Book VII Reading Guide Scene: lhe island of

Book VII Reading Guide
Scene: lhe island of Scheria, land of the Phaeacians.
Characters: Odysseus, Athena, Nausicaa, Alcinous, Arete
I low are the Phaecians portrayed in the opening lines otthe book? (p. 179, lines 5, 12)
What qualities is Arete known for? (p. 181)
What does the description of Alcinous’s palace suggest about the Phaeacians’ relationships with the
gods? (p. 182-183)
I low does Odysseus approach Arete? (p. 184)
l-low does Alcinous act as a host? (p. 185-186)
What decision does Aicinous make about aiding Odysseus’s voyage home? (p. 189)
Mv name is Calypso
\nd I have lived alone
I live on an island
\nd I waken to the dawn
A long rime ago
I watched him struggle with the sea
I knew that he was drowning
And I brought him into me
Now today
Come morning light
lie sails away
After one last night
I let him go.
I \valkcd the ocean daily
I prayed to every deity
linallv the ocean gave me
\vhat it should never take away
My name is Calypso
My garden overflows
Thick and wild and hidden
Is the sweetness there that grows
My hair it blows long
As I sing into the wind
My name is Calypso
And I have lived alone
I live on an island
[tell of nights
Where I could taste the salt on his skin
Salt of the waves
And of tears
And though he pulled away
I kept him here for years
I let him go.
My name is Calypso
I have let him go
In the dawn he sails away
To be gone forever more
And the waves will take him in again
But hell know their ways now
I will stand upon the shore
With a clean heart
And my song in the wind
The sand will sting my feet
And the sky will burn
It’s a lonely time ahead
I do not ask him to return
I let him go
I let him go
You were just like a god
You stepped out from a cloud
but by the ftrst thing you said
I knew I’d never share your bed
Couldn’t we possibly be each other’s?
Isn’t there a somewhere to be lovers?
Why did you have to be for another?
Why can’t I come with you as a lover?
! walk back long the ocean
I watch where your footsteps have been
Should I trust the gods of destiny
or throw myself into the sea?
Couldn’t we possibly be each other’s?
Isn’t there a somewhere to be lovers?
\Vhy did you have to be for another?
Why can’t I come with you as a lover?
“Nausicaa” by (lass Wave compared to F lomer page 172 176, lines I 48273
\Vhat is your impression of Nausicaa from the text? 1rom the Song? Do
song to be an accurate representation of Nausicaa? Why or why not?
believe the
Flow much influence does Athena have in the Odysseus’s reception at Scheria? I low is the
role of the gods portrayed in the song? How do the two compare?
3. Why do the Phaecians believe Odysseus to be a God? What transformations do we see in
the text? Do you believe he has transformed since his first appearance in the epic?
Fishbowl Discussions
Calypso” by Suzanne Vega compared to I lomer (page 157-159, tines 164- 251)
\Vhat is your impression of Calypso from the text? lrom the song? Do you believe
song to be an accurate rcpresenraon of Calypso? \Vhy or why not?
Is the relationship between Calypso and Odysseus mutual? According to the text? The
What does the imagery of day and night in both Vega’s song as well as the text say about
Odysseus’s relationship with Calypso?
ook VIII Reading (;mde
Scene: lhc island of Scheria, land of the Phaeacians.
(Tharacters: Odysseus, ;\thena, Nausicaa, \lcinous, Arete, I)emodocus, Laodamon, Broadsea,
I lephestus, j\rcs, \phrodite, Apollo, Hermes
Who is Demodocus? (p. 192)
I low does Odysseus react to the bard’s
song? (p. 194)
\Vhat games are played at the festivities? (p. 195)
What does Laodamas say to Odysseus to convince him to join the games? How does Odysseus
react? (p. 195-197)
flow does Odysseus prove himself in the games, and how does Alcinous respond? (p. 197-199)
Ixp1ain 1he Love ot \res and \phroditc Crowned with I1o\vers as sung by the bard. (p. 200203)
Why does Odysseus respect Demodocus? (p. 207)
What is the bard’s final song? how does Odysseus react? (p. 208)
Book IX Readini Guide
Scene: [he island oScheria, land of the Phaeacians where Odysseus tells his journeys of the Land
of the Cicones, the Land of the Lotus haters, and the Island of the Cyclops
Characters: Odysseus, Polvphemus the Cyclops (son of Poseidon)
Part 1: lines L343
flow does Odysseus reveal his identity to the Phaeacians? What does he say? (p. 212)
What occurs at the Land of the Cicones? (p. 212213)
What effect does the lotus flower have on Odysseus’s crew?
How does Odysseus describe the Cyclops and how their society functions? (p. 215)
What does Odysseus’s crew suggest upon entering the cave of the Cyclops? (p. 218)
How does Odysseus approach the Cyclops and ask for xenia? (p. 219-220)
How does the Cyclops react? What does he do to Odysseus and his crew? (p. 220-221)
Part 11: lines 344—630
[low do Odysseus and his crew success uIlv blind the Cyclops? (p. 222-224)
kxplain how Odysseus’s way with words’ is depicted in the chapter. Why does Odysseus say his
name is nobody’ and how does this trick help Odysseus and his men escape? (p. 224)
How do Odysseus and his men sneak out of the cave after the Cyclops has been blinded? (p. 224225)
What does Odysseus do upon hoarding the ship and setting off to sea that risks the lives of him and
his crew? What does this reveal about Odysseus’s character? (p. 226-228)
\Vhat does Polyphemus do after learning that it was Odysseus who had blinded him and that he and
his crew escaped? (p. 228)