Critical Information Summary - Nokia Lumia 920

Critical Information Summary
Your monthly Talk and Text allowance to anyone can’t be used for
things that aren’t specifically mentioned as being included such as
(but not limited to): international MMS, international voice calls,
including calls to fixed lines or GSM mobiles that switch/divert or reroute overseas; video calling, international video, international roaming
or international video calling; calls to 124 YES (124 937), Optus Zoo
Browsing, Optus Zoo Downloads, Content Packs, Mobile Internet
usage, TrueLocal usage, Directory Assistance, Premium
Calls/SMS/MMS, VOIP services and usage, 12XX and 19XX services or
any other content charges.
Nokia Lumia 920
$0 upfront on our
$80/mo plan
For your Unlimited Talk to Live Connected mobiles allowance, can’t be
used for any other call, data and transaction types that are not
specifically mentioned as being included, should be considered to not
be part of your Monthly Unlimited Talk to Live Connected mobiles
Obviously its important to make sure that we protect ourselves and our
host network from abusers so that we can maintain a good quality of
service so refer to our Fair Use Policy as well.
$1,680 min cost over 24 mo
If you do go over your usage for any of the allowances, please note
that the amount you have gone over by can’t be placed into another
allowance. For example, if you go over your Monthly Data Allowance,
the excess amount can’t be placed into your Monthly Talk and Text to
Anyone Allowance.
Rediscover your world.
Here’s a short 2-page summary with key information
about your mobile plan.
These are the rates used to work out your usage for your $900
Monthly Call Allowance to Anyone and Unlimited Call Allowance to
Live Collected mobiles, as well as the charges if you go over either of
these allowances each month:
Information About the Service
National Calls
Voicemail Retrieval
National MMS
Surepage diversion
Surepage message
With this offer, you receive the Nokia Lumia 920 32GB on our
$80 plan. This plan has the following allowances:
$900 Talk and Text to Anyone
Unlimited Talk to Live Connected Mobiles
Unlimited Standard National SMS
2 GB of Data
There is no monthly handset repayment cost, and you are also entitled
to the special offer of 3 months free access. The 3 months free
access occurs in months 22, 23 and 24 of the plan, and is only
applicable if all bills are paid in full and on time and you do not break
the contract early. 3 months free access means you will receive a
credit of your monthly access fee ($80) for each month 22, 23 & 24.
If you do have excess or other charges these will still need to be paid.
40¢ flagfall + 99¢ per minute or part
40¢ flagfall + 99¢ per minute or part
55¢ per message sent
40¢ flagfall + 99¢ per minute or part
99¢ per message sent
To see the details for other rates, you can refer to the Standard Pricing
Your monthly allowances do not include calls to international numbers.
These would be charged on top of your monthly access fee.
International SMS
International MMS
International Calls
24-month minimum term
The total minimum amount that you will pay over the period of your
plan term, which includes your 3-months free offer and any handset
repayments (if any), is:
75¢ per message sent
Please refer to international pricing on our site
If you go over your 2 GB of Monthly Data Allowance, you will have to
pay excess data charges. Excess data is charged at the following rate:
30 cents per MB
$1,680 on a 24-month plan
We calculate data as 1,000 MB per GB, and 1,000 KB per MB
Your Monthly Talk and Text to Anyone allowance can be used for
standard national voice calls, voicemail deposits and retrievals,
Surepage diversions, Surepage messages, calls to 13, 1300 and 1800
numbers, sending standard international SMS, along with standard
national MMS.
Your first bill could have charges that relate for part of the month until
the next billing period starts. It will also have charges in advance for
the next month. The only payment option is direct debit of your
nominated credit card and Live Connected do not charge credit card
Your Monthly Unlimited Talk to Live Connected mobiles allowance can
be used for mobile calls to other Live Connected mobiles whilst in
Your first month and final month are billed pro-rata. For example, if
your service is activated halfway through the month, you will only be
billed for half of the monthly access fee. And similarly, you will also
only have half of your allowances. For more information, please see
Your Monthly unlimited standard national SMS allowance can be used
to send standard national SMS to domestic mobiles whilst in Australia.
Your Monthly Data allowance can be used to access internet from your
Live Connected mobile whilst in Australia.
Information About Pricing
If there is anything at all you want to ask us or need help in, you can
go to and submit a ticket. Our
support team will do whatever they can to help you.
Your minimum monthly charge is $80.
If you go over your monthly call and/or data allowance per month, or
use your service for things that are not included in your call and/or
data allowances, this amount will be higher.
On our Support page, you may also be able to find the answer you’re
looking for by searching the “Fountain of Knowledge”. For the latest
updates, announcements, and to stay in touch with the LC community,
“like” us at
If you cancel your service with us before your minimum term has
finished, you will have to pay an early termination charge, in addition
any special offers related to “free months access” will be forfeited
Accessing our internal dispute resolution processes
To make it easier for you to access our internal dispute resolution
process, you can access this in the same central support location.
Simply go to and for the field “I’d
like help with” choose “Complaint”
The maximum early termination charge you would have at the start of
your service with us is $1,920. This would decrease by equal
installments of your monthly access fee, for each month you stay on
the service. So for example if you cancel in Month 13 of your contract
the early termination charge will be $1,920 – (12 x $80) = $960.
Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman
If once you’ve accessed both our support and internal dispute
resolution process, you still haven’t been supported you are within your
rights to contact the telecommunications industry ombudsman on
Level 3, 595 Collins Street, Melbourne.
If you do outgrow your service and want to change your plan, you can
move to a plan of greater spend. If you move down in spend, you will
have to pay an early termination charge as calculated above.
Here’s some useful information for you to make it easier to compare
between providers.
The cost of making a 2-minute Standard National Mobile Call is:
$2.38 (40¢ flagfall + 2 x 99¢ per minute)
The cost of Standard National Mobile SMS is:
This does not apply to this offer as it includes Unlimited SMS
The cost of a MB of excess data is: 30¢
For your Talk and Text to Anyone Allowance:
If you restricted your use solely to Standard National Mobile Calls each
of 2 minutes in duration, you could make 378 calls.
Other Information
We have an easy-to-use usage meter. To see your usage meter, go to:
This will take you to your Dashboard of services. Click on the service
you’re checking up on, and this will take you to your usage meter.
Underneath your usage meter, you will see a link to “View all Records”.
Click this link if you want to see all the call and data records for the
current month.
Please bear in mind that the usage meter relies on records coming
through from our host network which runs around 48 hours behind
actual usage and this delay could be greater if there are outages.
Please make sure you adjust your usage accordingly.
If you want to see the call and data records that relate to your most
recent invoice i.e. the previous month, go to:
From here, click on “Invoices” and this will take you to a list of all of
your invoices. You will also see a link to “View all Records”. Click this
link if you want to see all the call and data records for your most recent
Roaming internationally can be incredibly expensive as the rates and
costs are largely determined by overseas providers and all roaming
calls are charged in addition to your monthly access fees.
We recommend referring to our International Roaming Policy which
can be found in the footer of our website.