Bloxwich Lighting PFI Residents Survey Spring

Bloxwich Lighting PFI
Residents Survey Spring and Autumn 2012
January 2013
Appendix 3: Comments
Why do you say the lighting is better (pages 2 to 8)
Why do you say the lighting is worse (pages 9 to 14)
Comment: Why lighting is better
"Your questions obviously are worded towards street lighting which is without doubt
better. However, the lighting from lamppost to houses is much poorer, more places
for criminals to hide."
"You can see things better"
"You can see things and people more clearly"
"You can see much better by this new street lighting and feel safer."
"You can see better down the street"
"Yellow lighting (old) was misleading, evasive on eyes and not clear."
"With the street light design, they seem to spread the light further"
"whiter lights"
"White lighting appears brighter and being led lighting is environmentally friendly"
"White light gives better, clearer illumination"
"White and crystal light"
"White/blueish light instead of yellow"
"When I look out of my window you can see things more clearly and it makes you
feel safer"
"We think it is a more natural light"
"We have a lamppost outside our house. The front bedroom used to be very bright,
but now the lighting has changed, the light is reduced. Much better"
"We can see the street clearly from our window. We do not go out at night either
walking or driving."
"We can see down the street and make out objects as before the light used to flicker
when it was on or didn't come on"
"Was a dull yellow previously, now a clear white light."
"Visibility seems sharper and crisper. New lighting seems to illuminate over a wider
"Visibility of the street and objects such as cars and people are clearer this is good
by us as we are on the end next door to king Georges park and have had some
trouble in the past."
"Visibility is still adequate - It uses less energy. It doesn't shine into houses so much.
It's actually a pleasant glow."
"Visibility is sharper and less shadowy"
"Visibility much better"
"Very pleasant colour, not so harsh as before"
"Very light at ground level, much darker upstairs which is better for babies and
"Very good"
"Very dark when we were in street, now much better"
"Very comfortable with the lighting, no reason to complain"
"Vast improvement on old lights"
"Too bright before"
"To see the colour is relaxing and I think it is quite nice, soft and pleasant"
"They are brighter"
"They are a better light all round"
"There is no nasty orange glow through our windows, they light the path and the
path only which is sufficient."
"The white lighting that we have now is brighter and gives off a more natural look"
"The white lighting seems better to me and provides greater visibility"
"The white light as opposed to the old yellow light, casts fewer shadows and is much
clearer overall. very good lighting"
"The street is clear and brighter"
"The shadows caused by the old sodium lighting are no longer there. The
adjustment area is completely lit up as light is no longer illuminating upwards as
apposed to downwards with this new system."
"The overall view in the street is clearer and brighter."
"The overall affect is much clearer"
"The new street lighting is not so harsh. it is like daylight lighting very good"
"The new street lighting is better and more efficient"
"The new lights have not only provided much better night visibility, they have
provided us with reassurance as our driveway is not a black out area and we feel
safer as a result"
"The new lights are more directional and are much better for drivers and
pedestrians. But we over look a smallish grassed area backed by bushed and we
could see if anyone was lurking in them but the new lights are more directed at the
road so the hedge is now dark/ a small point from only 6 houses. overall much
"The new lighting seems brighter and cleaner than the old ones."
"The new lighting lights up more at ground level and you feel more secure"
"the new lighting is far brighter and cleaner looking, with obvious saving with this
type. Best thing done on this estate considering amount paid in council tax."
"The new lighting is brighter and whiter which is better. Unfortunately the new lamps
have a smaller light spread than the old yellow lamps. This dotty output is
compensated for with improved colour and brightness"
"The lights do seem better"
"The lighting seems a more realistic artificial daylight (although a little bluer) but far
better then the duller yellow glow of the previous ones. great"
"The lighting is much improved and you can see who is about"
"The lighting is much brighter and visibility is better."
"The lighting is more directional and no light pollution that spills over"
"The lighting is modern, appropriate and really does it's job"
"The lighting doesn't shine as bright into bedrooms at night. Light is more
concentrated at ground level."
"The lighting appears more focused than previous lighting. However, Appear darker
outside the street light capture zone"
"The light, lights up the street not my garden"
"The light is much whiter and a real improvement"
"The current lighting seems to make a more pleasant atmosphere, more relaxing"
"The coverage overall is better, covers a wider area at ground level."
"The above questions cover my reasons for ticking better. It also a much cleaner
looking colour"
"Surface of roads and pavements are better lit. Areas above ground level are
"Subdued lighting, not so bright"
"Slightly better than the old lighting"
"Significantly better in quality of light and area visibility"
"Sharpness of the light provides further coverage"
"Seems much clearer"
"Seems brighter"
"Seems brighter and clearer than the orange light even though my daughter
"Seems better"
"See Q7 answer"
"See 12"
"Regularly walk the ""Green (Lane) Mile"" to Bloxwich and back to parents and think
light is very bright. Guess it's safer that way"
"Purer blue white light is much more daylight natural than the old yellow sodium
"Pathways and roads much better, but you cannot see house's across the road, they
look to be in darkness, you could before. therefore you could have people casing
homes and not been seen"
"Overall visibility is better, objects much more defined in new lighting. was fuzzy
"Our gardens have always been dark. Since new lighting has been installed I have
noticed the light comes over into our garden"
"Old lighting was the orange sodium lamps. New LED are more natural illumination
"Old lighting too orange, new more like daylight"
"Not so much glare"
"Not so glary"
"Not so blinding when driving but still have good visibility"
"No idea, just feels better, hope it's cheaper!"
"No glare"
"No glare with this"
"No complaints"
"Nice colour, appears more energy efficient"
"New whiter lights naturally produce a brighter light/glow. This makes me feel much
safer! In the winter, it makes me feel more alert and emotionally positive. I think
lighting is more important than we realise."
"New technology lighting, new housing estate being built in my road, will add more
light to my road and surrounding areas"
"New lighting seems to cover a larger ground area and is far more pleasant than an
orange light"
"New lighting more pleasing on the eye"
"New lighting is better but should be dome shaped to give off more light to rear"
"Never really took much notice if I'm honest but I notice now it's ok"
"Much whiter light, much better visibility when after dark"
"Much nicer light colour looks very nice"
"Much more natural looking, more pleasing to come home to at night"
"Much lighter, gives a more pleasant glow"
"Much less light pollution"
"Much clearer, more like day time"
"Much clearer"
"Much clearer to see. Lights up drive. House much better."
"Much clearer definition, able to see in distance, able to see people walking past the
house. Much safer feel."
"Much brighter"
"Much brighter"
"Much better level of lighting - less light pollution and more light where needed."
"More Natural"
"More natural colour - bright - safer"
"More lighting. Better security"
"More coverage of areas than old lights"
"More clearer"
"More ambient light"
"Mainly due to white rather than orange light, plus clean and modern design and
enhanced visibility"
"Looks modern, feels safer environment, all in favour of energy efficient."
"Looks better"
"Lights street better"
"Lights are a better colour, white instead of orange"
"Lights a wider area. Previous lighting restricted to short areas"
"Lighting not as bright and intrusive"
"Lighting level is good as before yet appears less harsh"
"Lighting is subdued, but produces a cleaner, sharper light"
"Lighting is now brighter"
"Lighting is more day like than before hence a better colour and brighter resulting in
better visibility"
"Lighting is better cause it's not at all like the old yellowish lighting"
"Lighting is a lot sharper in making things a lot clearer."
"Lighter over wider area, giving better sense of safety"
"Light seems to shine more on the ground and gives good visibility"
"Light produces a better light downwards"
"Light not too bright through bedroom windows, whiter light pointing down to ground,
probably saving on costs"
"light is more clear, with no orange tinge"
"Light is directed downward to where needed"
"Light from new installations, although very different is an improvement"
"Light concentrated on road and pavement. Less unnecessary light pollution"
"Light appears to spread further and seems more uniform"
"Less shadows, clearer"
"LEDs do not impart colour, get clear view of what is in front of you"
"LEDs are great, less light pollution and more economical, light cast is fine"
"LED seems to create a daylight effect"
"Just the fact that all the new lighting works is a bonus. Also this new lighting seems
brighter but not glary"
"It's pleasing much better than previously and more reliable to date"
"It's much brighter now"
"It's brighter, making it easier to see clearly"
"It seems brighter, does not seem to come on as early."
"It makes you feel safer as the lighting is much brighter"
"It is brighter"
"It is a more natural brighter light"
"It gives the street a brighter outlook on what may be occurring. it looks much
"It feels brighter and safer at night time."
"It casts a wider glow - you can see further, more clearly"
"It appears that the new lights are giving off more light, making the street clearer.
Without that glare that the old ones gave"
"Improvement is clearly better than old system"
"Improved visibility, safer feeling, security for cars ad property. Better driving and
pedestrian visibility."
"Improved clarity at junction to our close which is a bend"
"Impact on the planet"
"I think that the new solar lighting outside my flat is a lot brighter and would be better
along the streets too as they save energy and are brighter"
"I prefer the white to the orange light. Brighter and all light is reflected downwards so
there is less light pollution"
"I prefer a less orange and dimmer light especially as one is outside our front
window. Better for bats too"
"I have said better because there is less light pollution, and you can still see clearly
where you are walking."
"I have a light outside of my house and I think it makes it safer because of the better
lighting system"
"I don't go out much in the evening, but from my windows the lighting looks perfect"
"I can see everything that’s in the street. Much better from my bedroom window."
"I can now see 20yards ahead of me and objects/people are clearly visible"
"I am partially sighted and find I see things better"
"I am all for saving energy. I feel they give a better light but not as invasive"
"Higher intensity light, quicker start up, light sensor works, less energy than sodium
"Gives a clearer whiter light than before making visibility better"
"Firstly because it is energy efficient, I also the colour of the lighting"
"Feels much brighter than before which makes me feel safer when walking at
"Everything seems a lot clearer and brighter as soon as the new lights were
switched on"
"Everything is directed down and outward"
"Everything is clear and brighter"
"everything is brighter"
"Easier on the eye, white lights instead of dull and dim"
"Easier on the eye, colour is more neutral and definition of objects is clearer."
"Definition at road level better than sodium lamps. The light resolution above is
100% better. Compare the new lights to the sodium ones."
"Current lighting is better because its brighter and shows more ground area when
walking in the dark. Lighting allows everything to be seen more clearly."
"Current lighting gives a clean fresh feeling at night"
"Could do with another streetlight as I live in an alley. It's too dark. Only streetlight at
either end"
"Colour of lighting is better"
"Colour definition"
"Colder, Clearer than the old orange lights, strange at first but definitely better"
"Clearer, sharper light"
"Clearer visual"
"Clearer lighting. Although it does shine into house but not as bad as when just
"Clearer light, no blurring"
"Cleaner lighting, giving better definition"
"Can see more clearly"
"Brighter/whiter light defines the area better"
"Brighter, more well lit"
"Brighter, better colour, more clearer and safer when on foot or driving"
"Brighter, a lot better"
"Brighter light than orange lights, giving better lighting all the way round."
"Brighter if walking out at night, can see better"
"Bright and sharp which is what was required. A deterrent for anyone who shouldn't
be there"
"Better, but light outside number 47 not working at the moment and it is very dark at
night - Astbury Close"
"Better visibility and fog"
"Better than the previous yellow lighting"
"Better than old lighting"
"Better spread of lighting"
"Better quality of light"
"Better quality of light overall, with better all-round vision and colour perfection"
"Better quality of light now"
"Better overall, but difficult to see when reversing car onto drive and putting key in
front door"
"Better for me all round"
"Better for eye sight, overall view as cars park on pavements"
"Better definition, brighter lighting, like the way the lights are angled."
"Better colour"
"Better colour but still a little too dim. Unable to see keys to open front door when
"Better brightness in the street"
"Because the white lights are brighter than the orange light or the old lights"
"Because the old lighting was to fogy and misty"
"Because of the colour of the light but there is some striping. Although I wonder
what effect the snow and ice will have with this type of bright lighting"
"Because it will help to reduce the carbon emissions for future generations"
"Because it lights up the road and pavements better."
"Because it is brighter than the old lighting system."
"Because it is a whiter light and brighter"
"Because it is a white light and a lot better than the old orange, now change the
others to the same."
"Because I think it is right, no problem"
"Because cyclists are more visible"
"At full darkness everything seems more visible. I do not go out in the dark so it is
hard to comment on the below in a truthful manner"
"As ticked above, in my opinion good lighting deters antisocial behaviour"
"As above"
"Although the old orange lighting was softer, the new lighting gives better visibility
and promotes a greater feeling of security"
"Although it is very bright during early hours of the morning"
"Although better lighting, the LED is too stark, a white light. Could do with dimming
down a little."
"A whiter brighter light I think that’s an improvement on the old sodium lights"
"A lot brighter than the old street lights. Definitely prefer these new ones"
"A lamp is located outside my house and the new lighting no longer keeps me
Appendix 3
Why do you say the lighting is worse: comments
Comment: Why lighting is worse
"1599" "A lot more shadow"
"A young driver, who was being chased, reversed his vehicle into our car,
which was parked on to drive, causing severe damage and inconvenience.
He thought he had crashed into a tree and there is a street light outside our
"2061" house, proving that the lighting is inadequate"
"Area around house extremely dark. Ideal for house thieves and car
thieves as cannot be seen from street. Only light area is immediately under
street lamp. Very distracting when driving as light blinds when underneath
"339" it and then extremely dark else where. Terrible system."
"Areas directly under lighting and with slight coverage are good and give
some reassurance and security. However, overall have concerns for the
majority of area that has little or no light. That being health and safety and
"1074" security"
"Areas now have been plunged into darkness. Poor overall visibility - total
"1075" disaster."
"As a friend lives in the next close, when walking home at night, I feel a
"858" little nervous as lighting is not so good. Cant see my door lock."
"419" "As above, visibility worse"
"522" "As I've stated overleaf, allows opportunists to break the law and run"
"281" "Bad visibility"
"239" "Because in my opinion it is worse"
"Because its worse. I start early mornings and i find it terrible to walk and
"1393" drive."
"Because the colour is horrible - it makes your eyes ache and it looks like
"854" industrial unit lighting - bring back the orange lighting"
"Brightness and coverage are the main issues. More led's per light might
"1759" make all the difference to the overall lighting at night"
"719" "Cannot see so much as with the lights as before were more visible"
"Can't see objects, light forms one circle of light other areas very dark. It
"836" looks like car headlights when you are in your home"
"Car park front of house badly lit difficult to walk on pavement around
"673" building cannot see the bumps and dips"
"666" "Car park very dark, im old and can't see"
"974" "Casts more shadows, poor visibility at doorway"
"279" "Colour of light"
"Coverage is poor, very dark in some areas, much easier for a thief to
break into a car parked on the street now. Where there is light it is ok, it's
"766" just the coverage which is a big let down."
"Current lighting does not penetrate into all areas. lighting is very harsh.
"575" many areas unlit"
"Current lighting is worse as it only seems to light up a limited area, where
"451" as before it was much more."
"Dark shadows throughout street, cold characterless look to street, very
"529" sombre. Old street lights, warm bright look, safer feel to street in general."
"Difficult to see, both on and off the street. Feel insecure not being able to
"2067" see clearly onto the street from house."
"Disabled and find it hard to see to get to the home address with the view
"650" from the home to the road"
"1001" "Dislike colour of current lighting"
"Dislike it and feel very vulnerable at times, when driving. When changing
over from one lighting to another lighting it takes a while for your eyes to
"1798" adjust. Feel safer travelling in the old lighting"
"1099" "Don't feel safe, too dark by front of house and front door"
"253" "Don't like the eerie blue light"
"905" "Don't like the street lighting, the street looks very eery"
"Everything is better except when looking out of the ground floor window. It
is very dark and you cannot see who is walking about outside you have to
"361" go upstairs which is not acceptable"
"536" "everything is darker"
"Everywhere is dim and dark. Makes you worry you could be mugged in
"1674" the dark."
"Feel unsafe when out in dark - street lighting does not help - unable to see
any obstacles clearly. Poor lighting makes things easier for anyone looking
"1223" at attacking others."
"From the bedroom, it is not possible to tell what is going on across road
"188" unless private security lights are lit"
"1077" "Front of house is not lit at all. very dark, cannot see to put key in door lock"
"577" "Gloomy, cold, less effective. Overall lighting inferior to previous lighting."
"761" "Hazed and dark, almost creepy to walk in. Just like a horror film"
"I do not like the lights at all, i am 74 and my husbands 79. we do not feel
"1145" safe at all, as we did with the old lights."
"I have a light at the end of my front garden path and it does not light the
"1180" front of my house or drive like the old type did. It's rubbish."
"I have a street light directly outside my house and I find the new lighting
"229" makes my bedroom light up and did keep me awake at first"
"I have already contacted the council manager who was totally
disinterested in my comments and my safety. The last street lamp is
several metres from my house and visibility is poor. I feel my safety has
been compromised and regardless of my comments and situation this
"853" would happen anyway. So why bother with this survey"
"I live in a cul-de-sac and don't want to go out at night as the street lighting
"581" is now so poor. the new lights are not a patch on the old lights"
"1581" "I live in a cul-de-sac the lighting does not cover the off street parking area"
"I walk from my neighbour (3 doors away) some evenings and i do not feel
safe you cannot see your front door from road and so cannot see if anyone
"617" is lurking around"
"In between lights you cant see much as before you could see all the
footpath. Also from my front door, I can't see across the road from footpath
"1668" and when I look right, I can't see either"
"291" "In general lighting is quite creepy, same as post war years."
"It does not light up across the street and there are dark spots between
"1661" lights"
"It is a lot darker than the previous lighting and i do not like going out after
"1833" dark at all"
"It is too bright and shines through curtains at night"
"It is very poor and makes me feel uneasy when coming home from work
especially by my house"
"It's lighting trajectory is too narrow/limited, doesn't stretch outwards far
"It's like looking at black and white negatives. If you are directly opposite a
light it is like having a spotlight but only into your house, not all around"
"Its more like spot lights rather than a broader light and it looks cold and
"It's too dim, you can't see in the bushes/shrubs. Don't feel safe"
"Lanterns are uncomfortably bright yet the distribution of light at gorund
level is poor. Presumably this is an property of LED lighting. Given the
importance of reducing energy consumption this is tolerable."
"Light directly under the light is fine but has made everywhere else dark.
You don’t feel safe going outside your door in the dark. Anyone could be
hiding and you wouldn't know."
"Light outside our house has been replaced with a low power (14 LED) light
- we are now the darkest house on the estate"
"Light under the lamp is good. However there is not enough spread,
therefore giving dark areas."
"Lighting coverage and visibility is much lower than previously."
"Lighting is also bad for security"
"Lighting is not adequate"
"Lighting is too dark"
"Lighting is very poor, will be getting a lamp light outside my wall as i
cannot see my pathway"
"Lighting not improvement on previous, cannot see houses opposite."
"Lighting was better before new lights. It is a lot darker in street, need torch
to find keyhole"
"Lights quite literally light the small area around them. Visibility is poor, you
cant see across car parks so this could lead to cars being damaged"
"Lights seem dimmer now"
"lights shine down under post, the light does not spread around the road
and gardens"
"Lights throw too many shadows"
"Lights too dim"
"Live at the end of the close, lighting doesn't reach quite this far"
"Looking up stairs onto your garden is very dark, the older lighting was
much better because you could see all your garden, now you can not
which makes it better for thieves."
"My eyesight is poor due to my age, I need bright lights"
"My home fronts a footpath not the road. Lighting on footpath is not
adequate. Front of property is much darker, having to install additional
lighting of my own to compensate for this."
"New light gives shafts of light that do not cover all of the area. Only shines
down where actual street lamp is placed. So very poor light overall of
"New lighting doesn't give off any light except for faint light underneath. It's
very poor."
"New lighting effective in small pool of light but does not illuminate a large
enough area and there are numerous dark spots ok if lights are outside
your house, ours is."
"New lighting is very dim, hardly gives off any light at all"
"New lighting makes my driveway and front door darker than they were
with the old lighting. Having said that, the new lighting provides adequate
coverage for a residential street as the old lighting was probably too bright."
"New lights are just not bright enough. Visibility is much poorer than before.
You just do not feel safe."
"New street lights do not light up anywhere on my front garden. Cannot see
door locks when trying to enter house. Cannot see anyone who is on
property when they knock the door. Not very good for me."
"Not as bright as old lighting, cant see as good in dark"
"Not as bright or clear lighting"
"Not as good or bright but lighting is fairly good."
"Not bright enough don't feel safe walking on own, not enough light"
"Not bright enough to light up street etc very well. only bright to look at"
"Not bright enough when driving down the road, like being on a runway"
"Not bright enough"
"Not bright enough"
"Not bright enough. Visibility very poor, driveways are very dark."
"Ok for driving, but footpath very dull for walking"
"Old lighting covered a better area. New lighting also now shines through
our bedroom window, lighting up the room even with curtain drawn
"Old lighting not only lit footway and road but also surrounding gardens and
verges which are now darker. Could be a security issue"
"Old lighting was brighter"
"Old street lighting was more warming and it was better to see"
"Only gives light directly under light not bright enough and does not give
enough light to the close"
"Only lights in one spot"
"Our house is on a bend away from street level"
"Overall brightness especially footpaths not directly under lighting is poorer.
Definitely darker areas not directly under ramps."
"Overall more dim"
"Patches around the lamppost have good lighting, but the areas between
lampposts are very dim"
"Personally i would have the old lighting"
"Pockets of light are better. Other areas are not lit at all"
"Prefer the brightness and colour before"
"Road and footpath adequately lit. Lighting is projected down and makes
houses darker. This concerns me. Houses are not lit and remain dark."
"Road is very gloomy after dark. Drives of properties are in shadow"
"Road visibility ok, owners drives and pathway now dark"
"See 1-4 above"
"Seems darker overall"
"Shining into bedroom, lit up like xmas tree, keeping us awake"
"Street light at the end of the drive is out and makes the area very dark."
"The amount of light emitted from the new lamps is considerably lower than
the old ones and has a much smaller footprint"
"The LED street lamps seem to be very directional and do not spread the
light as good as the old ones, which were fine"
"The light is only cast under the lamp head and no spread of light between
lamps as led lamps have a fixed beam of light unlike the old lamps"
"The light is very directional (down) ok for star gazers, house breakers and
car thieves."
"The lighting does not cover the same amount of ground as the old lighting"
"The lighting is definitely not so efficient. Don't feel so safe on entering our
path into house"
"The lighting is dim, cold looking & eery. It is a muggers paradise."
"The lighting is less than before"
"The lighting is very dull. by my front door very dark and around
surrounding bushes. Very nerving when walking along the street alone at
night, doesn't feel safe. feels eerie"
"The lighting was better before you changed the lights, could see your
house and see if there was anyone by the doors"
"The lights are too bright and cast a lot of shadow either side of the light
shining down"
"The lights are too dim in the road"
"The new led lights are far too dim. I much prefer the old lights for colour
and brightness"
"The new lighting is far too bright and sterile, we can't even watch the tv in
the front room. We have to close all the curtains as it lights all the inside up
too much"
"The old lighting was better, spread out better and gave more lighting on
the ground"
"The old system was better all round"
"The old type lighting is much better as the new lighting very gloomy."
"The present lighting does not measure up to original your survey is to
establish if efficiency/ is effective if your interest is only cost - worse than
"The solar power of lighting is less"
"The street appears very dark in places, some houses in complete
darkness, we have a lamp outside our house so are more fortunate, but i
feel that safety has now been compromised and expect it will be easier for
more crimes to occur"
"The white light is better for colour but doesn't cover the radius/area as
before, so there are dark patches between lampposts."
"There needs to be more lamp posts put up to give more light, at the
moment light is poor"
"They are not as bright as the original ones"
"They are not very bright"
"Too bright for me. I have epilepsy"
"Too dark at night, cant see where you walk, if anybody is coming towards
"Too dark at night, don't feel safe when walking in the dark"
"Too dark on my side of the street, we are in blackness"
"1600" "Too dim"
"502" "Too low"
"Used to be able to see clearly around me when came back at night. I now
get out of car and am unable to tell if I'm safe. Lighting does not reach the
"826" property the way it used to"
"636" "Very poor going to doors, especially for the elderly"
"871" "Very poor lighting. Far too dark."
"420" "Very, very, very dark now when walking my dog at night"
"1790" "Visibility in the street is very poor."
"1669" "Visibility is poor, feels less safe after dark"
"Visibility not as good but adequate"
"We cannot see by any of our neighbours front doors in the walkway where
"579" we live"
"We have only lights on one side of the street. On our side it is too dark
"677" and can't see into porch, we could do with a light on our side of street."
"1705" "white light is no good in fog"
"1295" "white light is unnatural and limited. does not provide sufficient light"
"Worse. Old lighting a lot better all round. thank you, new lighting no use at
"618" all"
"928" "You did not get the overall reach of light as you do with the old lights"