Amazon Prime on Your Site — Implementation Guide | TOC | 2 Contents Overview of Checkout by Amazon.................................................................................................3 Who Should Read This Document........................................................................................................................3 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Your Tasks When Integrating Checkout by Amazon Prime on Your Website.....................................................3 Other Documentation............................................................................................................................................ 4 What's New in This Document..............................................................................................................................4 Notice About Amazon Payments Services Functionality..................................................................................... 5 Copyrights............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Enabling Amazon Prime on Checkout by Amazon...................................................................... 6 Adding the Code to Your Detail Page to Enable Prime........................................................................................ 6 PrimeWidget Parameters.......................................................................................................................................6 Adding the Code to Your Cart Page to Enable Prime...........................................................................................7 Selecting Your Widget Layout....................................................................................................... 8 Horizontal Widget................................................................................................................................................. 8 Vertical Widget..................................................................................................................................................... 8 For Existing Checkout by Amazon Merchants..................................................................................................... 8 | Overview of Checkout by Amazon | 3 Overview of Checkout by Amazon Welcome to the Amazon Prime on Your Site — Implementation Guide. This section describes who should read this guide, how the guide is organized, and other resources related to Checkout by Amazon. Who Should Read This Document This document is for merchants who have registered with Checkout by Amazon and want to offer Prime benefits on their website. It describes the integration steps required to place the Amazon Prime widget on their webpage for the purpose offering free Two-Day shipping to Amazon Prime customers shopping on their website. Prerequisites This guide assumes you--or your development staff--are familiar with using HTML and XML in an application development environment. Before you can use Checkout by Amazon, your systems must meet the following prerequisites: • • • • You must have a shopping cart on your site and make it available for processing using XML. (That is, no matter what tool you use to build your shopping cart, you must be able to send it as XML for processing.) You must be familiar with using JavaScript. (There are several required JavaScript code snippets that you must use in your carts to enable Standard Checkout and Express Checkout.) Your cart XML, when submitted for processing, must use the XMLNS named checkout/2009-05-15 You must be using the order.xsd with the file date of 2009-05-15 or later. (Download this version here.) Your Tasks When Integrating Checkout by Amazon Prime on Your Website You have four basic tasks to accomplish when integrating Checkout by Amazon Prime on your site: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Create a production cart using XML Sign your cart Base64-encode your cart Add the signature to the cart Place the Checkout by Amazon Prime Widget code on your test detail page Test your Checkout by Amazon Prime Widget by placing a test Production order Cancel your test Production order Place the Checkout by Amazon Prime Widget on your live (Production) detail pages For Steps 1 - 4, please see the Standard Checkout - XML Implementation Guide to learn how to create, sign and base64-encode the cart XML. For Step 5, please see Enabling Amazon Prime on Checkout by Amazon on page 6 For Steps 6 - 8, please see the Standard Checkout - XML Implementation Guide to learn how to test your Checkout by Amazon Prime Widget by placing and canceling a test Production order, and then place the Checkout by Amazon Prime Widget on your live (Production) detail page. The rest of this document discusses how to accomplish these tasks. | Overview of Checkout by Amazon | 4 Other Documentation You can read our downloadable PDFs to understand more about Checkout by Amazon. More Resources for Checkout by Amazon Resource Audience, Purpose, and Goals Getting Started Guide For merchants who want to use a simple, step-by-step approach in setting up Checkout by Amazon on their websites. The Getting Started Guide walks merchants through the process, from gathering the required information for signing up for an account to setting up a button on their websites. Standard Checkout - Button Creation Wizard Implementation Guide For merchants and developers who want a detailed list of ways to integrate their website with Checkout by Amazon. The Implementation Guide provides the information needed for programming and code development. Note that there are three versions of this document: one for those who just want to paste the button code built using the Create Checkout Button feature in Seller Central, one for HTML-based code, and one for XML-based code. Standard Checkout - HTML Implementation Guide Standard Checkout XML Implementation Guide Using Seller Central For merchants who want an overview of Seller Central. Standard Checkout Callback API Guide For developers who want to build their own applications to calculate shipping and tax rates as well as promotional discounts and then send these results to Checkout by Amazon. Standard Checkout - Callback API Developers Cheat Sheet For developers who want a quick, 1-page summary of how to enable callbacks. Instant Order Processing Notifications Guide For developers who want to automate order notifications with Amazon Payments. Using Custom Data Fields Guide For merchants and developers who want to include custom data fields in their carts. Best Practices Guide Tips for setting up your website to use Amazon Payments, with advice for planning, setting up, and day-to-day operations. Managing Orders A guide to assist you in the day-to-day operations for managing orders generated by Checkout by Amazon. What's New in This Document Table of Changes Ver Date Changes 1.3 21-Nov-2013 Added new section Notice About Amazon Payments Services Functionality on page 5 | Overview of Checkout by Amazon | 5 Ver Date Changes 1.2 13-Apr-2013 Update related documents 1.1 25-Oct-2010 Updated widget method name from PrimeCheckoutWidget to PrimeWidget. Example: new CBA.Widgets.PrimeWidget 1.0 10-Apr-2010 Initial release Notice About Amazon Payments Services Functionality The Amazon Payments service has been designed and developed for use within a web browser only. Our service cannot be used within a native application (including, without limitation, iOS, Android, RIM, or Windows operating systems). Amazon Payments reserves the right to suspend the Payment Account of any user of our services that has implemented our Services within a native application. Copyrights Copyright © 2010-13 by, Inc, or its affiliates. Checkout by Amazon is a service of Amazon Payments, LLC. | Enabling Amazon Prime on Checkout by Amazon | 6 Enabling Amazon Prime on Checkout by Amazon Adding the Code to Your Detail Page to Enable Prime After you have the signed and base64-encoded the XML string, you can add the following code to your detail pages to get the Checkout by Amazon Prime Widget on your detail page. Please note that the div with "id=cbaButton1" identifies the location where the Checkout by Amazon Prime Widget will be rendered. You can put that div anywhere on your page and assign any unique ID to it. You then provide that unique ID to the widget object which will then use it to locate the div. <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <!-Place this div where you want the prime widget to be rendered --> <div id="cbaButton1"></div> <!-You can add the script block anywhere on your page after the above div block --> <script> new CBA.Widgets.PrimeWidget({ merchantId:'AEIOU1234AEIOU', orderInput: {format: "XML", value:"type:merchant-signed-order/ aws-access-key/1;order:PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0nMS4wJyBlbmNvZGluZz0nVVRGLTgnPz 48T3JkZXIgeG1sbnM9J2h0dHA6Ly9wYXltZW50cy5hbWF6b24uY29tL2NoZWNrb3V0LzIwMDgt MTEtMzAvJz48Q2FydD48SXRlbXM+PEl0ZW0+PFNLVT5BQkMxMjM8L1NLVT48TWVyY2hhbnRJZD 5BMUVKTjJKSUcxMEs2NzwvTWVyY2hhbnRJZD48VGl0bGU+UmVkIEZpc2g8L1RpdGxlPjxQcmlj ZT48QW1vdW50PjE5Ljk5PC9BbW91bnQ+PEN1cnJlbmN5Q29kZT5VU0Q8L0N1cnJlbmN5Q29kZT 48L1ByaWNlPjxRdWFudGl0eT4xPC9RdWFudGl0eT48RnVsZmlsbG1lbnROZXR3b3JrPk1FUkNI QU5UPC9GdWxmaWxsbWVudE5ldHdvcms+PC9JdGVtPjwvSXRlbXM+PC9DYXJ0PjwvT3JkZXI+ ;signature:0nppbXTktfoV80Kh41GK7ruUhq8= ;aws-access-keyid: 19G7E7X2QE2V45LETX2E"}, primeSettings: {orientation:'horizontal'} }).render("cbaButton1"); </script> PrimeWidget Parameters The PrimeWidget object is initialized with input parameters that are passed as JSON structure. Each input parameter is explained in more detail below. Table 1: Prime Checkout Widget Parameters Widget Parameter Required Description merchantId Yes This is your Merchant ID. You can find your Merchant ID in Seller Central (Account Settings > Checkout Pipeline Settings). orderInput Yes This is where you pass the base64-encoded and signed string from Step 4 to the widget. The orderInput is a hash map with 2 keys. | Enabling Amazon Prime on Checkout by Amazon | 7 Widget Parameter Required Description • Format: The value associated with this key is "XML" , • Value: The value associated with this is the base64-encoded cart XML with signature appended. Please refer to the XML Integration Guide on how to construct this string primeSettings No The primeSettings is a hash map with a single key named "orientation." The orientation identifies whether the widget is rendered horizontally or vertically. Please see the section below for code samples. We currently support 2 orientation values, "horizontal" and "vertical." If no value is provided, the widget uses the default value "horizontal." The PrimeWidget object has a method named "render" which must be called after the object is created. The input to that method is the ID of the div where the widget will be rendered. When the method is called, the widget contents is rendered and made visible inside that div. Adding the Code to Your Cart Page to Enable Prime The steps you take to enable Prime on your cart page are no different than the current integration steps described in Standard Checkout - XML Implementation Guide. If the shopping cart contains any Prime-eligible item, then the Checkout by Amazon cart page that appears on your website will guide the buyer appropriately. Note: You must specify the Fulfillment Network as "AMAZON_NA" when you want to enable Prime on your side. Example: <FulfillmentNetwork>AMAZON_NA</FulfillmentNetwork> | Selecting Your Widget Layout | 8 Selecting Your Widget Layout Horizontal Widget Vertical Widget For Existing Checkout by Amazon Merchants If you are already launched with Checkout with Amazon, then after creating, signing and base64-encoding the Cart XML, you have already added the following HTML code to your cart page. Please note that your cart page integration should remain as-is. <script type="text/javascript" src=" jquery.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=" widget.js"> </script> <form method="POST" action=" AEIOU1234AEIOU"> <input type="hidden" name="order-input" value="type:merchant-signed-order/ aws-access-key/1;order:PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0nMS4wJyBlbmNvZGluZz0nVVRGLTgnPz 48T3JkZXIgeG1sbnM9J2h0dHA6Ly9wYXltZW50cy5hbWF6b24uY29tL2NoZWNrb3V0LzIwMDgt MTEtMzAvJz48Q2FydD48SXRlbXM+PEl0ZW0+PFNLVT5BQkMxMjM8L1NLVT48TWVyY2hhbnRJZD 5BMUVKTjJKSUcxMEs2NzwvTWVyY2hhbnRJZD48VGl0bGU+UmVkIEZpc2g8L1RpdGxlPjxQcmlj ZT48QW1vdW50PjE5Ljk5PC9BbW91bnQ+PEN1cnJlbmN5Q29kZT5VU0Q8L0N1cnJlbmN5Q29kZT 48L1ByaWNlPjxRdWFudGl0eT4xPC9RdWFudGl0eT48RnVsZmlsbG1lbnROZXR3b3JrPk1FUkNI QU5UPC9GdWxmaWxsbWVudE5ldHdvcms+PC9JdGVtPjwvSXRlbXM+PC9DYXJ0PjwvT3JkZXI+ ;signature:0nppbXTktfoV80Kh41GK7ruUhq8= ;aws-access-keyid:19G7E7X2QE2V45LETX2E"> <input alt="Checkout with Amazon Payments" src=" &background=white&cartOwnerId=AEIOU1234AEIOU&size=medium" type="image"> </form> For Prime merchants, the final code to initiate the widget on the detail page will appear as follows. Please note that this code must be added only to the detail page. <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <!-Place this div where you want the prime widget to be rendered --> <div id="cbaButton1"></div> <!-- | Selecting Your Widget Layout | 9 You can add the script block anywhere on your page after the above div block --> <script> new CBA.Widgets.PrimeWidget({ merchantId:'AEIOU1234AEIOU', orderInput: {format: "XML", value:"type:merchant-signed-order/ aws-access-key/1;order:PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0nMS4wJyBlbmNvZGluZz0nVVRGLTgnPz 48T3JkZXIgeG1sbnM9J2h0dHA6Ly9wYXltZW50cy5hbWF6b24uY29tL2NoZWNrb3V0LzIwMDgt MTEtMzAvJz48Q2FydD48SXRlbXM+PEl0ZW0+PFNLVT5BQkMxMjM8L1NLVT48TWVyY2hhbnRJZD 5BMUVKTjJKSUcxMEs2NzwvTWVyY2hhbnRJZD48VGl0bGU+UmVkIEZpc2g8L1RpdGxlPjxQcmlj ZT48QW1vdW50PjE5Ljk5PC9BbW91bnQ+PEN1cnJlbmN5Q29kZT5VU0Q8L0N1cnJlbmN5Q29kZT 48L1ByaWNlPjxRdWFudGl0eT4xPC9RdWFudGl0eT48RnVsZmlsbG1lbnROZXR3b3JrPk1FUkNI QU5UPC9GdWxmaWxsbWVudE5ldHdvcms+PC9JdGVtPjwvSXRlbXM+PC9DYXJ0PjwvT3JkZXI+ ;signature:0nppbXTktfoV80Kh41GK7ruUhq8= ;aws-access-keyid: 19G7E7X2QE2V45LETX2E"}, primeSettings: {orientation:'horizontal'} }).render("cbaButton1"); </script> 1. Include the new the external JavaScript file. 2. You decide where the Checkout by Amazon with Prime button is to appear by placing a div element at the location you want and then naming it with a unique ID. Then you pass that ID to our widget which renders the button image inside the div element where you placed it. 3. To render the Checkout by Amazon with Prime button, you initiate a JavaScript object named "AmazonCheckout.PrimeWidget." You pass three input parameters to this object. Please note that the input to the object is a JSON structure. a. merchantId b. The orderInput hash map with the format set to "XML" and the value set to the base64-encoded XML string (the same string that you used in V1 of the cart code) c. The orientation value inside the primeSettings hash map 4. Finally, you call the render method of the created object and pass the location of the div element where the button is to be positioned. Note: You must specify the Fulfillment Network as "AMAZON_NA" when you want to enable Prime on your side. Example: <FulfillmentNetwork>AMAZON_NA</FulfillmentNetwork>