One Step at a Time: Does Gradualism Build Coordination?* Maoliang Ye†, Sam Asher‡, Lorenzo Casaburi§, Plamen Nikolov** February 2013 Abstract This paper studies a potential mechanism to promote coordination. With the theoretical guidance via a belief-based learning framework with level-k thinking, we conduct a multiple-period binary-choice weakest-link coordination experiment in the lab to study how gradualism – increasing required levels (“stakes”) of contributions slowly over time rather than requiring a high level of contribution immediately – affects group coordination performances on high-stake projects. We randomly assign subjects to three treatments: starting and continuing at a high stake, starting at a low stake but jumping to a high stake after a few periods, and starting at a low stake and gradually increasing the stake over time (the “gradualism” treatment). We find that groups coordinate most successfully at the high stake in the gradualism treatment relative to the other two treatments. Our findings point to a simple mechanism to promote successful voluntary coordination when other mechanisms such as communications and information feedback are absent or limited. JEL Classifications: C91; C92; D03; D71; D81; H41 Keywords: Gradualism; Weakest-link Coordination; Laboratory Experiment; Belief-based Learning; level-k thinking * We would like to thank Alberto Alesina, Jim Alt, Nejat Anbarci, Abhijit Banerjee, Max Bazerman, Iris Bohnet, Hannah Bowles, Gary Charness, Raj Chetty, Sreedhari Desai, Ernst Fehr, Daniel Friedman, John Friedman, Roland Fryer, Edward Glaeser, Francesca Gino, Torben Iversen, Garett Jones, Yuichiro Kamada, Larry Katz, Judd Kessler, David Laibson, Randall Lewis, Jeffrey Liebman, Jaimie Lien, Erzo F. P. Luttmer, Brigitte Madrian, Juanjuan Meng, Louis Putterman, Alvin Roth, Jason Shachat, Kenneth Shepsle, Andrei Shleifer, Monica Singhal, James Snyder, Dustin Tingley, Yan Yu, Tristan Zajonc, Richard Zeckhauser, Yao Zeng, and participants at Xiamen University Experimental Economics 2012 Conference, ESA 2011 North American Conference in Tucson, Southern Economic Association 2012 Conference in D.C., American Political Science Association 2011 Conference in Seattle, International Economic Association 2011 Congress in Beijing, Chinese Economist Society 2011 Conference in Beijing, Public Choice Society 2011 Meeting in San Antonio, and seminars at Harvard, MIT, and Renmin University of China for valuable comments at different stages of this project. Maoliang Ye also thanks the Institute for Quantitative Social Sciences at Harvard University for financial supports, the School of Economics at Renmin University of China for generously providing the laboratory, Ze Yu for coordinating the use of laboratory, and Yuqi Zheng for excellent research assistance. All errors are our own. † Corresponding author. Hanqing Advanced Institute of Economics and Finance, Renmin University of China, Beijing China 100872. Tel: (+86) 10-62519408. E-mail: ‡ Harvard University, Department of Economics, Cambridge, MA 02138. § Harvard University, Department of Economics, Cambridge, MA 02138. ** Harvard University, School of Public Health, Boston, MA 02115. 1. Introduction Coordination 1 is important for economic activities and organizational management (Schelling, 1960; Arrow, 1974). Although some large groups manage to coordinate successfully in the real world, the experimental literature shows that, without communications, sanctions and social pressure,2 simultaneous tacit coordination often fails when the group size and the number of choices for each player are large, and repetition alone does not solve the problem. For example, the experimental literature generally uses a complex payoff structure in which each individual has as many as seven choices for actions in each period (e.g., Van Huyck et al., 1990; Knez & Camerer, 1994, 2000; Cachon & Camerer 1996; Weber, 2006; Chaudhuri et al., 2009). In a large group, for those who exert a large effort in the first period, once they observe their high-cooperative actions are harmed by low-cooperative actions of their partners, they reduce their effort levels. After just several periods, a Pareto-inefficient outcome is attained rather than an efficient one, and the groups are then trapped in this low equilibrium. Exploring the disparity between the real world and the experimental literature (see a survey by Devetag and Ortmann, 2007), Weber (2006) finds that gradual growth in group size can serve as one mechanism to attain successful coordination when entrants are aware of the group’s coordination history.3 This study explores another way of gradualism as one potential mechanism to promote coordination: gradually increasing the stake of coordination project within a fixed-size group. It focuses on the case of a fixed-size group or a short horizon when the group size and group composition have not yet changed. We refer to gradualism as the hypothesis that allowing agents to coordinate first on small and easy-to-achieve goals (projects) and increasing the level of goals slowly facilitates later coordination on otherwise hardto-achieve outcomes. We can first find its applications in intra-organization team building and interorganization relations. For example, new employees are given small initial tasks to help build coordination, which makes sure that they can coordinate well in larger tasks later. In international agreements on trade (e.g., the World Trade Organization), arms reduction and environment, besides a 1 In game theory, coordination refers to resolving which equilibrium to play when there are multiple equilibria. In this paper, we focus on those coordination games with Pareto-ranked equilibria, especially weakest-link (minimum-effort) coordination games in which the payoff depends on one’s effort and the minimum effort of all group members. 2 The positive effect of communication on coordination is obvious in small groups (e.g., Charness, 2000) but not in large groups (Weber et al., 2001; Chaudhuri et al., 2009). Sanction institutions and social pressure can promote cooperation (e.g., Olson, 1971; Ostrom et al., 1992; Fehr & Gächter, 2000; Masclet et al., 2003; Gächter & Herrmann, 2010; Bochet et al., 2006; Carpenter, 2007). These mechanisms are supposed to also work in weakest-link coordination problems. 3 Other mechanisms include complete information structure (Brandts & Cooper, 2006a), communication (Cooper et al., 1992; Charness, 2000; Weber et al., 2001; Duffy & Feltovich, 2002, 2006; Chaudhuri et al., 2009), teams (Feri et al., 2010), between-group competition (Bornstein et al., 2002; Riechmann & Weimann, 2008), and voluntary group formation (e.g., Yang et al., 2011), etc. 1 final target for tariff, arms or pollution reduction, there is often a series of slowly growing targets for the international community to examine how countries fulfill the requirements in each phase. With theoretical predictions by a belief-based learning framework with level-k thinking, our main contribution is to test the role of gradualism using a computer-based laboratory experiment with repeated interactions. In each period, subjects are endowed with some points (monetary units in the laboratory) and are asked to participate in a group project with a certain stake. She can only choose to contribute exactly this stake or nothing to the group project, but not another amount. The path of the stake, which may or may not change over periods, is determined by the treatment she is assigned to. In each period, each member realizes an extra return only when all group members contribute to the project; otherwise each ends up with only the points that she does not give. This set-up is generally referred to as the minimumeffort or weakest-link coordination game: the payoff depends on one’s effort and the minimum effort of all group members.4 We introduce three main treatments of stake patterns, which differ in the first six periods but have an identical stake for the final six periods. The first treatment has a constant high stake for all 12 periods; we call this “Big Bang.” The second treatment has a constant low stake for the first six periods and jumps to the high stake for the final six periods; we call this “Semi-gradualism.” Finally, in the “Gradualism” treatment, the stake gradually increases in each of the first six periods until it reaches the high stake in period 7. (See Figure 1 for a graphical illustration.) Note that the “Semi-gradualism” treatment falls between the “Big Bang” and “Gradualism” treatments: its stake starts at low but has a sudden increase. So the stake path of the first six periods varies across treatments, but is the same in the final six periods, which are our main interests. Exploiting this design, we test the effect of gradualism on coordination in the high-stake periods. [Figure 1 about here] Our experimental results show that the gradualism treatment attains significantly more successful coordination at a high level of stake. In our laboratory experiment, subjects in the “Gradualism” treatment are more likely to contribute in the final high-stake periods than the other two main treatments. In terms of magnitude, the effects are quite large – for example, in the end period, 61.1% of the “Gradualism” groups successfully coordinate, while only 16.7% and 33.3% of “Big Bang” and “Semi-gradualism” groups do, respectively. To establish a successful coordination at a high level, it is better to start at a low level and as importantly, to increase the level slowly. 4 It is also referred to as “weakest-link public good game,” an extreme case of public good game when there is no chance for free riding (Hirshleifer, 1983; Harrison & Hirshleifer, 1989; Cornes & Hartley, 2007). 2 Learning about fixed partners via repeated interactions may affect one’s belief about the general population, thus one’s coordination behavior in an old social group may affect her playing when she interacts with new members with a different coordination history. To explore this potential transmission, we introduce a second stage to the experiment when groups are reshuffled. Those treated in the gradualism setting, which are more likely to experience successful coordination at the end of the first stage, are 12.2 percentage points more likely to contribute upon entering a new group. However, when they find their contributions are not rewarded in the new environment (because the new group members may have been treated differently and have different coordination outcomes in the first stage), they tend to become less cooperative. This shows the externality of coordination building (or collapse) across social groups. This study clearly tests the role of exogenous gradualism in coordination within a given group. It adopts an exogenous setting of stake path from a normative perspective and answers whether gradualism works better rather than whether gradualism is chosen by players; by randomizing subjects into various treatments, we can also avoid the self selection problems when gradualism is endogenously decided. If we find the exogenous gradualism does work better than alternative treatments, then it may also help explain why gradualism tends to be endogenously chosen. It contributes to the literature on the mechanism to promote efficient coordination, as well as the literature on dynamic games with some gradual features, such as in coordination (Weber, 2006; Romero, 2011), in public goods (Dorsey, 1992; Marx & Matthews, 2000; Kurzban et al. 2001; Duffy et al., 2007; Offerman & van der Veen, 2010), and in prisoner dilemma (Andreoni & Samuelson, 2006). It is noteworthy that our game is different from other games with a gradual (or more generally, dynamic) structure; Section 4 provides detailed comparisons. 2. Experimental Design and Hypotheses Our experiment is a minimum-effort coordination game with a much simpler payoff structure than the standard coordination games in the literature. Specifically, it is a multi-period stag hunt game due to the binary-choice feature in each period. 2.1 Sample and Payoff Structure The laboratory experiment was conducted at Renmin University of China in Beijing, China in July 2010 with 256 subjects recruited via the Bulletin Board System (BBS) and posters at the university. Subjects were primarily students from this university and universities nearby. 3 There were 18 sessions. All sessions were computerized using the z-Tree experiment software package (Fischbacher, 2007). Both the instructions (see Appendix A) and the information shown on the computer screen were in Chinese. In each session, we randomly assigned subjects to groups of four,5 so our sample consisted of 64 groups in total. The experiment included two stages: the first stage comprised twelve periods, while the second one had eight periods. In each period, we endowed subjects with 20 points and asked them to give a certain number of points to their assigned groups’ common pools. The required number could vary across periods, and each subject could only choose either “not to give” (we use the natural term “give” rather than “contribute” in the instruction) or “to give the exact points required,” which we refer to as stake. If all members in a group gave, then each member not only got the stake back, but also gained an extra return which equaled the stake. If not all group members contributed, then each member finished each period only with her points remaining, and the stake she gave out was wasted. In sum, the following formula describes individual earnings in each period: 20 St , if Ai , t C and Aj , t C , j i Earningi ,t 20, if Ai , t D 20 S , if A C and j i, s.t. A D t i, t j, t Where Earningi ,t is i ’s earning in period t , St is the stake at t . Ai , t and Aj , t are the actions of i and j at t , respectively ( i and j are in the same group.) C represents “cooperate” (“give”), while D represents “deviate” (“not give”). The final payment was the total earning accumulated over periods plus a show-up fee, and the exchange rate was 40 points per yuan.6 An average subject earned 21~22 yuan (around three dollars) including the show-up fee from the whole experiment, which could afford ordinary meals for one to two days on campus. Regarding the purchasing power, this payment was comparable to those experiments conducted in other countries. 2.2 Treatment Group Assignments Our experiment consisted of three main treatments: “Big Bang,” “Semi-gradualism” and “Gradualism.” All groups in the three main treatments faced the same stake in the second half (periods 712) of the first stage, but the stake paths for them differed in the first half (periods 1-6), which may have 5 For coordination games, four is considered as a small or moderate group size. For public goods games, Croson and Marks (2000) show in a meta-analysis study that the most frequently used group sizes are four, five, and seven. 6 The yuan/USD exchange rate was about 6.7. 4 imposed an income effect in the laboratory. Although the experimental literature often adopts a random period for payment to address the concern of income effect, we did not follow it due to the concern that it may make some subjects less serious at playing in each period, and we also want to capture how big the income effect is (if any). To estimate how much of the difference in performance among the three main treatments in the second half of the first stage is driven by an income effect, we introduced a variant of the “Big Bang” treatment, namely the “High Show-up Fee” treatment, which we describe in more details below. In eight of the 18 sessions, 12 subjects were randomly assigned into the three main treatments; in the remaining 10 sessions, 16 subjects were randomly assigned into the four treatments (three main treatments and the “High Show-up Fee” treatment). In total, we had 18, 18, 18 and 10 groups in “Big Bang,” “Semi-gradualism,” “Gradualism,” and “High Show-up Fee” treatments, respectively. In the first stage, the stakes over 12 periods are shown in Figure 1: for the “Big Bang” treatment, the stakes were always at the highest level, which was 14;7 for the “Semi-gradualism” treatment, they were two for the first six periods and set at the highest stake for the next six periods; for the “Gradualism” treatment, they increased from two to 12 with a step of two for the first six periods and fixed at the highest stake for the next six periods. (Revisit Figure 1 for a graphical illustration.) The show-up fees for these three treatments were 400 points for each individual. The “High Show-up Fee” treatment was the same with the “Big Bang” treatment, except that the show-up fee was 480 instead of 400 points. The extra 80 points were sufficient to capture potential earning differences accumulated from periods 1-6 and thus to isolate the effect generated by an income effect by comparing the “High Show-up Fee” to the “Gradualism” treatment (we discuss this in detail in Section 3.1.) To explore the potential transplant of one’s coordination behavior from an old social group into a new one when she interacts with new members with a different coordination history, we had a second stage in this experiment. When subjects entered the second stage of the game, they were randomly reshuffled into groups of four. New group members might not necessarily come from the same treatment in the first stage; this rule was made common knowledge. Within the second stage, group compositions were fixed, and stakes were all set at the highest stake for all periods and all groups, i.e., those treated in different treatments in the first stage faced the same stake in each period of the second stage. The information structure was as follows. Subjects knew that there were two stages, but not the exact number of periods in each stage. Instead, they were told that the experiment would last between 30 minutes and one hour, including the time for signing up and reading instructions, a quiz designed to make sure that they understand the experimental rule, and final payment. The rationale for this design is as follows: in many cases of the real world, people 7 It is 12 in two sessions. We calibrated the highest stake level using 12 and 14, and finally decided to choose 14. To make full use of the samples, in the following analysis we pool all 18 sessions together. 5 do not know the exact number of coordination opportunities (e.g., how many times they will meet each other, how many projects they will have). At the beginning of each period they knew the stake of the current period but not those of future periods. In many cases of the real world, the levels of future interactions are unknown ex ante. At the end of each period they knew whether all four group members (including herself) gave the stake of that period, but not the total number of group members who gave (if fewer than four members gave). This is consistent with the literature of minimum-effort coordination games (e.g., Van Huyck et al., 1990), in which the only common historical data available to players is the minimum contribution of group members. 8 This setting is also popular in the literature of contract theory, in which imperfect observation of efforts is common. By adopting this design we can also increase the difficulty of coordination given other aspects of the experiment, and study whether gradualism can overcome such a difficulty. Communication across players was not allowed. We chose this design for two reasons. First, communication is often impossible or ineffective in the real world. Second, this design makes coordination more difficult.9 At the start of the second stage, each player was notified that they enter a new random group. At the end of each stage, each player was told how many points she has accumulated to date. At the end of the experiment, we asked subjects to complete a brief survey. The survey collected information on age, gender, nationality, education level, concentration at school, working status and income, in addition to eliciting risk preferences over lotteries adopted from Holt and Laury (2002). 2.3 Hypotheses The above coordination problem involves multiple equilibria in each period, thus the initial formation and updating of belief about others’ actions, which can be affected by the starting stake level and the stake path, are most important factors deciding which equilibrium to play. So we adopt a belief-based learning framework to guide the theoretical predictions, although we do not rule out the possibilities that other theoretical models may also explain our experimental results. 10 Below we present the intuition; for a 8 In our setting, if all members contribute, then the minimum is the stake (or coded in a binary way, “1”); otherwise the minimum is zero. 9 The positive effect of communication on coordination is obvious in small groups (Charness, 2000) but not in large groups (Weber et al., 2001; Chaudhuri et al., 2009). 10 Although we do not formally test whether the participants play according to their beliefs in this study, some recent papers confirm that the majority of, although not all, participants behave consistently with their beliefs (e.g., Nyarko & Schotter, 2002; Costa-Gomes & Weizsäcker, 2008; Rey-Biel, 2009; Fischbacher & Gächter, 2010). Direct belief elicitation methods, especially in an incentive-compatible way, become increasingly popular in experimental economics (e.g., Offerman et al., 1996, 2001; Nyarko 6 formal belief-based learning model with level-k thinking, see Appendix B. Nonstrategic level-0 players have constant “willingness-to-give” and intend to contribute if and only their “willingness-to-give” is larger than the current stake,11 while rational players (i.e., level-k players for any k 1 ) best respond to level-(k-1) players. Rational players have prior beliefs about others’ actions before the game starts, and update their beliefs according to the outcome in each period. A lower stake at the beginning makes it cheaper to attempt coordination in the face of uncertainty, and also gives rational players stronger beliefs that others will contribute, so they are more likely to contribute given the risk-averse preference and the weakest-link payoff structure, which leads to a higher success rate in coordination at the beginning. At each stake level when they successfully coordinate, they reinforce their beliefs about the likelihood that others will contribute at the same stake, otherwise they reduce their beliefs that others will contribute later at the same or a higher stake level. Finally, in the presence of an increase in the stake in two consecutive periods, previous successful coordination at low stakes may not largely affect players’ posteriors on actions at substantially higher stake levels; thus, successful coordination at a low level may not guarantee immediate successful coordination at a high level. Thus we have the following hypothesis: Hypothesis 1: A low stake at the beginning is more likely to establish the initial successful coordination than a high stake, and a slow increase in stake can (weakly) better maintain the coordination success than a quick increase. Subjects may learn about group members via coordination outcomes in the first stage and form their beliefs about the general population. Thus when they enter the second stage, their beliefs about new group members may be affected by the coordination performances in the first stage. Indeed, some studies show that subjects’ experiences in an old environment may affect their behaviors in a new one. For example, in a 2-stage trust game, Bohnet and Huck (2004) find that trustees are more trustworthy in the stranger environment in the second stage after having been exposed to a partner environment in the first stage. Since the gradualism treatment in our experiment may lead to a higher success rate of coordination at the & Schotter, 2002; Costa-Gomes & Weizsäcker, 2008; Rey-Biel, 2009; Hyndman et al., 2009). We finally gave up doing this because the main purpose of this study is to cleanly test whether gradualism works, and we had a concern that asking belief questions in each period would have undesirable effects on participants’ playing which may contaminate the results. Several studies (e.g., Rutström & Wilcox, 2004, 2009) support this concern: eliciting players’ beliefs induce more sophistication and higher-order rationalities, thus affecting their actions. 11 As shown in Appendix B, although the specific definition of level-0 players may vary in the literature, our theoretical results hold under various definitions of level-0 players. In addition, by allowing level-0 players to make mistakes, the belief updating process of level-1 players about level-0 players’ actions follows a standard Bayesian updating rule. 7 end of stage 1, it may in turn make one more willing to contribute upon entering the second stage even she knows she is entering a new group. Thus we have the second hypothesis: Hypothesis 2: Those treated in the “Gradualism” treatment is more likely to contribute in the first period of stage 2. And this is driven by its higher success rate at the end of stage 1. 3. Experimental Results 3.1 Main Result in the First Stage Below we examine the performances of various treatments in periods 7-12 of the first stage when all treatment groups face the same high stake, which is the main interest of this study. Main Result 1: The “Gradualism” treatment significantly outperforms alternative treatments: starting at a low stake and growing slowly lead to more successful coordination and higher earnings in the high-stake periods. Figure 2 shows success rates for all four treatments. In period 7, 66.7% of “Gradualism” groups coordinate successfully (i.e., all four group members contribute), while the success rates of “Big Bang,” “Semi-gradualism,” and “High Show-up Fee” groups are only 16.7%, 33.3% and 30%, respectively. The success rates for all treatments are stable over periods 7-12. The differences in average success rates over periods 7-12 between the “Gradualism” treatment and “Bing Bang,” “Semi-gradualism” and “High Showup Fee” treatments are all significant (the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test: p<0.01, p=0.06, and p=0.09, respectively; observations are at the group level, since coordination success is a group-level outcome). This result is consistent with Hypothesis 1. [Figure 2 about here] Figure 3 shows average individual earnings for all four treatments. Although the “Big Bang” and “High Show-up Fee” groups have higher earning potentials (i.e., higher stakes) in periods 1-6, on average they earn less than the “Gradualism” treatment due to their low success rates; the “Semi-gradualism” groups earn less than the “Gradualism” treatment in periods 2-6 due to lower earning potential; these differences remain in periods 7-12 when all treatments face the same high stake. The differences in individual accumulative earnings over periods 7-12 between the “Gradualism” and “Big Bang,” “Semigradualism” and “High Show-up Fee” treatments are all highly significant (the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test for period 7: p<0.0001, p<0.0001, and p=0.02; observations are at the individual level). Clearly, from the perspective of social welfare, gradualism also works best. [Figure 3 about here] 8 To check the concern that the different performances for periods 7-12 may be due to an income effect (i.e., those treated in the “Gradualism” treatment may earn more in periods 1-6, so they are more likely to contribute in periods 7-12), Table 1 provides summaries of individual earning accumulated over periods 1-6 (excluding the show-up fee) for each treatment. On average, subjects in the “Gradualism” treatment do have the highest earning from the first six periods: the average (median) earning by period 6 is 112.42 (106) points for the “Big Bang,” 126.31 (130) points for the “Semi-gradualism,” and 143.94 (162) points for the “Gradualism” treatment. But the differences in means (and medians) across treatments are much smaller than 80 points, the difference in the show-up fee between the “High Show-up Fee” treatment and the other three treatments. This shows that a show-up fee difference of 80 points between the “Big Bang” and “High Show-up Fee” treatments is large enough to capture the potential income differences at the start of period 7 between “Big Bang,” “Semi-gradualism,” and “Gradualism” treatments. Actually, if we add up the show-up fee, subjects in the “Gradualism” treatment earn less than those in the “High Show-up Fee” treatment on average by period 6. So since we still find the “Gradualism” treatment has better performance than the “High Show-up Fee” treatment in periods 7-12 in stage 1, the performance disparity should not be driven by a potential income effect from the first six periods. Moreover, by randomly assigning subjects into various treatments, we rule out the possibility that the differences in performance are due to income from the real world. [Table 1 about here] 3.2 The Coordination Dynamics in the First Stage To find why the “Gradualism” treatment works best in periods 7-12, we examine the dynamics of coordination in Figures 2, 4 and 5. Pattern 1: The contribution and success rates in period 1 are higher for groups with a lower stake. According to Figure 4, in period 1, the contribution rates are above 90% for “Semi-gradualism” and “Gradualism” treatments with a low stake, much higher than those of about 60% for “Big Bang” and “High Show-up Fee” treatments with a high stake (the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test between these two categories: p<0.0001; observations are at the individual level). We do not detect an income effect induced by different show-up fees: there is no difference in the contribution rate between the “Big Bang” and “High Show-up Fee” treatments. [Figure 4 about here] As shown in Figure 2, the differences in success rates are more obvious. Over two third of “Semigradualism” and “Gradualism” groups coordinate successfully at the low initial stake, while only 16.6% 9 (or 30%) of the “Big Bang” (or “High Show-up Fee”) groups are successful at the high initial stake (the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test between these two categories: p<0.0001; observations are at the group level). A weakest-link structure requires all four group members to contribute at the same time to make the coordination successful, so a difference in contribution rate may result in a much larger difference in success rate.12 The difference in success rate in period 1 between “Big Bang” and “High Show-up Fee” treatments should reflect random factors rather than an income effect, because there is no difference in contribution rates of these two treatments. Pattern 1 is consistent with Proposition 1 in Appendix B. Pattern 2: Conditional on failed coordination at t, most groups fail with the same or a higher stake at t+1. In Figure 5 we examine how coordination results vary across periods for each group by each treatment. For each group in each period, the coordination is successful if and only if the number of contributors (the vertical axis) equals four. It clearly shows that once a group has failed in coordination, it almost never becomes successful subsequently. There are only six exceptions (one “Big Bang” group: group No.101; five “Semi-gradualism” groups: group No. 112, 132, 142, 172, 182) out of 64 groups. This finding is consistent with Weber et al. (2001) and Weber (2006), in which they find once groups have reached an inefficient outcome, they are unable subsequently to reach a more efficient outcome.13 The limited information feedback after each period in the experimental design may contribute to the inability to switch from failure to success: as long as there is at least one player who does not contribute, the group fails and the group members do not know how many of them have contributed,14 so it is difficult for them to become successful even if only one does not contribute. Pattern 3: Conditional on successful coordination at t, most groups succeed with the same or a slightly higher stake at t+1, but fewer groups keep successful with a much higher stake at t+1. Similarly, once a group has succeeded, it almost always remains successful with the same stake. Figure 5 shows that there are only seven exceptions (one “Big Bang” group: group No.101; four “Semigradualism” groups: group No.82, 112, 132, 142); two “Gradualism” groups: group No.33, 173). 12 Assuming the probability of contributing is independent across members in a group (which is plausible in period 1 because players are randomly assigned to groups and have not interacted with each other), the success rate should be the biquadrate of the contribution rate. As long as the contribution rates are high enough, the difference in the success rate exceeds that in the contribution rate. 13 However, changing incentives can improve subsequent coordination (Berninghaus & Ehrhart, 1998; Bornstein, Gneezy & Nagel, 2002; Brandts & Cooper, 2006b). 14 Berninghaus and Ehrhart (2001), and Brandts and Cooper (2006a) find prefect information feedback improves coordination. 10 Conditional on successful coordination in period 1, “Big Bang,” “Gradualism” and “High Show-up Fee” groups are almost all successful in subsequent periods; but since the “Big Bang” and “High Show-up Fee” treatments have a much lower success rate in period 1 than the “Gradualism” treatment, on average they perform much worse than the “Gradualism” treatment at a high stake. A large gap between “Gradualism” and “Semi-gradualism” treatments emerges in period 7 when the stake jumps from two to 14 for the latter treatment. Both treatments have high success rates of approximately 70% for the first six periods. But the success rate of the “Semi-gradualism” treatment decreases sharply to only 33.3% from period 7, while that of the “Gradualism” treatment remains at a high level of 66.7% (the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test between these two treatments in period 7: p<0.05; observations are at the group level). Driven by Patterns 2 and 3, the success rates are quite constant over periods except for a drop from period 6 to 7 in the “Semi-gradualism” treatment. These two patterns are consistent with Propositions 2 and 3 in Appendix B. Pattern 4: The decrease in contribution rates over periods is mostly driven by members in failed groups; but for the “Semi-gradualism” treatment from period 6 to 7, the decrease is largely driven by members in previously successful groups. Figure 4 shows the dynamics of contribution rate, which generally decreases over time. Except for the “Semi-gradualism” treatment from period 6 to 7, the decrease of contribution rate does not lead to an obvious decrease in success rate, which reveals that those giving up contributing are mostly from previously failed groups who have been discouraged by the coordination failure, while members in successful groups keep contributing. This is consistent with Proposition 2 in Appendix B. However, for the “Semi-gradualism” treatment, a moderate 15 percentage points decrease in the contribution rate from period 6 to 7 leads to a sharp 40 percentage points drop in the success rate, which shows a large portion of those giving up contributing in period 7 should come from previously successful groups: an unanticipated big shock to the stake makes some subjects in a successful group unwilling to keep contributing; even only one out of four stops contributing, it destroys the coordination established at the low-stake periods. Figure 5 confirms this: among the eight “Semi-gradualism” groups in which the number of contributors decreases from period 6 to 7, seven groups (group No. 32, 52, 112, 142, 172 and 182) are successful in period 6 but fail in period 7 due to one or two “betrayers” in each group, while only one group (group No. 82) already fails in period 6. Comparing the difference in contribution rate and that in success rate across treatments, we can find that the latter is much more stark (as has been shown in pattern 1), since it requires all four members to contribute at the same time to make coordination successful, which is much more difficult than asking a 11 single person to contribute. This is exactly why contributing at the same time is so important, and gradualism, by starting the stake at low and increasing it slowly, helps overcome this coordination difficulty. 3.3 Result in the Second Stage In Table 2 we examine whether the treatments in the first stage have effects on behaviors and outcomes in the second stage when subjects enter a new group. Note that everyone knows that the new group members may have been exposed to other stake paths in the first stage (but they do not know what exactly the other stake paths are). [Table 2 about here] Main Result 2: Those treated in the “Gradualism” treatment in stage 1 are more likely to contribute upon entering a new group in stage 2. But this difference quickly disappears. For ease of reading, we pool all three non-Gradualism treatments together (“Big Bang,” “Semigradualism” and “High Show-up Fee”) and define them as the default category; so the coefficients on “Gradualism” indicates the difference in contribution rate between the “Gradualism” treatment and the other three ones. 15 Interestingly, as Column 1 shows, those in the “Gradualism” treatment are 12.2 percentage points (86.1 vs. 73.9; p<0.05) more likely to contribute in the first period of the second stage.16 Since the “Gradualism” treatment has a higher success rate in coordination in the last period of the first stage, we hypothesize that the higher contribution rate of this treatment at the beginning of stage 2 is the result of the higher success rate of the previous period. To test this, in Column 2 we regress the contribution rate in the first period of stage 2 on the coordination result in the last period of stage 1. The result confirms our hypothesis: for those failed in the previous period, about two third contribute in the first period of stage 2; for those successful in the previous period, all of them contribute upon entering stage 2; the difference is 35.4 percentage points and highly significant with a t-value of about 10. In Column 3 we control for the treatment dummy. The coefficient on the previous success rate does not change, while that on the treatment dummy becomes insignificant (compared with Column 1). This shows that the treatment status in the first stage affects the contribution rate in the first period of stage 2 mostly through their success rates in the last period of stage 1. 15 When we separate the other three treatments, the results (available upon request) are similar and we do not detect significant differences among the other three treatments. 16 The contribution rates for subjects from each treatment are all much higher than those in the last period of stage 1, and close to those in the first period of stage 1, which suggests a restart effect observed in the literature (e.g., Andreoni, 1988), although in our experiment the restart is anticipated and subjects enter a new group in stage 2. 12 However, the higher contribution rate of those “Gradualism” subjects at the beginning of stage 2 does not bring them either a higher success rate (Column 4) or a higher average earning (Column 5); actually on average they even earn 1.5 points less, although the difference is insignificant. As a direct consequence, the contribute rate of Gradualism subjects decreases faster than other subjects from period 1 to 2, and becomes indifferent from other subjects in period 2 and over the whole course of the second stage, as Columns 6 and 7 show. This suggests a learning process where the behaviors of subjects from various treatments converge as they observe the play of their new group members. For example, those in the “Gradualism” treatment find their new group members are not as cooperative as those in the first stage, thus becoming less willing to contribute in subsequent periods. This shows an externality of coordination building (or collapse) across different social groups. 4. Relation with the Literature on Dynamic Coordination Games To better understand this study and its contributions, below we compare it with the theoretical and experimental literature about “gradualism” or dynamics in coordination games, prisoners’ dilemma games, and public goods games.17 In a laboratory dynamic weakest-link coordination experiment, Weber (2006) studies the dynamics of organizational growth and finds that gradually growing the group size leads to more successful coordination in a large group versus starting with a large group. Our study differs from Weber (2006) in three major ways: (1) we explore gradualism in coordination within a given fixed-size group; (2) in this study, the choice set in each period is binary, and the payoff structure is much simpler; (3) we have a third main treatment “Semi-gradualism,” which explores whether a sudden increase of stake harms coordination. In a concurrent study, Romero (2011) examines the effect of path dependence on weakest-link coordination and finds that groups coordinate better with a certain cost when the cost is increasing than when the cost is decreasing to that level. Our study differs from his in two ways: (1) we change the stake level, which indicates not only the cost but also the benefit;18 (2) we compare slow increasing of the stake with sudden increase and with starting at a high stake, while he compares an increasing path of the cost with a decreasing one. 17 Gradualism is also studied in sequential-move games like trust (investment) games. Pitchford and Snyder (2004) develop a model where the sequence of gradually smaller investments solves the holdup problem when the buyer’s ability to hold up a seller’s investment is severe. However, Kurzban et al. (2008) contradict this prediction by showing that subjects prefer starting with smaller levels of investment and increasing it, rather than the other way around. 18 There are other studies which change either benefit (Brandts & Cooper, 2006a) or cost (Goeree & Holt, 2005), but not both. 13 In another concurrent study, Offerman and van der Veen (2010) explore whether governmental subsidies to promote public goods provision should be abruptly introduced or gradually increased, i.e., given the benefit of the public good, whether the individual cost of providing the public good should be decreased sharply or gradually. Their result favors an immediate increase of subsidy. Our study differs from theirs in the following important ways. First, their motivation is about how to use subsidies to stimulate cooperation after cooperation failures at the beginning. The mechanism in this chapter does not use governmental subsidies to promote cooperative behavior; instead it uses a low stake to facilitate earlier coordination and a gradual increasing stake path to sustain coordination at higher levels. Second, in our study, what may change is the stake level, which indicates both the cost and the benefit of the public good; in their study, only cost changes. Third, stake paths in this study are non-decreasing, while their cost paths are non-increasing. The gradualism approach in this study is different from those in previous studies on dynamic continuous-time public goods provision by Dorsey (1992), Marx and Matthews (2000), Kurzban et al. (2001), Duffy et al. (2007) and Charness et al. (2011). Besides the binary weakest-link structure that differs from theirs, another feature of this study is that the “public projects” in each period are independent from each other (i.e., contributions cannot accumulate over periods) and each project has a target (stake) for itself; in their studies on dynamic voluntary contribution to a single public project, players are allowed to contribute whenever and as much as they wish and to accumulate their contributions over the course of the project (there is no objective for each period before the end.) Our study answers whether a group should work on smaller tasks before accomplishing a large collective task, rather than whether a call for large collective contributions should be divided into multiple periods to allow accumulations over time. Although their studies fit many real world examples such as long-course fund drives, this study matches other important cases mentioned in the introduction: in these examples, the duration of the final high-stake project is relatively short and cannot divide into sub-periods to accumulate efforts, and there is no frequent feedback about others’ contributions to the final project; instead, beside the final high objective, in each period there is an independent project with a clear and smaller objective, and after each period players evaluate how they perform on these small tasks.19 Our results show more clearly the efficiency gains of gradualism than the study by Andreoni and Samuelson (2006). They examine a twice-played prisoners’ dilemma in which the total stakes in two periods are fixed, while the distribution of these stakes across periods can be varied. Both their theoretical and experimental results show that it is best to “start small,” reserving most of the stakes for the second 19 Our experiment may fit the spirit of this literature on cross-game learning - “the ability of subjects to take what has been learned in one game and generalize it to related games” (e.g., Cooper & Kagel, 2008, 2009), although in our experiment the games across periods are identical except that the stake may vary. 14 period. However, in their experiment cooperation is low for the period with a high stake,20 which shows their gradualism setting actually does not largely help improve cooperation at a high stake and cannot serve as an effective tool to build cooperation.21 Of course, the clearer effect of gradualism in our study may be due to the weakest-link structure which does not allow free riding. There are some theoretical studies on monotone games, multi-period games in which players are constrained to choose strategies that are non-decreasing over time, i.e., to increase contributions over time (e.g., Gale, 1995, 2001; Lockwood & Thomas, 2002; Choi et al., 2008). In contrast to these studies, ours employs another setting – forcing the stake instead of the contribution to be non-decreasing – to better match the aforementioned motivation examples in the introduction. In two theoretical papers, Watson (1999, 2002) shows “starting small and increasing interactions over time” is an equilibrium for dynamic cooperation. This study mainly adopts an empirical method and focuses on weakest-link coordination problems with no chance for free riding. By determining the stake path exogenously, it answers whether gradualism works better, rather than whether players use a gradualism approach. 5. Conclusion and Discussion The findings in this chapter suggest that gradualism -- defined as increasing step-by-step the stake level of coordination projects-- can serve as a powerful mechanism for achieving socially optimal outcomes in coordination. In a laboratory setting, gradualism significantly outperforms alternative paths, which shows that starting at a low level and growing slowly are both important for later coordination at a substantial level. We also find an externality of coordination building (or collapse) across different social groups. Those treated in the gradualism setting are more likely to contribute upon entering a new group than those treated differently. However, when they find their contribution does not get rewards in a new environment, they tend to become less cooperative as well. There are two key features of the gradualism mechanism in our study: the binary choice set in each period and the gradual increase in the stake of projects. 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Group Success Rate in the First Stage .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 Figure 2: Success Rates of Groups by Treatment and Period in the First Stage 0 5 10 Period BigBang Gradualism SemiGradualism HighShowupFee Note: A group is successful if all four members give the stake in that period. 21 15 Average Individual Earning in the First Stage (points) 15 20 25 30 Figure 3: Average Individual Earning by Treatment and Period in the First Stage 0 5 10 15 Period BigBang Gradualism SemiGradualism HighShowupFee .2 Contribution Rate in the First Stage .4 .6 .8 1 Figure 4: Contribution Rate by Treatment and Period in the First Stage 0 5 10 Period BigBang Gradualism 22 SemiGradualism HighShowupFee 15 Figure 5: All Group Coordination Results for Each Treatment 21 31 41 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 61 71 81 91 101 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 111 121 131 141 151 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 161 171 181 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 0 1 2 Number of Contributors for Each Group 2 3 4 11 Graphs by Group A: “Big Bang” Groups (each subgraph indicates a “Big Bang” group) 22 32 42 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 62 72 82 92 102 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 112 122 132 142 152 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 162 172 182 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 0 1 2 Number of Contributors for Each Group 2 3 4 12 Graphs by Group B: “Semi-gradualism” Groups (each subgraph indicates a “Semi-gradualism” group) 23 23 33 43 53 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 63 73 83 93 103 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 113 123 133 143 153 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 163 173 183 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 0 1 2 Number of Contributors for Each Group 2 3 4 13 Graphs by Group C: “Gradualism” Groups (each subgraph indicates a “Gradualism” group) 24 74 84 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 134 144 154 164 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 174 184 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 0 1 Number of Contributors for Each Group 3 4 14 Graphs by Group D: “High Show-up Fee” Groups (each subgraph indicates a “High Show-up Fee” group) Note: For each group in each subgraph, the horizontal axis indicates the period, and the vertical axis indicates the number of contributors. The coordination is successful if and only if all four members contribute. Each group is identified by a code above its subgraph in the following way: the lowest digit indicates the treatment type (1=“Big Bang,” 2=“Semi-gradualism,” 3=“Gradualism,” 4=“High Show-up Fee”); the highest one or two digits indicate the session number (1-18). 24 Table 1: Summary of Treatments in the First Stage Treatment Big Bang Semi-gradualism Gradualism Endowment in each period (points) 20 20 20 Show up Fee (points) 400 400 400 Exchange Rate (points/yuan) 40 40 40 Stake in period 1 (points) 14 2 2 Stake in period 6 (points) 14 2 12 Stake in period 7-12 (points) 14 14 14 Number of groups 18 18 18 Number of subjects 72 72 72 Average earning up to period 6 (points; excluding show-up fee) 112.42 126.31 143.94 Median earning up to period 6 (points; excluding show-up fee) 106 130 162 High Show-up Fee 20 480 40 14 14 14 10 40 127.35 106 Table 2: Contribution and Earning in Each Period of the Second Stage by Treatment Period 1 Period 2 the Whole Second Stage Contribution Contribution Contribution Success Earning Contribution Contribution (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Gradualism 0.122** -0.002 0.002 -1.540 -0.012 -0.006 (0.056) (0.053) (0.055) (1.551) (0.065) (0.047) Success in previous period 0.354*** 0.354*** (0.037) (0.041) Constant 0.739*** 0.646*** 0.647*** 0.359*** 19.710*** 0.609*** 0.511*** (0.033) (0.037) (0.038) (0.063) (1.416) (0.046) (0.048) Observations 256 256 256 256 256 256 2,048 R-squared 0.017 0.164 0.164 0.000 0.003 0.000 0.000 Note: OLS regression results are reported; when the dependent variable is contribution or success (binary variables), Probit regressions have similar results (available upon request). The default category is three non-Gradualism treatments all together: “Big Bang,” “Semi-gradualism” and “High Show-up Fee”; when we separate these three treatments, the results (available upon request) are similar and we do not detect significant differences among these three treatments. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Standard errors are all clustered at group level. * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%. 25 Appendix A: Experimental Instruction The study is conducted anonymously. Subjects will be identified only by code numbers. There is no communication allowed among the subjects. The experiment will last from 30 minutes to one hour. Please raise your hand if anything is unclear to you. Experiment Structure This experiment will consist of two independent stages. You will receive instructions for each stage on the screen before that stage begins. In each stage, you are playing in a group of 4 members (including yourself). For each stage, the group members are randomly selected and will NOT change during that stage. However, the groups will be reshuffled in new groups after the first stage. Rule of Each Period Please note that the experiment consists of two stages, and each stage has some periods. The following rule applies to each period. In each period, you are assigned an endowment of 20 points, and asked to give a stated amount to a group pool. The stated amount may (or may not) change across periods. In each period you can decide whether not to give, or to give exactly that amount, but cannot give other points. You cannot know others’ choices when you make your own decision. After each period, you will know whether all your group members (including yourself) give the stated amount, but if not all of you give, you will not know how many members give. If all four members of your group (including yourself) give the stated amount, you will get twice that amount back (thus having a net return equaling that amount). But if not all of your group members give, you will NOT get any of your given points back and will thus end the period with only the points you do not give. So in each period, your earning will depend on the following cases: Case 1: If all four members give the stated amount, then you earn: 20+that amount Case 2: If you give, but not all other three members give, then you earn: 20-that amount 26 Case 3: If you do not give, no matter whether other members give or not, then you earn: 20 A special case of Case 3 is as follows: Case 4: If all four members do not give, then you earn 20 (each of four members earns 20) Examples Example 1: You are asked to give 10 points. You give, and all other group members also give. Then in this period each of you earns 20+10=30 points. Example 2: You are asked to give 10 points. You give, two other group members also give, but the last one does not. Then in this period, each of you and the other two members earns 20-10=10 points, while the last member earns 20 points. Example 3: You are asked to give 10 points. You do not give, but all three other group members give. Then in this period you earn 20 points, and each of the three other members earns 20-10=10 points. We will have examinations on the computer to make sure you understand the rule. You can start the experiment only after you answer all questions correctly. Payment Your final payment for this experiment is the sum of two parts. The first is a show-up fee of about 400 points.27 The second is a performance payment, i.e., the sum of your earnings from all periods in two stages. The conversion rate is 40 points = ¥1.00. All payments will be in cash. At the end of the experiment, you will be asked to fill out a simple questionnaire. Then you can collect your earnings by presenting your code number to the supervisor. Your earnings will be in an envelope marked with your code number. 27 For the eight sessions without the “High Show-up Fee” treatment, it is stated as “a show-up fee of 400 points.” 27 Appendix B: A Model of Belief-based Learning with Level-k Thinking in Weakest-link coordination Although the main contribution of this study is on the experimental side, here we present a belief-based learning model for weakest-link coordination games to theoretically explore the potential role of gradualism in these games. However, we do not rule out the possibilities that other theoretical models may also explain our experimental results. The main aspects of the model are belief-based learning, level-k thinking, myopia, and standard selfinterested preference with risk aversion. These assumptions allow us to focus on the belief updating process, a most important feature in coordination. A more general learning model of dynamic games is beyond the scope of this paper. We adopt the myopic assumption for two reasons. First, it is often used in learning models such as reinforcement learning (e.g., Roth & Erev, 1995), belief-based learning (e.g., Fudenberg & Levine, 1998), experience-weighted attraction learning (e.g, Camerer & Ho, 1998, 1999), and adaptive dynamics (e.g, Crawford, 1995; Van Huyck et al., 1997; Weber, 2006). Second, it allows us to focus on the key process of belief updating. The setup of the model is as follows. There are N periods. In each period a group of I players conduct a binary coordination task: each player can choose to participate (cooperate, “C”) or not to participate (deviate, “D”). The endowment per person in each period is E. The stake of the coordination task, St ( St 0) , may vary across periods. So in each period, each player can choose to contribute either zero or exactly St , but not other amounts of efforts, to the group project. We adopt a minimum-effort (weakest-link) payoff structure: the value of the project output for everyone is St ( 1 ) if all I players contribute St , and zero otherwise. So the payoff of player i in period t is as follows: E ( 1) St , if Ai , t C and Aj , t C , j i Earningi ,t E , if Ai , t D E S , if Ai , t C and j i, s.t. Aj , t D t Players do not know others’ actions when they make decisions. After each period, each player is told whether all members in her group (including herself) have contributed in that period. We adopt level-k thinking in this model: level-0 players are nonstrategic (in the literature of level-k thinking, the specific definition of level-0 players may vary across games), while level-1 players best respond to level-0 players, and level-2 players best respond to level-1 players; more generally, level-k players best respond to level-(k-1) players for any k 1 (e.g., Costa-Gomes et al., 2001; Costa-Gomes & Crawford, 2006; Costa-Gomes et al., 2009). In a level-k player’s mind all opponents are level-(k-1) 28 players: for example, in a level-1 player’s mind all opponents are level-0 players; in a level-2 player’s mind all opponents are level-1 players.28 In this model we assume that a level-0 player has a constant “willingness-to-give,” which is the amount she would like to contribute was there no binary constraint for the decision in each period. This assumption is a natural extension from the case of continuous playing because the continuous “willingness-to-give” can be considered as a “latent action” of the binary decision. Indeed, interviews with players after the experiment suggest qualitatively that some players do adopt such a rule (for example, they say that they will give as long as the stake is below 8, 10, or 12 points, etc.) The definition of level-0 players varies across studies and games in the literature: some assume level-0 players randomize over available actions, while others assume that level-0 players may play according to a constant. In an auction game, Crawford and Iriberri (2007) allow the coexistence of these two types of level-0 players, namely, random level-0 players and truthful level-0 players, respectively. In addition, there is no consensus whether level-0 players really exist or are just in the mind of level-1 players. But we stress that these differences in model assumptions will not affect our theoretical results.29 For a level-0 player, if her willingness-to-give is larger than or equals the stake (then we call her a “high type”), she intends to give; otherwise she intends not to give (then we call her a “low type”). Note that since the stake may change over periods, the definitions of high and low types are just for convenience and only apply for a certain period: a high type for a certain stake may not be a high type for a higher stake; vice versa. We further introduce a noise on level-0 players’ actions: 30 a high type has a probability of ( 0 1 ) that she does not contribute (due to “mistakes”), and a probability of 1 28 In cognitive hierarchy models (e.g., Camerer et al., 2004), level-2 players best respond not to level-1 players alone but to a mixture of level-0 and level-1 players. But this difference will not affect our theoretical results (Propositions 1-3). 29 There are two other ways to define level-0 players in our game: they either have random (rather than constant) but continuous “willingness-to-give” and decide to give or not according to the comparison of its realization and the current stake, or randomize over the binary actions per se (as defined in Ho & Su, 2012 for centipede games). Under these alternative definitions, because of the weakest-link payoff structure, level-1 players will intend to give as long as the stake is lower than a critical value which depends on her risk attitude and her belief about the possibility that level-0 players will give. Thus level-1 players behave like level-0 players defined in our original model, level-2 players behave like level-1 players defined in our original model, and so on. This will not change our main theoretical outcomes. Detailed proofs are available upon request. 30 This setup is similar to the study by Fudenburg et al. (2011) on the experimental play of repeated prisoners’ dilemma when intended actions are implemented with exogenous noises. By introducing errors by level-0 players, we allow level-1 players play “leniently”: they may not necessarily retaliate for the first defection of others. This does not matter for our main experimental results, but helps explain a few cases when a group can switch between coordination failure and success. 29 that she contributes; a low type has a probability of ( 0 1 ) that she contributes (due to “mistakes”), and a probability of 1 that she does not contribute. It is natural to assume 1 , i.e., the high type is more likely to contribute than the low type. Level-1 players know (or believe) this decision rule of level-0 players; level-2 players know that level-1 players know this rule, etc. A level-1 player has a prior belief about each level-0 player’s “willingness-to-give,” an unknown constant for her, chooses the best response according to her belief, and updates her belief according to the outcome and feedback of each period. Similarly, a level-2 player has a prior belief about level-1 players’ actions, chooses the best response according to her belief, and updates her belief after each period. Suppose all I players are risk averse. A level-1 player i’s belief about a level-0 player j’s willingnessto-give is B ij , which follows a cumulative distribution function Fji,t () , j i . A level-1 or level-2 player (or any level-k player for k 1 ) i will contribute in period t if and only if she believes the probability that all her opponents (in a level-1 player’s mind all opponents are level-0 players; in a level-2 player’s mind all opponents are level-1 players) will contribute exceeds a certain value i ( St ) , which denotes her risk attitude. We call i ( St ) the “reserved probability of success.” Under the assumption of risk aversion, it is easy to have the following lemma: Lemma 1. The reserved probability of success is between 0 and 1; the higher the stake, the higher the reserved probability of success ( 0 i ( St ) 1 , and i ( St ) / St 0 ). Proof: Let 1 0 , U i () represents i’s utility function, and U i' ( x) 0, U i'' ( x ) 0 under the assumption of risk aversion. Since i indicates the minimum probability of success which makes i willing to contribute, we have U i ( E ) i U i ( E St ) (1 i )U i ( E St ) . So: i i / St U i ( E ) U i ( E St ) U i ( E St ) U i ( E S t ) U i' ( E St )[U i ( E St ) U i ( E St )] [U i ( E ) U i ( E St )][ U i' ( E St ) U i' ( E St )] [U i ( E St ) U i ( E St )]2 A B U i' ( x) 0 U i ( E St ) U i ( E St ) U i ( E ) U i ( E St ) 0 0 i 1 . Since B>0, to prove i ( St ) / St 0 , we just need to show A>0. A U i' ( E St )U i ( E St ) U i' ( E St )U i ( E St ) U i ( E ) U i' ( E St ) U i ( E St ) U i' ( E St ) U i ( E )U i' ( E St ) U i ( E St )U i' ( E St ) U i' ( E St ) [U i ( E St ) U i ( E )] U i' ( E St )[U i ( E ) U i ( E St )] 30 E S E t ' U i' ( x)dx E S U i ( x)dx U i ( E St ) U i ( E ) U i ( E ) U i ( E St ) t E A0 U i' ( E St ) U i' ( E St ) U i' ( E St ) U i' ( E St ) (B.1) U i'' ( x ) 0 U i' ( x ) U i' ( E St ) for all x [ E , E St ), and U i' ( x ) U i' ( E St ) for all x ( E St , E ]. LHS of (B.1) E St RHS of (B.1) E E U i' ( E St )dx U i' ( E St ) E St U i' ( E St )dx U i' ( E St ) StU i' ( E St ) St U i' ( E St ) StU i' ( E St ) St U i' ( E St ) So (B.1) holds, thus A>0, i ( St ) / St 0 . Q.E.D. The intuition of Lemma 1 is simple: the higher the stake, the higher the “reserved probability of success” which makes a risk-averse “rational” player (e.g., a level-1 or level-2 player, but not level-0 players) willing to have a try. Under the assumption of independent distributions on i’s belief about all her opponents’ types, a level-1 player i will contribute at t if and only if: [(1 ) s j i i j ,t (1 s ij ,t )] i ( St ) (B.2) Where s ij ,t Pr ob( B ij St ) 1 Fji,t ( St ) is i’s belief regarding the probability that a level-0 player j is a high type in period t. Proposition 1. The lower the S1 (stake at t=1), the higher the probability that the coordination at t=1 will succeed. Proof: since s ij ,1 / S1 Fji,1 ( S1 ) / S1 0 , 1 0 , (1 ) s ij ,t (1 s ij ,t ) 0 , then [(1 ) s ij ,t (1 s ij ,t )] / S1 0 . But i ( S1 ) / S1 0 . According to (B.2), the lower the S1 , the j i higher the probability the LHS of (B.2) will be larger than the RHS, i.e., the higher the probability that a level-1 player i will contribute at t=1. For a level-2 player k, she will contribute if and only if she believes that the probability that all her opponents (in her mind all her opponents are level-1 players) will give is larger than or equal to k ( St ) , her “reserve probability of success.” Since a level-2 player knows the strategy rule of level-1 players, she believes (correctly expects) that the lower the S1 , the higher the probability that a level-1 player i will contribute at t=1. So the lower the S1 , the higher the probability that a level-2 player k will contribute at 31 t=1. Due to the similar reason, the lower the S1 , the higher the probability that a level-k (k>2) player will contribute at t=1. For a level-0 player j, the probability that she will give is (1 )1( B j St ) 1( B j St ) , where 1() equals one if the argument in the parenthesis is true, and zero otherwise, and B j is her willingnessto-give. Given (1 ) , it is obvious that the lower the S1 , the higher the probability that a level-0 player j will contribute at t=1. As shown above, the lower the S1 , the higher the probability that any level-0, level-1 and level-k (k 2) player will contribute at t=1, so the higher the probability that the coordination at t=1 will succeed. Q.E.D. Proposition 1 suggests that coordination will be more likely to succeed at the beginning with a lower stake level. Next, we show the manner in which a level-1 player i updates her belief. After t, if i observes her opponent j (in i’s mind, j is a level-0 player) does not give at t (with the information structure in this study, i may not necessarily observe the actions of j after each period), then according to the Bayesian rule, her posterior belief about the probability that j is a high type is:31 hij ,t Pr ob( B ij St | Aj ,t D ) s ij ,t / [ s ij ,t (1 s ij ,t )(1 )] So at t+1, if the stake is still St , then i believes that the probability that j will contribute is hij ,t (1 ) (1 hij ,t ) . If i observes j gives at t, then her posterior belief about the probability that j is a high type is: k ij ,t Pr ob( B ij St | Aj ,t C ) s ij ,t (1 ) / [ s ij ,t (1 ) (1 s ij ,t ) ] So at t+1, if the stake is still St , then i believes that the probability that j will contribute is k ij ,t (1 ) (1 k ij ,t ) . It is easy to show that k ij ,t hij ,t and k ij ,t (1 ) (1 k ij ,t ) h ij ,t (1 ) (1 hij ,t ) , given 1 . The intuition is as follows: if the high type has a higher prior probability to contribute than the low type, then the posterior probability that j is a high type (and the probability that j will contribute next period facing the same stake) is larger when we observe that j contributes than when we observe that j does not. If we rule out the possibility of making errors (i.e., let 0 ), the Bayesian updating process will degenerate: once A level-1 player i observe that her opponent j does (not) give, then she believes j is a high (low) type with probability one. 31 32 Then, assuming independent distributions of all j’s actions at t+1, i believes that the probability that all j contribute at t+1 with St 1 St is {[h j i i j ,t 1( Aj ,t D) k ij ,t 1( Aj ,t C )](1 ) } , where 1() equals one if the argument in the parenthesis is true, and zero otherwise. Assuming that i observes that the number of contributing opponents (in i’s mind all opponents are level-0 players) at t is m ( 0 m I 1 ), since k ij ,t hij ,t and 1 , the larger the m, the larger the probability i believes that all opponents will contribute at t+1 when St 1 St , thus the larger the probability i will contribute at t+1. Since a level-2 player k knows the rules of decision and belief updating for level-1 players, the larger the m, the larger the probability k believes that all i will contribute at t+1 when St 1 St , thus the larger the probability k will contribute at t+1. Similarly, a level-3 player knows the strategy rule of level-2 players, so the larger the m, the larger the probability that a level-3 player will contribute at t+1, and so on. For a level-0 player j, no matter how large the m is, the probability that she will give is always (1 )1( B j St ) 1( B j St ) . So when players are informed about the number (m) of contributors at t with a stake St , the larger the m, the higher the probability that all players will contribute at t+1 if St 1 St , so the higher the probability that the coordination at t+1 will succeed if St 1 St . Thus we have: Proposition 2. When players are informed about the number (m) of contributors at t with a stake St , the larger the m, the higher the probability that the coordination at t+1 will succeed if St 1 St . Proof: See above. Under the information structure of our experiment, if one group succeeds, those contributors know all other group members have contributed; otherwise as long as there is at least one contributor, the contributors know not all other group members have contributed (although she may not know the exact number of other contributors).32 Thus, according to Proposition 2, a successful group is more likely to maintain success than a failed group in the next period if the stake does not change. If we rule out the possibility of making errors (i.e., let 0 ), then once a rational player observes that (not) all her opponents contribute with St , she will (never) contribute in the next period if St 1 St ; so once a group succeeds (fails), it will succeed (fail) in the next period with the same stake. In our experimental results, most groups follow this pattern with several exceptions. By introducing errors, our model explains not only the main patterns, but also the exceptions. 32 When all members in a group do not contribute, everyone only knows the group fails but not whether all other group members have contributed. In this case, rational players cannot update beliefs about her opponents, so their actions will not change in the next period if the stake is the same. As a result, a group with no contributors tends to fail again. 33 Below we show that a slow increase in stake is always no worse than a quick increase for coordination. Proposition 3. No matter whether a group succeeds or fails at t with a stake St , the lower the St 1 ( St ) , the (weakly) higher the probability that the coordination at t+1 will succeed. Proof: See the proof of Proposition 1 and replace t=1 with t = t +1. Proposition 3 suggests that a slow increase in stake is always no worse than a quick increase. 34