Limerick chamber of commerce (founded 1807) Members 1807-15. Sources: Minutes and local directories. The minutes record members qualified to vote, together with their fees based on imports and exports at the port. It is not certain if this includes all members, or only voters. The first definitely complete list of members is for 1813, and then again for the 1815 charter. By about 1816 at least 11 members were honorary, who had ‘retired’ from business. Some handwriting legibility problems, with some alternate spellings. The first column is all members over 1807-15 (about 60 in any one year, with about 4345 voting). The third column is the members in 1815 who were charter members (N=63) agreeing to the new Charter and Bye Laws in 1815, with those marked * being the first directors. The members are notable for the number of firms and partnerships that join as well as individuals. There is some double counting between individuals and partnerships; it has not been attempted to eliminate this since in some years it is the firm recorded as a member, in other years the individual(s), with perhaps the individual acting as the member changing from year to year. N=110 overall. The committee was composed of 9 members, elected at the end of April each year, who then elected a chair. There was no limit on tenure, each election voting for the whole new committee each year. But under the charter 3 retired each year from the committee of 9. Most members were corn merchants and were involved in a special corn fund; but most were also merchants in the wider provision trade, including bread, flour, butter, beef, pork, hides etc. Almost all would have been exporters. The chamber became Chartered on 2 June 1815, and remains the only chartered chamber in Ireland. See also: There is no published history of the chamber, but O’Connor, D. P. (1938), The history and functions of the Limerick chamber of commerce 1807-1902, unpublished MSc. Thesis, University College Dublin, is useful. For comment on the early Limerick chamber: Bennett, R. J. (2011) Local Business Voice (OUP), pp. 173, 188, 206-7, 297-9, etc. Name Allan, David Alpin, John N. Anglim (Auglin), James Arthur, Martin Baker, Robert Bindon, Francis H Black, George Bourke, John & Co. Brown, John Carroll, John Chaytor, Thomas Clanchy, Bartholomew Connell, John Crawford, Robert & Co. Creagh, Arthur Creagh, Edmund Creagh, John Michael Creagh, Martin Creagh, Paul Creagh, Philip Crilly & Bindon Role Charter member in 1815 Business Merchant Founding committee, and 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811 √ Merchant, corn etc. √ (? Arthur & O’Hara) hardwaremen (& Son) Merchant, corn etc. Committee 1810, 1811 √ √ Sec 1808-15 √ √ (sec) √ √ Committee 1813, 1814 √ √ √* √ √ Merchant, corn etc (& Co.) Merchant, corn etc. Woollen draper & cloth merchant Attorney Merchant Merchant Brewer & Merchant, corn etc. (& Co.) Merchants Merchant (Edmund, J & P Creagh) Merchants Merchant, corn etc Merchant, corn etc. (Paul & Philip) Merchants (Paul & Philip) Merchants Merchant, corn etc. Cronin, William & Co. Dickson, Arthur Egan, Michael & Co. Ferguson, Robert jun. Fisher, James sen Fisher, James jun Fisher, Joseph Fosbery, George Wm. Furnell, Edward Gabbett, Daniel Gabbett, John Gabbett, Poole Gabbett, Thomas Gabbett, William Gavin, Cornelius Gavin, Michael Gavin, Michael, jun. Geary, Daniel Gray, Daniel Hart, Thomas Harvey, Joseph Massy Committee 1810 Committee 1808, 1809; retired 1814 Committee 1813, 1814 Committee 1813, 1814 √ √* √* √ Committee 1811 Retired 1814 √ √ √ √ Committee 1811 √ Founding committee, and 1808, 1810, 1811; chair 1809 Harvey, Reuben √ √ √ Hill, John Hill, William Hill, Joshua Hogan, Michael Kelly & Gavin Committee 1810 (vice Lyons) Committee 1813, 1814 √ √* Kelly, John Founding committee and 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1814 Committee 1813 Committee 1811 √ Kelly, Thomas Kennedy, John Long, Stephen Lyons, Denis jun. Lyons, James Mark, John Mark, Thomas Maunsell, Edward Maunsell, Robert McNamara, Charles McNamara, James McNamara, John N. Esq. Meade, Charles Meade, John Thomas Murray, Richard Thos. Nugent, Richard O'Brian, Charles O’Neill, Alan Francis O'Neill, Francis & Sons O’Neill, James Founding committee and 1808, 1809, 1810 (resigned), 1811 Committee 1810 Founding committee √* √ √ √ Committee 1811, Tres 1807- √ Chair 1811 Founding committee and 1808, 1809, 1811, 1814, chair 1813 Committee 1811 √*chair √ √ √ Committee 1811 Committee 1813, 1814 √ √* √ (& Co.) Merchant, corn etc Merchant, corn etc. & flour factor (& Co.) Merchant, corn etc. Merchant (Fisher, Mark & Fisher) Merchant (Fisher, Mark & Fisher) Merchant Merchant (Fosbery & Chaytor) Esq., Merchant, corn (Furnells) Banker Attorney (John & Poole) Merchant, corn etc. (John & Poole) Merchant, corn etc. (? Suddert & Gabbett) Merchant (? Suddert & Gabbett) Merchant Merchant Grocer, merchant, corn etc Merchant, corn etc. (Geary & White) Merchant Merchant, corn etc Merchant, corn etc (Harvey, Fisher & Harvey) Merchant, corn etc. (Harvey, Fisher & Harvey) Merchant, corn etc. (John & William) Merchant, corn etc. (John & William) Merchant, corn etc. Merchant, corn etc (& Co.) Woollen draper & cloth merchant (Hagen, Michael, Kelly & Gavin) Merchants, corn etc. (& Co.) Merchant, corn etc. Merchant (Maunsell & Kennedy) Banker Merchant, corn etc. Merchant corn etc Merchant (Fisher, Mark & Fisher) Merchant, corn Merchant, corn etc. (?Willington & Maunsell) Merchants (Maunsells & Kennedy) Bankers Merchant, corn etc. (James & John) Merchant, corn etc. (James & John) Merchant, corn etc. (Meades) Banker & corn merchant (Meades) Banker & merchant (Richard & Terence) Grocers Bank? Merchant (& Sons) Merchant (& Sons) Merchant (& Sons) Merchant O'Shea, William O'Sullivan, James Pennott, John Pennott, Thomas Perry (Peny), Thomas Phelps, James Phelps, Samuel Poe, Herman J. Roche, William Rochford, Michael Rochford, Michael P. Roddan, John Rodger(s), Robert Russell, John Norris Russell, George William Russell, William Ryan, Edmund & Sons Ryan, Lant. & Kennedy Ryan, Michael Ryan, William Ryan, Timothy Sargent, Joseph Seymour, Thomas Shannon, William Stein, John Stevenson, David Studdert, Thomas Stretch & O'Shea Waller, Henry Waller, Thomas Wallplate, Fitzgibbon Wallplate, Jacob Westropp, Ralph Westropp, Thomas White, Jasper Merchant Merchant, corn etc. Founding committee √ √ √ Committee 1811 [became 1st Catholic MP] Founding committee and 1808, 1809 Founding committee and 1809 Committee 1808, 1809, 1813, chair 1810 Committee 1810 √ √ √ Miller, merchant, corn etc Merchant, corn etc. Merchant Merchant, corn etc. √ √ √ √ Merchant, corn etc (William & George) Merchants (William & George) Merchants (& Sons) Merchants, corn etc. √ √ √ √ (Lant. & Kennedy) Merchants, corn etc Merchant Merchant Merchant, corn etc. Merchant, corn etc. (Seymour & Mark) Merchant, corn etc. Founding committee & Sec 1807, committee 1808 √ √ √ Chair 1812 [Capt. Loyal Limerick Volunteers] Chair 1813, committee 1814; Retired 1816 Founding committee & chair, committee 1811, retired 1814 √ √*vice chair Hardware and ironmonger (Stein, Brown & Co.) Distillers Merchant, corn etc (Studdert & Gabbett) Merchants (Stretch & O’Shea) Merchants (& Co.) Woollen draper & cloth merchant (& Co.) Woollen draper & cloth merchant Merchant, corn etc. Merchant, corn etc (Ralph & Thomas) Merchants, corn etc. (Ralph & Thomas) Merchants, corn etc. Merchant, corn etc. White, Walter N. White, William Whites & McSwiney Wilkinson, Thomas Francis Willington, James Worrell, John Merchant (James & Samuel) Merchant, corn etc (James & Samuel) Merchant, corn etc (Poe & Carpenter) Merchants, corn etc. (Thos & Wm Roche) Bankers Committee 1811, 1813, 1814 √ Committee 1811 √ √ √ (? Whites & McSwiney) Brewers & merchants, corn etc Merchant, corn etc. (& Co.) Brewers & corn merchants etc. (Thomas & Francis) Brewer & merchant, corn etc. (Willington & Maunsell) Merchant, corn etc