, Date ,i-'{lt,, t" 4P Lab: Planetarv Winds -o draw the Earth's Planetary Wind Belts :irections lfl,llr'- - \ 'E , - by carefutly following a set of I Ruter Colored Pencil Earth Science Reference Tables of the :ii'cie below, connect the tick-marks on both thb tefi and right sid'es wi'th a pencil and a ruler. North Pole Snrrlh Pnle 13 Datg Narne - r numbers: lines with th! foilowingrratitude raberthe paper your of margin 2) In the right 90 0,30 N, 30 5,60 N,60 s, 90 N' s ' 3)Writetheword.Lou..Fdiect|yonthe|inerepJesentingtheequator.I Thisidentifiestneequatorasanareaofwarm|owpressure. of the latitude lines "Low", continue identifying the rest and "H!gl" then words 4) using the o"girinirig the Equatoriar Low, woros, Arternate'*re .iicre, "i you drew on vlu, so,rth, towards each pole. ff;N;;;:'ir,en rlJ, your working frorn globe' Ivlake the arrows point your on sections 6 the of 5) Draw 3 arrows in each areas to low {W?rm} areas' fines repre"""t]ng ilLn tcoio] 6)Now,usingaco|oredpelg!|,deflecteachofthearrowstoshowhowEarth's -i;i;iil*o-ulo affectwind directidn' ' ' and to to the right in the Northem Hemisphere are winds Jeflgcted Remember: southern HemisPhere' fr; l;nil ' G (Hint Look DOWNthe anow it in the TOWARD'9 the point and thendeflect #H;;i; direaion) ' , rrr rhe 6 secrions containing 7)Usingthenarnesthat4nealbe|or|abe|eachofthe6seetions u"t*"' write the label deflested to identify that ail;;ilffi;tuino "no*o oifierent section on the circle' ifrninEa"n . Rememben - wnds FR,M wHr?H they come' are named according to the direction Po|areasbr|ie(NorthemandSqrlthemHemispheres) ilodfieasttade rt?e SoufDeastfr&vin6 Pnvalting (Soutt) Weswties Prcvailini Nordt) Westerlies ; where the "mean position 8) Use a cOlored pencilto indicate Hemispheres' i for both #-niJttnem ano Southem 9) t, t' of Polar Jet stream" is of current shoring the pattem conyection draw g|obe, your of 9 on the right side gO N and 60 N latitudes' t-ft" u"t*!tn air flow ll I Date Name ouEsilotts ' , ,l sheet'' Place your Answer to the foltowing questions on the ?nswer I 1) The deflection of wind, ocean water and objects flying through the air is known as the: ' 2) This deflection is caused bY: 3) Tellwhat causes lrinds"? ' , 4) On a molecular level, explain why cold air is heavier, (more dense) and therefore, exerts more pressure than warm air. 5) Why then do winds blow from areas of cold, nign pressure to areas of low, warm pressure? 6) . each'of the Describe the air mass characteristics (temperature and humidrty), for following: a) The equatoriat ,low (00): b) The 30 N & 3OoS subtroPical highs: c) The 60oN &60 S sub Polar lows: , 7l is wetter at is air drier at the 300N & 3o0s and 900N & 900s latitudes, while it whv-OOott the & 600S and 0 latitudes? ga) This drawing represents the location of wind belts at the time of the Equinoxes' and What will happJn io the positions of the Earth's wind belts during the Summer winter seasons? Sb) Give a good reason why this wilf happen. 15