Glossary - Westminster College

Achaeans (uh-KEE-ans) - another name for the Greeks
Achilles (ah-KILL-eez - king of Phthia & greatest Greek warrior
Aegyptus (ee-GYPT-uss) - king of Egypt whose sons were killed by the Danaids
Agamemnon (ag-a-MEM-non) - king of Argos and leader of the Greek expedition
Alexander - another name for Paris
Apidanos (ah-pee-DAN-us) -river in Phthia home of Achilles
Ares (AIR-eez) - god of war
Argives (ARE-givz) - another name for the Greeks
Argos (ARE-gos) - kingdom in the Peloponnesos ruled by Agamemnon
Artesmis (ART-eh-miss) - virginal goddess of the hunt, animals, children
Athena (ah-THEE-nah) - virginal goddess of wisdom.crafts/war and patron of Athens
Cassandra (ka-SAND-rah) - prophetic daughter of Hecuba & concubine of Agamemnon
Castor (KAST-or) - son of Leda and brother of Pollux and Helen
Chersonese (care-so-NEESE) - Thracian peninsula on European side opposite Troy
Cronos (KRON-us) - father of Zeus and son of Uranus
Cynosssema (sign-no-SEE-mah) - “grave of the bitch” - pile of rocks marking the grave
of Hecuba & later a signpost for sailors
Daedalus (DEAD-ah-lus) - creator of the labrynth on Crete & father of Icarus
Delos (DEE-los) - island in the Aegean sacred to Apollo & Artemis
Dionysus (die-oh-NIGH-suss) - god of wine, music, theater & god of Athens
Dioscuroi (dee-os-KUR-oy) - gods Castor and Pollux, brothers of Helen
Doric (Coor-ick) - adj. describing Dorian invaders who settled in the Peloponnesus
Echo - tree and water nymph who wasted away for love of Narcissus
Edonian (eh-DOUGH-nee-an) - adj. for Thracian people called Edoni known for weaving
Eurotas (you-ROW-tas) - river in Sparta
Hades (HAY-deez) - Underworld or its king who rules with Persephone
Hector (HEK-tor) - son of Priam and Hecuba and protector/hero of Troy
Helenus (HELL-en-us) - prophet and son of Priam and Hecuba
Helios (HEE-lee-os) - sun god
Ida (mountain near Troy where Paris kept sheep & site of Judgment of Paris
Ilium (ILL-ee-um) - another name for Troy
Laertes (lay-ER-teez) father of Odysseus
Lemnos (LEM-nos) - island near Troy where rejected wives killed their husbands
Leto (LEE-tow) - consort of Zeus, mother of Apollo and Artemis born on Delos
Neoptolemus (nee-op-TOL-em-us) - son of Achilles and murdered of Priam
Odysseus (oh-DISS-ee-us - king of Ithaca and known for wisdom and rhetoric
Orion (oh-RYE-on) - constellation named after famous hunter
Peleus (PEE-lee-us) - mortal father of Achilles
Persephone (per-SEPF-oh-nee) - Demeter’s daughter and married to Hades
Phrygia (FRI-jee-ah) - country in western Asia Minor (now Turkey)
Phthia (PTEE-ah) - city in Thessaly in norther Greece & home of Achilles
Pollux (POLL-ux) - brother of Castor and Helen
Polydorus (poll-ih-DOOR-us) - youngest son of Hecuba killed by Polymestor
Polymestor (poll-ih-MESS-tor) - king of Thrace
Polyxena (poll-ICKS-enna) - youngest daughter of Hecuba sacrificed to Achilles
Priam (PRY-am) - deceased king of Troy & husband of Hecuba
Sirius (SEE-ree-us) - the Dog Star, brightest star in the night, located in the Canis Major
Talthybius (tal-THIB-ee-us) - Greek herald/messenger
Titans - older, violent gods born of Uranus and Gaea & opposed to the Olympians
Theseus (THEE-see-us) - Greek superhero and king of Athens
Thetis (THEE-tis) - immortal sea-goddess and mother of Achilles
Thrace - kingdom NE of Greece located just opposite Troy
Tyndareus (tin-DAR-ih-us) - father of mortal Clytemnestra and Castor and stepfather of
immortal Helen and Pollux with Zeus real father; king of Sparta with wife Leda
Zeus (ZYOOS) - prolific king of gods, of weather, of suppliants, of justice etc.