Vietnam’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) awards the Medal to Mr. Mutsuya Mori, Chief Representative of JICA Vietnam, for his outstanding contributions to responding to climate change in Vietnam. -What JICA is doing?Since early 1990s, JICA has been supporting Vietnam with a number of projects in the environment sector because environment has been one of the priority areas on Japan’s assistance policy to Vietnam. Those include projects on water environment management, air pollution control and waste management etc. Recently, responding to climate change has emerged as a major challenge for Vietnam as it is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. Joining the efforts by the Vietnamese Government and of the international community, the government of Japan/JICA has placed great importance on supporting Vietnam in both the mitigation and adaptation, and cross-cutting issues to respond to Climate Change. -What is Support Program to Respond to Climate Change (SP-RCC)?Remarkably, in 2009, in joint discussion with the Vietnamese side, the government of Japan decided to launch the “Support Program to Respond to Climate Change (SP-RCC)” together with the French Development Agency (AFD), and now it is co-financed by the World Bank, Australia, the Korean Eximbank besides AFD and JICA. SPRCC is the policy-based general budget support, by which the disbursement by the Donors will be made into the State budget once the satisfied implementation of the prior-agreed Policy Matrix has been confirmed. The Program has the ultimate aim to support and facilitate the smooth and welldirected mainstreaming of climate change into policy, programs and planning of sector development, as set forth in the National Target Program to Respond to Climate Change (2008-2015) and later the National Climate Change Strategy (vision to 2050). -Major achievements so far in SPRCCSPRCC had completed its first phase (2009-2012) and is entering its second phase (2013-2015). In this new phase, the Policy Matrix has been developed with a better focus on ensuring the alignment with strategic and long-term policies of the Government in responding to climate change. Up until now, SPRCC has been acknowledged as the biggest ever forum that is proving to be an efficient channel for policy dialogue on climate change between the Government of Vietnam and Development Partners, among the different line ministries and development partners. -Award receivedAcknowledging the achievements, the Minister of MONRE decided to award Mr. MORI for his outstanding contributions to responding to climate change in Vietnam though the SPRCC program, and for his leadership and contributions during the formulation and implementation of this program. Mr. MORI was the leader of the JICA team who worked on initiating the SPRCC, and now in his new position as Chief Representative of JICA Vietnam office, he has been closely supervising and giving prompt guidance and direction for the implementation. -Comment by Mr. Mutsuya Mori, Chief Representative of JICA VietnamMr. Mutsuya Mori commented “It is my gear pleasure to receive such an honorable award as team leader of my team. Our progress and achievements were made by joint efforts together with MONRE and the government of Japan/JICA, based on the good relationship between the two countries. I committed myself to continuing to make the best effort for the SPRCC with MONRE as well as all JICA-supported projects in the Environment sector.” -Comment by Minister of MONREMr. Tran Hong Ha, Vice Minister of MONRE said that“SPRCC program has marked the successful contribution of the Japanese government as a pioneer donor who has provided the biggest funding (1015 billion yen per year since 2009) to help Vietnam to respond to climate change. With active supports from SPRCC, quite a number of very important policies on climate change have been developed and adopted such as Resolution No 24 of the Communist Party’s Central Executive Committee on response to climate change and improvement of natural resources management and environmental protection; the national climate change strategy; national target program on climate change response for 2012-2015, national action plan for climate change response 2012-2020 and recently the green growth strategy”.