The Somatic Cell Cycle Diploid Zygote MITOSIS Diploid Zygote Maternal chromosome Paternal chromosome MITOSIS Maternal chromosome h Diploid organism Diploid organism Paternal chromosome The Somatic Cell Cycle St Stages off th the cell ll cycle: l M Mitosis= pperiod of cell division Intterphaase G1 Gap1=period during cellular interphase from the end of one telophase to the beginning of DNA replication S Synthesis=period of pre-mitotic interphase when DNA is replicated G2 Gap2=period during interphase after completion of DNA replication and before beginning of prophase G1 and G2 are called gaps in the cell cycle when no DNA synthesis occurs Cytological observations of the cell cycle are divided into two parts, interphase and mitosis The Somatic Cell Cycle Mitosis G2 Phase Cell division Interphase S Phase G0 Phase G1 Phase The Mitotic cell cycle y is essential to cell division and growth of an organism Gene Expression and Cell Division conflict: Gene expression requires that chromosomal DNA be uncoiled to allow access to enzymes such as RNA polymerase Cell division requires that chromosomes be tightly coiled to allow g of chromosomes to daughter g cells orderlyy migration Gene Expression and Cell Division are separated into different stages Life cycle of a sexually reproducing organism correlated with the amount of DNA per cell Fertilization Amount of DN NA/cell C values S 4 Mitotic divisions A S A Meiotic divisions S A1 3 Z C C A2 2 G G 1 0 Sequence of stages G= Gamete, Z=Zygote, S=Period of DNA synthesis, A=Mitotic Anaphase, C=Somatic Cells, A1=First meiotic anaphase, A2= Second meiotic anaphase Mitosis A mechanism by which replicated chromosomes are evenly distributed to two daughter cells. Each of the daughter cells will have the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent. parent Stages of mitosis: Interphase Prophase Prometaphase Metaphase p Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis Stages of Mitosis Interphase: Chromosomes are fine diffuse strands and are difficult to see with light microscopy Chromosomes are duplicated The nuclear envelope p is intact Prophase Chromosomes condense into distinct structures Chromosomes become visible with light microscopy Prometaphase Further F th chromosome h condensation d ti Nuclear envelope disintegrates Chromosomes become associated with spindle apparatus Sister Si t chromatids h tid remain i attached tt h d att the th centromere, t but b t begin b i to separate at other regions Stages of Mitosis Metaphase Sister Si t chromatid h tid pairs i are aligned li d near the th spindle i dl with ith centromeres still associated The centromeres orient toward opposite pools and are lined up on th metaphase the t h plate l t Anaphase Sister chromatid pairs separate with one member of each pair moving toward the poles Telophase Chromatids reach opposite poles and poleward movement ceases New New nuclear envelope is formed around each diploid chromosome set Chromosomes begin to decondense Stages of Mitosis Cytokinesis During D i mitosis it i doubling d bli off all ll the th cytoplasmic t l i organelles ll also l occurs, they are distributed to daughter cells during this stage Central ring of myosin and actin fibers contract to separate the d h cells daughter ll In plants the cell plate is laid down in preparation for the rigid cell wall Cytokinesis Interphase Prophase Prometaphase Prometaphase Metaphase Anaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis Cytokinesis Phosphates block active site Inactive P P Dephosphorylation P Phosphoorylat ion G2 S active site M G1 Breakdown of Cyclin B Cyclin B Buildup B ild off Cyclin B Inactive P34 cdc2 (Protein kinase) = MPF or maturation-promoting factor or mitosis promoting factor DNA Endoreduplication During Maize Endosperm Development Attributes of endoreduplicating nuclei Cell cycle consists of alternating G and S phases Chromosome condensation does not occur Entire E ti genome replicates li t Results in exact doubling of DNA content from one round to another Leads to polytenization of the chromosomes No strand separation No karyokinesis No cytokinesis S phase S phase G1 G phase G2 Mitosis Endoreduplicating cell cycle Mitotic Cell Cycle polytene Normal Endoreduplication in Maize Endosperm All l53 lines evaluated had increase DNA content per nucleus Some individual nuclei reached levels of 384C (7 rounds of endoreduplication) Mean DNA content per nucleus in the central region of the endosperm d i 90C in is i some inbred i b d lines li 15dap 15d Mean DNA content per nucleus across the entire endosperm is 12.8C at 15dap Allele-specific DNA degradation during maize endosperm development All l S Allele Specific ifi Loss L and d Methylation M th l ti Test for methylation status indicated that regions undergoing allele loss were hypermethylated Hypthesis Regions of chromatin no longer needed for transcription are targeted/marked for degradation, and the resulting nucleotides form a reserve for use by the developing and germinating embryo and perhaps the emerging seedling