Investigate and Explore
Image poetry, poetic forms, syllabic poetry, list poems and kennings, nonchronological reports, persuasive writing, plays and dialogue.
Understand and describe key aspects of physical geography including rivers, mountains, volcanoes, cliffs and coasts.
Properties of shape, position and direction, measurement, statistics.
Enrichment and
Ansford Indoor
St George’s Day visit to the Glen
Trip linked to theme
Images of mountains, rivers and coastlines.
Extract from the Sound of Music
Christian Values
Trust ~ relationships rooted in reliability and integrity ~ school theme.
Responsibility, and
Features of different types of texts.
How is a river formed?
Who was Monet?
How are mountains formed?
What is a coast?
Mathematical concepts
Big Words
• water cycle
• evaporation
• condensation
• continent
• adaptation
• longitude
• latitude
River inspired dance
Monet’s river art
Mountain views-inspired by the Japanese artist Hokusai
Exhibition of models created/collage/art linked to theme at end of term
Author Focus-Roald Dahl and JK Rowling
Drama, dance and music making
Self- evaluation and
Attitudes and behaviour
As confident learners we will approach tasks with enthusiasm and utilise our skills to the best of our ability .
St Georges Day visit to The Glen
Ansford sporting activities
Problem-solving Maths activity box
Word work English activity box
As effective communicators we will have opportunities to communicate through drama, dance, music and debate.
As independent learners we will take responsibility for our learning. We will organise the equipment we need and be ready to listen.
As Scientists we will identify the role of evaporation and condensation in the water cycle. We will begin to identify how plants and animals are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.
As Geographers we will use world maps atlases and globes to identify countries and continents around the world. We will study the key aspects of the formation of rivers, mountains and coasts.
As Artists we will work on art activities linked to the River Thames painting by Monet and Hokusai’s 36 views of Mount Fuji.
As Designers we will make a collage of the water cycle, make boats, build models.
As Musicians we will explore the piece of music called The Moldau by
Smetana that represents the journey of a river and develop a dance linked to it.
As motivated learners we will always do our best. We will be willing to learn and show pride in our work.
Learning Objectives: Reading
Find evidence in texts for common features.
Read and discuss questions about a piece of text to develop comprehension skills.
Read a piece of text and make improvements to it.
Learning Objectives: Languages ~ French
Names of animals, description, times, asking and answering questions, adverbs, vowel sounds and phonics through ‘Le
Carnaval des animaux’ (Carnival of the Animals).
Learning Objectives:: Writing
Writing different forms of poetry. Image poems, syllabic poems, list poems and kennings. Writing a non- chronological report linked to Harry Potter. Persuasive writing ~ adverts.
Writing plays and dialogue linked to Roald Dahl.
Learning Objectives: Mathematics
Shape, position and direction, co-ordinates, measurement, statistics.
Recap of previous topics.
Continuing focus on mental maths skills and rapid recall of all times tables.
Learning Objectives: PSHE/SEAL
Listening skills ~ Circle Time games.
Thinking about positive and negative behaviours.
How does this impact on self and others?
Learning Objectives: PE
Cricket skills
Tennis skills
Dance ~ The Moldau by Smetana
Learning Objectives: Computing
Use internet search engines and to be discerning in digital content.
Programming ~ SCRATCH/Kudo Games design
Children’s ideas as the theme develops:
Learning Objectives: RE
God’s Promise and Covenant ~ What is God Like?
Importance of the natural environment
Problems of pollution and caring for the environment
Noah’s Ark including promise and responsibility
For Next Time …