Course Procedure Document

CIS 140 Introduction to Operating Systems
Course Procedure Document
CIS 140 – Fall 2015 (40447)
College provides accessible educational opportunities that are responsive to a diverse
population and lead to constructive citizenship, meaningful careers, and lifelong learning.
Cochise College is committed to continuous improvement in order to provide the best possible
service. A key part of this commitment involves assessing student learning outcomes.
Assessment, which occurs apart from the regular grading of student work, is conducted by
faculty using tests, research papers, projects, presentations or standardized examinations to
discover how well students who have passed a course actually achieved the expected learning
goals. Faculty members analyze the results so they can develop strategies to help improve
student learning in future classes.
Text & Materials
Course Information
Method of Instruction
Entering my classroom
Performance Measures, Conditions, and Standards
Lab Etiquette
Grading Policies
Life Line
Final Grading
Grade Standards
Other Class Polices
American Disability Act
Assignment Due Dates
Jerry R. Whaley
Phone: 520-226-0781
CIS 140 Introduction to Operating Systems (CRN # 40447) – 3 units
Online Campus (First 8 Week Session)
Monday – Thursday 8:30 – 12:30 pm
Saturday 8:00 am - Noon.
None – CIS 116 is recommended.
Testout PC Pro 220-801 and 220-802, TestOut Inc., ISBN 978-1-935080-42-8.
This course is an introduction to and comparative analysis of operating systems, using MS-DOS, Linux,
and Microsoft Windows. It includes discussion of the fundamentals of any operating system, as well as
how those fundamentals apply to specific operating systems. Hands-on exercises familiarize students
with Linux, and contribute to a more detailed understanding of both MS-DOS and Windows.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Identify and explain the basic functions, uses, and features of any operating system using
proper terminology.
Identify the common usage and important features of the MS-DOS, Linux, and Windows
operating systems.
Demonstrate an understanding of basic file management tasks for the MS-DOS, Linux, and
Windows operating systems.
Demonstrate an understanding of the techniques available to backup information and
increase the security of the Linux and Windows operating systems.
Demonstrate an understanding of the network capabilities of the Windows operating system.
Demonstrate an understanding of the various methods to run applications on the MS-DOS,
Linux, and Windows operating systems.
Students will learn by a hands-on approach supplemented by lectures and discussions. Students must
take responsibility for their own learning and take advantage of learning opportunities by asking
questions, utilizing open lab times, and becoming active participants in the learning experience.
Moodle: This class is conducted partially through the Cochise College online course management
system (Moodle or eThink Moodle). There are some facts you must understand about Moodle:
1. The email system within Moodle is associated with the Cochise College mail system. ALL
correspondence in the course will be conducted through your Cochise College email. If you have
questions about your Cochise College email, please contact Ms. Elma Mossor at (520) 515-8755
or at
2. When contacting me via email, please make sure to include your name and which class
you are taking.
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To login in to your course(s):
1. Start by going to
2. Click on the
button near the top right corner of that webpage.
3. Enter the login name and password you have created.
 If you have not entered this portal before; your login name is your C# (C000…) and for the
password you will enter your birthdate in this format: Mmm.DD.YYYY (Jan.01.1965).
 Once you are logged in you will be required to change your password. The password must
contain the following: Minimum of 8 characters. Must include 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase
letter, 1 number, and 1 character (!, #, etc).
 You will need to select Moodle (Online Classes) link under Resources then search for this
course; CIS 140 N40 FA15 (40447) Intro to Operating Systems. Select to enter my
The course content and schedule may vary from this syllabus to meet the needs of this class. All
changes will be announced as soon as they are known. My goal is to present a well-organized, planned
class, while remaining flexible enough to ensure the class meets every student’s needs.
My supervisor is the Department Chair for CIS/CS/OAD, Clyne Namuo. If you have questions or
comments about this class that you would like to discuss, you may reach Clyne at 515-4516 or
1. Students will take a final exam encompassing topics covered during the entire course. Students
will be allowed to use any and all notes or reference materials for this exam. Students will be
graded on their first and only attempt of this exam.
2. Students will complete all LabSim Section Exams in accordance with the published schedule.
Students will be graded based on their average of all attempts up to the due date for the
particular Exam.
3. Students will complete all LabSim Section Labs in accordance with the published schedule.
Students will be graded on their last attempt of each lab.
4. Student will take 4 Custom TestOut Exams covering the material discussed during the course.
Students will be graded on their first and only attempt of these exams (referred to as Quizzes in
the Course Calendar and Moodle).
5. Students will write a research paper of approximately 5 pages in length, must prepare following
MLA format. Grades will be assigned based on content, style, grammar, and spelling. The
grading criteria are contained within the assignment document posted on the Moodle. NOTE:
Research papers will be submitted to to be checked for plagiarism. Your work must
be original, properly cited, and submitted to only this class or it will earn a score of zero.
6. Students will complete 6 hands-on exercises which will be done through the use of Virtual
Machines (VMs). These exercises will cover the fundamentals of Windows 7 and Linux. Students
will be graded based on the submitted lab reports. Virtual Machines (VMs) software (freeware)
will be required and students will be required to install this software on their computer or with the
use of campus labs equipped with Virtual Machines. These machines are only available at limited
campuses; please call your nearest Cochise College campus for scheduling time and details.
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7. The class participation grade is a subjective evaluation of the student’s participation in class, this
will be done through Moodle Discussion activity Forum, and consists of (but not limited to) active
participation, completion of discussion forum postings (initial response to the instructors posting),
and the student’s ability to respond accordingly and with professionalism (replies to classmates).
You will be required to respond to each of the initial Instructor’s posting (5 points each) and reply
to two other students (5 points for each response) for that specific posting. You could possibly
earn a total of 90 points for all postings depending on the depth and thought put into your
responses. Since this is a subjective grade, it is not open to discussion with the instructor.
1. You must log into Moodle at least twice a week, totaling a minimum of 12 hours per week (8
hours for labs and exams, 4 hours discussion) to complete assignments and lab exercises.
2. Do all the assigned “readings” discussed in each weekly topic.
3. Turn in all assigned homework on time and complete.
4. Do not be afraid to ask questions – you are probably not the only one with the same question!
5. Plan out your assignments! You will know what is due weeks in advance, so do not wait until the
last minute – Murphy's Law applies! (For those who do not know about Murphy's Law:
6. Have patience, be courteous, and enjoy the learning experience!
Lab Etiquette
This class meets solely online through the Moodleroom and TestOut PC online lab simulator so I
expect certain behavior from you in order to make your learning experience successful.
 You will be using the college email system and Moodleroom messaging system to
communicate so check e-mail frequently, view messages at the time they are presented.
Respond within a reasonable time period if a response is required.
 Monitor your progress frequently; in Moodle you have a gradebook and with the TestOut PC
online lab simulator you should preview your gradebook frequently by building and viewing
your progress report.
Final Exam
LabSim Exams
LabSim Labs
Research Paper
6 Hands-On Exercises (30 points each)
4 Quizzes (25 points each)
Participation (6 Discussion Forums – 15 points each)
= 125
= 253
= 102
= 100
= 180
= 100
= 90
**A written paper must be turned in or a grade of F may be awarded as a final course grade. Additional
information on this requirement will be provided as the course progresses.
Life Lines: At the beginning of the semester each student is given two life lines which can be used only once and as
follows. (Tests & Quizzes are exempt in either case)
The Unexpected. This lifeline is used when unforeseen circumstances arise, this will entitle the student two
extra days (or more depending on the circumstances) to submit any one homework (Hands-on) assignment but
you must notifying the instructor before midnight of the night that assignment was due through email with an
explanation. The circumstance will be determined by the Instructor whether it is valid or not and respond
The 50/50. This allows a student to submit work to be graded at half credit if the unexpected life line cannot be
met. This will be used to replace a zero in most cases.
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Final grades represent to employers, other colleges/universities, and to the student him/herself a level of
student’s demonstrated abilities. I will use the following scale to determine your final grade:
760 - 854 POINTS
655 - 759 POINTS
570 - 654 POINTS
A: The highest academic grade possible; an honor grade which is not automatically given to a
student who ranks highest in the course, but is reserved for accomplishment that is truly distinctive
and demonstrably outstanding.
B: A grade that denotes achievement considerably above acceptable standards and mastery of
course materials
C: Indicates a satisfactory degree of attainment and is the least acceptable standard for graduation
from college or additional studies within the discipline. This grade implies completion of the
minimum outcomes identified in the course curriculum.
D: Denotes a limited understanding of the subject matter, meeting only the minimum requirement
for passing the course. This grade will not transfer to another institution of higher education nor is it
acceptable for additional studies within the discipline. Also note that a grade of D is not acceptable
for advancement in many Cochise College programs.
F: Indicates inadequate or unsatisfactory attainment, serious deficiency in understanding of course
material, or failure to complete requirements of the course.
FAILURE TO TAKE EXAMINATIONS: Students who miss a scheduled and/or announced quiz/test
without permission of the instructor will not be permitted to take a make-up quiz/test. It is the
responsibility of the student to inform the instructor of any known absences. For circumstances
beyond your control, call the school or instructor. Note that quiz/test dates will not be moved earlier
than scheduled so the excuse of “I did not know there was going to be a quiz/test” is not a valid
ATTENDANCE: Students should make every effort possible to attend class. This means logging on
the appropriate college portal at least twice a week for a period as required to competently read,
review, and complete the material. THE STUDENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COURSE WORK
Students who miss three classes (this means not logging on the appropriate college portal for a
period of two weeks) without a valid reason AND notification of the instructor will be considered for
being dropped from the class with a grade of W.
NOTE TO VA/PELL GRANT STUDENTS: If you miss three consecutive classes as stated above,
the VA or Financial office of Cochise College will be notified in writing. The effective date for
reporting purposes will be the date of the first absence. Please remember that missing classes could
affect your current or future financial aid.
LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date specified. If
there is no class on the due date, assignments are due by midnight on that date. Late
assignments will not be accepted unless prior approval has been given.
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Plagiarism is the improper use, or failure to attribute, another person's writing or ideas intellectual
property. It can be as subtle as the inadvertent neglect to include quotes or references when citing
another source or as blatantly unethical as knowingly copying an entire paper verbatim and claiming
it as your own work. (This definition found at
Cochise College does not tolerate plagiarism in any form. Students who resort to copying without
proper citation cheat the author, the college, and themselves. By policy (number 5763), Cochise
College may impose various sanctions as a result of academic dishonesty, up to and including
suspension and expulsion. As the instructor for this class, I fully support the college's policy. If I
discover plagiarism, I may impose any (or all) of the following penalties: written or verbal warning,
loss of credit for the work involved, reduction in your final grade, or assigning a failing grade for the
course. I may also recommend to the college administration that you be further punished by removal
from this class or even expulsion from the college.
While I do not anticipate any problems with plagiarism in this class, I will not hesitate to uphold
commonly accepted academic honesty standards in your writing. If you have questions about
plagiarism, ask me. You can also find answers to your questions about plagiarism at Purdue's
Online Writing Lab site:
Research papers written for this class will be submitted to for verification of sources
used. By signing up for this class, you agree to waive your privacy rights to the document. For
additional information on this service, contact the instructional manager.
Students wishing to receive a disability accommodation should make an appointment with the ADA
Coordinator Carla Boyd, Director of Disability Services: Cochise Community College, 901 N
Colombo Ave, Sierra Vista, Arizona 85635-2317. Tel # (520) 515-5337 SV and (520) 417-4023 (DC)
email at:
INCOMPLETE GRADES: An Incomplete Grade indicates that a student failed to complete all course
requirements for a justifiable reason such as a serious illness or other emergency. This does not
include not getting the work done due to poor time management. Please do not ask for a grade of
Incomplete unless the above criterion has been met.
WITHDRAWALS: The student is responsible for officially dropping out of the course with the
Registrar’s Office, in the unfortunate event that the student cannot continue with the course.
Otherwise, the instructor on the final grade roster will assign a grade based on whatever work you
have accomplished.
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CIS 140 Fall 2015
Course Activity Outline and Assignments:
(All activities represented with parenthesis are to be completed through TestOut PC Online Simulator)
Course Calendar & Activities
Assignment Due
Course Introduction, Moodle, & TestOut
Computing Overview (Section 1.0) (1.1 – 1.4)
PC Technician (Section 2.0) (2.1 – 2.5)
Virtual Machine Installation
Section 1 Labs & Exams
Section 2 Labs & Exams
Peripheral Devices (Section 4.0) (4.1 Only)
Quiz 1 – Sections 1 & 2
Storage (Section 5.0) (5.1, 5.7, & 5.10 Only)
Section 4 Labs & Exams
Hands-On 1 - Virtual Machine;
Windows User Interface
Section 5 Labs & Exams
Networking (Section 6.0) (6.1 – 6.14)
Quiz 2 – Sections 4 & 5
Hands-On 2 - Virtual Machine;
Windows Installation
Section 6 Labs & Exams
Discussion 1
Discussion 2
Labor Day Holiday - Sept. 7th, 2015
Printing (Section 7.0) (7.1 – 7.3, & 7.5)
Section 7 Labs & Exams
Mobile Devices (Section 8.0) (8.,1 – 8.4)
Section 8 Labs & Exams
Research Paper
Choice of Topic Due
Hands-On 3 - Virtual Machine;
Introduction to the Command Prompt
Discussion 3
Windows System Management (Section 9.0)
(9.1 – 9.9)
System Implementation (Section 10.0)
(10.1, 10.3, & 10.5 only)
Hands-On 4 - Virtual Machine;
More Command Prompt
Quiz 3 – Sections 6 – 8
Section 9 Labs & Exams
File Management (Section 11.0) (11.1 – 11.5)
Section 10 Labs & Exams
Security (Section 12.0) (12.1 – 12.10)
Section 11 Labs & Exams
Hands-On 5 - Virtual Machine;
Introduction to Ubuntu Linux
Discussion 5
Troubleshooting (Section 13.0)
Quiz 4 – Sections 9 – 12
(13.5, 13.6, & 13.8 Only)
Section 12 Labs & Exams
Discussion 4
Hands-On 6 - Virtual Machine;
The Linux Terminal
Discussion 6
Research Paper
Section 13 Labs & Exams
Final Exam
Research Paper
Final Exam*
**This week starts in week 7. So, week 7 & 8 overlap…
(Note: This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the Instructor...)
* Final exam: Opens at 6:00 am on October 2nd, 2015 and will be closed and
unavailable after 10:00 pm on October 9th, 2015 (Arizona Time).
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