Training Guide

Training Guide
Table of Contents
Ordering a Course ___________________________________ 3-4
Accessing a Course ____________________________________ 5
Home Page Navigation _________________________________ 5
Course Navigation _____________________________________ 6
Course Notes _________________________________________ 7
Post-Test Information __________________________________ 8
Certificate of Completion _______________________________ 9
Accessing Expired Courses _____________________________ 10
Updating User Information _____________________________ 10
Other Support _______________________________________ 10
Frequently Asked Questions _________________________ 11-12
2 | P a g e Training Guide
Ordering a Course
To order a course, go to:
To place an order, select the option: “If you are a UCF REC member and wish to request
your login, view course catalog, and/or sign for a course(s), click here” or go to
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Select the courses you are interested in taking and “Check Out”. Please note, users can
only sign up for 2 active courses at one time.
A pop up window will appear with your course details and order information. Complete
the requested fields and “Submit Order”
Once the order is placed, you will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours with
instructions for accessing your course.
4 | P a g e Accessing a Course
First Time Users:
 Once you have received your registration key from, go to:
 Copy and paste your assigned registration key into the “New User” box and then click
“Register.” Please note your registration key will be provided within 24 hours of your
first order request.
 Create a user name and password and complete the required fields on this page. Then,
click “Continue.”
 If you are taking courses for CEU/CME credit, the user information must match the name
of the professional applying for CEU/CME credits.
 Click your course assignment(s) and then click “Continue”
 Confirm your information. If everything is correct, click “Continue” Click “Edit” if
something is incorrect.
 Scroll and review the Student Registration Statement. Then click “Accept.”
 Congratulations! You have now successfully logged in. Click “log out” or “continue” to
start and assignment and to be routed to your home page.
Returning Users:
 Follow the instructions for ordering a course on pages 3-4 of this training guide.
 Your courses will be available within 24 hours.
 Once you receive your order confirmation from, login to the UCF
REC eLearning system at with the user name
and password you previously created.
 Upon login, you will be routed to your eLearning home page.
o Click on the 'Assignments' tab to see your list of assigned courses. Click on 'View
Assignment' and then 'Enter' to begin the course.
o You will see additional course instructions and a course description on the first
page of every course.
Navigating the Home Page
You can view all of your pending and complete courses, your course progress, any messages
from Proctors, announcements, and the learning tip of the day on your Home Page screen. From
the home page—and anywhere in our Online Education Center—you can click on the tabs to
update your information, begin a course, and view the complete course catalog.
5 | P a g e Course Navigation
Use the “Back” and “Next” navigation arrows to move to the next or previous page in the
course. These buttons are located in the bottom right area of your screen.
In the left hand section, notice the course outline—this lists all the pages included in this
o Navigate to any page, by clicking directly on the page title.
o Under each page title, there may be a "+" sign, this indicates the presence of
additional pages that support that topic. To view and expand the list click the "+"
sign and to shrink a page list, click the "-" sign.
If you'd like to stop in the middle of your course and finish at the later time, your place in
the course will automatically be saved.
o When you are ready to resume your course, click on the 'Assignments' tab to see
your list of assigned courses. Click on 'View Assignment' and then 'Bookmark' to
resume the course.
Course Outline
Navigation Arrows
6 | P a g e Course Notes
Users can take notes during a course using the “My Notes” feature which can be accessed
at a later time.
To access notes, click on “My Notes” link in the bottom right hand corner and a pop-up
box will appear.
Simply copy and paste notes from the course or type new notes in the blank field.
Once you have finished typing your note, click the “Save” button at the bottom of the pop
up window.
Manage Existing Notes
To manage existing notes, click "Manage Notes." Another easy way to access these notes, is by
clicking on the "My Notes" link from your home page
Delete Notes
 Select the note you wish to delete by clicking "Edit" next to the course topic.
 Clear the contents and then click the "Save Note" button.
Print Notes
If you need to print your notes, click the "Printable Version" link found at the top right side of
the notebook manager. This will open a new window displaying your notes in a printer-friendly
Search Notes
Type the text you are searching for then select either "selected course only" or "all courses," and
click the "Find" button. To access a note, click the Edit link next to the note. The notebook will
refresh with the full text of the note displayed in the bottom frame.
7 | P a g e Post-Test Information
Once you have completed the required number of pages in the course, you must pass the “posttest” to receive credit for the course. The minimum score required to pass varies by course, but is
typically around an 80%.
Accessing Post-Test
 When you're ready to take your post-test and you have read the minimum number of
pages in the course, click on 'Take Test Now' to begin.
 Once the post-test is complete, click ‘Grade Test’ to receive your score. If you don't click
'Grade Test' and leave the post-test, your score will be graded as 0%.
 You are allowed to re-take the test as many times as needed.
Post-Test Questions
 Questions are randomly selected from a pool of questions based on course objectives.
 Both true/false and multiple choice formats are used. For multiple choice questions, you
may be asked to select the best answer or all answers that apply.
 Questions are separated by a horizontal line. Scroll down when necessary to see all
questions and possible answers.
 Please note: avoid using the "Back," "Forward," and "Refresh" buttons on your
browser—these buttons will set your test score to zero.
Changing Post Test Answers
 You may change answers at any time before you submit a test.
 When you are confident of your answers, click the 'Grade Test' button.
 If you would like to change your answers after you've clicked the 'Grade Test' button, you
will have to re-take the post-test. Go back to the 'Post-Test' course page and click 'Take
Test Now' to begin.
Post-Test Grading
 Immediately after clicking 'Grade Test' and submitting your answers, you will receive
your score and feedback. If you do NOT click 'Grade Test' and leave the post-test page,
your score will be graded as 0%.
 You can re-take the post-test if you don't meet the minimum required test score.
 If you've passed the test but would like to re-take it to get a higher score, simply return to
the course and click on 'Post-Test' then 'Take Test Now.' Remember to click 'Grade Test'
at the end of the exam so your score is recorded.
8 | P a g e Certificate of Completion
A certificate of completion is provided for each course that you successfully complete. You must
pass the post-test to receive your certificate of completion. This certificate can be used to submit
your CEU/CME credits.
Accessing your Certificate of Completion
 To access your 'Certificate of Completion, first click on the 'Assignments' tab.
 Here there is a listing of your current assignments. On the right side of your screen, you
will see the 'Certificate' button. Click this button to see and print your completion
Printing your Certificate of Completion
 To print your 'Certificate of Completion' you must have completed the course and the
post-test requirements. If you've met the minimum requirements for the pages viewed and
the post-test score, the 'Certificate' button should be highlighted.
 Go to the 'Assignments' area and click on the highlighted 'Certificate' button on the right
side of your screen—a new window will pop-up and show your certificate for printing.
Trouble Accessing Your Certificate
 If you cannot click on the 'Certificate' button, most likely you did not meet the minimum
course requirements.
 Check to make sure you have viewed the minimum percentage of course pages—by
default this is 90%.
 Next, check to make sure you must have passed the post-test with the minimum passing
grade—by default this is 80%.
 If you did pass all quizzes with the minimum requirements and cannot access your
certificate, contact BridgeFront Support for assistance at or
866-447-2211. BridgeFront support is open Monday – Friday 11am – 8pm EST. Email
requests will be responded to within 48 hours. Students can also request assistance when
they are logged into the system by using the ‘Feedback’ button at the top of the screen
(next to the ‘help’). 9 | P a g e Accessing Expired Courses
Expired or “Archived” Courses
After your assignment's expiration date has passed, your assignments are automatically moved to
the 'Archived Assignments' area. Here, you can see the course titles and additional details about
the course(s).
Accessing Expired or “Archived” Courses
After your assignment's (course) expiration date has passed, click on 'Archived Assignments' at
the top of the 'Assignments' area to see the course details. Here you'll see a listing of all your
assignments or courses that are now expired.
You can click on 'View Assignment' to see additional course details. Click on 'Active
Assignments' to return to your current assignments listing. If you would like an assignment
moved back to your 'Active Assignments' area, contact Jacqui Appel at
Updating User Information
To change your username, password, email address and more, go to the 'User Info' tab. Here is
where you can change and view your account information. If some of the information is grayed
out, contact Jacqui Appel at
Other Support – HTML/Technical Error Messages
If you receive an HTML error message—or any other technical error—while you are in our
Online Education Center, please send a message to the BridgeFront Client Support team. The
best way to contact Client Support is by using the 'feedback' button at the top of the screen. In
the message, please indicate what the error message said and what feature you were using when
the error occurred.
You can also contact them at or 866-447-2211. BridgeFront support
is open Monday – Friday 11am – 8pm EST. Email requests will be responded to within 48
10 | P a g e Frequently Asked Questions
1. What do I do if I’ve forgotten my password or User ID?
If you forget your password or user ID information, go to our home site at and click the “Forgot Password?” link. This will
allow you to retrieve either your password by entering your user ID, or your User ID by
entering your e-mail address registered to your student profile. If you cannot retrieve
your sign on information using the above process, contact Jacqui Appel at
2. How long do I have to take my courses?
Courses will be available for completion for a duration of 3 months. Once the course is
taken, the user will be able to refer back to the information as long as they have an active
account with UCF REC e-Learning.
3. How can I tell if my course qualifies for CEU or CME credits?
You can view the number of CEU or CME hours for a specific course in the course
catalog. You can also see if your assignments offer CEUs or CMEs by going to your
‘Assignments’ tab. Next, click on ‘View Assignment’ next to your course title. On the
right side of the screen, under the ‘CEU’ column, you will see the number of Continuing
Education Units available for taking that course (e.g. 0, 0.5, 1.0).
Click here to view the accrediting associations which support the UCF REC e-Learning
continuing education credits.
4. How do I get my CEU or CME certificate?
After logging into the UCF REC e-Learning site, click on the “Assignments” tab
at the top right hand corner of the screen.
This will populate all completed and incomplete courses.
Find the assignment title of the course you completed for the CEU or CME credit.
All courses which have been completed and passed will show a “Certificate”
button next to the due date for the course.
Click on the “Certificate” button for the desired completed assignment and choose
a printing option.
5. How do I submit my CEU and CME credits?
Continuing education credits can be recorded, tracked, and submitted free of
charge through the online site CE Broker.
Once at the homepage, click the “Get Started” tab on the tool bar. CE Broker
offers a free Basic Account at no charge to students. This option will allow you to
record, track, and submit your credits.
11 | P a g e 
After clicking on the “Get Started” tab, you will be led to the various account
options page.
Click the “Get Started” button at the bottom of the screen under the Basic
Account option column. You will need to fill in your clinical license number and
follow the initial sign-up to begin using the system.
6. Who is BridgeFront?
The UCF REC has contracted with BridgeFront to offer the UCF REC eLearning
program. BridgeFront is a company that provides high quality educational products and
services to meet the growing needs of healthcare, government, business, and educational
institutions. They were established in 2002 and are headquartered in Vancouver,
7. Who can I contact with additional questions?
Please contact Jacqui Appel at or 407-309-4770.
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