NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1979 SESSION RESOLUTION 54 HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 1330 A JOINT RESOLUTION DIRECTING THAT THE ISSUE OF SEARCHES OF NEWSROOMS BE STUDIED. Whereas, many of this country's great historical figures have been newspapermen, all the way back to Peter Zenger, Thomas Paine, and Benjamin Franklin; and Whereas, the founding fathers of this country recognized the importance of a free press by explicitly stating that freedom in the First Amendment of the Constitution; and Whereas, on May 31, 1978, the United States Supreme Court decided the case of Zurcher v. The Stanford Daily in which it held that police officers may search newsrooms for evidence, armed only with a search warrant, even if the newspaper is not itself suspected of any criminal behavior; and Whereas, throughout the country the Zurcher decision has been criticized as an unwarranted intrusion on freedom of the press; and Whereas, the United States Congress is presently debating the wisdom of legislation to modify or reverse that decision; Now, therefore, be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring: Section 1. The Judicial Council is directed to study the issues raised by the Supreme Court's decision in Zurcher v. The Stanford Daily dealing with searches of third parties not suspected of criminal behavior and to report its findings and recommendations, including recommended legislation, to the General Assembly no later than the tenth day of the 1981 Session of the General Assembly. Sec. 2. This resolution is effective upon ratification. In the General Assembly read three times and ratified, this the 8th day of June, 1979.