Name Ken Exam #1 {n *} ls .1lr'ilj;iiii,!,: * l ',.'li l ;1 ill\ l\\ 1. 1 1 ! \: l{ l"t 11 '\,r;iiir.lrrt i :il:rrlrI "'-H , :,t 1,\ \1.\ liir ,n,l {l tf r \, I lri t? lh ]i \ il1,\ :-. \ I!L) C N tu.Sl .ll,,rll., litt. r. I.t t\ .\ vlti i O i lt',11.:, 'ir $i :il.tlr.i ln .t,i \l i.ldr ril T c l l?,?..4t{} l)t3 t1.1 ,i I X r llii :t) I ri', MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) Element Z has the following properties: noncombustible, unreactive, colorlesg odorless gas at room temperature, nonconductor of electricity Element Z canbe classified as a A) metalloid ; zigzag line ,r'B) )on-metal; right non -- etal; zi-gzagline S D) metal; zigzagline E) metal; left and will be found on the of the Periodic Table. 2) Wbj+ term does not describe a conversion between statesof matter? ( A/mixing t-T) freezing C) evaporation D) melting E) condensation 3) Wlrchqfemical 2) symbol represents a metalloid? CD) B)Ar C)Ga 1) 3) D) Ar 4) Which of the following are statesof matter? A) solution E) Zn 4) -P\usPension ( C).Aolid '6) precipitate E) all of the above 5) A chemist is given an unknown sample. Which of her observations is not a physical property? A) The sample size is 55 mL. B) The density of the liquid is 0.289g/ml. sampleis a colorlesstiquid. j\fn" (Dfihe sampleis flammable. E) The sample has an odor similar to gasoline. s) 6) \{hich symboldoesnot d9n_gte a compound? A) C2Ha 6) C) CaCO3 LPr, D) CCla E) Co2 7) The formula for glucose, C6H12O6, represents a compound composed of 7) A) six atoms of carbori ten atoms of hydrogen, and four atoms of oxygen. B) one atoms of carbon, two atoms of hydrogery and one atoms of oxygen. C) six atoms of carbon and six atoms of water. D) six atoms of carbon and two atoms of water. atoms of carbon, twelve atoms of hydrogery and six atoms of oxygen. (9)i" 8) The smallest amount of an element that retains that element's characteristicsis the A) molecule. B) proton. D) neutron. Q electron. 9) How many neutrons does an atom of A) 22 B)0 6u'o' ' 8) e) |ltinuu"Z c) 68 D) 46 6-7) 10) Barium sulfate is described as a white crystalline solid that melts at 1580'C and decomposesat 1600'C. At a tegpqrature of 500oC,you would expect a sample of barium sulfate to be a /u6fN.l*nrc crystallinesolid. white cloud of vapor. C) colorlessliquid. D) yellow liquid. E) form that cannot be determined. 10) 11) An 4om that contains 47 protons, 47 electrons,and 60 neutrons is an isotope of 11) $$s' B)AI. c) Bh. D) Nd. E) cannot be determined from the information given 1Z) Wlicf 12) 13) Which is an example of matter? A) reactivity B).electrical current C) anxiety D) conductivitv 13) draracteristics correctly describe a proton? mass 1 amu; charge +1; inside nucleus $ilpproximate B) approximate mass 5 , 10-4 amu; charge-1; outside nucleus C) approximate mass 5 x 10-4 amu; charge +1; inside nucleus D) approximate mass 1 amu; charge +1; outside nucleus E) approximate mass 1 amu; charge 0; inside nucleus @/lastic 14) In a neutral atom the number of _ A) protons + electrons,neutrons B) protons,neutrons ^' (C)Protons, electrons D) neutrons, electrons E) none of the above is equal to the number of 14) 1s) 15) The symbol of the element with 23 protons is A) Me. @v--) C) Na. D) B. E) none of the above 16) \l/here is most of the mass of an atom concentrated? A) electrons B) orbitals C) neutrons l6) D) protons 17) Hydrqgen exists as three isotopes. Theseisotopes differ by the number of B) charges (giuuttoto Q electrons Qg!'ilest contained in the atom. D) protons 18) Which element is most likely to have chemical properties similar to those of potassium (atomic number 19)? 17\ 18) A) Sr (atomic number 38) (atomicnumber3T) @A C) Ca (atomic number 20) D) Ar (atomic number 18) E) Sc (atomicnumber 21) 19) Cobalt is element 27. Cobalt-60 is used in the medical treatment of cancer. How many neutrons and protons arl:qqtained in the nucleusof this isotope? neutronl2T protons @P C) 27neutrong27 protons B) 33neutrons,33 protons D) 27neutrons,33protons 20) What is the specific gravity of a liquid sample with a mass of 35.0 g anyfglolgme of 14.00mL? A) 21.0 B) 14.0 c) 2.s0s/ml- qg|)2.D B)97. 10-3 21) C) 0.97,1Q-1 D) 9.70,1.0-2 E) 97.0,10-2 22) The number 5.320 x 102 in conventional notation is A) 53.20 B)0.s32 20) E)1a.0s/ml- 21) \ /hat is 0.0970written in scientific notation? A) 970* 10-4 1e) c) s32 22) D) 0.s320 23)lA4richmeasurementrepresentsthe smallestquantity? A) 2.95' t0-6 kg 23) .ELz95'l!-as A2!9Y> D) 2.95' 103pg E) 29.5mg 24) \ /hich choice best describesthe degree of uncertaint5rin the measurement 16.30g? A) The uncertaintSrcannot be determined without additional information. is exact. PJhegutntily 24) (SE991-e; D) r0.10g E) 11.00g 25) which of the following measurementshas three sisnjficarr! figures? A) 0.03750g B) 1,2078 0.02s08) 4) t-:--------' 2s) D) a.250g E) 0.006g 26)Wbjch-otlbe -.\ following numberscontainsfive significantfigures? B) 0.04910 C) 49,100 Q8400) 27)Thismetricprefix 26) D) 4,910,000 E) 0.4910 multipliesthebase(parent)unit by a factorof , abbreviated 2n 1g?---*--.r (Jly::) B) micrq m C) milli, m D) micro, p 28)What temperatureis 325K on the Celsiusscale? A) 598'C B) 344"C E) centi, c 28) 6E) c) 126'C E) 617"C 29) Find the difference between two massesmeasured as 123.6grams and 115.972grams. Express the answer to the correct number of significant figures. A) 7.63grams B) 8 grams C) 8.0 grams E) 7.628grams ?q\ 30)\A/hatis the numericalvalue of L.2x 1,.222? Expressyour answerusing the correctnumberof significant figues_.-_ 30) @rD \4)_1J-' B\ 1..47 c) r.4664 D) 1.466 E) none of the above SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. 31) \A/hatis the sPecific hFat of a metal if it takes 48.4 calories to raise the temperature of a 45.0 g sample by 5.0'C? "r' t 311 E = A,"f .o'[ € Lf -' ;:ET n ,//at) = fl.. ^ l t-pa : (^rJr(; ""c) o'2tsll f::! 32) \A/hatis the volume of a gold nugget that weighs 2.2kg? The density of gold is 19 g/cm3. ,"rr4" a L] n) )e"th ' = /^?5 vol'n' v-- T) lvl u a.Lz2 = 4 t1 $lenz 1'b- |1rt/e^3 rctd = r\s | t15,78aps = t?o l o ^ I ornr = t - Lx . l o zc ^ 9 f%-*-_. 33) An extra-strength aspirin contains 0.500g of aspirin. How many grains is this? (1 grain = 64.8mg) ? ur6\^s i n1" '"-ufr oroo\dffiff: 4 7.'l tt"o Trt';^s 33) l------ 34) What temperature is -10.'C on the Fahrenheit scale? 'c Tf"c). \ 34) --e "t l t : E ^ "+ 3 z u F /o oc :J- /o\ J 35) An analysis showed a sample to contain 0.00471,kilograms of lead. How many micrograms is this? | "a 0.oo+1 l o 34 - . , VA ' ,,uT /o'" I 3s) I k 3 'l | u? I rj ' b-btr : 1 , 7 tx 1 0 6 7 6 36) The specific heat of water is the new temperature will be E = m' I If 75.0g of water at 30.0'C absorbs 900 calories, LT *-=r { AT' : --= ^'rP -ft - Tr = Tpea"Tro . AT ' E--- 1- \L\< A T = ( / s e ' " ' -l o u o ) r ^ a f ?oo co[ 7'o2tt'%) Tot, - 3or = tzo c Turu ' 1fzoc 36) 3n 37) What is the total length o{ two piecesof tubing which measure 4.5 cm and3.222 cm? Expressthe answer to the correct number of significant figures. -\ 1 o.l Ctr| Joodr 1- L*2.4a2-, \ rD!t *( 1lt 7 ' : C.lC. To krnWe /, 38) 38) An imaginary element Xz consists of two isotopes having massesof 100.0amu and 102.0amu. A 10017 isotope and 25.0%e6 ths 10212. Calculate the sample of Xz was found to contain 75.0%of 11'ru 7 o*A j (ro u .o ,* 'o 7 s'tt"/,) t ( tuz 6**\ 2€ ' o/> 3e) 3e) Carry out the following calculation involving the measurementsand expressyour answer with proper number of significant figures. 158.39-149.8g _ 15.4cm x 22.8cm x 64.3cm / s8.13 ft1l|- S,,thTRkTtop (By "oc) *f t frtLl'tt7 t'r^/("e7'+'*71 2s't g S j^' 3 e (-f{--i{-) '' t'!r dI^) 6r1*uTtpLtc*i,,tP 1 b r 2L'tc,^o t4 - 3 cu 1 .8' r . 3 r"F 3" . f . s7 ts!9! = 0 . 0 0 o3 1 6 q ' 8 ? gL.--(cl h^,< a / d/ c,u3 d N/ Fe46ff s'li 3/r*' 0 R S . Fx t 0 - r 5 l c _ t ) s.l. I 40) Write the atomic notation for an element that has 9 protons, 9 electrons, and 10 neutrons. A O z u'l r t . A t E t f r =f ttl Z:a*s,t-;"fl-7 = gtro<tf :1 ( y is €tenett[ iWon,,'t , P 6 f-,?- I r_d_l 40)