Roman Times

Roman Times
All the News Romans Need to Know
July 12, 900 AD
Ancient Rome
What a Flashback!
By: Amanda Sheerin
Today is July 12, 900 AD. Exactly 800
years ago a legend was born. This
legend is Julius Caesar. Caesar grew up
in a patriarchal household and
married a woman named Cornella.
Julius Caesar decided on a military
career and that is where his journey
began. In 60 B.C, he joined forces with
Pompey and Crassus. They ruled for
ten years together as a Triumvirate.
Shortly, these three men became
rivals. Caesar traveled to Asia to
Marcus Thermus and helped capture
Mytilene here.
Julius’ long voyage began with
him wanting to improve his oratorical
skills. Oratorical skills are public
speaking techniques. However, Caesar
sailed to Rhodes to improve these
skills and on his way; he was
kidnapped by Sicilian pirates. They
immediately asked Caesar for 20
talents of silver, but he demanded
they asked for 50. I am assuming that
Caesar found 20 silvers to be too small
of an amount for him. Anyways, the
pirates set out for Julius Caesar’s
silver, and took 38 days. He was not
intimidated by the pirates; he treated
them as if they were his assistants. I
think this was very smart of Caesar, to
not show weakness.
Julius Caesar spent the
majority of his time with the pirates
writing poetry and speeches. He also
played games and spoke with the
pirates, as if he was their leader and
not their prisoner. Caesar earned
freedom and trust only from the
pirates, and they allowed him on their
islands and other ships. This was a
great accomplishment for a prisoner
to be rewarded with trust. However,
Caesar promised that when his
payment of silver was done he would
return and murder all the pirates. I
think that Caesar’s act of kindness
toward the pirates was smart, so he
could be treated kindly also while he
was being held captive.
Julius Caesar finally paid off his
amount of silver due, and left the
pirate island. Not long after Caesar
returned with a small army and
captured the pirates. He also took
back his 50 sums of silver he paid
them. I am assuming that the pirates
did not take Caesar’s threats about
returning seriously, because they
were not ready for the attack. Caesar
made a petition to have the pirates
killed, but it was rejected. Instead, he
traveled back to Pergamon, where the
pirates were, and has them executed
himself. Julius Caesar once said, “I
have lived long enough both in years
and in accomplishments.”
Julius Caesar used smart and
clever plans to get revenge and freed
by the pirates. He was assassinated on
March 15th, 44 BC. He was stabbed by
senators in the Senate Chambers.
World History: Perspectives on the Past by: D.C Health
World History: (The Complete Idiots’ Guide) by: Timothy C. Hall
Julius Caesar