Georgia Institute of Technology School of Chemistry and Biochemistry CHEM 1310: General Chemistry Spring 2013 Course Components Lecture 1,2 MWF 12:05 pm-12:55 pm MoSE G011 Laboratory once weekly 2 hours and 50 minutes by section Recitation 1 once weekly 50 minutes by section 1 Laptops are NOT permitted during lecture at any time or during recitation with the exception of the first week. 2 You will be expected to participate actively in class discussions and group work. Lecture Exams will be held on the following dates at 6:05pm in XXXXX. Exam 1 Wednesday, January 30 Exam 2 Wednesday, March 6 Exam 3 Wednesday, April 10 Final See Registrar's website Please plan your schedule accordingly for the 3 mid-term exams and final exam. Early final exams will NOT be given to accommodate travel schedules. You may not take your exam with another section of CHEM 1310 unless you have three exams on the same day. Required Course Materials 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Brown and Holme, Chemistry for Engineering Students, 2nd ed., 2011 (required) OWL Course Code (required) Turning Point Transmitter called ResponseCard NXT. (recommended; Daily Work credit available.) GT Chem 1310 Laboratory Manual, 2012 edition (required) Laboratory coat (100% cotton) available for sale by GSF first week of classes, either bookstore, or VWR Stockroom (Ford ES&T building) You will not be permitted to work in lab unless you are wearing safety glasses (provided) or goggles, long pants or a floor-length skirt (no bare skin below the waist), a lab coat, and closed shoes Grading Policies Laboratory You must pass Laboratory to pass the overall course. Teaching Assistants will have the responsibility for establishing laboratory grades. Students are graded on pre-lab quizzes, formal lab reports, summary reports, report accuracy, lab technique and attitude, and three laboratory quizzes. A grade of 60% or better in the lab is considered passing. Your teaching assistant may specify that students work in pairs or in larger groups for certain experiments. Whether this is the case or not, all reports must be prepared independently by each student. If you fail CHEM 1310, you must also retake the laboratory component of the course. Exams Three fifty-minute closed-book exams will be given during the semester. Please see the course schedule for more details on exam content. Material on exams may be taken from assigned reading, homework, lecture material, or problems similar to those at the end of each chapter in the course text. ! 1 Georgia Institute of Technology School of Chemistry and Biochemistry Final Exam A two hour and fifty minute final exam will be given at the time and place determined for this course by standard Georgia Tech procedures. See the Registrar’s official calendar site for the latest schedule: Please plan your schedule accordingly for the 3 mid-term exams and final exam. Early final exams will NOT be given to accommodate travel schedules. Crib Sheets One 8.5 x 11 crib sheet will be permitted for use on each of the three intermediate exams. Only one side of the crib sheet may be used, and they must be in your handwriting. No photocopied material is allowed. Your name and GTID should be written on the back of each crib sheet. Four crib sheets may be used for the final exam as described above – one for each of the previous exams plus an additional one for new material on the final. All of your crib sheets will be collected with your final exam and must have your name and GT ID on the back of each page. Grade Change Re-grades of hour exams must be requested within one week of the date that the graded exams are returned to students. Make-up Exams Make-up exams will only be given for valid excused absences approved by the Dean of Students Office. If a student has a valid excuse for missing an exam, either a make-up exam will be given within 24 hours or his/her grade for that exam may be calculated from his/her performance on that part of the final exam that covers topics from the missed exam. A Grade Improvement Plan will be described during the semester but it will only apply to those having taking prior exams or those with valid excuses. Daily (Bucket) Points: OWL, Clickers, Exam Wrappers, and Recitation OWL clickers, exam wrappers, and recitation comprise a total of 10% (100 points) of your overall course grade, and you may accumulate these points through various combinations of the three categories. Approximately 190 points are available. Number of Points Per Total Points Available Assignment Type Assignments Assignment from Assignment Type OWL ~200 questions ½ ~100 Clickers TBD 2, 0, 1 30 (adjusted) Recitation 15 3, 1, 0 45 Exam Wrappers 3 5 15 TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE 190 OWL: There are ~200 questions assigned at 1 OWL point each. One OWL point = ½ daily work point. Clickers: Each clicker question asked in class is valued at 1 point for any answer and 2 points for a correct answer. There are no make-up opportunities. At the end of the semester, the points earned will be normalized to 30. For example: If a total of 50 clicker questions are offered over the course of the semester, then there are 100 possible points. If you earn 75 of these points, you have 75/100 = 0.75 of the points possible. 0.75 x 30 =22.5, and you have earned 22.5 points available in the "bucket." Recitation: Attendance and participation in recitation is worth 3 points per sessions. 3 points = attendance for the full session with participation 1 point = attendance with inadequate participation 0 points = no attendance ! 2 Georgia Institute of Technology School of Chemistry and Biochemistry Exam Wrappers: After each exam, an Exam Wrapper assignment will be passed out when your exams are returned. These assignments are take-home and due in the Friday after your exams are returned. Exam Wrappers are worth 5 points each, for a total of 15points in the bucket. Course Grades (out of 1000 possible points) Exam 1 15% or 150 points Exam 2 15% or 150 points Exam 3 15% or 150 points Final Exam1 25% or 250 points Daily Work 10% or 100 points Laboratory2 20% or 200points 1 All students must take the final exam in a 1000 level course to receive credit. An F will be assigned if a student misses the final exam without a documented excuse. 2 Students earning below 60% in lab will receive an automatic F for the semester and will be required to repeat both the lecture and the laboratory component. Grading Scale A Excellent 90.1 – 100% (901—1000 points) B Good 80.1 – 90.0% (801—900 points) C Average 70.1 – 80.0% (701—800 points) D Fair 60.1 – 70.0% (601—700 points) F Failing Less than 60.0% (less than 600 points) OR Less than a 60% in laboratory We reserve the right to adjust this scale, but the cut-offs would only be lowered so that any adjustment will only benefit students. We do not guarantee any adjustments, and any that are made will be at the end of the semester after all grades are calculated. Grade Improvement Plan The final exam will be composed of four sections with the first three sections representing material from exams 1 – 3, respectively. The remaining section will cover material after exam 3. If you earn higher on a given section than you did on the corresponding exam, that percentage will replace the original score. For example, if a student earns a 75% on exam 1 and a 95% on section 1 of the final exam, the 95% will be used in the grade calculation. All original exam scores may be replaced with the Grade Improvement Plan. You must have attempted the original individual exam or have a written excused absence to be eligible for the Grade Improvement Plan. Tutoring There are many options available for getting help with this course—all of them are free! Each offers a somewhat different focus, and we urge you to take advantage of as many of them as you need! More information on each resource can be found at • • • • • ! Recitation o This is a time in which all students can ask questions concerning homework and lecture material. Teaching Assistant (TA) Office Hours o Each teaching assistant affiliated with the course will hold at least two hours of office hours per week for lab and lecture questions in Clough Commons 280. o TA office hours schedule: Center for Academic Success ( o 1-to-1 tutoring (one hour free per week for all 1000 level courses on campus) o PLUS (peer-led undergraduate study) Residence Life's Learning Assistance Program ( o Drop-in tutoring for many 1000 level courses Office of Minority Education Development (OMED) ( o Group study sessions o Tutoring programs 3 Georgia Institute of Technology School of Chemistry and Biochemistry ADAPTS Student learning disabilities documented through this department will be honored as detailed to the instructor. Please inform your instructor within the first week of the course or as soon as possible. Honor Code All students are expected to comply with the honor code regulations set forth by this institution. All violations of the honor code will be reported to the office of student affairs. Violations of the honor code can result in a zero on the particular assignment, a letter grade reduction, and can in some instances, result in expulsion from the institution. See for details. Course Webpage(s) Information of interest to students will be posted on the course webpage: Separate T-square sites are used for lecture and lab components. Students should consult the webpage at frequent intervals throughout the semester. 1. Purchase an OWL access code. Codes come bundled with new textbooks purchased from the bookstore. If you are NOT purchasing a text or are purchasing a used text, you can buy a stand-alone code online at • • • Choose your product and click the Add to Cart button Complete the purchase Your code will be emailed to you. If you don't receive your code you can retrieve it at Do NOT purchase codes online from other sources. They will not allow you to register for our school's courses. 2. After you have your code, you can use it to register in OWL and then you can log into your course. To register, open a web browser on your computer and go to • Choose General Chemistry in the red Choose your course area and choose Register. • Choose your textbook: Chemistry for Engineering Students, 2nd edition; Brown, Holme • Choose your school • Choose the Chemistry Department by clicking on the blue arrow under Student Registration. • Choose the blue arrow next to the correct course and section you want to register for (CHEM 1310). Enter your information into the Self-Registration form. Type your access code in the Access Code space and press Continue. • Under GT Account name, enter your GT user name (for John Smith, it is likely jsmith999, etc.). It is imperative that you list this correctly to ensure you receive credit for your work. • Once you reach the Student Registration: Successful Registration page, click on the Login page link at the top. Bookmark this login page and use it whenever you visit OWL. • AFTER you register, get back to the login page anytime by going to Choose your course type (Custom Publishing) and choose Log in. Choose your textbook and school. Choose the blue arrow under the "User Login Page" to get your login page. Bookmark this page. 3. If you are not able to purchase a code immediately, follow the instructions above through entering your GT account name. Then: • Check the "Use 14-day free trial" box. • You will need to enter a valid access code with 14 days to continue using OWL. • Do NOT create a new account after you buy the access code. You will NOT receive credit for both accounts. ! 4 Georgia Institute of Technology School of Chemistry and Biochemistry Schedule of Homework Assignments: Homework( Corresponding( (OWL(HW(Deadline(( (( ! Chapters( Introduction!to!OWL! Fridays(11:59(PM( Friday,!January!11! #1! 2!and!3! Friday,!January!18! #2! 4! Friday,!January!25! ! No!homework!due! Friday,!February!1! #3! 5! Friday,!February!8! #4! 6! Friday,!February!15! #5! 7! Friday,!February!22! #6! 8! Friday,!March!1! ! No!homework!due! Friday,!March!8! #7! 9! Friday,!March!15! ! No!homework!due! Friday,!March!22! #8! 10! Friday,!March!29! #9! 11! Friday,!April!5! ! No!homework!due! Friday,!April!12! #10! 12! Friday,!April!19! #11! 13! Friday,!April!26! Homework Assessment: 1. Homework is due at 11:59pm on the date indicated. 2. Significant figures DO count! ! 5 Georgia Institute of Technology Tentative Lecture Schedule: Week Monday Of Jan 7 Introduction Moles and Chemical Jan 14 Equations (3) Jan 21 Holiday Jan 28 Gases (5) Feb 4 Atomic Structure (6) Feb 11 Bonding and Structure (7) Feb 18 Bonding and Structure (7) Feb 25 Molecules and Materials (8) Mar 4 Energy and Chemistry (9) Mar 11 Entropy (10) Mar 18 SPRING BREAK Mar 25 Kinetics (11) Apr 1 Kinetics (11) Apr 8 Chemical Equilibrium (12) Apr 15 Chemical Equilibrium (12) Apr 22 Electrochemistry (13) Apr 29 FINAL EXAMS ! School of Chemistry and Biochemistry Wednesday Friday Atoms and Molecules (2) Atoms and Molecules (2) Moles and Chemical Equations (3) / Stoichiometry (4) Stoichiometry (4) Atomic Structure (6) Atomic Structure (6) Bonding and Structure (7) Molecules and Materials (8) Energy and Chemistry (9) Energy and Chemistry (9) Entropy (10) SPRING BREAK Kinetics (11) Chemical Equilibrium (12) Chemical Equilibrium (12) Electrochemistry (13) Electrochemistry (13) FINAL EXAMS Moles and Chemical Equations (3) Stoichiometry (4) Exam 1 / Gases (5) Atomic Structure (6) Bonding and Structure (7) Molecules and Materials (8) Molecules and Materials (8) Exam 2 / Energy and Chemistry (9) Entropy (10) SPRING BREAK Kinetics (11) Kinetics (11) Exam 3 / Chemical Equilibrium (12) Electrochemistry (13) Electrochemistry (13) FINAL EXAMS 6