Northern Colonies

Northern and Middle Colonies
The Northern and Middle colonies were New Hampshire, New Jersey, Delaware, Rhode
Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New York and Massachusetts. Find them on this map
and circle them.
In the Northern Colonies a lot of the people lived by the water.
They lived by rivers and by the ocean so that the things they made could be sent to
England or France to sell.
Here is a ship used on the ocean to move things people made to the Old World.
In your book a map shows which colonies did fur trapping- what symbol do the map
makers use to show fur trapping?
1. An upside down ship
2. An upside down beaver
3. A fish
Northern Colonies also used their natural resources. They had lots of
animals in the forests so people hunted for animals’ that have fur.
They hunted on land and on the rivers.
Put an X on some of the northern colonies where the people would hunt. Draw a ship in
one of the places where the ships would sail for the old world with fur to be made into
clothes and hats in Europe. Two ports where the ships sail from are New York and
There were farms in the northern colonies.
The farms were small.
The farmers did not have much extra food to sell, but they had some extra, tell one food
they could sell
The Northern Colonies were different from the Southern colonies because they had more
factories and the Southern colonies had more farms.
In the Northern Colonies the factories used people who came from other countries to
work in the factories. Find out in your book two things that were made in the factories.
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
The first school paid for by the government was in the Northern colonies.
Look in your book and find out what colony set up the first public school.
Town meetings were created in the Northern Colonies.
At a town meeting the people talked about how they want to do things in their town.
At a town meeting the people voted on the things they talked about.
Do you have a family meeting?
Having meetings is the beginning of DEMOCRACY.
In the United States we have a DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT where all people can
talk about things and vote on things.
In the Middle colonies the farms were big enough to have extra crops to sell.
They grew grains,
One grain is wheat.
Wheat is used to make bread.
Because they sent the grains all over the world and people made bread from the wheat the
middle colonies had a nickname that has to do with bread, your book tells the nickname.
Circle the right nickname:
The Bread Store Colonies
The Breadbasket Colonies
The Bread sticks Colonies