Name: __________________________________________ Date: _________________________ HTML Quiz 1. What does HTML stand for? A. Hypertext Medium Language B. Hypertext Metal Language C. Hypertext Markup Language D. Hypertext Metering Language 2. What does XHTML stand for? A. B. C. D. External Hypertext Markup Language Extra Hypertext Markup Language Ex-Hypertext Markup Language ([WHQVLEOH+\SHUWH[W0DUNXS/DQJXDJH 3. Which Language, XHTML or HTML, is more restrictive? A. HTML B. XHTML 3DJHRI 4. In the code <h1>text here</h1> The text will be.... A. Large B. Small C. Bigger Than Normal But Smaller Than Most Headings D. It Will Be The Same Size As Normal Text, But Bold 5. What will a <br> tag do? A. B. C. D. Turn text a brown color Add a line break Add a paragraph Add a link 6. (YHU\ZHESDJHRQSODQHWHDUWKXVLQJ+70/VKRXOG start with what? (first line of the file) A. <head> B. <body> C. <html> D. A document type definition of some sort 7. :KDWJRHVLQWKHKWPO!KWPO!WDJV" A. Just the <head> B. Everything except the document type definition C. Just the <body> D. -XVWWKHKHDG!DQGWKHPHWD!WDJV 3DJHRI 8. :KDWJRHVLQWKHERG\!ERG\!WDJV" A. The stuff you want on the webpage B. Meta information C. Filesystem information D. Livers, hearts, lungs, kidneys, etc 9. What does the <p> tag do? A. Starts a parade B. *LYHVZHESDJHVPRUHSRZHU C. Adds a line break D. Starts a paragraph 10 Is the following image example using a relative link . or an absolute link?<img src ="blueHatPic.png" height="100px" width="100px" alt="pic of blue hat" /> A. Relative Link B. Absolute Link 11 Is the following image example using a relative link . or an absolute link?<img src="" height="100px" width="100px" alt="pic of blue hat" /> A. Relative Link B. Absolute Link 3DJHRI 12 The <a> tag, when it contains an href attribute, is . good for doing what? A. Linking to stuff B. Starting the first section of a webpage C. Providing alternative text D. Aligning webpage elements 13 What is wrong with the line below? . LPJVUF &SLFVEOXHKDWSQJDOW EOXHKDW! A. B. C. D. The The The The <img> tag needs a closing tag <img> tag is missing required attributes link won't work on other computers alt text must come before the src 3DJHRI