakarta, Indonesia, which has over 8 million people. Urban
agriculture is common in developing countries and even in some industrial nations.
Development and Gender
• Gender-related development index
– Economic indicator of gender differences
– Social indicators of gender differences
– Demographic indicator of gender
• Gender empowerment
– Economic indicators of empowerment
– Political indicators of empowerment
Gender-Related Development
Index (GDI), 2005
Fig. 9-13: The GDI combines four measures of development, reduced by the degree
of disparity between males and females.
Female-Male Income Differences
Fig. 9-14: Female income as a percent of male income, 2005. Women’s income is
lower than men’s in all countries, but the gender gap is especially high in
parts of the Middle East, South Asia, and Latin America.
Gender Differences in School
Fig. 9-15: As many or more girls than boys are enrolled in school in more developed
countries, but fewer girls than boys are enrolled in many LDCs.
Male & Female Literacy Rates
Fig. 9-16: Female literacy (bottom) is lower than male literacy (top) in many LDCs, with
substantial gender gaps in parts of the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia.
Male Literacy Rates, 2005
Fig. 9-16a: Percent of males literate, 2005. Literacy is close to 100% among males in
MDCs, but it is below 60% in some of the world’s poorest countries.
Female Literacy Rates, 2005
Fig. 9-16b: Low rates of female literacy are much more common than male literacy.
Female literacy is also lower than male literacy in parts of the Middle East,
Africa, and South Asia.
Life Expectancy & Gender, 2005
Fig. 9-17: Differences between male & female life expectancy. Women’s life expectancy
is several years longer than men’s in MDCs, but only slightly longer in many
Gender Empowerment Measure
Fig. 9-18: The GEM combines two measures of economic power and two of
political power by women. (Little data are available for LDCs.)
Women Professional & Technical
Fig 9-19: Half or more of professional and technical workers are women in most MDCs
and some LDCs, such as Brazil, but only a small proportion are women in
most LDCs.
Women Administrators & Managers
Fig. 9-20: More than one-third of top administrators are women in North America and
some other MDCs and LDCs, but 20% or fewer top administrators are
women in many other countries.
Women as Legislators
Fig 9-21: Over 30% of legislative seats in northern Europe and over 20% of those in China
and other nations are held by women . In many other LDCs, under 10% are held
by women.
Development Strategies
• Development through self-sufficiency
– Elements of self-sufficiency approach
– Problems with self-sufficiency
• Development through international trade
– Rostow’s development model
– Examples of international trade approach
– Problems with international trade
• Financing development
• Fair trade
Income & Demographic Change,
1980- 2005
Fig. 9-22: Rates of natural increase and infant mortality have remained much
higher in LDCs than in MDCs. Since 1980, the natural increase rate
has declined at about the same rates in MDCs and LDCs, while the
infant mortality rate has declined more rapidly in LDCs. Per capita
GDP has increased more in MDCs than in LDCs during this period.
Poor Infrastructure in Ghana
Many roads in Africa and other developing nations are not paved. This and other
problems of infrastructure are obstacles to economic development.
Anti-Globalization Demonstrators
Seattle, 1999
Wal-Mart in
Wal-Mart, which imports many
goods to the US that are
manufactured in China, opened
its first super-store in Shanghai,
China in 2005.
Foreign Direct Investment Flows
Fig. 9-23: Most transnational companies invest in the three core regions of North
America, Western Europe, and Japan. Outside these core regions, the
largest investment is in China.
Microfinance in Bangladesh
The Grameen Bank provides small loans to women (and men) in Bangladesh. Women
in this village are repaying their loans.
Debt as Percent of Income, 2005
Fig. 9-24: Many developing countries have accumulated large debts relative to their GDPs.
Much of their budgets now must be used to finance their debt.
Fair Trade Coffee
Because the role of middlemen is reduced and because consumers generally pay
higher prices, producers of fair trade coffee can earn more than traditional coffee
Core and Periphery in World Economy
Fig. 9-25: This north polar projection of the world shows that most of the MDCs are
in a core area north of 30° N latitude. The LDCs are mostly on the
periphery of this map.