Human Anatomy & Physiology 241


Human Anatomy & Physiology 241

Quiz 5 - Chapter 9 (Articulations)


Joints, or articulations, are classified on the basis of their degree of movement. From the following selections choose the one that identifies, in correct order, the following joints on the basis of: no movement; slightly movable; freely movable. a.

amphiarthrosis, diarthrosis, synarthrosis b.

diarthrosis, synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis c.

amphiarthrosis, synarthrosis, diarthrosis d.

synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis, diarthrosis


The type of synarthrosis that binds each tooth to the surrounding bony socket is a: a.

synchondrosis b.

syndesmosis c.

gomphosis d.



The function(s) of synovial fluid that fills the joint cavity is (are): a.

It nourishes the chondrocytes. b.

It provides lubrication. c.

It acts as a shock absorber. d.

a, b, and c are correct.


Flexion is defined as movement that: a.

increases the angle between articulating elements b.

decreases the angle between articulating elements c.

moves a limb from the midline of the body d.

moves a limb toward the midline of the body


Movements that occur at the shoulder and the hip represent the actions that occur at a

______________ joint. a.

gliding b.

ball-and-socket c.

pivot d.



The type of joint that connects the fingers and toes with the metacarpals and metatarsals is: a.

an ellipsoidal joint b.

a biaxial joint c.

a synovial joint d.

a, b, and c are correct


The part(s) of the vertebral column that do not contain intervertebral discs is (are): a.

the sacrum b.

the coccyx c.

first and second cervical vertebrae d.

a, b, and c are correct


The joint that permits the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body is the: a.

hip joint b.

shoulder joint c.

elbow joint d.

knee joint


The knee joint function as a: a.

hinge joint b.

ball-and-socket joint c.

saddle joint d.

gliding joint


The reason(s) the risk of fractures increases with age is (are): a.

cessation of continuous passive motion b.

bone mass increases and causes stress on bones c.

bone mass decreases and bones become weaker d.

excessive degree of calcium salt deposition


Small, fluid-filled pockets in connective tissue lined by synovial membranes are: a.

bursae b.

menisci c.

fat pads d.

articular capsules


A movement away from the longitudinal axis of the body in the frontal plane is: a.

adduction b.

hyperextension c.

abduction d.



The opposing movement of supination is: a.

rotation b.

pronation c.

protraction d.



The special movement of the thumb that enables it to grasp and hold an object is: a.

supination b.

inversion c.

circumduction d.



A characteristic decrease in height with advanced age may result from: a.

decreased water content of the nucleus pulposus in an intervertebral disc b.

a decrease in the anulus fibrosus of an intervertebral disc c.

a decrease in the collagen fibers in the bodies of the vertebrae d.

a, b, and c are correct


When the nucleus pulposus breaks through the anulus and enters the vertebral canal, the result is a (an): a.

slipped disc b.

anulus fibrosus c.

herniated disc d.

ligamentous nuchae


The unique compromise of the articulations in the appendicular skeleton is: a.

the stronger the joint, the less restricted the range of motion b.

the weaker the joint, the more restricted the range of motion c.

the stronger the joint, the more restricted the range of motion d.

the strength of the joint and range of motion are unrelated


Even though the specific cause may vary, arthritis always involves damage to the: a.

articular cartilages b.

bursae c.

accessory ligaments d.

epiphyseal disks


A complete dislocation of the knee is extremely unlikely because of: a.

the pair of cartilaginous pads that surround the knee b.

the presence of the media and lateral muscle c.

the presence of bursae, which serve to reduce friction d.

the seven major ligaments that stabilize the knee joint


When a person bends down to touch the toes, the action occurring at the vertebral column is: a.

rotation b.

flexion c.

extension d.


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