Humerus [ ]Ulna [ ]Radius [ ]Carpals [ ]Metacarpals

Evidence of Evolution: What are the different pieces of evidence that support the theory of evolution?
Comparative Anatomy
Shown below are images of the skeletal structure of the front limbs of 6 animals: human, crocodile, whale,
cat,bird, and bat. Each animal has a similar set of bones. Color code each of the bones according to this key:
Humerus [ ]Ulna [ ]Radius [ ]Carpals [ ]Metacarpals [ ]Phalanges [ ]
Embryology: Organisms that are closely related may have physical similarities before they are born.
Look at 5 embryos in envelope one. Describe the patterns that you see. What physical similarities exist
between each embryo?
Now, open envelope two and examine the embryos in a later stage. Attempt to align them so that they
correspond to the same organism. What are some physical similarities you notice?
Now, open the third envelope and examine the embryos in an even later stage. Attempt to align them so that
they correspond to the same organism. What are some physical similarities?
Does this suggest an evolutionary relationship? Explain how these embryos can be used as evidence of a
common ancestor between each of the organisms.
Vestigial Structures
What are vestigial structure?
Provide at least 5 examples of vestigial structures and propose why this structure may have become vestigial.
Why Vestigial?