6260 - 1 - Page 1 Name: What Greekphilosopherwas the first personto proposethe ideathat matteris madeof tiny individual particlescalledatoms? _1) A) Democritus B) Bohr C) Dalton D) Rutherford In ancientGreece,it was proposedthatmatteris composedof earth,air, water,and fire, and that diese elements A) have similarphysicalproperties C) arein continualmotion B) havesimilarchemicalproperties D) arestationary In the early 1900's,it was proposedthat energymay be absorbedor releasedfrom atomsin small, indivisiblepacketsnamed A) orbitals C) quanta B) nucleons D) protons 4) 5) 6) The developmentof the cadioderay tubeled to the discoveryof what subatomicparticle? A) proton C) electron Q) positron D) neutron Experimentalevidenceindicatesthat die nucleusof an atom A) hasa negativecharge B) containsmostof die massof die atom C) hasno charge D) containsa smallpercentageof die massof the atom When alphaparticlesareusedto bombardgold foil, mostof the alphaparticlespassthrough undeflected.This resultindicatesdiat mostof the volumeof a gold atomconsistsof A) unoccupiedspace B) neutrons 7) Comparedto die entireatom,the nucleusof die atomis A) B) C) D) 8) C) deuterons D) protons largerand containslittle of the atom'smass smallerand containslittle of the atom'smass smallerand containsmostof the atom'smass largerand containsmostof the atom'smass Which particlehasthe leos/mass? A) a neutron B) a proton C) a deuteron D) an electron 9) Which of die following statements Des/descn'bes an electron? A) It hasa smallermassdian a protonand a positivecharge. B) It hasa greatermassdian a protonand a positivecharge. C) It hasa greatermassthana proton and a negativecharge. D) It hasa smallermassthana protonand a negativecharge. 10) What particlehasa massof approximatelyone atomicmassunit and a unit positivecharge? A) a neutron C) an alphaparticle B) a betaparticle D) a proton - 6260 1 - Page 2 11) 12) What particleis electricallyneutral? A) neutron C) electron B) positron D) proton What particlehasapproximatelythe samemassasa proton? A) neutron C) beta B) electron D) alpha Which two particleshaveapproximatelythe samemass? A) neutronand electron C) proton and electron B) neutronand deuteron D) proton and neutron How manyprotonsarein the nucleusof an atomof beryllium? A) 9 B) 2 C) 5 D) 4 15) What kind of particle,when passedthroughan electricfield, would be attractedto the negative electrode? A) a neutron C) an alphaparticle B) a betaparticle D) an electron 16) What kind of radiationwill travelthroughan electricfield on a pathwaythatremainsunaffectedby the field? A) an electron C) an alphaparticle B) a gammaray D) a proton What particlewill be attractedto the positiveelectrodein an electricfield? A) a neutron C) a betaparticle B) a positron D) an alphaparticle 18) Which particlehasa negativecharge? A) alphaparticle B) neutron C) betaparticle D) proton 19) In a sampleof pure copper,aI/atomshave A) a different atomicnumber,but the samenumberof protons B) the sameatomicnumberandthe samenumberof protons C) a differentatomicnumberanda differentnumberof protons D) the sameatomicnumber,but a differentnumberof protons 20) A substancethat is composedonly of atomshavingthe sameatomicnumberis classifiedas 21) 22) A) a compound B) an element C) a homogeneous mixture D) a heterogeneous mixture Which atomhasthegrea/es/nuclearcharge? A) Al B) Na C) Si Which atomhasthegreIJ/es/nuclearcharge? D) Ar - - 6260 1 Page 3 23) Whatis thenuclearchargeof aD atomwith a massof 23 andanatomicnumberof 11? A) 24) 25) 34+ B) 23+ C) 12+ As anN a atomforms anN a+ io~ the numberof protonsin its nucleus A)' decreases B) increases 11+ C) remainsthe same A particleof mattercontains6 protons,7 neutrons,and 6 elecb'Ons. This particlemustbe a A) neutralcarbonatom B) positivelychargedcarbonion C) neutralnitrogenatom D) positivelychargednitrogenion 2~ What is the symbolfor an atomcontaining20 protonsand22 neutrons? 27) Comparedto an atomofC-12, an atomofC-14 bas C) moreprotons D) fewer neutrons A) fewer protons B) moreneutrons 28) D) What is the massnumberof the atombelow? 3H 1 A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 29) What is the massnumberof an atomthat contains19 protons,19 electrons,and 20 neutrons? A) 39 B) 20 C) 19 D) 58 30) An A) B) C) D) 31) How manyprotonsandneutronsis the nucleusof the atombelow composedof? atomof carbon-14contains 8 protons,6 neutrons,and6 electrons 6 protons,6 neutrons,and 8 electrons 6 protons,8 neutrons,and6 electrons 6 protons,8 neutrons,and 8 electrons 1271 53 A) 53 protonsand 127neutrons B) 53 neutronsand 127protons _32) 33) C) 53 protonsand 74 electrons D) 53 protonsand 74 neutrons The atomicmassof an elementis definedasthe weightedaveragemassof that elemenfs A) leastabundantisotope C) naturallyoccumngisotopes B) mostabundantisotope D) radioactiveisotopes A sampleof elementXcontains90. percent3SXatoms,8.0 percent37Xatoms,and 2.0 percent 38Xatoms.The averageisotopicmassis closes/to A) 38 B) 3S C) 37 D) 32 6260 - 1 - Page 4 34) Isotopesof the sameelementmust alsohavethe same C) atomicnumber D) numberof neutrons A) numberof nucleons B) massnumber 35) 36) Which symbolrepresentsan isotopeof carbon? A) 12X 5 37) 38) 39) B) 14X 7 C) 13X 6 D) 6% 4 Usually die tenn "kernel" includesoUpartsof die atomaceplthe A) valenceelectrons C) neutrons B) omital electrons D) protons An atomof chlorineand an atomof brominehavedie same ~) electronegativity C) numberof valenceelectrons B) London dispersionradius D) ionizationenergy What is die atomicnumberof an atomwidi six valenceelectrons? A) 12 B) 6 C) 8 D) 10 40) What is die atomicnumberof an atomdiat fonns an ion widi18 electronsand a chqe of2+? A) 30 B) 20 C) 18 D) 48 41) What is die total numberof valenceelectronsin an atomwith a total of 13 protons? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 42) What is the total numberof valenceelectronsin an atomwith the electronconfiguration2-8-5? A) 15 B) 8 C) 5 D) 2 . 43) A Ca2+ ion differs from a CaOatomin that the Ca2+ ion has A) fewer electrons C) moreelectrons B) moreprotons D) fewer protons Which of the following is the electron-dotsymbol for an atomwith an electronconfigurationof 2-5? . . .. . A) .x. B) .x. C) .x: D) .x: . ... An atomhasthe electronconfiguration2-8-7. The electron-dotsymbolfor this elementis . .. A) 46) X: . B) .x: . C) :x: . D) x: D) .a: What is the electron-dotsymbolfor a chlorineatomin the groundstate? .. .. A) : CI : .. B) : CI : . C) CI: . . 6260 - 1 - Page 5 47) 48) D) K C) s B) I A) H What causesthe emissionof radiantenergythat producescharacteristicspectra1lines? 49) A) ganunaray emissionfrom the nucleus B) movementof electronsto higher energylevels C) neutronabsorptionby the nucleus D) returnof electronsto lower energylevels The characteristicspectra1lines of elementsarecausedwhen electronsin an excitedatommove from A) B) C) D) 50) lower to higher energylevels,releasingenergy lower to higher energylevels,absorbingenergy higherto lower energylevels,releasingenergy higherto lower energylevels,absorbingenergy Thegreo/es/absorptionof energyoccursasan electronmovesfrom A) Is to 3s B) 4dto 4s C) 4sto 3p D) 3pto 3s \ 51) ElectronX canchangeto a higherenergylevel or a lower energylevel. Which of the following statements is true of electronA7 A) ElectronXemits energywhen it changesto a higherenergylevel. B) ElectronXabsorbsenergywhen it changesto a higherenergylevel. C) ElectronX absorbsenergywhen it changesto a lower energylevel. D) ElectronXneither emitsnor absorbsenergywhen it changesenergylevel. 52) An atomof which elementin the groundstatehasa completeoutennostshell? A) Be B) He C) Hg D) H 53) In an atomthathasan electronconfigurationof2-5, what is the total numberof electronsin its lIiglles/energylevel? A) 8 B) 5 C) 7 D) 2 54) Which of the following is the electronconfigurationof an atomin the groundstate? A) 2-7-1-1 B) 1-8-2 C) 2-7-2 D) 2-8-1 55) What is the electronconfigurationof a fluorine atomin the groundstate? A) 1-8 B) 2-9 C) 2-7 D) 2-8-7 Which of the following is the electronconfigurationfor Mg2+ ions? A) 2-8-2 B) 2-8-8 C) 2-2 D) 2-8 What is the electronconfigurationof a calciumion (Ca2+)in the groundstate? A) 2-8-8-1 B) 2-8-8-8 C) 2-8-8 D) 2-8-8-2: 56) 57) 58) What is the electron configuration of an oxygen ion (02-' I in the ground state? A) 2-6 59) B) 2-8 C), 1-7 D) 2-4 Which electron configuration representsan atom in an excitOOstate? A) 2-8-1 B) 2-7-1 C) 2-7 D) - 6260 1 - Page 6 Which of the following is the electron configuraton of a calcium atom in the excited state? 60) 61) A) 2-8-8-2 B) 2-8-7-3 C) 2-4 D) 2-3-1 Which representsthe electronconfiguratonof a silver atomin the excitedstate? A). 2-7-7 B) C) 2-8-18-18 2-8-18-18-1 D) 2-8-18-17-2 An atomof an elementhasth~ electronconfigurationiJ22.s22p2.What is the total numberof valence 62) electronsin this atom? A) 6 B) 2 C) 5 D) 4 Which electronconfigurationrepresentsan atomin an excitedstate? A) 1J22J22..z;.63J23p2 B) 1J22J22..z;.63J2 64) 66) 67) In an atom,the s sublevelhas A) 5 otbitals C) 1 otbital B) 7 otbitals D) 3 otbitals An atomhas 8 electronsin a dsublevel. How many dotbitals in this sublevelarehalf-filled? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 In which sublevelwould an electronhavethe /iig/ies/energy? A) 4/ B) 4s C) 4d D) 4p Which electronconfigurationcontainsthreehalf-filled otbitals? A) 68) C) IJ22J22..z;.63pl D) 1J22J22..z;.63J23p1 1J22J22..tA C) IJ22J22..z;.6 B) 1.;2.~2p5 D) 1.s.22.s22p? Which electronnotationrepresentsthe valenceelectronsof a phosphorusatomin the groundstate? A) B) ~ [][][] C) '--y-.-I P ~WJ [1!]f'f1ffTl s '---y_-J p. D D) ~ !IIJ[]O " ~ P ,.I [I]s '=[111[f1] CJ y-.;..-J \ I;:;~';;'p 6260 - 1 - Page 7 69) Which of the following is the omital notation for the electrons in the third principal energy level of an argon atom in the ground state? A) 3p 35, .A. 3d -- ,,- - '"' '1IJJIllIIllIIllIIllIIllIIllIIllIIllI 3 B) . 3p 70) -Of:' 3d ufi::j-it)[:][[j"'[t][j-ffJ-Ej 3p D) ~d [ijfijj-[j"[][]-i[][j-i::5[] 3p C) i. 3d [ijfijj-jfijlI~f:]-E]-i~jr5[J Which omitaI notation representsan atom ofbery~um A) 15 25 r - - 2p .A " in the 71) [iJlib000 state? C) 15 25 -.A.- --" D) 1s 2s, - 2p A-- ~ 1t][][]DD Which oJbitalnotationrepresentsan atomin the groundstatewid! 6 valenceelectrons? A) !IJImlmlm s ' y " C) 1ill1m!IJ!IJ s ' y---' p B) [illS '---y_J I:O[fJO p D) P 72) 2p r [JliJ[JliJD [JD[J[J[J B) ground [ill [ill [ill S "'--y---' P Which diagramcorrectlyrepresentsan atomof fluorine in an excitedstate? B) D) D 6260 - 1 - Page8 73) The questionsbelow referto an atomof silicon. (a) How many protonsarein the nucleusof a silicon atom? (b>' Write the electronconfigurationfor an atomof silicon in the groundstate. (c) Draw a Lewis electron-dotdiagramfor an atomof silicon. (d) How doesan atomof siliconbecomea Si4- ion? (e) What noblegashasthe sameelectronconfigurationasSi4-? _74) The questionsbelow referto a neutralatomin the groundstatehavingthe electronconfiguration2-7. (a) Namethe elementwith this electronconfiguration. (b) How many protonsarecontainedin the nucleusof this atom? (c) How many valenceelectronsdoesthis elementcontain? (d) What principal energylevel do the valenceelectronsoccupy? (e) Write a poSSIble electronconfigurationfor this atomin the excitedstate. - 6260 - 1 Page9 75) The questionsbelow refer to an atomthathas 17 protons,19neutrons,and 17 electrons. (a) What is the atomicnumberof this atom? (b) What is the massnumberof this atom? (c) Write the electronconfigurationfor this atom. (d) Identify the atom. (e) Draw a correctLewis electron-dotdiagramfor the atom. 76) Given the following Lewis electron-dotdiagram: .. .x. . Name threeelementsthat couldbe elementX -77) Given the following Lewis electron-dotdiagram: Name IlIree elementsthat couldbe elementX . .x. ~ ~ ,- = ~~ N > tj a ~ W 10 -- () .. ,..,.. 0- n W I» = ~ >- ~ Q 0 n :s ~- ~- $- ~n .9 ~ ... ~ 1'\ ... w w ! n .. VI n !> ~ 0 ~ ! n ! ~ .§ ~ -- ~ = 01 w '-' .§ > 0 0' n > n a > - --N-w a - - .9 -0 'oJ ~ '-' .:;:J ~ = ~ (') ~ ~ --w (') N ~ VI ~ \Q '-"it '"' N 0-- 0 ~ N \.It "-' ~ .. .:! \A - n -- > = -oJ Q -- ~ .s n n > c . ~ ~ ~ aI ~~ -~ ~ N & . 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ". -"n" -rD:§ 0'< i. 5° ~ -<;- a -;:;t ::2:~ ..~ t/)~E .~ ~. ~ ... .s, ~ - ... - ~ -- "" ~ """ n ~ ~ w 0 -- > 0 '" c w ~ 0: ~ w (') ~ - > w w -- m "" :;!J ~ V\ ~ \.0 u. ~ -- .2> ~ a t'\ "" (") ~ '-' w .0:- I ~ N I ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ tw ~ t"" 9 .~ tn "QI >j~-.. .. Z "g:. ~ I ;. ."':1 t/»f :g - VI .:;j ~ ~ ~i ~9 rt1 ~! \oft \01 n " ';S ..- ~ n ~ ..oJ ~ cn> ~~ r--9 ttj ~J cn< I. .z CI)! ~ ~ w= ~~ 'f:. .a" ~ .~ > J4 CI) ~ ,. ~ ~ -Q, '-' 9: 0 So ft. "it' .'-' :0: .. ~ > ., > ~ q ~ ~ ~ g ~ A1 ~ n ~