ASSESSING AEROBIC CAPACITY: A COMPARISON OF FIVE STEP-TEST METHODS by LEANNE MARIE DRUSKINS, B.S. A THESIS IN INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Texas Tech University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Approved Accepted August, 1993 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to acknowledge the many individuals that contributed to the completion of this study. Special recognition goes to Dr. James L. Smith, the chairman of the committee, for his advice, guidance, patience and encouragement throughout the study. I would also like to thank Drs. M. M. Ayoub and William J. Kolarik for participating on the committee. Special thanks to the subjects who took part in the study; their motivation and enthusiasm was greatly appreciated. In addition, I would like to thank my parents, Donna and Jim Woods and Craig and Linda Druskins, for their continual support and encouragement. Finally, my most sincere appreciation goes to Matthew Bishop for his participation, reassurance and endless patience throughout my graduate studies. 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . 11 ABSTRACT vi UST OFTABLES Vlll LIST OF AGURES X CHAPfER 1. INTRODUCTION. 1 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 3 2.1 Overview of Testing Aerobic Capacity 3 2.1.1 Maximal Testing 4 2.1.2 Submaximal Testing . 4 2.1.3 Factors Affecting Performance 7 2.2 Why Choose a Step Test? 8 2.3 Methods Used: Development and Justification. 8 2.3.1 Maximal Tests . 9 2.3.2 Submaximal Treadmill Comparisons 9 2.3.3 Submaximal Cycle Ergometer Comparisons . 11 2.3.4 Physical Fitness Rating 12 2.4 Age Groups Tested 13 2.5 Astrand-Rhyming Step Test and Nomogram 15 2.6 Factors Influencing Performance 17 2.6.1 Age. 17 2.6.2 Gender 19 2.6.3 Weight 19 2.6.4 Height and Leg Length 20 2.7 Preemployment Testing and Job Requirements 22 2.8 Summary of Literature . 23 Ill 3. DESCRIPTION OF TESTS . 25 3.1 Bruce Treadmill Protocol 25 3.2 Cycle Ergometer Test--YMCA Protocol 26 3.3 Step Tests . 28 3.3.1 Sharkey's Method 28 3.3.2 Siconolfi's Method 29 3.3.3 Queen's College Test. 30 3.3.4 Astrand-Rhyming Method . 31 3.3.5 Cotten Step Test --Heyward's Equations 32 4. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN 4.1 Overview 33 . 33 4.2 Anticipated Conclusions and Design Setup 5. 35 4.2.1 Differences in the Means of the Seven Tests . 35 4.2.2 Evaluation of Actual Versus Estimated 02 Consumption 36 4.2.3 Astrand Versus Sharkey 38 ~HODSANDPROCEDURES ~ 5.1 Subjects ~ 5.2 Methods and Equipment 41 5.2.1 Metabolic Cart . 43 5.3 Procedures . 46 5.3.1 Step Tests 46 5.3.2 Treadmill Test 47 5.3.3 Cycle Ergometer Test. 47 ~ 6. EXPERIMlliNTALDATA 6.1 General Introduction ~ 6.2 Data from the Seven Submaximal Tests ~ 6.3 Actual and Estimated Oxygen Consumption ~ IV 6.4 Astrand-Rhyming Step Test Versus Sharkey's Step Test 7. STATISTICS AND RESULTS 52 53 7.1 ANOV A for Comparison of Seven Tests 53 7.1.1 Test Means 53 7.1.2 Gender . 54 7.2 Comparison of Metabolic Cart V02 Values and Estimated V02 Values 56 7.2.1 Bruce Protocol . 56 7.2.2 YMCA Cycle Ergometer Protocol 57 7.2.3 Siconolfi's Step Test Protocol 58 7.3 Astrand-Rhyming Versus Sharkey . 8. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION 59 60 8.1 Conclusions 60 8.2 Discussion of Conclusions 60 8.2.1 Step Tests 60 8.2.2 Evaluation of Step, Treadmill and Cycle Ergometer Tests 63 8.2.3 Gender Performance . 64 8.2.4 Estimated 02 Uptake Versus Actual 02 Uptake 65 8.2.5 Comparison of Astrand-Rhyming and Sharkey's Methods 67 8.3 Recommendations 68 REFERENCES . 69 APPENDICES . 73 A--LIST OF SUBMAXIMAL STEP TEST PRafOCOLS 73 B--SAMPLE OF DATA COLLECTION SHEEr . AND CALCULATIONS 77 C--INFORMATION SHEEr AND CONSENT FORM 82 D--NafES ON SUBJECTS' PHYSICAL CONDITION 86 E--SAMPLE OF MMC PRINTOUT 89 F--RA W DATA FROM SUBJECTS 91 v ABSTRACT The primary focus of this study was to identify differences in the aerobic capacity values obtained from five submaximal step tests. In addition, a submaximal treadmill test and a submaximal cycle ergometer test were included in the analysis. A total of seven submaximal tests were examined. Eighteen subjects, nine males and nine females, performed all seven aerobic tests: Bruce treadmill test, YMCA cycle ergometer test, Astrand-Rhyming step test, Cotten step test, Sharkey's step test, Siconolfi's step test and Queen's College step test. During testing oxygen consumption and heart rates were monitored and recorded for each participant. These values, along with variables such as age, weight and gender, were used to predict maximal oxygen consumption values. Three of the protocols provided estimated values of oxygen uptake during the testing for use in their respective prediction equations. Both the estimated uptake and the actual uptake were entered into these equations. Comparisons of the two resulting values were made for the three protocols. The results indicated that significant differences existed between the means of the seven submaximal protocols. The Cotten step test mean was different from the remaining six tests. Three step tests had the highest predictions: Cotten test, 56.1 ml/kg min; Astrand-Rhyming test, 48.0 mllkg min and Queen's College test, 46.9 mllkg min. The Bruce treadmill test produced the fourth highest mean, 44.8 mllkg min. No differences were detected between the Bruce protocol, the YMCA ergometer test, and Sharkey and Siconolfi's step methods. Significant differences were detected between the capacity means obtained from the estimated oxygen uptake values and the actual oxygen uptake values. The Bruce protocol V02 max obtained from the estimated values was thirty-four percent higher than the mean from the actual uptake values. The opposite difference was obtained for the YMCA protocol; the estimated values produced a mean V02 max twenty-one percent lower than the actual values. There was a three percent difference in the V02 max means for Siconolfi's step test method. VI The aerobic capacity value obtained from the Astrand-Rhyming step test method was reasonable for the population tested in this study. Also, the procedure for estimating maximal oxygen uptake included subjects' ages, weights, gender and heart rates. None of the other tests included all these variables which appear to affect the performance values. Based on this information the Astrand-Rhyming step method was recommended, but made without knowledge of the subjects' actual aerobic capacities. Vll UST OF TABLES 2.1 Percent maximal uptake for various exercise 5 2.2 Comparison of three step test methods 10 2.3 Comparison of two step test methods . 11 2.4 Comparison of four fitness rating step test methods 12 2.5 Astrand-Rhyming age correction factor 14 3.1 Bruce Protocol 25 3.2 YMCA Protocol 27 3.3 Approximate Values of Oxygen Consumption 27 3.4 Sharkey's Protocol 28 3.5 Siconolfi's Method 29 3.6 Queen's College Test 30 3.7 Cotten Step Test Procedures 32 4.1 Random Assignment of Protocols 34 4.2 ANOV A--RCB for Seven Tests. 36 4.3 ANOVA--RCB for Estimated Versus Actual. Oxygen Consumption Values 37 4.4 ANOVA--RCB for Astrand-Rhyming Versus Sharkey . 39 5.1 Subject Physical Characteristics . 40 5.2 Averages of Subject Characteristics 41 6.1 Performance Values for Each Subject. 49 6.2 Oxygen Consumption Values for Subject #14 50 7.1 RCB ANOV A for Seven Tests 53 7.2 Duncan's Multiple Range Test Results 54 7.3 ANOV A for Bruce 56 7.4 ANOVA for YMCA . 57 Vlll 7.5 ANOV A for Siconolfi 58 7.6 ANOV A for Astrand-Rhyming Versus Sharkey 59 A.l Partial List of Available Submaximal Step Tests 73 D.l Physical Condition of Each Subject 87 F.l Values for Bruce Protocol . 95 F.2 Values for YMCA Protocol 96 F.3 Values for Siconolfi's Protocol 96 F.4 V02 max Values for Bruce Protocol 97 F.5 V02 max from YMCA Protocol. 97 F.6 V02 max Values for Siconolfi's Protocol 98 F.7 V02 max Values for Astrand-Rhyming and Sharkey's Methods 98 F.8 Mean Values for Each Protocol 99 F.9 Mean Values for Gender 99 F.lO Performance Means by Gender 99 F.ll Performance Values for Each Subject. IX 100 LIST OFAGURES 2.1 The decline in maximal heart rate with age, and heart rate during a submaximal work rate 18 2.2 Mean values for maximal oxygen uptake measured during exercise on treadmill or cycle ergometer 18 2.3 Changes in maximal isometric strength with age in women and men 18 3.1 Astrand-Rhyming Nomogram 31 5.1 Equipment For Treadmill Test 42 5.2 Equipment For Cycle Ergometer Test . 44 5.3 Equipment For Step Tests . 45 6.1 Bruce Treadmill- Actual Versus Predicted Oxygen Consumption 50 6.2 YMCA Cycle Test- Actual Versus Predicted Oxygen Consumption 51 6.3 Siconolfi Step Test- Actual Versus Predicted Oxygen Consumption 51 6.4 Astrand-Rhyming Step Test Versus Sharkey's Step Test 52 7.1 Mean V02 max Values from Each Protocol . 54 7.2 Mean Capacity Values for Males and Females 55 7.3 Interaction Between Genders and Test Protocols . 55 7.4 Comparison of V02 max Prediction Methods for Bruce Protocol 56 7.5 Comparison of V02 Prediction Methods for YMCA Protocol. 57 7.6 Comparison of V02 Prediction Methods for Siconolfi's Protocol 58 7.7 Means of Astrand-Rhyming and Sharkey's Methods 59 F.1 Capacity Values for Subject 1 92 F.2 Capacity Values for Subject 2 92 F.3 Capacity Values for Subject 3 92 F.4 Capacity Values for Subject 4 92 F.5 Capacity Values for Subject 5 92 X F.6 Capacity Values for Subject 6 93 F.7 Capacity Values for Subject 7 93 F.8 Capacity Values for Subject 8 93 F.9 Capacity Values for Subject 9 93 F.10 Capacity Values for Subject 10 93 F.11 Capacity Values for Subject 11 93 F.12 Capacity Values for Subject 12 94 F.13 Capacity Values for Subject 13 94 F.14 Capacity Values for Subject 14 . 94 F.15 Capacity Values for Subject 15 94 F.16 Capacity Values for Subject 16 94 F.17 Capacity Values for Subject 17 94 F.18 Capacity Values for Subject 18 95 XI CHAPfER 1 INTRODUCfiON Measurement of aerobic capacity is important in such areas as industry, sports and medicine. The VOl. max value is used as an evaluator of a person's ability to work, ability to perform in an athletic event and/or current health condition. It is usually determined using maximal or submaximal exercise tests with treadmills, cycle ergometers or step tests. Other less popular methods exist--swim tests, walk tests and run tests, but these are not frequently used. Numerous tests exist making the choice of which method to use a tedious task. The literature concerning methods of evaluation is full of mixed opinions, results and suggestions pertaining to aerobic capacity measurements. Most researchers are determined to develop a "new improved" method for evaluation and are eager to discredit another method or claim their method is equally correct. Currently, choosing a single method of evaluation and using this test only is the best approach to assure consistency in evaluating large numbers of people. Comparing two different tests may not be a safe practice for those concerned with selecting one person over another for a job, position on a team or as a comparison for improved health. In industry preemployment testing is important because of the need to determine a person's ability to perform a manual materials handling job. Submaximal aerobic capacity tests are used to reduce the risk of overexertion and to protect the subject if he/she has any unknown health problems. Fatiguing a human can be dangerous and is usually only done with a physician present. Submaximal step testing is commonly used due to the ease of performing these tests, minimal use of equipment, low cost and short duration. These tests do not need to be performed in a lab and the evaluator needs only a bench, stop watch and the ability to measure pulse rate. This also eliminates the need for a physician due to reduced risk. However, the number of step test methods available is large and the choice is not always obvious. No literature could be found comparing several different methods of step tests. New methods and revised methods are usually compared to a maximal cycle test or 1 treadmill test in order to prove the test's validity in predicting aerobic capacity. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate some of the step test methods suggested to see if significant variation exists between the values of aerobic capacity obtained. One goal of this study would be to suggest/recommend a single method that is the optimal method for accurately predicating a prospective employee's V02 max for proper placement in a job. That is not always possible due to human variation and limited time. Instead, an evaluation of several step test methods will be performed to determine if the values obtained from the tests are statistically equivalent. Possible factors of consideration with respect to the subject are: age, weight, gender, leg length and height. Not all tests available consider or correct for these factors. Also, specific aspects of the step test methods, bench height and cadence, were considered. Although the emphasis of this research was placed on the use of step tests, a submaximal treadmill test (Bruce Protocol) and a submaximal cycle ergometer test (YMCA) were performed for the purpose of comparing V02 max predictions based on the three methods of evaluation. The step test methods evaluated were Sharkey's method, Siconolfi's method, Queens College Test, OSU Test (revised by Heyward) and the Astrand-Rhyming step test and nomogram. A total of seven methods of predicting V02 max were performed. A full description of the experimental design is given following the discussion of literature 2 CHAPfER2 UTERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Overview of Testing Aerobic Capacity Assessment of an individual's fitness level requires exposure to prolonged physical activity that involves large muscle groups (Astrand, 1986). Several methods for determining physical fitness have been developed and most of these involve measurement of maximum oxygen consumption. Because the increase in oxygen consumed and the increase in heart rate are assumed to be linearly related during activity, maximum V02 consumption is fairly easy to evaluate. Maximum oxygen consumption is a measure of physical work capacity; the peak level at which a person can perform. Of course, the best way to assess this peak would be to conduct a maximal test However, these tests can be dangerous, especially to persons with health problems and/or elderly persons. In addition, maximal tests require expensive equipment and are time consuming. Several submaximum methods of measuring aerobic capacity have been suggested including step tests, cycle ergometer tests, short and long distance track running, and walk/run tests on treadmills. These submaximal tests provide an easier, less stressful method for testing aerobic capacity. One question needing an answer is which of the tests provides the "most accurate" prediction of aerobic capacity. This question also applies to actual maximum tests as well; different tests provide different values of maximum oxygen consumption (McArdle et al., 1972; Astrand, 1986). It is important to determine which method(s) best predicts aerobic capacity because the values attained are often compared between tests. One method may provide a higher value than a second method, leading the person interpreting tests to falsely conclude that one person is more "fit" or capable than another. This discussion of literature focuses on the differences in the mean values of maximal oxygen consumption obtained using maximal and submaximal tests. It is necessary to attempt an answer to the question concerning accuracy of these predictions and measurements. Numerous studies have investigated various methods of aerobic testing 3 with respect to accuracy and variation. Their results and conclusions are provided and reviewed. 2.1.1 Maximal Testing Comparison of submaximum tests for accuracy of prediction often involves comparison to a maximum test as well. Previous studies (Astrand, 1986; McArdle et aL, 1972) noted similar differences in the values of max V02 obtained when using different tests. In other words, there is a tendency for each form of exercise to produce different values of aerobic capacity. For example, treadmill aerobic capacity is approximately seven percent higher than cycle ergometer values. Results of a study involving three maximal tests using treadmill, step tests and cycle ergometer tests (Keren et al., 1980) showed that the maximal treadmill tests provided the greatest maximum oxygen consumption: six percent higher than maximal step or ergometer tests. No significant differences were noted with respect to maximal step and cycle tests. As stated previously, maximum VOl using a cycle ergometer tends to produce a lower V02 max than a treadmill (McArdle et al., 1972). This difference applies to cycle ergometer and track running as well (Astrand, 1986). Astrand also noted differences between maximal treadmill tests depending on the protocol used; mainly dependent on the incline differences (see Table 2.1). It is obvious to see that determining aerobic capacity using max tests is a dependent measurement; dependent on which method is used. 2.1.2 Submaximal Testing Submaximal prediction of aerobic capacity is not any easier than actual maximum tests. There appears to be significant variability between methods as seen in several studies. In 1991, Zwiren et al. conducted an experiment, comparing predictive values of five submaximal tests: a 1.5 mile run, a one mile walk, a step test, and two cycle ergometer tests (Astrand-Rhyming and the YMCA extrapolation). The authors found significant differences, p < 0.05, between maximal test values on a cycle ergometer and submax test values on cycle ergometers. Both submaximal cycle methods, AstrandRhyming and YMCA, overestimated the maximal V02 value. Zwiren noted that the step 4 test had the lowest correlation with the measured V02 max value, it was actually higher, over predicting aerobic capacity. This was also true of a test conducted by Siconolfi et al. ( 1985). These authors found that the submaximal step test estimate of aerobic capacity was twelve percent higher than the actual V01. max value. Of course, the max test used was a cycle test (modified Astrand-Rhyming) which, as previously stated, provides a lower maximal oxygen consumption than other methods. Table 2.1. Percent maximal uptake for various exercises. (From Astrand and Rodahl, 1986. Table 8-1) Type of exercise Running uphill Arms and legs Running horizontally Cycling, upright Cycling, supine One leg, upright Arms Step test Rowing Skiing Swimming Ordinary subjects Specially trained 100 100 95-98 92-96 82-85 65-70 65-70 97 100 100 85 100 100-115 100-108 75-80 105-115 100-115 100-112 100 Zwiren et al. (1991) noted no significant differences between max treadmill tests and submax running tests. This may be the key in developing reasonable submax predictors--use the same form of exercise for validation studies. However, Montoye et al. ( 1986) demonstrated that the correlation between max and submax V02 values depends on the submaximal method used. The authors performed a maximal treadmill test and correlated it to two submax treadmill methods commonly used. Only one method (plotting heart rate versus workload and extrapolating to predicted maximal heart rate) correlated. 5 Some factors influencing submaximal testing must be mentioned, most importantly, the assumptions made. The relationship between heart rate and oxygen uptake as work is increased is often questioned. Zwiren et al. (1991) mention the fact that this relationship becomes curvilinear at heavy workloads. This is also supported in an experiment done by Balke ( 1963) which indicated that the linear relationship was not valid once a heart rate of 160 beats per minute was achieved. Of course, the linear relationship does not apply up to maximum abilities, but many submaximal tests rely on this relationship for prediction. This limits the accuracy of tests using the approximated or "age-predicted" maximal heart rate value. The YMCA cycle ergometer tests and methods using linear regression follow this relationship in predicting aerobic capacity. According to Maritz et al. (1961), the maximum oxygen consumption may be underestimated by approximately 0.3 liters per minute when following this assumption. The significance of this value was not stated. The authors caution future evaluators to avoid prediction based on a single workload because of large elements of random error. Other assumptions, such as constant mechanical efficiency and maximum heart rate equations, are a necessary part of submaximal testing. They reduce the accuracy of predictions, but normally also reduce the testing time and simplify procedures as compared to maximal tests performed in labs. With regard to maximum tests, how do examiners know if an individual actually achieved maximum? The physiological indications (heart rate, RER, 02 plateau) may be present, but if a subject stopped even thirty seconds short of his/her maximum, the V02 max may be underestimated by approximately 2 ml/kg min. (Bolter and Coutts, 1987). This could be the difference between labeling someone as being in average condition versus fair or poor and could possibly eliminate a prospective employee. It is often difficult to have a person perform to their maximum because quite often this can involve uncomfortableness and severe pain (Astrand, 1986). This is especially true in maximal step tests, in which subjects frequently complain of cramping in the large leg muscles (Kurucz et al., 1967). Subjects participating in max and submax tests using cycle ergometers (McArdle et al., 1972) complained of intense local pain in the upper thighs and stated this limited their performance. Storer et al. (1989) noted that lack of required maximum effort in submaximal tests may reduce the predicted value by ten to 6 twenty-seven percent in cycle ergometer tests. Each of the above mentioned factors limit the ability to predict or even accurately measure a person's aerobic capacity. 2.1.3 Factors Affecting Performance Population size is a factor affecting the validity of submax and max tests. Several methods currently used--Astrand-Rhyming, derived equations (Storer et al., 1989), Cooper's Run (Cooper, 1968), etc.--tested small population sizes to derive their respective methods and/or test previous methods. The result is that these methods possibly apply only to the small population studied and using them outside of that group may produce incorrect values. The time required to test a "suitable" number of persons is not available to most researchers, but may be necessary to accurately predict aerobic capacity. Most importantly, researchers must be aware of the age ranges (workloads and heart rates as well) at which these submaximal tests are valid and consider this factor in the validation of their own studies. Many test methods available are age, gender or exercise specific. The best step in correcting prediction is simply to not make comparisons between methods. Coaches, athletes, industry workers and researchers need to be aware of the discrepancies and avoid incorrectly assessing a person's aerobic capacity. Due to variation within and between max and submax tests it is too difficult to assess which, if any test, provides the best measure of maximum oxygen consumption. One possible solution is already practiced in industry when evaluating a job or selecting an employee. In industry, the tests used to evaluate a person or job are similar to the task performed. Tests must be similar to or appropriate for the task to be carried out. Step tests are a reasonable form of evaluation for most people because they are a familiar, comfortable motion. Using this suggested method of testing may remove some of the discrepancies, and is an advantage to the person being evaluated because they are familiar with and comfortable with the exercise used. This practice will not eliminate the differences in predicted values of oxygen consumption, it is only a partial answer to the problem. 7 2.2 Why Choose a Step Test? Most often the decision to utilize a step test is based on cost and simplicity (Anderson, 1988~ Kasch et al., 1965). Kasch et al. compared maximal step and treadmill tests finding a negligible difference in the oxygen uptake and stated the results obtained from the two methods were similar. However, the authors recommended using a step test because of ease, low cost and safety. This opinion is also shared by Heyward (1991) when stating that field tests--with reference to bench stepping--are inexpensive, less-time consuming and easy to administer. The low cost stems from the lack of required equipment. All an experimenter needs for step testing is a bench, a stop watch and time. The ability to test large groups at one time (Marley, 1975~ Cotten, 1971 ~ Katch and McArdle, 1983) also emphasizes the ease in conducting these tests. Familiarity is another factor encouraging the use of a step test. Most people ascend/descend stairs as a daily task and are familiar with the movements (Anderson, 1988). This reduces the time necessary to teach subjects how to perform the task. For this reason, learning curves will be minimized in step test evaluations (Shephard, 1966). Often the literature reveals that step tests correlate highly with cycle ergometer and treadmill tests (Keren et al., 1980~ Kasch et al., 1965; Shapiro et al., 1976--to name a few). Currently it seems that cycle and treadmill tests are the accepted norms for V02 evaluation and step testing is on its way to being an equally acceptable method. Although the test method has been used for more than forty years it is normally validated based on comparisons to the other testing methods (treadmill and ergometer). The reduced cost, simplicity and time are useful for field tests which are a necessary part of job evaluations and employee testing. But as far as exercise physiologists and medical examiners, the treadmill and cycle protocols are more widely used. This may be due partially to the fact that it is difficult to monitor heart rate, EKG and VOl during step testing because of the vertical motions (Siconolfi et al., 1985). However, in this study the focus is on step tests; encouraging their use in preemployment testing by stating the method's correlation to treadmill and cycle tests, and more importantly, evaluating several protocols for their applicability in predicting V02 max. 8 2.3 Methods Used: Development and Justification 2.3.1 Maximal Tests Researchers take several approaches in developing step test methods: (1) measuring aerobic capacity with maximal tests, (2) comparisons to treadmill and cycle ergometer predictions and (3) development of physical fitness indexes in place of V02 estimates. The number of step tests developed since the Harvard Step Test (available since 1943) was unnecessary. There initially was a need for a less strenuous test because many subjects had trouble completing the Harvard test due to muscle cramping. It was considered a maximal effort test. As discussed previously, maximal testing is not recommended for elderly or ill persons and often unadvisable without a thorough check of health for all subjects. A submaximal test was needed for medical and industrial purposes, but somehow that need fostered the development of over twenty to thirty different submax methods (see Appendix A for a table of the various methods) . Maximal step tests were also conducted in order to research their correlation with cycle and treadmill tests. The main purpose of studying maximal tests is to prove the validity of step tests. Shephard (1966), Keren et al. (1980) and Howe et al. (1973) all studied maximal effort stepping. The overall conclusion: The differences in aerobic capacity obtained through stepping versus treadmill or cycle tests are not significant and the simplicity and low cost outweigh any negatives. Keren et al. reported an r =0.90 between maximal step tests and maximal cycle ergometer tests and an r =0.88 between maximal step and treadmill tests. Similarly, Kasch et al. found an r= 0.95 between step and treadmill maximal tests. As far as maximal evaluations, the step test has been found to yield aerobic capacities equal to those obtained from cycle ergometer and treadmill tests. 2.3.2 Submaximal Treadmill Comparisons Authors also justify submaximal step testing through comparisons to commonly used treadmill protocols. The Balke Treadmill Test can be used in a maximal or submaximal fonnat. Witten ( 1973), Cotten ( 1971) and Kurucz et al. ( 1969) reported correlation values of r =0.85, 0.84, and 0.94, respectively, between their own submax 9 step test and the Balke submax protocol. Once again. each author believes their respective method is equally correct in predicting a person's level of fitness and supports the use of stepping. The validity of these submax methods is strictly based on the inherent validity of the Balke Treadmill Test. Each method is different as seen in Table 2.2. For example, Kurucz, Cotten and Witten each use "innings" of 30 seconds of work (stepping) followed by 20 seconds of rest during which the subject's heart rate was measured. However, Cotten used one step height and cadences of 24, 30 and 36 steps per minute. Witten's (1973) method involved three step heights and two cadences. Kurucz (1969) included two step heights and two cadences plus subjects holding a bar at eye level to involve the upper body in the test. Table 2.2 Comparison of three step test methods. Method Cadence Ste~ Witten 24&30 14, 17 & 20 inches 20 innings of 30 sec work & 20 sec rest, HR taken during rest Cotten 24,30 &36 17 inch 18 innings of 30 sec of work & 20 sec of rest, 6 innings at each cadence, HR taken during rest Kurucz 24&30 15 & 20 inches 18 innings of 30 sec of work & 20 sec of rest, 6 minutes at each cadence(24 step/min. on 15 and 20 inch bench & 30 on 20 inch bench) Hei2ht Scorin2 There are slight modifications in each method, but what is lacking is the justification for these modifications. Some authors claim that their method is shorter, it reduces testing time, or is better for group testing, but this is not enough reason for changing a test which was quick and simple from the beginning. Comparisons between these three methods were not investigated and it is questionable whether there is any difference between these three protocols. 10 2.3.3 Submaximal Cycle Ergometer Comparisons Predicted values of aerobic capacity from ergometer and step tests are usually studied for differences/correlations, with each author proving the validity of one more method. One example is a study by Shapiro et al. ( 1976) which attempts to standardize a new step test by correlating maximal V02 values predicted using an Astrand cycle test, with heart rates taken during three separate step tests. The authors chose three bench heights based on preliminary tests, and used a height range that would produce mild to maximal workloads (see Table 2.3). All three heart rates were correlated to Astrand and a 32.5 centimeter bench height with a 25 step per minute cadence was reported as the appropriate method for evaluating aerobic capacity. Astrand had a step test and a nomogram for predicting V02 max. This method involves a higher bench (33 em for women and 40 em for men) and lower cadence of 22.5 steps per minute. Table 2.3. Comparison of two step test methods. Method Cadence Stel! Heia:;ht Astrand 22.5 steps/min. 33 em for women Nomogram using HR and body weight, 5-6 minute test 40cm for men Shapiro 25.0 step/min. 32.5cm Scorina:; Astrand-Rhyming Nomogram or heart rate standards, 5-6 minute test The purpose of Shapiro's study was to develop a "new simple bench step test for mass field testing." A simple test already existed in a slightly different form. The authors could have established heart rate standards using Astrand's method without adding to the growing list of step methods. This introduces an issue to be discussed concerning possible misuse of the Astrand-Rhyming Nomogram. First, another form of step test, not predicting V02, but assigning a fitness rating will be reviewed. 11 2.3.4 Physical Fitness Rating These tests include the Harvard Step Test, Skubic-Hodgkins method, the Ohio State University Step Test and the KSU Step Test (see Table 2.4). Table 2.4 Comparison of four fitness rating step test methods Method Cadence Step Height Harvard Step Test 30 step/min. 20 inches Fitness Index provided based on recovery heart rate at 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5 minutes post-exercise. (5 minute duration) SkubicHodgkins 24 step/min. 18 inches Fitness Index provided based on 30 sec pulse rate taken 1.0 minute post-exercise (3 minute duration) KSU Test 24 step/min. 18 inches Same as Skubic-Hodgkins only the test duration is one minute versus three minutes. OSUTest 24,30 &36 step/min. 17 inches This is the Cotten Test described in Table 1. Assignment of rating is left to the user. Scoring The Harvard Step Test (HST) was developed in 1943 and was used to evaluate the performance of college-age men. The evaluation is based on recovery heart rates and stepping duration. No prediction of VOl. max is provided and because of this the HST is not used in industry. No rating for females is provided which also discourages its use. Its use in physical education is dropping possibly due to increased emphasis on knowing aerobic capacity and/or questions concerning the difficulty in performing and completing the test. The Skubic-Hodgkins Three-Minute Step Test is a variation of the HST. It uses a lower bench ( 18 inches vs. 20 inches), slower cadence (24 step/min. vs. 30 step/min.) and 12 shorter duration (3 minutes vs. 5 minutes). This method applies only to females-- high school and college aged. Again, limited applicability eliminates this method as a form of pre-employment testing. The KSU Test is simply a one-minute version of the SkubicHodgkins Test (Harvey and Scott, 1970). The validity of this test is based on a correlation of r =0.71 with the Skubic-Hodgkins method. Finally, the OSU Step Test is scored based on completion time (exhaustion) or when the heart rate reaches 1.50 beats per minute. Fitness assignment is left to the user. The primary use for the OSU test involves group evaluation and applies only to males. None of these methods are applicable to industry because of gender specificity, age groups tested and lack of obtaining a predicted value of V02 max. It is necessary to include them in the literature discussion to point out other existing evaluations of physical work capacity. 2.4 Age Groups Tested Age groups, as mentioned above, are an important factor to consider in choosing a method of evaluating aerobic capacity. The age ranges used in the validation of most methods are provided to warn users that the test may not be valid outside this range. In athletics that may not be a problem due to the young ages of athletes. However, in an industrial setting the age range of applicants is varied, but may include a majority of "older" persons. Older being outside of the common college-aged subject, 18 to 27 years old. A few examples were mentioned earlier: The Harvard Step Test; college-aged men and Skubic-Hodgkins; high school- and college-aged women. Keren et al. (1980) compared three methods of determining VOl max with the average age of their subjects being approximately 20 years old. This is true of most studies involving aerobic capacity because a majority of the research occurs at universities. It is important to know the reliability of a method when testing a 40-year-old applicant (or 30, 35, 55, etc.) to accurately assess that individual when compared to a "college-aged" applicant. Recent studies, including the Astrand-Rhyming Nomogram, recognizing the need for larger age range, include either an age correction factor or use age in the calculation of VOl max. Astrand and Rodahl (1986) include a table containing a correction factor for age and maximal heart rate with the nomogram. Multiplying the VOl value obtained from the nomogram by the respective 13 factor gives the correct value for people between 15 and 65 years. This range is excellent for industrial testing. Table 2.5 Astrand-Rhyming age correction factor. (From Astrand and Rodahl, 1986. P. 376.) Age Factor Max heart rate Factor 15 25 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 1.10 1.00 0.87 0.83 0.78 0.75 0.71 0.68 0.65 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 1.12 1.00 0.93 0.83 0.75 0.69 0.64 Siconolfi et al. (1985) include age as a factor in their equations calculating aerobic capacity: Males: Y (Umin) = 0.348(XI) - 0.035 (X2) + 3.011 Females: Y (Umin) = 0.302(XI)- 0.019(X2) + 1.593, (2.1) (2.2) where XI is V02 (Umin) calculated from the Astrand-Rhyming nomogram and X2 is the subject's age in years. The authors suggested these equations as a modification of the nomogram. The importance stressed here is the applicability for a wide age range, 19 to 70 years old. The OSU test (Kurucz et al., 1969) only assigns scores for a physical fitness index and does not provide any evaluation of VOl. max. But the test was validated over a large age range, 19 to 56 years--men only. It is difficult to obtain subjects from all age groups, especially for short term studies at universities. It is important to be aware of the test's age range before using it to avoid miscalculating aerobic capacity of people outside of the age range and to allow for age compensation if possible. 14 2.5 Astrand-Rhyming Step Test and Nomogram Since much mention has been made of the A strand-Rhyming nomogram, a short discussion and overview of its use/misuse is necessary. The nomogram predicts aerobic capacity using either a step test or cycle ergometer test. Relative to the step test, a specific method was used in the validation study: 33 em step for women, 40 em step for men with a 22.5 step per minute cadence for 5 to 6 minutes. This is a constant workload test. The prediction is based on subject's body weight (kilograms) and a heart rate measurement (beats per minute) obtained during the final minute of exercise. Best results are obtained for heart rates between 125 to 170 beats per minute. One problem evident in the literature is modified use of the nomogram. One such example is a varied workload maximal step test (Shephard, 1966) which suggests using the nomogram when a submaximal form of this test is performed. The method of heart rate measurement is similar as is the test duration, but the validity of the nomogram at workloads other than the specific one used for development is not known. The study (Shephard, 1966) does not involve a comparison with the original method recommended by Astrand, which may be necessary to truly validate this test. A similar method was used by Shapiro et al. (1976). The authors attempted to develop a simple step test, but used the Astrand-Rhyming nomogram as a V02 max predictor. Again, no direct comparison was made with the step test used in the nomogram development. The Astrand-Rhyming Step Test has also been modified for use in field tests. One modification simply involved measuring heart rate at fifteen to thirty seconds post-exercise instead of during the last minute of exercise (Sharkey, 1974). This also led to the development of physical fitness slide rule calculators based on the modified Astrand-Rhyming Test. The slide rules use body weight (kilograms) and recovery heart rate (beats per minute) to predict aerobic capacity. These "calculators" are similar to the idea of the nomogram. Sharkey's study was validated for subjects aged 18 to 59 and included equations for predicting aerobic capacity which are used for the slide rules. The equations are as follows: 15 Maximal Pulse (men) = 64.83 + 0.662*(postexercise pulse I minute) (2.3) Maximum Pulse (women) = 51.33 + 0.750*{postexercise pulse I minute) (2.4) ~. Umin (men) = 3.744 * (W+51 P- 62) (2.5) ~. Umin (women) = 3.750 * (W-3 I P- 65). (2.6) where ~ is the maximal oxygen consumption in Umin, W is the body weight in kilograms and Pis the estimated maximum pulse. Sharkey checked the validity of a postexercise heart rate versus the normal heart rate taken during exercise and found that the 15 to 30 second post value correlated well. Marley and Linnerud (1975) used Sharkey's method to evaluate nearly seven thousand students. These authors also used Astrand's recommended age correction factor to obtain the final VOl. max value and concluded that the modified Astrand-Rhyming Step Test (Sharkey's Method) is usable as a means of evaluating physical fitness. This modified approach is a more acceptable form (versus Shapiro et al. and Shephard et al.) because it was validated using the original method. It was only an attempt to further limit the equipment needed for aerobic testing--no heart rate monitor is used for post-exercise measurements. Some researchers have been critical of the original Astrand-Rhyming step test and nomogram (Maritz et al., 1961), questioning some of the accepted assumptions used: ( 1) Linear relationship of heart rate and 02 consumption up to maximum, (2) Individual deviations from the mean population heart rates are small, (3) At basal rate males have a common heart rate of 60 bpm and (4) Individual 02 intake deviates little from the straight line relating oxygen intake and rate of work for a population. However, in 1986 Astrand addressed these issues with respect to all forms of submaximal testing. The linear relationship of heart rate and oxygen consumption is a necessary assumption in submaximal testing. It is the closest approximation of that relationship and most researchers are aware that it fails at high workloads and can cause a low prediction of V02 max. As far as the heart rate variability the standard deviations for maximal heart rate in an age group is usually± 10 bpm and day to day variation is± 5 bpm 16 for an individual or group. By assuming a resting heart rate of 60 beats per minute the actual range covered in this assumption if 50 to 70 beats per minute. What is most important to note in this area is that most researchers acknowledge that these assumptions do not cover the entire population, but are necessary to make predictions worthwhile by saving time, need for equipment and money. 2.6 Factors Influencing Performance Several factors which may influence a person's performance during a step test need further research due to mixed conclusions in literature. Age, gender, weight, height and leg length have each been investigated as possible factors in determining performance in a step test. In general, researchers have found that most of these factors do not play an important role in determining individual aerobic capacity with submax step testing. 2.6.1 Age Age has already been discussed to some extent, but will be included now as well. The importance of including age in aerobic capacity is demonstrated by the drop in maximal heart rate as age increases as shown in Figure 2.1. If the drop is not accounted for the V02 max can be over predicted or a person performing a submaximal test may actually be closer to maximum than predicted and may be under a great deal of strain. No literature was found specifically comparing performance in a test with respect to age groups, but general inferences can be made. As a person ages their maximal V02 drops, muscle strength diminishes and the maximum achievable heart rate drops (see Figures 2.2 and 2.3). The decreasing muscle strength plays a big part in muscular performance which is needed to carry out a step test The loss in strength, caused by reduced muscle mass, slows and reduces power output of older individuals (Astrand and Rodahl, 1986). Inferring that the performance would diminish due to these factors does not seem unreasonable. This may also be true for young children (prepuberty) who are still in the process of developing muscle mass and have normally not peaked in their aerobic capacity. 17 I ! p - ~ 700 ! I . ISO - I- ---..::] I I -·- I 100 II so . 9 c:! 0 I I 0 JG 20 10 • = MJ•,mal e ae rc•se • ~ 50°o ol m ,: u,mal O• ygen uo l ake so 40 60 Age Figure 2.1. The decline in maximal heart rate with age, and heart rate during a submaximal work rate. (From Astrand and Rodahl, 1986, Fig. 4-24). 9 c E " ,; ~ o • Cross secr•onal 50 o • Longlludu'\al '0 ~:; ~ > X 0 -:;; ; X ~ 10 )0 20 50 60 Years Figure 2.2. Mean values for maximal oxygen uptake measured during exercise (From Astrand and Rodahl, 1986. Fig. 7-13). s SL: i~v. > c:"' o:..u ~ £! :i g I 10 . 1 I :c I 30 I I I 40 :.~\ I l1 .. Age vea·s Figure 2.3 Changes in maximal isometric strength with age in women and men. (From Astrand and Rodahl, 1986. Fig. 7-18). 18 One possibility for lack of information concerning effects of age on performance may be the age range normally used in testing , college-aged 18 to 27 years old. An individual's peak in performance usually occurs during the 18- to 27-year-old range. AstrandRhyming, Siconolfi et al. and Rockport Walking Institute (see Heyward, 1991) each include age as a factor in calculating aerobic capacity. The issue needs further investigation to determine its validity in V02 max calculations. 2.6.2 Gender The literature reviewed does not include specific comparisons of performance as a function of gender. As previously noted most studies are gender specific, women only or men only. The Harvard Step Test and the Skubic-Hodgkins Test are two examples. Other literature involving both sexes makes no evaluation based on differences in the ability/performances of males versus females. With respect to preemployment strength testing, Chaffin et al. (1978) found that gender correlated weakly with subject strength. The authors recommended that gender differences be considered when selecting personnel, but that the strength tests do not need to be modified for females. Figures 2.2 and 2.3, demonstrate a difference in strength and maximal oxygen consumption between males and females, but the significance of this difference was not provided. A woman's maximal aerobic power is usually about sixty-five to seventy-five percent the power of a man (Astrand and Rodahl, 1986). Women have always been behind men (on average) in performance of athletics: 10 percent less in running events, 8 percent in skating, 12 percent in bicycling and 6 to 10 percent in swimming (Astrand and Rodahl, 1986). It is not known if these differences are biological (anthropometry, biomechanics) or sociological (cultural biases, training). It appears safe to assume that on average females would lag behind males in step test performance as well. This factor needs further investigation into the necessity of its inclusion for maximal 02 consumption evaluations. 2.6.3 Weight The influence of weight on step test performance is the third factor to discuss. The obvious disadvantage with weight is that heavier individuals are doing more work in a step 19 test: step height* txxly weight* cadence= work. But this difference may be negligible. Restricted movement and poor flexibility are also disadvantages for extremely overweight persons. The only literature examining the influence of weight was Chaffin et al. 's ( 1978) study of strength testing. In the authors' summary, it is stated that txxly weight is not correlated to strength. The Astrand-Rhyming nomogram and Siconolfi's equation utilize the txxly weight for calculating max VOl. for step tests. Body weight was included in the evaluation because of its part in calculating the workload. In the validation of the UVic step test (Howe et al., 1973) no relationship between body weight and performance was found. Similar results were obtained in an investigation of the Harvard Step Test (Keen and Sloan, 1958). These authors noted a study in which lighter men attained significantly higher scores than heavier men (Reedy and Saiger, 1954). Again, very little specific research based on performance effects of body weight with respect to step tests was found. Body weight is another area open for further investigation. 2.6.4 Height and Leg Length Finally, height and leg length are discussed together, focusing mainly on leg length because it has been investigated frequently with regard to stepping performance. Culpepper and Francis ( 1987) have developed a model to determine the proper step height to be used for aerobic testing by stepping. The authors believe that performance in a step test is determined by step height because of its influence on the work rate and biomechanical efficiency, and suggest that accommodation of step height to a person's stature would provide better aerobic capacity estimations. An angle of 73.3 degrees at the hip was found to correlate best with actual maximal oxygen consumption and led to the development of two equations for determining step height: Females: Hf (em) = 0.189 * lh (2. 7) * lh, (2.8) Males: Hf (em)= 0.192 where Hf is the step height and lh is the statute height of the subject. Culpepper and Francis obviously felt that height influenced performance in step tests and tried to obtain the best performance by adjusting step height according to stature. Keen and Sloan's (1958) 20 findings and Howe et al. 's (1973) findings did not support the influence of height on step test performance. In the investigation of the HST (Keen and Sloan), stature showed no correlation to step test results. The authors concluded that there was no justification in changing step heights for shorter individuals. Howe et al. made a similar conclusion when investigating stature effects in performing the UVic step test. Howe et al. and Keen and Sloan also made conclusions regarding the effects of leg length on performance. Again, both studies failed to identify any correlation of leg length and step test performance. Ricci et al. (1966) studied the HST with respect to influence on leg length and found it was not a factor in performance. The authors concluded that performance in the HST is mainly effected by the level of motivation and discomfort tolerance levels of the individual being tested. It was noted that many researchers use a lower bench height for women, but fail to justify its use. Some literature disagrees with this statement. In a study using an adjustable bench height and a 25 step/minute cadence (Shahnawaz, 1978) the findings suggest that any step test's validity is enhanced by adjusting the bench height in relation to a subject's limb length (top of the greater trochanter to the floor). Shahnawaz found that a relationship between oxygen consumption and bench height exists with the lowest consumption occurring at a bench height near fifty percent of a subject's limb length (lowest oxygen consumption, but best maximal VOl. prediction). The author concludes that optimal performance may be obtained through a compromise between stepping rate and a bench height between forty to fifty-five percent of a subject's leg length. This compromise leads to the best approximation of maximal oxygen consumption using this method. Further investigation in this area was encouraged. In another investigation of the Harvard Step Test (Ariel, 1969) an attempt to discover any significant effects that knee joint angle has on HST performance was made. The study indicated that the larger knee joint angles were (i.e., higher bench or shorter legs) the more difficult it was to perform the test as indicated by lower fitness index scores. Ariel suggested adjusting the knee joint angle such that each subject is competing on an equal basis, otherwise comparisons are biased. The literature is not in agreement as to the influence of limb length on performance and further investigation into this area is encouraged to make a conclusion that can be incorporated into testing procedures. 21 2.7 Preemployment Testing and Job Requirements The importance of preemployment testing cannot be stressed enough. It calls for an evaluation of all job requirements in order to properly choose a prospective employee. A study done for Advanced Ergonomics, Inc., by Charles Anderson (1990) emphasizes the value of preemployment placement testing. Isometric strength tests and endurance tests (using Siconolfi et al. 's step test method) were performed by 665 prospective new hires at a grocery warehouse. The study investigated productivity, injury rates and employee retention. It was concluded that this type of preemployment testing, strength and endurance testing, has the potential to increase productivity and retention and reduce overexertion on the job. In another study by Anderson and Catterall ( 1989) similar results were stated. Productivity of employees increased four to twenty-three percent depending on the difficulty of the preemployment evaluation. According to Kraemer (1976), a preemployment "test should be designed to allow judgment about the match between a person's capabilities.... and the actual demands on the job" (p. 65). The author lists several models, methods and techniques for testing personnel: physiological and biomechanical models, physiological or biomechanical examinations and static or dynamic techniques. The Work Practices Guide for Manual Lifting (NIOSH, 1981) recommends that the energy expenditure on the job does not exceed thirty-three percent of an employee's maximal oxygen consumption value. Working over fifty percent for prolonged periods will cause muscle fatigue and disrupt normal performance and productivity. The corresponding heart rate (at 33% V02 max) is expected to be between 110 to 115 beats per minute. The NIOSH guidelines also state that due to variability of aerobic capacities in the work force, persons being hired into physically demanding jobs should be tested before employment. The advice makes perfect sense because an overexerted employee is not an asset The likelihood for injury increases as does the probability for mistakes. The simplest way to conduct a physiological job evaluation is to monitor the heart rate of an employee actually doing his/her daily work. This gives a basis for energy expenditure throughout the day and can be used to calculate oxygen consumption. 22 What must be kept in mind is that an employee should be working at no more than one third of his or her aerobic capacity. 2.8 Summary Problems with the various step test methods have been discussed. The use of cycle tests and treadmill tests in validation of step tests was questioned and a final suggestion of validating using the same form of exercise was made (i.e., maximal treadmill test to validate a submaximal treadmill test). Comparisons between methods is not advisable due to differences in maximal values obtained. Treadmill tests are normally approximately four to eight percent higher than cycle tests and three percent higher than step methods (as shown in Table 2.1). The simplicity, low cost and short time were emphasized as reasons for choosing stepping as a method of aerobic testing versus treadmill and cycle ergometers. The biggest problem surrounding step testing is choosing a single method. Several methods were introduced and discussed, but no recommendation can be made due to the large number of step tests available. No literature was found strictly comparing various step methods. It is not known if any single method stands out as a better predictor than the others or if there is any significant differences between the maximal V02 prediction values obtained from various submaximal step methods. Some factors that other authors have investigated were discussed: age, gender, weight, height and leg length. The literature is very diverse in terms of whether or not these factors influence an individual's performance during a step test. Most researchers recommended and encouraged further research of all factors. The purpose of this literature review was to discuss the numerous step test methods available and mention some of the problems occurring during their development A comparison of each method to an actual maximal oxygen consumption value obtained from a maximal step test would reveal which submaximal method(s) is the best predictor. However, maximal testing is discouraged which limits the ability to recommend one method over others. For this reason, the need for testing and comparing several different methods is apparent. 23 The best possible solution to this problem is a study comparing various submax step test methods, checking for differences in the predicted values of oxygen consumption. To further investigate submaximal step tests the factors mentioned could be included, in particular, the effects of leg length. This factor is closely related to the step method variation. Each method uses a different step height and if leg length is truly a factor in performance, changes in the bench height should reflect this. A single study will not clear up all questions and discrepancies, but it is a beginning and may encourage more research in this area The following study evaluates several step test methods to identify any significant differences in the V02 values obtained. A treadmill test and cycle ergometer test will also be performed to identify correlations of each method with the step methods used. 24 CHAPTER3 DESCRIPTION OF TESTS 3.1 Bruce Treadmill Protocol The Bruce protocol was developed in 1971 and was used extensively for diagnostic purposes. The speed and slope of the treadmill are changed every three minutes as shown in Table 3.1. The subjects heart rate must be monitored throughout the test because the calculation is based on heart rates and oxygen consumption. If oxygen consumption is not monitored, an equation is provided to predict the subject's consumption at the various stages of testing. Equation 3.1 can be used to calculate the work done during each stage (work can be converted to oxygen consumption) or equation 3.4 can be used for a direct calculation of the estimated oxygen consumption during the test. Table 3.1 Bruce Protocol Stage Time Speed %Grade Predicted V02 1. 1-3 min 1.7 mph 10% 13.4 ml/kg min 2. 4-6 2.5 12% 21.4 3. 7-9 3.4 14% 31.5 Treadmill Work= Body Weight (kg) X 9.8 m/s2 X Sin eX (speed(m/min)) X time (3.1) TAN -1(%grade of treadmill) =degrees (8) (3.2) 1 mile per hr = 26.67 meters per minute (3.3) V02 (mllkg min)= [(75 + (6 x% grade))x(mph/60)] x 3.5. (3.4) 25 A sample calculation of the workloads is given in Appendix B. The prediction of maximal oxygen consumption is based on the assumption that the heart rate and oxygen consumption increase linearly as the workload of the treadmill is increased. A linear regression was performed to predict the maximal oxygen consumption. Up to four sets of points were used in the regression equations, depending on the number of stages completed by the subjects. The maximum heart rate was estimated using the formula 220- age. The heart rate was measured for 30 seconds in the second and third minutes of each stage and if the difference from minute two to three was greater than five beats per minute the stage was extended for one minute to stabilize the heart rate. Since the actual oxygen consumption was monitored during this testing, two values were calculated for each subject; one using the predicted oxygen consumption from equation 3.4 and a second using the oxygen values obtained from the metabolic cart recordings (see Chapter 4). 3.2 Cycle Ergometer Test--YMCA Protocol The YMCA cycle ergometer protocol is also based on the linear relationship between heart rate and oxygen consumption. During the test the subjects pedals at 50 rpm throughout the test. To increase the workload the resistance on the bike was changed according to the subject's heart rate in the previous workload. Table 3.2 describes the procedures used. At least two stages were performed by each subject and heart rates greater than 110 beats per minute were used in the calculations. As in the Bruce protocol the heart rate was recorded during the second and third minute of each stage and the stage was extended for one minute if the difference in the values was greater than five beats per minute. A linear regression was used to calculate the predicted maximum oxygen consumption. The oxygen consumed during the cycle test was obtained in two ways: (1) Actual values obtained from a metabolic cart or (2) Approximate values found using the workload for each stage of the test. The approximate values are based on the resistance used during the respective stage. 26 Table3.2 YMCA Protocol Stage Time Resistance Revolutions per minute 1. 1-3 min 0.5 kg 50 rpm 2. 4-6 depends HR <80: 2.5 80-90: 2.0 90-100: 1.5 >100: 1.0 50 3. 7-9 depends on 50 previous resistance 2.5: 3.0 2.0: 2.5 1.5: 2.0 1.0: 1.5 Table 3.3 provides the approximate value of oxygen consumption for given values of resistance. Since the oxygen consumption was monitored during this testing two calculations predicting the aerobic capacity were performed for each subject. The results of these equations were analyzed for statistical differences. This was also done for the Bruce protocol. Table3.3 Approximate Values of Oxygen Consumption Resistance VOl (L/min) 0.6 0.9 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 1.2 1.5 1.8 27 3.3 Step Tests 3.3.1 Sharkey's Method Sharkey's step test method is a modification of the Astrand-Rhyming step test method. The procedure was the same for both tests, however, Sharkey's method records the subject's heart rate fifteen to thirty seconds after the step exercising is done while the Astrand-Rhyming method uses the heart rate from the last minute of exercise in its calculations. Table 3.4 gives a description of the bench height, testing time and the cadence used. Table3.4 Sharkey's Protocol Time Bench Height Cadence 5min 33 em -women 40cm -men 22.5 steps per minute In place of the nomogram developed by Astrand and Rhyming, Sharkey's test uses equations 3.5-3.8 to calculate the predicted aerobic capacity. 02 is aerobic capacity in liters per minute, W is weight in kilograms and P is the maximal pulse estimate in beats per minute. Because the procedures of Sharkey's method and the Astrand-Rhyming test are the same, two values of maximal oxygen consumption were calculated for each method: one value using the heart rates from the Astrand-Rhyming procedure and one value using the heart rates from Sharkey's procedure. = 64.83 + 0.662 x (postexercise pulse/min.) (3.5) (3.6) 02, Umin (men) = 51.33 + 0.750 x (postexercise pulse/min.) = 3.744 X [(W+S)/(P-62)] 02, Umin (women) = 3.750 X [(W-3)/(P-65)]. (3.8) Maximal Pulse (men) Maximal Pulse (women) 28 (3.7) 3.3.2 Siconolfi's Method This procedure was developed for use in epidemiologic studies and is suitable for estimating maximal oxygen consumption for individuals aged 19 to 70 years. The test consists of stepping on a 10 inch bench at three different cadences for three minute stages. A one minute rest follows each workload (see Table 3.5). Table 3.5 Siconolfi's Method Stage Time Bench Height Cadence 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1-3 min 3-4 4-7 7-8 8-11 10 inches rest 10 rest 10 17 steps per minute 26 34 During this test, the heart rate was recorded three times in the last minute of each workload: at 2:30, 2:45 and 3:00 minutes. These values were averaged to find the approximate heart rate during the respective stage. Equations 3.9-3.11 are provided for calculating the approximated oxygen consumption during the test Stage 1: VOl (1/min) (3.9) Stage 2: =16.287 x Wt(kg)/1000 VOl (1/min) =24.910 x Wt(kg)/1000 (3.10) Stage 3: VOl (1/min) = 33.533 x Wt(kg)/1000. (3.11) The value from the last stage was used with the average heart rate of that stage to obtain a predicted maximal consumption from the Astrand-Rhyming Nomogram (see 3.3.4). The value resulting from these procedures was then used in equation 3.12 or 3.13 depending on the gender of the participant. X 1 is VOl. submax in liters per minute from 29 Astrand-Rhyming and X2 is the age in years. These equations resulted in the final predicted capacity for Siconolfi's protocol. Males: V02 max (Umin) =0.348(Xl)- 0.035(X2) + 3.011 Females: V02 max (Umin) = 0.302(X1)- 0.019(X2) + 1.593. (3.12) (3.13) 3.3.3 Queen's College Test The Queen's College step test was designed for group testing that could be done using gymnasium bleachers as benches: the bench height, 16.25 inches, is the height of most bleachers. Table 3.6 provides the variables for this protocol. Table3.6 Queen's College Test Time Bench Height Cadence 3 min 16.25 inches 22 step/min for women 24 step/min for men The subjects' heart rates were taken for a fifteen-second period starting at five seconds post-exercise and for group testing the pulse can be counted by the subject or someone assisting. The concept of this post test measurement is that a person recovering faster (lower heart rate) from exercising should have a higher maximum oxygen consumption. The predicted maximum oxygen consumption is based on the recovery heart rate (see Equations 3.14 and 3.15). Men: V02 max (ml/kg) = 111.33 - (0.42 x pulse rate, bpm) Women: V02 max (ml/kg) = 65.81- (0.1847 x pulse rate, bpm). 30 (3.14) (3.15) 3.3.4 Astrand-Rhyming Step Test and Nomogram The procedures for the Astrand-Rhyming test are the same as those discussed in the section on Sharkey's method. As previously mentioned, the difference in the tests exist in the methods used to obtain the predicted aerobic capacity. Astrand and Rhyming provided a nomogram for use with their step test (see Figure 3.1). Plotting the heart rate recorded during the last minute of exercise (bpm) and the subject's body weight (kg) gives a predicted value for physical work capacity. The authors suggested that the heart rate lie within a range of 125-170 beats per minute for the best results. An age correction factor is provided for ages 15 through 65 (see Table 2.5). body weight step teat ... ,.Is• , cf' ~ 170 "' '"ll '\o •nen cnt'c intake ..,., . hwet ~d'l.O - 400 maaimol ' 40-: llg : ~ oaygen intake lftwtin 5o;4o 1/min 1.1 1.2 ·' : llgm/ min :- 500 u : kg 1U 172 1.4 I Sl 16 I 1.5 IH 164 u ISO 160 1.7 :- 500 1.1 " ' 156 141 Sl Ill " ' :- 700 1o-= IH 144 ~ 100 : too 2.0 21 ' -:1o 2.2 IU ll6 2.) 112 Ill 2.4 2.5 2.5 :-1000 - :-1100 20 :-1200 10 :.uoo ) ,I Figure 3.1 Astrand-Rhyming Nomogram 31 3.3.5 Cotten Step Test--Heyward Equations The Cotten step test was also developed for group testing on gymnasium bleachers approximately seventeen inches high. The test consists of eighteen innings of 30 seconds of work alternated with 20 seconds of rest with the cadence increasing following the sixth and twelfth innings. During the resting period the heart rate was monitored and recorded. The test was terminated once the subject's heart rate reached 150 beats per minute. Table 3.7 describes the bench height, cadence and timing for this protocol. Table 3.7 Cotten Step Test Procedures Stage Innings Bench Height Cadence 1. 1-6 17 inches 24 steps per minute 2. 7-12 17 30 3. 13-18 17 36 Originally the Cotten test did not include calculations for predicting physical work capacity; the only value assigned to the test corresponded to the inning in which a participant's heart rate reached or exceeded 150 beats per minute. Persons conducting the test were instructed to develop norms based on the group's performance in order to give a fitness rating or assigned fitness category to the subjects. In 1984, Heyward developed an equation for predicting maximum oxygen consumption when utilizing the Cotten test (Equation 3.16). This equations uses the step test score (last inning completed) and the subject's body weight. V02 max (ml/ kg min)=[ (1.69978 x step test score)- (0.06252 x weight in lbs)] (3.16) + 47.12525. 32 CHAPTER4 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN 4.1 Overview Male and female subjects aged 18-45 were recruited from the university and community population. It was proposed that eighteen (9 females and 9 males) subjects would each perform the seven test methods described above. The tests were randomly assigned (see Table 4.1) and conducted on consecutive days if possible. Not all subjects were willing to participate in seven separate sessions due to the time commitment required and instead completed multiple tests in each session. For those subjects completing more than one test per session, their heart rate was monitored and the subjects rested until the heart rate was within five beats per minute of their original resting HR before the next test was conducted. In no case did a subject participate in more than three tests on any given day. The testing sessions lasted approximately thirty minutes for each test, requiring a total time of two and one half hours. An initial session was needed for the purpose of introducing subjects to the protocols and gathering information concerning general health, age, weight, height, etc. A sample of the information sheet and consent form are given in Appendix C. During all testing actual V02 measurements were taken and heart rate monitored and recorded. Where appropriate the actual measurements were inserted into equations for comparison with the values approximated through heart rate. The Bruce protocol, YMCA protocol, and Siconolfi's method each use estimated values of V02 in their respective prediction equations. The experimental design was divided into three areas of interest: ( 1) To examine differences in the means of the seven submaximal tests, (2) To examine differences in the test means when actual oxygen consumption values are used versus estimated values, and (3) To examine differences in the means of the AstrandRhyming step test and Sharkey's step test. 33 Table 4.1 Random Assignment of Protocols Subjects Testing Session Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Sesn. 7 1 Siconolfi Cotten Astrand TR* Queens 2 3 4 CE Queens TR Cotten Sharkey Cotten Sharkey Cotten A strand Queens A strand Sharkey Cotten CE Sharkey Sharkey Queens Astrand TR Sharkey CE Siconolfi A strand Astrand Siconolfi Siconolfi Cotten Siconolfi A strand Sharkey Siconolfi Siconolfi Cotten CE Queens Cotten A strand Astrand Queens Sharkey Cotten Queens TR TR Cotten Siconolfi Astrand Queens TR Queens Cotten Cotten Sharkey Siconolfi Siconolfi Astrand TR Queens A strand Cotten Sharkey Sharkey CE CE Cotten CE CE Siconolfi TR Siconolfi CE A strand CE Cotten Queens TR CE TR CE Siconolfi TR Siconolfi Sharkey CE CE Queens CE Siconolfi Queens CE Cotten Queens Siconolfi TR Sharkey TR Cotten A strand Siconolfi TR Astrand Sharkey 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 CE* Sharkey Sharkey Siconolfi Queens Sharkey Cotten Queens CE TR Sharkey Astrand TR TR Queens A strand Queens A strand TR *In the above table, CE represents the YMCA cycle ergometer protocol, TR represents the Bruce treadmill protocol, and all others are step test protocols. 34 4.2 Anticipated Conclusions and Design Setup 4.2.1 Differences in the Means of the Seven Tests Anticipated Conclusions 1. Differences between predicted values of step test methods are significant. 2. Differences between predicted values of treadmill and step tests, and cycle and step tests are negligible. The first conclusion was based on the findings in the review of literature. Most submaximal and maximal step tests were developed without any comparison to the step test being modified (whether that be the Harvard Step Test or the Astrand-Rhyming Step Test). Due to this finding, it was proposed that the means of the respective step test would be statistically different. The second conclusion was necessary in order to state that step tests are an equally accurate method of calculating aerobic capacity. Most step tests are justified by showing a high correlation to a treadmill or cycle ergometer test. Design Setup A randomized complete block (RCB) analysis of variance was used to analyze the differences in test means. The ANOVA blocked by subjects. The statistical model is as follows: (4.1) where Ti is the test protocol, and Sj is the subject. Table 4.2 is the ANOV A table for this area of the research design. 35 Table4.2 ANOV A--RCB for Seven Tests Source Degrees of Freedom Total 125 Tests Subjects Error Sum of Squares Mean Square F-test T.Yij2- Y .. 2tab 6 T.Yi.2/b- Y .. 2tab SST/(a-1) 17 T.Y.j2/ab- Y .. 2tab SSbikl(b-1) SST - SSa - SSb SSE/(a-l)(b-1) 102 MST/MSE The following information is the hypothesis developed from the above experimental design. A fixed effects model was used because the test protocols were specifically chosen due to the provision of prediction equations. Also the subjects were volunteers; self selection eliminated the randomness of the subject population. Duncan's multiple range test was also used to look for significant differences between the test protocol means. 1. Ho: All J4i are equal, H 1: At least one J4i not equal to the others, This hypothesis is looking for significant differences among test means. 4.2.2 Evaluation of Actual Versus Estimated Oxygen Consumption As explained previously the Bruce Protocol, the YMCA Protocol and Siconolfi's Step Test all provided estimated values of oxygen consumed during the test and the actual volume of oxygen consumed was monitored and recorded during testing of these three protocols. Therefore, two values of predicted aerobic capacity were obtained for each of these tests and it was necessary to investigate possible discrepancies between these values. 36 Anticipated Conclusions 1. Differences between the means of results using the actual 02 consumption values and the estimated 02 consumption values are significant. This conclusion was made because the equation for estimation of VOl used during the testing did not include any information on the subject's physical characteristics: age, weight, height or gender. The oxygen consumption value remained the same for each subject tested. Design Setup A randomized complete block analysis of variance was used to investigate discrepancy between V02 max predicted with actual and estimated oxygen consumption values. The ANOVA blocked by subject (see Table 4.3). The statistical model includes the tests (1:) and the subject block (S). (4.2) Table 4.3 ANOVA--RCB for Estimated Versus Actual Oxygen Consumption Values Source Degrees of Freedom Sum of Squares Total 35 IYij2- Y .. 2/ab Tests Subjects Error Mean Square F-test 1 ITi.2/b- Y.. 2/ab SSf/(a-1) 17 IY.Pia- Y.. 2/ab SSblkl(b-1) 17 SSf - SSa - SSb SSFJ(a-1)(b-1) 37 MST/MSE This model uses fixed effects for the same reasons mentioned above. Duncan's Multiple Range test was used to determine if significant differences existed. Only one hypothesis was tested for this section. 1. Ho: All Ti are equal, Hl: At least one Ti not equal to the others, This hypothesis examines significant differences in the two means for V02max. 4.2.3 Astrand Versus Sharkey Anticipated Conclusions Sharkey's method is a modification of the Astrand-Rhyming step test; however, no comparison was ever made between the two tests to check for statistical differences. The idea behind the development of Sharkey's test was to simplify step testing, but the procedures of the test were not altered--it only eliminated the use of the Nomogram. There is only one conclusion for this design: 1. Differences between the means of the predicted V02 max for Astrand-Rhyming and Sharkey are significant Design Setup The design used was a randomized complete block. Subjects were blocked and the two protocols were the treatments used. Table 4.4 defines the ANOV A procedure. The statistical model follows: Y ij =Jl + Ti + Sj + Eij. (4.3) 38 Table4.4 ANOV A--RCB for Astrand-Rhyming Versus Sharkey Source Total Tests(trt) Subjects(blk) Error Degrees of Freedom Sum of Sguares 35 l:Yij2 - Y .. 2/ab Mean Sguare F-test .) 1 IYi.2/b- Y .. 2/ab SSf/(a-1) MStrtiMSerr 17 l:Y.j2/a- Y.. 2fab SSblkl(b-1) MSblkiMSerr 17 SST - SSblk - SStrt SSFJ(a-1)(b-1) Two hypotheses are included in this design to allow examination of differences in the tests and the subjects. Duncan's multiple range test was used to group similar means. 1. Ho: All Sj = 0, Hl: At least one Sj ~ 0, This hypothesis is investigating significant differences in the subjects. 2. Ho: All T i are equal, Hl: At least one Ti not equal to the others, 39 This hypothesis is investigating significant differences between the test procedures. CHAPTERS ~HODSANDPROCED~ 5.1 Subjects Nine males and nine females participated in this study. The subjects were volunteers recruited by word of mouth, posters and advertisements at Texas Tech University and the community of Lubbock, Texas. Volunteers were in various stages of physical condition, but free of any injury which would cause pain or interrupt testing. Table 5.1 provides the data on the physical characteristics of the participants, and Table 5.2 provides the averages for males and females. Table 5.1 Subject Physical Characteristics Gender Age Weight Height Hip-Knee Knee-Ankle M#12 M8 M1 M 15 M6 M5 Mll M7 M3 F 18 F9 F 14 F 17 F 16 F 17 F 10 F13 F4 27 25 23 36 44 29 26 32 24 24 35 23 20 26 35 23 27 23 189 170 186 169 175 190 168 151 151 110 125 120 125 125 135 127 125 137 5'8" 6'0" 5'9" 5'10" 6' 1" 5'10" 5' 10" 5'7" 5'8" 5'0" 5'6" 5'6" 5'4" 5' 1" 5'7" 5'3" 5'7'' 5'6" 47.6cm 46.5 48.5 48.1 42.8cm 45.3 45.5 43.4 40 • • 46.0 40.8 48.2 36.9 38.0 43.9 44.3 39.9 39.0 45.2 38.6 42.5 40.9 44.9 40.8 36.5 40.7 36.5 40.3 40.6 38.2 39.8 42.3 40.4 38.0 39.8 Table 5.2 Averages of Subject Characteristics Gender M Age 29.5 yrs Weight 172.1 lbs Height 5'10" Hip-Knee 45.3 em Knee-Ankle 42.4cm F 26.2 125.4 5'4" 41.4 39.5 All subjects were questioned about their physical condition prior to testing. Appendix C is a sample of the infonnation sheet that each participant completed. Appendix D contains infonnation regarding the physical condition of each participant. Disqualification would have occurred if the potential subject had a known cardiovascular disease or any physical ailment that would prevent them from perfonning the test protocols safely. All persons inquiring were infonned of the purpose of the research and the procedures used. In addition, subjects were infonned that a minimal risk for heart problems and/or muscle soreness existed and that testing would be tenninated if a subject experienced chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath or any discomfort. 5.2 Methods and Eguipment During the first session with each subject the infonnation sheet was completed and information regarding age, weight and height was obtained. An anthropometric measurement device was used to measure subjects' heights and leg lengths (greater trochanter to lateral condyle and lateral condyle to lateral maleolous). Weights were obtained using an ordinary bathroom scale. It was also during this initial session that subjects signed consent forms which explained the purpose of this research and the procedures used. Following this the equipment used during each test was explained. In total, seven submaximal aerobic capacity testing protocols were performed by each subject: five step tests, a treadmill test and a cycle ergometer test. The treadmill test was perfonned on a CardioExercise Treadmill from Quinton Instruments. Figure 5.1 shows the laboratory setup while the treadmill test was being 41 Figure 5.1 Equipment For Treadmill Test 42 carried out by a male subject The Bruce Submaximal Testing Protocol was used and lasted between 9-15 minutes depending on the subjects' heart rates. A full description of the test protocols used was given in Chapter 4. The BodyGuard Ergometer 990 was used for the YMCA cycle ergometer test (see Figure 5.2). This test lasted between 9-15 minutes also. The five step tests were performed on wood and plastic benches of various heights. The heights were changed by stacking the benches (see Figure 5.3). Prior to each test the subject was told the bench height, cadence of the protocol and any special instructions relative to that protocol. The step test cadences were on a tape recording of a metronome to insure that the pace was consistent from subject to subject A Sensor Medics Metabolic Measurement Cart (MMC) was used to record the oxygen consumed during the tests. A two-way valve was used as the mouthpiece and was supported by the head gear shown in Figures 5.1 through 5.3. Subjects also wore a nose clip to prevent breathing through the nose. Subjects' heart rates were monitored using a UNIQ CIC HeartWatch by Computer Instrument Corp. which sends a signal to a wrist watch giving the heart rate in beats per minute. The watch can be worn by the subject (as seen in the previous figures) or the watch can be placed near the subject for private monitoring. The heart rate was recorded at the end of each minute of exercise and during recovery for some of the protocols. The HeartWatch was also used to monitor the heart rate between tests to insure that a subject was fully recovered before starting the next test protocol--heart rate back to resting. A Casio stop watch was used to monitor testing time. 5.2.1 Metabolic Cart Prior to each test a subject file was opened on the MMC's IBM PC. These files contained the subject's name, gender, age, weight, height and the test being performed. Other information concerning room temperature, pressure and humidity was also entered. After the file was opened and saved, a calibration of the MMC Aowmeter and calibration gases was performed. This was necessary to check the MMC for fluctuations in the volume measurement and gas percentages. Once finished this calibration became part of the subject file. The files were used to record the oxygen consumption during the testing. 43 Figure 5.2 Equipment For Cycle Ergometer Test 44 Figure 5.3 Equipment For Step Tests 45 When opened to the Exercise Protocols section the MMC records oxygen consumption in milliliters per kilogram of body weight every twenty seconds (see sample of data in Appendix E). These 02 values were later used in the calculations for predicted aerobic capacity. 5.3 Procedures The order of the tests was randomly assigned to the subjects. All of the tests were submaximal. Upon arrival at the Ergonomics Research Lab, the subjects put on the Heart Watch to begin monitoring the heart rate. At this time, the MMC calibration was complete and the individual's file was ready for data collection. The mouthpiece was inserted and head gear was placed on the subject and adjusted to support the weight of the valve. The nose clip was not worn until the exercise began. Some subjects came to the lab for seven consecutive days and performed one test a day. For others this was not possible due to time constrictions. In the cases where multiple tests were performed in one day the subjects rested for a minimum of fifteen minutes between each test. No one began a second test until the heart rate returned to the resting value recorded when the subject first came to the lab. 5.3.1 Step Tests If the test to be performed was a step test, the subjects were instructed to step up and down a few times to become familiar with the height while wearing the mouthpiece and head gear. Subjects were told to step up on the bench whenever a "beep" from the recorded metronome was heard and to switch the leading leg as often as possible to avoid muscle soreness in the legs. When the subject was prepared the metabolic cart was started and the tape recording began. The stopwatch was coordinated with the recorder in order to monitor heart rate after each minute. Subjects were also told to stop if dizzy, losing balance or experiencing pain. It was more important to be comfortable than to finish the test. When the test was completed the MMC was stopped and subjects sat down to rest. The subjects left the HeartWatch on at this time unless more than one participant was performing tests. 46 5.3.2 Treadmill Test If the test to be performed was the Bruce Protocol, the subject was told to familiarize him/herself with walking on a treadmill. The workload stages and test duration were explained. The treadmill was set to the proper gradient and speed for the first workload before the MMC was started. The heart rate was recorded at the end of each minute during the entire test The test time was between nine to eighteen minutes. 5.3.3 Cycle Ergometer Test If the test to be performed was the YMCA protocol, the subject adjusted the ergometer seat height so that the leg was still slightly bent when the pedal was all the way down. Following this the determination of workloads was explained and subject began pedaling at 50 rpm. The heart rate was recorded each minute and workload changed every three minutes. The longest test was fifteen minutes. 47 CHAPTER6 EXPERIMENTAL DATA 6.1 General Introduction This chapter provides the raw data collected during the testing period of this research. The data was listed in the following order: (1) Comparison of seven tests, (2) Comparison of actual versus estimated VOl, and (3) Astrand-Rhyming step test versus Sharkey's method. Tables of the data are listed in Appendix F. 6.2 Data from the Seven Submaximal Tests The performance data (aerobic capacity in milliliters of 02 consumed per kilogram of body weight) for each test were plotted for all eighteen subjects (Figures F.1-F.18 in Appendix F). These graphs allowed a quick visual overview of the trends for each test before a statistical analysis was performed. The key provided in Figure F.1 applies to each graph. Note that the scales of each graph are not the same. As stated, the figures are provided for overview of the trends and not for comparing subject performance. The averages and comparisons are provided in Chapter 7 with the statistics and results. Table 6.1 provides the results for each subject. Bruce is the treadmill test, YMCA is the cycle test and all others are step tests. 6.3 Actual and Estimated Oxygen Consumption Three of the protocols, Bruce Treadmill Test, YMCA Cycle Test and Siconolfi's Step Test, provided estimates of the oxygen consumed during their respective testing period (see Table 3.1 for Bruce, Table 3.3 for YMCA and Equations 3.9-3.11 for Siconolfi). Consumption values from two to four stages were then used in a linear regression to calculate the predicted maximal oxygen consumption value for each subject. Only stages in which the subjects' heart rates exceeded 110 bpm were used in the calculations. A second maximum value was calculated for each test (and subject) using the actual value of oxygen consumed as recorded by the MMC. These oxygen values corresponded 48 Table 6.1 Performance Values for Each Subject (mllkg min)* SUBJECf ASTRAND BRUCE COTTEN QUEEN SHARKEY SICONOLH YMCA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 31.6 53.6 43.5 88.5 52.3 50.7 37.4 45.2 30.9 45.6 33.1 41.1 50.6 67.4 33.3 33.9 36.7 31.2 45.7 64.9 62.4 50.5 61.7 68.3 51.8 64.8 42.6 62.1 42.1 56.3 70.2 60.4 54.6 57.4 47.8 47.0 44.6 58.0 40.1 49.0 57.9 63.7 43.0 45.7 33.5 56.9 49.3 42.8 48.2 61.8 38.5 40.0 35.8 35.7 34.3 43.3 44.0 39.6 46.5 46.1 39.8 51.8 30.9 44.9 36.3 45.8 64.3 43.6 39.0 40.6 33.6 34.3 32.6 44.6 39.2 55.0 40.0 46.5 33.5 48.3 29.0 45.4 35.7 48.7 72.4 40.3 29.1 38.0 39.5 34.3 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 35.5 59.7 54.6 55.6 44.7 52.5 38.8 63.4 32.9 48.5 34.9 49.3 78.8 54.7 38.7 45.6 35.2 38.0 37.6 50.9 35.5 48.1 38.6 45.8 43.0 38.1 31.7 48.0 38.2 34.4 52.2 43.2 33.7 29.9 34.1 36.0 *Actual oxygen uptake values were used in the predictions for Bruce and YMCA to the last minute of the stages (i.e., the third, sixth, ninth minutes, etc.) used in the regression. Since the metabolic cart prints the oxygen consumption every twenty seconds, the oxygen values used in the calculation were chosen from the last minute of each workload. The example given (see Table 6.2) demonstrates the values used for each prediction calculation. The sample printout from the metabolic cart (see Appendix E) can be used to compare the numbers used in the Bruce protocol sample because it is from subject fourteen. The numbers provided in the example are entered into a regression equation to obtain the capacity estimates. Figures 6.1 through 6.3 are plots of maximum V02 calculated from actual and estimated oxygen consumption values for these three protocols. The values for each subject are given in the plots and were used to demonstrate the differences obtained when the two methods were used. 49 Table 6.2 Oxygen Consumption Values for Subject #14 Stage 02 uptake (mllkg) Estimated Bruce Protocol from Table 3.1 3 4 31.5 41.9 YMCA Protocol from Table 3.3 2 3 4 11.0 27.5 33 .0 Siconolfi's from Eq. 3. 12-3.14 3 33.0 02 uptake (ml/kg) Actual from MMC HR 30.8 37.0 117 142 27.4 35.0 44.1 116 130 146 31.2 114 BRUCE PROTOCOL-Actual vs Predicted (ml/kg min) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 • ACTUAL PREDICTED SUBJECTS Figure 6.1 Comparison of V02 max Obtained with Actual and Estimated 02 Uptake 50 YMCA PROTOCOL-Actual vs Predicted (ml/kg min) 80 70 60 so • ACTUAL 40 • PREDICTED 30 20 SUBJECTS Figure 6.2 Comparison of VOl max Obtained with Actual and Estimated 02. Uptake SICONOLFI PROTOCOL--Actual vs Predicted (ml/kg min) so~--------------------------50+-~--------------~.-------- 40+4~~~~~~~~~--~----- • ACTUAL • PREDICTED 30+---~------~L-------~~L-- SUBJECTS Figure 6.3 Comparison of VOl. Obtained with Actual and Estimated 02. Uptake 51 6.4 Astrand-Rhyming Step Test Versus Sharkey's Step Test The last part of the data was a comparison of the Astrand-Rhyming and Sharkey test methods. The test procedures were identical, but the equations/nomogram used to determine the predicted maximal 02 consumption were different. The values obtained for each method were plotted for each subject (Figure 6.4). Astrand-Rhyming Versus Sharkey (V02 ml/kg min) so~------------------~--------70+-------------------~--------60+---~------~A-----~~-------50+-~--~~~~~----~~r------- • Astrand • Sharkey 40~~--~----.--1~~~--~~~-30+-+-~~~~-+-+~~~+-+-+-~~ SUBJECTS Figure 6.4 Comparison of the Performance Values from Astrand-Rhyming and Sharkey's Tests 52 CHAPTER7 STATISTICS AND RESULTS 7.1 ANOV A for Comparison of Seven Tests 7.1.1 Test Means The ANOV A used to analyze the means of the seven tests was a randomized complete block, blocking by subject (Table 7.1). Significant differences were noted between the test protocol means and the subject means at a= 0.01. Figure 7.1 is a plot of the test means (average for the eighteen subjects). The Cotten Step Test Protocol had the highest mean, 56.1 mllkg min, which was forty percent higher than the value of the lowest mean from Siconolfi's Step Test (40.0 mllkg min). In addition to the ANOVA, a Duncan's multiple range test was run and the same results were obtained. These results are given in Table 7.2. The means labeled with the same letter are not significantly different. Table 7.1 RCB ANOV A for Seven Tests Source Total Test Subject Error df 125 6 17 102 Sum Sguares 15876.60 3201.78 7931.35 4743.47 Mean Sguare F-value P-value 533.63 466.55 46.50 11.47 10.03 .0001 .0001 53 Mean Capacity Values (ml/kg min) 60 so 40 • Cotten • Astrand IIQJeen V02 30 20 10 0 IZJ Bruce • Sharkey mil YMCA 1111 Siconolfi TESTS Figure 7.1 Mean V02 max Values from Each Protocol Table 7.2 Duncan's Multiple Range Test Results Duncan's A 8 8 CB CB CB c Test Protocol Cotten Step Astrand Step Queen Step Bruce Treadmill Sharkey Step YMCA Cycle Siconolfi Step 7.1.2 Gender Figure 7.2 is a gender plot of the overall averages from the combined test values. The males' capacity was 47.9 ml/kg min and the females' capacity was 43.5 ml/kg min, or 10% lower than the males. A plot of gender and test protocol interaction was completed and demonstrates that interaction exists. Figure 7.3 shows that females performed better on the cycle test, the Astrand-Rhyming step test and the Sharkey step test. 54 Gender Means (ml/kg min) so 40 V02 30 20 • Males • Females 10 0 GENDER Figure 7.2 Mean Capacity Values for Males and Females Gender and Test Interaction (ml/kg min) • Males Females Bruce YMCA Shark Scc:nolfi Q.Jeen A.stra1d Cotten TESTS Figure 7.3 Interaction Between Genders and Test Protocols 55 7.2 Comparison of Metabolic Cart V02 Values and Estimated V02 Values 7.2.1 Bruce Protocol A Randomized Complete Block was used to analyze the difference in the means of maximal V02 obtained using the two methods described in Section 6.3. Table 7.3 provides the results from this ANOVA. The ANOVA and results from Duncan's test showed significant differences, a= 0.01, between the two methods of obtaining predicted maximal oxygen consumption. Figure 7.4 is a plot of the two means. The mean obtained using the estimated value of 02 consumption was higher than the mean from actual uptake values. Table 7.3 ANOV A for Bruce Source Total Test Subject Error df 35 1 17 17 Sum Sguares 11044.68 2062.67 7362.76 1619.24 Mean Sguare F-value P-value 2062.67 433.10 95.25 21.66 4.55 .0002 .0016 Bruce Protocol Comparison of V02 Prediction Methods (ml/kg min) 60 so 40 30 20 • Estimated Value • Actual Value 10 0 METHOD Figure 7.4 Comparison of V02 max Prediction Methods for Bruce Protocol 56 7.2.2 YMCA Cycle Ergometer Protocol Similar results were obtained for the RCB ANOVA of the cycle ergometer tests, only the mean obtained using the estimated consumption values, 34.6 ml/kg min, was lower than the mean obtained from the MMC consumption values, 41.8 ml/kg min. Table 7.4 and Figure 7.5 are the ANOV A and the plot of means for these data Table 7.4 ANOV A for YMCA Source Total Test Subject Error df 35 1 17 17 Sum Sguares 4211.86 465.12 3481.79 264.95 Mean Sguare F-value P-value 465.12 204.81 15.59 29.84 13.14 .0001 .0001 YMCA Protocol Comparison of VOZ Prediction Methods (ml/kg min) I •I ,, 30 20 10 0 I I I I ~ t • Estimated Value • Actual Value I' k METHOD Figure 7.5 Comparison of V02 max Prediction Methods for YMCA Protocol 57 7.2.3 Siconolfi's Step Test Protocol The results from this ANOVA (Table 7.5) show that the means of the two methods were not significantly different, a= 0.01. The estimated values provided the higher V02 max prediction, but no differences were detected (see Figure 7.6). Figure 6.3 demonstrates the ability of Siconolfi's method to predict the oxygen consumed during each stage of the protocol. Table 7.5 ANOV A for Siconolfi Source Total Test Subject Error df 35 1 17 17 Sum Sguares 1678.61 10.78 1634.40 33.42 Mean Sguare F-value P-value 10.78 96.14 1.97 5.48 48.90 .0316 .0001 Siconolfi's Method Comparison of V02 Prediction (ml/kg min) 40 30 20 • Estimated Value • Actual Value 10 0 METHOD Figure 7.6 Comparison of V02 max Prediction Methods for Siconolfi's Method 58 7.3 Astrand-Rhyming versus Sharkey The experimental design for this analysis involved a randomized complete block, blocking by subjects. Table 7.6 is the ANOV A results showing statistical difference between the means of the methods, a= 0.01. Duncan's test was used and the results are provided in Figure 7.7. The mean from the Astrand-Rhyming test was greater than the mean from Sharkey's. Table 7.6 ANOVA for Astrand Versus Sharkey Source Total Test Subject Error df 35 1 17 17 Sum Sguares 3865.71 322.20 3228.16 315.34 Mean Sguare F-value P-value 322.20 189.89 18.55 17.37 10.24 .0006 .0001 Means of Astrand-Rhyming and Sharkey's Methods 40 30 • Astrand-Rhyming 20 • Sharkey 10 0 METHODS Figure 7.7 Comparison of Mean Capacity Values for Sharkey and Astrand-Rhyming Methods 59 CHAPTERS CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION 8.1 Conclusions Based on the statistical and graphical analysis of the data from this research the following conclusions were made: (1) Differences between the predicted values of aerobic capacity from the five step test methods are significant, p = 0.0001. (2) Differences between predicted values of treadmill and step tests, and cycle ergometer and step tests are significant, p = 0.0001. (3) Differences between the means of results using actual 02 consumption values (MMC) and estimated 02 consumption values are significant for the Bruce treadmill test and the YMCA cycle ergometer test, p= 0.0002,0.0001 and 0.0316 respectively. No differences were detected between the means for Siconolfi's methcxl, p = 0.0316. (4) Differences between the means of V02 max obtained from the AstrandRhyming step test and Sharkey's step test are significant, p =0.0006. 8.2 Discussion of Conclusions 8.2.1 Step Tests The focus of this research was to identify if differences existed in the predicted physical work capacity values obtained from the various submaximal step tests. Significant differences were identified in the statistical analysis, but specific causes for these differences are not known. It appears that when these tests were developed high correlations with a treadmill or cycle ergometer test protocol were not enough justification because that did not result in the step tests providing similar predictions. However, some means were the same and need to be discussed. 60 The Cotten step test was significantly different from the four other step test protocols, the YMCA cycle test and the Bruce treadmill test In 1974, Holland obtained a correlation of 0.89 between predicted values of aerobic capacity from Astrand-Rhyming's test and Heyward's equations for the Cotten step test. Results from this study were not in agreement with Holland. Statistical differences were identified between these two tests in this study as seen in Table 7.2. It is not surprising that the Cotten and Astrand-Rhyming step tests provided values with statistical difference because the two tests' variables are not the same. The Cotten test has a variable cadence, using a 17-inch bench and alternates work and rest periods. Subjects "appeared" to work hardest on this test due to the bench height and only one subject completed all 18 innings. However, Heyward's (Cotten test) prediction of VOl max is based on heart rate (inning at which a subject attains a heart rate of 150 beats per minute) and the subject's weight. The Cotten step test, a modification of the Ohio State University Step Test, was developed to test high school students. This test was terminated at 150 bpm because the researchers found that the linear pattern of heart rate increase stopped at the point The equations used during this research were developed by Heyward in 1984 and included body weight in the calculation. The Astrand-Rhyming step test was developed as a modification of the Harvard Step Test which was considered a maximal effort test. One hundred and twelve healthy males and females were used to develop the nomogram; a simple way to approximate aerobic capacity. It is performed at a constant workload and lasts only five minutes, but uses the heart rate at the fifth minute of exercise and the body weight to obtain a prediction from the authors' nomogram. The authors used heart rate and body weight based on results of earlier studies which indicated that oxygen uptake could be calculated within a range of ±6% when using these two variables. Even though both tests use heart rate and body weight to obtain their respective predictions the resulting values were not similar. The means from the A strand-Rhyming and the Queen's College step tests were not statistically different. Queen's College test was developed for group testing in gymnasiums which is also true of the Cotten test. However, the means of the Cotten and Queen's tests were different. The procedures for these two tests are not similar: Queen's is a constant workload test, Cotten is varied; Queen's changes cadence based on gender, 61 Cotten's cadence is independent of gender; Queen's is a three minute test, Cotten's duration can be one to fifteen minutes. These differences and the fact that Queen's College uses a post-exercise heart rate to predict VOl. max may explain why the two tests produced significantly different results. In fact, when these discrepancies were eliminated, as with the Astrand-Rhyming and Queen's College step tests, no differences were detected. Gender specification, constant workloads and short durations are the common variables for these two protocols. This was also true of the Queen's College test and Sharkey's step method; no differences were detected between the tests' means. The tests' durations are similar, both use a constant workload, both measure post-exercise heart rates and each one is gender specific. Sharkey's method adjusts the bench height and Queen's test adjusts cadence for males and females. The means of the last two step tests, Sharkey's method and Siconolfi's method, were not significantly different from each other. Siconolfi's step test uses exercising heart rate, 02 consumption and age in the prediction of aerobic capacity. Sharkey's method includes post-exercise heart rates and approximated 02 consumption values to estimate capacity. The only similarity is that Sharkey's method and Siconolfi's method are modifications of the Astrand-Rhyming test No single variable can be identified as the "connector" for these tests, but what is important to note is that the five tests produced significantly different mean values of aerobic capacity. Future research should focus on the variables involved in the prediction equations by stratification of subjects to obtain a large range of values for the variable(s) investigated. It was not possible to do this with the subjects participating in this project because the variables used: age, weight, height and leg length were not easily stratified. The age range was 20-44 years, the weights were 110-190 lbs and the heights were 5' 1"-6' 1";not a wide range for any variable. Subjects would have to be specifically chosen. If step testing is done for preemployment evaluations a single protocol should be chosen for all testing. The important issue in preemployment testing would not be overprediction or underprediction, but it would be consistency. Consistency (test, retest 62 ability) would be necessary under these circumstances to produce comparisons among subjects that would be fair. 8.2.2 Evaluation of Step. Treadmill and Cycle Ergometer Tests The ANOV A results in Table 7.1 showed that differences existed in the means of the seven submaximal tests. Duncan's multiple range test then identified which tests were significantly different (Table 7.2). The Cotten step test was found to be significantly different from all six remaining tests. This protocol was 25% higher than the Bruce treadmill protocol, 34% higher than the YMCA cycle ergometer test and 17-40% higher than the four other step tests. Table 2.1 demonstrates that treadmill tests normally produce the highest prediction of aerobic capacity, followed by step tests and then cycling. According to Table 2.1, VOl max values from treadmill running tests are as much as 23% higher than cycling (upright) values and 18% higher than step test values. However, three of the step tests, Cotten, Astrand-Rhyming and Queen's College, had predictions 5-25% higher than the treadmill test. The two remaining step tests' means, Sharkey's method and Siconolfi's method, were 6% and 12% lower than the Bruce treadmill mean which falls within the range given by Astrand and Rodahl (1986). The step tests with higher means may have been a result of the treadmill protocol used. Subjects were able to walk during testing which may have lowered the prediction values. No comparison between walking tests and step tests could be found. Another study done in 1991 (Zwiren et al., 1991) reported that a submaximal step test overpredicted aerobic capacity by 12% when compared to a maximal effort test done on a treadmill. The step test used was the Astrand-Rhyming method. In true maximal tests many studies have shown that cycle ergometer tests are 4-23% lower than treadmill tests (Keren et al., 1980). In this study, the YMCA cycle ergometer test mean was 7% lower than the treadmill mean which falls within the range given by Keren et al.. Keren et al. ( 1980), when investigating submaximal tests, found that a treadmill test was 6% higher than step tests and ergometer tests, but found no significant differences in predictive values of cycle and step tests. Another study of maximal tests 63 (Siconolfi et al., 1985) reported step tests proouced V02 max estimates that were 12% higher than maximal ergometer tests. Four of the five step tests had mean predictions higher than the ergometer prediction mean. Table 7.2 shows the YMCA values to be significantly different from the Cotten, Astrand-Rhyming and Queen's College step tests, but not different (statistically) from Sharkey and Siconolfi's methoos. As stated, four step methods had higher means (1-34% higher) than the cycle ergometer test which would be expected since the weight of the b<Xly is not involved and the arms are not moving during biking (less muscle mass working). Siconolfi's step methoo proouced a lower mean than the YMCA (5%), but the difference was not significant. It is possible that this method's results were lower because it was developed for epidemiological studies of heart patients. Siconolfi's test used the lowest bench height and cadence. It also included a one minute rest perioo between each change in workload. Table 2.1 states that step test capacity values are normally 1-5% higher than values from cycling upright The percentages from this research are considerably higher due to the Cotten step test Cotten's results were significantly different from all six remaining tests of this study. This step test had the largest difference, 34%, and without this test the percentages are more reasonable, 1-12% higher. 8.2.3 Gender Performance In the literature review, it was stated and shown (Figures 2.1-2.3) that females normally lag behind males in strength, oxygen uptake and maximum attainable heart rates. On average a female's aerobic capacity is sixty-five to seventy-five percent of a males's capacity. No specific information regarding gender performance in step tests was found, but it was assumed that this pattern would also be true for bench stepping. The males' average was only 10% higher than the females' when all of the tests were included: 1% lower for the ergometer, 33% higher for the treadmill and 8% higher for the step tests. Astrand and Rooahl (1986) reported values of 12% higher in cycling, 10% higher in treadmill and no trend was given for step tests. A majority of the females were highly active: one distance runner ( 15+ miles), one competitive cyclist, one aerobics 64 instructor and six participating in regular exercise programs. This was not the case for the male subjects; only three were participating in some type of exercise program. The means of the tests reflect this: 47.9 mllkg min was an average to good fitness rating for men and 43.5 mllkg min was a good rating for the females. The physical condition of the females may have contributed to the small difference in gender capacities and to the fact that the women's mean capacity was actually higher than the men's for the cycle ergometer. Some of the step test protocols altered the procedures for males and females. Sharkey and Astrand-Rhyming both lowered step height for females, the Queen's College test lowered the cadence for females. This could have lowered the heart rate for the female subjects and all three of these tests used heart rate in their calculation of aerobic capacity-lower heart rate meant higher capacity. Siconolfi and Cotten's methods used body weight in their respective calculations. Since the equations calculating capacity subtracted the body weight (multiplied by a factor), the values for females with lower body weight would be higher than the values of males. Table 5.2 shows that the males of this study had an average body weight approximately 48 pounds higher than the females. This may partially explain why there was only an 8% difference in the means for males and females during the step tests. In the future subjects with varied physical conditions should be tested and males' and females' fitness levels should be more balanced. As previously mentioned, the females in this study were considerably more active compared to the males. 8.2.4 Estimated 02 Uptake Versus Actual 02 Uptake No other research concerning the validity of the equations estimating oxygen uptake was reviewed. The literature provided the equations, but did not justify them. The equation for obtaining oxygen uptake during the Bruce treadmill protocol (Equation 3.4) was simply a conversion from workload to oxygen consumption. It used the incline and speed of the treadmill for the stage and multiplied it by a conversion factor. The estimated values obtained during this research produced consistently higher predictions, 34%, than the predictions from actual uptake values (as seen in Figure 6.1). In fact, some of the values from estimated oxygen uptake produced unreasonable results; VOl max greater than 65 80 ml/kg min is reasonable only for elite athletes. When the estimated 02 uptake values were used this discrepancy may have been due to the fact that the consumption estimations remained constant regardless of the physical characteristics of the subject being tested. Five of the subjects had unreasonable V02 max predictions when this method was used (see Table 6.1). Since workload when running is calculated using body weight (Equation 3.1) it would seem reasonable to conclude that a heavier/lighter person would work at a different level. Also, factors such as age and gender have been shown to influence oxygen consumption. Another possible cause of the differences may have been due to bad data points when the actual 02 uptake values were used. Subject four had low heart rate values as seen in Table 6.1 and obtained a predicted capacity of 88.5 ml/kg min. The Bruce protocol suggests using heart rate values above 110 bpm in the regression. It is at this point that the linear relationship between heart rate and oxygen consumption begins. In Figure 6.1 the values from the estimates follow the same pattern as the actual values with the exception of a few data points. The estimated values produce consistent results, but these results were significantly higher than the results from actual oxygen consumption values. The same is true of the YMCA cycle ergometer test. The method of obtaining oxygen uptake at each workload is constant and independent of physical characteristics (see Table 3.3) and resulted in significantly lower capacity predictions. Figure 6.2 demonstrates that only one subject had a V01. max value from actual 01. measurements that was lower than the V01. max from estimated uptake. Table 7.4 and Figure 7.5 demonstrate that the predictions were statistically different. Although body weight is not a factor in cycling, the other characteristics could be important factors when determining oxygen uptake for cycling. The validity of the estimated values is questionable because it seems to consistently underestimate the amount of oxygen a person is utilizing while performing this test. The results from the comparison of Siconolfi's V01. max values showed that no significant differences existed between estimated and actual values of 02 consumption (see Figure 6.3 and Figure 7.6). This may be due to the fact that these uptake estimates include the subject's body weight (Equations 3.12-3.14). It may be necessary to include body 66 weight and/or age and gender variables to correctly estimate the oxygen consumed. The fact that the differences exist in the Bruce and YMCA methods may be a partial cause of the differences in the overall means of step, treadmill and cycle ergometer tests. Sharkey and Queen's College methods also use approximate values of 02 consumption in their equations. Only one reference was found which discussed the use of oxygen consumption estimates. Shephard ( 1966), after studying three submaximal tests ( a treadmill test, a cycle test and a step test), stated that a smaller coefficient of variation was found for aerobic capacity predictions when the oxygen consumed during the test was measured instead of estimated. It may be necessary to further investigate the estimates discussed for the Bruce Protocol and the YMCA Protocol and to include the subjects' physical characteristics in these equations. 8.2.5 Comparison of Astrand-Rhyming and Sharkey's Methods Sharkey's step test method was developed as a modification of the AstrandRhyming test to simplify the procedure and eliminate the need for a heart rate monitor. When developing the test, Sharkey did obtain high correlations to the Astrand-Rhyming test. The correlations were done on the heart rate values at the fifth minute of exercise and at fifteen to thirty seconds post-exercise. Then equations were developed based on the nomogram and the post-exercise heart rate. However, in this study significant differences in the means of the two methods existed (see Table 7.6). The mean value obtained from Astrand-Rhyming's method was higher than the mean value of Sharkey's method (Figure 7.6). Figure 6.4 also shows that Astrand-Rhyming's values were consistently higher for each individual. Either the use of post-exercise heart rates or the equations Sharkey developed caused the prediction to be significantly lower than Astrand-Rhyming's predictions. The equations were not validated with respect to the Astrand-Rhyming method, only the heart rate values were validated. The reasons for developing the equations versus using the nomogram with the post-exercise values are unknown. The nomogram is easy to use and may be duplicated simply by photocopy. It can be used for group testing, especially if the heart rate is taken once the test is completed instead of 67 during the exercise. There does not appear to be enough reason to change the AstrandRhyrning method, but if it is modified the modification must not produce significantly different values. 8.3 Recommendations Since a maximal test was not performed, it is difficult to recommend a submaximal test that best predicts aerobic capacity. However, the Astrand-Rhyming step test and nomogram have been thoroughly investigated in the years since their development and the results obtained from this method produced "reasonable" results for the sample population of this research. A mean of 48.0 ml/kg min was obtained which, according to Katch and McArdle (1983), corresponds to a high level of fitness for the women and an average to good level of fitness for the men. 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Uses a nomogram to 12 inch --Use Astrand to predict V02 max (He is critical of A strand's assumptions 2-50 em (variable)--approximately 20 minutes 24,30 Nagle Max Test - 40 em -- 30-60% of limb length at 5% increments--5 minute Perform max cycle test to obtain V02 max 25 40 em --2, 5-minute tests. Pulse measured during recovery. Compared to Astrand cycle ergometer test Shahnanaz stages. a max -Shapiro pulse max. Two 9 inch steps One 18 inch step --measuring 02 and heart rate. If not doing test, use Astrand-Rhyming to predict 15,25 Margaria 14,17,20 in --30 sec of work, 20 sec of rest, 20 innings heart rate during rest. Correlate to Balke 24,30 F-EMU measure STEP HEIGHT STEP RATE tvtETHOD Partial List of Available Submaximal Step Tests Table A.1 V'l .....,J 20, 30, 40, 50 em Measuring resting pulse and blood pressure, exercising and recovery blood pressure. 30.5 em -- 6 minute. Not obtaining V02 max, just measure V02 submax and its increase with increased clothing 17 inch -- 30 sec work, 20 sec rest, 18 innings or until HR of 150. Measure pulse 5-15 sec during rest. Score given 20 24,30,36 Developed an equation based on linear relationship of HST scores and step duration so that persons not completing test can be evaluated. Score given. Army personnel OSU (Cotten) Carver 18 inch-- 1 minute test work rates: 900kgm/min for men, 660 -women 18 inch --3 minute test. 30 sec pulse rae taken after 1 min. of rest. Obtain a score 18 inch --6 minute test. Submax test, stop in HR reaches 160 or subject cannot continue. Test for influence of body size, weight, tee. not discussing prediction of V02 max Wingate lnst. 17 increased 3 step/min U-Vic 12 inch-- 6-12 minutes. Max test compared to a max r = 0.95· 24 24 increase 3-6 step/min Kasch treadmill test, 20 inch -- 5 minute test. Pulse rate counted 1-1.5, 2-2.5 & 3-3.5 post exercise. Assigned a fitness index, not V02 max KSU 30 Harvard 32.5 em --Max test 24 24to40-60 Keren STEP HEIGHT Skubic-Hodgkins STEP RATE MEfHOD Table A.1 Continued ~ 22 women, 24 men Queens College 16.25 inches-- 3 minute test. Pulse taken for 15-sec, 5 sec after exercise stops. Equations predict V02 max 10 inch-- 9 minute test. Heart rate recorded in last 30 sec of workload (3 readings per stage). Obtained equations for V02max Uses the Cotten test to predict max using equations developed Heywood 17, 26, 34 50 em men, 45.72 em women--4 min 30 MeLoy and Young Siconolfi each predicting STEP HEIGHT STEP RATE MEfHOD Table A.1 Continued APPENDIXB SAMPLE OF DATA COLLECfiON SHEETS 77 SUBJECT NAME & NUMBER M /Fx AGE --~2~3_______ WEIGHT 120 HEIGHT 661N LEG LENGTH: HIP to KNEE DAY #14 MAX HR 220-23 = 197 x 80°/o = 158 41.3 KNEE to ANKLE 40.6 7 BRUCE PROTOCOL--do not exceed HR of 155 bpm, & HR must be within 5 bpm for each 3 minute stage HR @ 1 2 3 4 5 min min min min min --....:8=5_ _ __...,:8::.,:9_ _ __.....;:9'-'-1_ _ __...,:9::..::9:.....-_ ___1;....;:;0~1_ _ 6 min ---!:9::..:9:.,...__ 7 min 113 8min 114 9 min 117 10 min 11 min 12 min 137 138 142 Actual V02: Predicted V02 consumption: Stage 1 : 13.4 ml/ kg min 16.8 Stage 2: 21 .4 21.7 Stage 3: 31.5 30.8 Stage4: 41.9 37.0 Maximal V02= V02 submax2 + [(V02 submax2- V02 submax1) I (HR2- HR1)]*(HAmax- HR2) From predicted: V02 max = 64.8 From actual: 50.6 78 SUBJECT NAME & NUMBER DAY _4-=------ YMCA PROTOCOL HR@ 1 2 3 4 5 min min min min min 88 88 91 113 112 6 min _ _1!...,!1~6 7 min _ _1~2~8 8 min _ _1~3~0 9 min _ _1~4~5 10min _ _1~4~6 Predicted V02 consumption: Stage 1: 0.5 U min 27.4 Stage 2: 1.5 Umin 35.0 Stage 3: 1.8 Umin 44.1 Maximal V02= V02 submax2 + (V~ submax2- V02 submax1) I (HR2- HR1)*(HRmax- HR2) From predicted: V02 max = 71.9 From actual: DAY 72.4 1 SHARKEY'S METHOD HR @ 1 min __1!. . :1"--.:4_ __ 2 min __1:. . :1. . : ;0_ __ 3 min _.......;1~0:..:::::8_ __ HR @ 15-30 seconds post test Max Pulse (men): 64.83 4 min ----=-1-=-16::::.-.--5 min ----=-1~09:!:!...--- 97 93 85 + 0.662 x (postexercise pulse, bpm) = Max Pulse (women): 51.33 + 0.75 x (postexercise pulse, bpm) = 120.08 V02 max (Umin) = 3.744 x [(WT(kg) + 5) I (P- 62)] = _ _ _ _ __ (men) V02 max (Umin) =3.750 x[ (WT(kg)- 3) I(P- 65)] = (women) 79 64.34 SUa.JECT NAME & NUMBER DAY 6 QUEEN'S TEST HR@ 1 min 110 2 min 109 3 min 109 HR @ 5-20 seconds post test 97 95 94 Men, V02 max (ml/kg) = 111.33 - (0.42 X pulse rate, bpm) = _ _ _ _ __ Women, V02 max= 65.81 - (0.1847 X pulse rate, bpm) = 48.20 DAY --=2=---ASTRAND RHYMING--best if HR is between 125-170 bpm HR @ 1 min _ _.1:. . .:1. . :. 1_ __ 2 min 108 3 min Use the HR and vo2 108 4 min -......!.1~08~-5 min 11 0 * this HR used for nomogram post test 96.96.96 wr (kg) to obtain V02 max (Umin) from the nomogram: 78.83 max= DAY --=5'-----COTTEN (HEYWARD) TEST-30 seconds of work, 20 seconds of rest HR@ 1 min 2 min 3 min 4 min 5 min 6 min 100 91 99 99 97 96 7 min 8min 9min 10 min 11 min 12 min 13 14 15 16 17 18 97 110 105 114 115 110 min min min min min min 113 124 129 127 128 130 18 SCORE is# of completed intervals vo2 max (ml/ kg min) = [(1.69978 Xstep test SCORE) - (0.06252 XWf(lbs))] + vo2 max (ml/ kg min) = 47.12525 ----.!...7~0-:...::2=2_ _ _ __ 80 SUBJECT NAME & NUMBER DAY 3 SICONOLFI'S TEST--one minute of rest between stages HR @ 2:30 --~9:::....:..1 2:45 --~= 88 3:00 89 AVE ---=89:..:.·-=33:.-_ ---..:::~ V02 Estimated: Stage 1 : V02 (Umin) Stage 2: V02. Stage 3: V02. 6:30 ---~ 102 5:45 ---~ 102 7:00 ---~ 100 AVE _ _1~0~1~.3~3 10:30 _ _ _1=--:1. . .:. 4 10:45 _ _ _1=--:1-=3 11 :00 _ _ _1=--:1..=5 AVE _ _ _1;. . .;.1. . .:. 4 =16.287 x WT(kg)/1 000 = =24.910 X WT(kg)/1 000 = =33.533 X WT(kg)/1000 = 0.888 1.359 1.829 Mean HR and V02 (from above) are used with Astrand-Rhyming Nomogram to estimate vo2 max V02 max (Umin) = _ _ ___;5~·~6_ _ _ _ (X1) Actual V02 measured @ Stage 1 18.87 Stage 2 24.23 Stage 3 31.14 MALES V02 max (Umin) = 0.348(X1) - 0.035(age) + 3.011 = · - - FEMALES V02 max =0.302(X1)- 0.019(age) + 1.593 =52.20 81 APPENDIXC INFORMATION SHEEr AND CONSENT FORM 82 INFORMATION SHEEr NAME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS ________________________________PHONE__________ AGE._ _ _ _ _ _ __ MALE.______ FEMALE._ _ _ _HEIGHT_ _ _ _ WEIGHT__________ Do you have any known cardiovascular disease or problem?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ If yes, please explain: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Have you had any prior muscle, bone or joint injuries?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ If yes, please explain: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Do you feel this injury will limit your performance in any of the tests required for this study?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Are you currently taking any medications? List _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 83 Assessing Aerobic Capacity: A Comparison of Five Step Test Methods Consent Fonn I have truthfully an~~er~ t~e questionnaire to the best of my knowledge. I hereby give my co~nt for ~c1pat1on m the project entitled "Assessing Aerobic Capacity: A Co~J>ai:Ison of Five Step Test Methods." I understand that the person responsible for this proJect IS Dr. James L. Smith of the Industrial Engineering Department. Dr. Smith can be locatt:d at 742-3~3. He or his authorized representative, Leanne Druskins 791-2247, has explamed that this study has the following objectives: 1. To compar~ the predicted values of aerobic capacity from five step test protocols. These prot<X?Ols cons1st of stepping up and down on benches of various heights ( 10 to 17 inches) at vanous rates (17 to 36 steps per minute). 2. To compare the predicted values of aerobic capacity from step test protocols, a treadmill protocol and a cy~le ergometer protocol. The treadmill test involves running on a treadmill f~r. a total of_9 mmutes at speeds of 1.7 to 3.4 miles per hour. The cycle test involves nding on ':1 bike for a total of 9 minutes. The resistance on the tire (like a brake) is changed every 3 mmutes to make pedaling more difficult. He or his authorized representative has ( 1) explained the procedures to be followed and identified those which are experimental; (2) described the attendant discomforts and risks; (3) described the benefits to be expected; and (4) described appropriate alternative procedures. I understand that this research involves seven submax.imal aerobic capacity tests. These include running on a treadmill, riding a bicycle and stepping up and down on benches. During all testing my oxygen consumption and heart rate will be monitored. If I experience any dizziness or pain, or my heart rate exceeds 80% of my predicted maximum, the test will be tenninated. I will not be paid to participate in this study. The risks have been explained to me as following: Minimal risk of cardiovascular complications from undiagnosed disease Possible risk of muscle strain or soreness It has further been explained to me that the total duration of my participation will be seven 30-minute sessions on consecutive days if possible. Only Dr. Smith and his authorized representative will have access to the records and/or data collected for this study. All data associated with this study will remain strictly confidential. Dr. Smith has agreed to answer any inquiries I may have concerning the procedures and has informed me that I may contact the Texas Tech University Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects by writing them in care of the Office of Research Services, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409, or by calling (806) 742-3884. If this research project causes any physical injury to participants in this project, treatf!Ient is not necessarily available at Texas Tech University or the Student Health Center, nor IS there necessarily any insurance carried by the University or its personnel applicable to cover any such injury. Financial compensation for any such injury must be provided through the participant's own insurance program. Further infonnation about these matters may be 84 obtained from Dr. Robert M. Sweazy, Vice Provost for Research, (806) 742-2884, Room 203 Holden Hall, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409-1035. I understand that I may not derive therapeutic treatment from participation in this study. I understand that I may discontinue this study at any time I choose without penalty. Signature of Subject._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature of Parent/Guardian or Authorized Representative (if required): Date:· - - - - - - - Signature of Project Director or his Authorized Representative: Date: _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature of Witness to Oral Presentation: Date:. _ _ _ _ _ __ 85 APPENDIXD NarES ON SUBJECTS' PHYSICAL CONDITION 86 Table D.1 Physical Condition of Each Subject SUBJECT# V02(tread) V02 (bike) NOTES 1 31.6 ml/kg min 32.6 ml/kg min Male subject, was not participating in any type of physical activity. 2 53.6 44.6 Male subject, participating in group sports such as softball, football and soccer. 3 43.5 39.2 Female subject, lifting weights 3 times a week, short distance runs 1-2 times a week. 4 88.5 55.0 Male subject, had run long distances in the past, but had gained considerable weight. The subject was currently swimming on a daily basis. 5 52.3 40.0 Male subject, was riding a bike (for enjoyment not activity) several days of the week. 6 50.7 46.5 Male subject, was a competitive cyclist, rode every day except the day before races. 7 37.4 33.5 Male subject, was not participating in any type of physical activity. 8 45.2 48.3 Female subject, was a competitive cyclist, rode every day except the day before races (Resting HR approximately 40). 9 30.9 29.0 Female subject, was walking nightly. 10 45.6 45.4 Male subject, was lifting weights 3-4 times a week and running short distances at least once a week. Normally a runner, trying to recover from an injury. 11 33.1 35.7 Male subject, was not participating in any type of physical activity. 87 Table 0.1 Continued SUBJEcr # VOl (tread) V02 (bike) NOTES 12 41.1 48.7 Female subject, was an aerobics instructor. Taught aerobics at least twice daily. 13 50.6 72.4 Female subject, was swimming on week days in addition to approximately one hour of an aerobic workout on a stairmaster and/or cycle. She was a distance runner, but had to stop due to hip injury. Excellent condition. 14 67.4 40.3 Male subject, was running middle distances 4-5 times a week. 15 33.3 29.1 Female subject, was not participating in physical activity for exercise, but had a job requiring aerobic work. 16 33.9 38.0 Female subject, was swimming for exercise 2-3 times a week. 17 36.7 39.5 Female subject, was participating in aerobics and some weight lifting. 18 31.2 34.3 Female subject, was walking on a treadmill and using a stairmaster 4-5 times a week. 88 APPENDIXE SAMPLE OF MlvfC PRINfOliT 89 Ergonomics Laboratory Department of Industrial Engineering Te~as Tech University Lubboc~ , TX 79409 Any Info: Cyndi bruce? Name: Cyndi Sex/Race: Female/Caucasian Weight: 120 LBS 55 KG Room: Temp/Pres: ~1 C 683 mmHg Tested Bv: Leanne HB: 14.7 BSA: Predicted Maximum V02 IML/M!Nl: 2061 Predicted Maximum V02/KG CML/KG/MINl: Predicted Maximum Heart Rate IB/MIN>: 185 Average of 1 intervalCs) Age: 23 Height: 66 IN 168 CM ID#: Cyndi bruce? Date: 13-JUN-Q3 Physician: 1.61 in effect. PULMONARY PROFILE MIN WORK ~R EXERCISE 00:00:20 00:00:40 00:01:00 00:01: ~ 1) 00:01:40 00:02:00 00:02:20 00: 0~: 4,-l 00:03:00 00:03::'0 00:03: 4(• 0(1: 04: 1)(1 00:04:~(' 00:1)4:40 00:05:00 00:05:20 00:05:40 00:06:00 00:06:20 00:06:40 00:07:00 00:07:20 00:07:40 00:08:00 00:08:20 00:08:40 00:09: 1)0 00:09:20 00:09:40 <)(•: 10:00 00: 10: 2(> 00: 10: 4<• rir">: I~H-l: (l<i: <)(•: 1 1: ri(l 11 : ~f-) 1 1 : 4n 1 2: l)(l ')0: 12: :2n HR 02 VE %MAX PULS BTPS 94 94 86 88 89 87 86 87 87 92 97 97 9Q 10! 97 102 99 99 103 110 112 113 114 117 112 116 118 121 126 131 140 51 51 46 47 48 47 46 47 47 50 52 52 53 54 52 55 53 53 56 59 60 61 61 63 60 63 64 65 68 71 75 142 77 141 1 '38 141 141 76 74 76 76 11.5 10.3 10.4 10.7 10.7 10.6 9.7 10.6 10.6 11.2 10.8 12.4 13.0 !0.6 13.6 12.4 12. 1 12. 1 12.5 13.6 14.3 14.3 16.5 13.0 16.9 14.5 14.4 15.2 17. 1 19. 1 17.2 16.4 17.6 17.3 1~.9 17.3 RP 29.1 30 28.7 T3 26.6 30 27.3 30 ~7.5 29 28.1 31 25.6 26 26.3 25 27.6 31.9 3:'.3 30::.0 38.0 33.2 35.7 36.3 37.5 37.4 40.0 46.5 46.3 43.7 55.1 47.0 49.8 48.5 50.3 55.8 29 33 33 ,,, 3::' '31 34 30 33 33 36 33 30 34 34 36 31 33 33 38 57.7 37' 69. 1) 33 76.9 37 7~.9 7r"l, '35 3 34 7t·\. 8 '35 66.6 3""1 71.9 36 so. '35 90 TV V02 0.97 0.87 <), 89 0.91 0.95 0.91 0.99 1 J•3 0.94 0.95 0.<;>7 1 . 17 1. ::'(• 1 . 07 1.07 1. 21 1.14 1.13 1.10 1.42 1.54 1.27 1.63 1 • 31 1.62 1.47 1.52 1.47 1. 55 2.0<;> 2.09 ::'.07 ::'.05 2.04 ::'.01 ::'.01 1. 70 1085 968 896 945 954 9"" 835 919 925 1028 1fl49 1203 1284 1 07::' 1316 1269 1197 1194 1286 1494 1607 1621 1882 1524 1888 1686 1698 1844 2152 2506 2411 2324 2478 2387 V02/KG VC02 19.7::' 17.60 16.30 17.19 17.35 16.75 15.19 16.71 16.8::' 18.68 19.07 21 . 87 23.35 19. 50 23.Q3 23.08 21.76 21.70 23.38 27.17 29.22 29.47 34.22 27. 71 34.33 30.65 30.87 33.53 39.13 45.56 43.83 42.::'5 45.06 43.40 ::'~45 4•).82 ::'44::' 44.3<;> :::'1)33 36. 9(::. R 810 751 696 723 0.75 0.78 0.78 0.76 7~5 0.76 739 664 739 778 932 870 <;>89 1067 0.80 0.79 0.80 0.84 0.8! 0.83 ''· 8:' 0.83 (•. 84 0.81 0.84 0.87 0.86 0.86 0.8<;1 0.87 0. 85 0.88 0. 90 0.84 0.88 0.89 0.89 0.86 9()' 1063 1061 1040 103::' 1101 1325 1405 1'376 1650 1374 1594 1479 1504 1650 1856 ::?:?t)4 o. 88 2278 2206 2262 ::':::'18 2086 0.95 0.<;>5 0.<;>1 0.93 2~4~ '"'· Q~ (l.Q-;'1 184:? 1:'>, q, VE02 VEC02 :::'7 30 30 29 29 30 31 29 '30 31 31 36 38 38 38 38 38 39 3t- 36 38 37 :::'Q 35 30 31 27 29 31 31 36 37 34 34 36 36 36 35 33 32 33 34 31 '31 31 29 27 29 31 26 29 30 30 27 28 32 31 28 30 30 2Q 29 33 33 34 31 31 34 3"3 31 APPENDIX F RAW DATA FROM SUBJECTS 91 AEROBIC CAPACITY (ml/kg min) SUBJECT 11 • ASTRAND • BRUCE COTTEN 30 20 10 0 TESTS EJ QL£EN • SHARKEY Ill SICONOLFI • YMCA Figure F. I Capacity Values for Subject 1 EROBIC CAPACITY (ml/kg min) SUBJECT #2 70~--------------- EROBIC CAPACITY (ml/kg min) SUBJECf #3 70~--------------- 60 60+---t 40 30 20 10 0 40 30 20 10 0 so so TESTS TESTS Figure F.3 Capacity Values for Subject 3 Figure F.2 Capacity Values for Subject 2 EROBIC CAPACITY (ml/kg min) SUBJECT# EROBIC CAPACITY (mllkg min) SUBJECT #5 90 70 so 30 10 TESTS TESTS --------------------------~ Figure F.5 Capacity Values for Subject 5 Figure F.4 Capacity Values for Subject 4 92 EROBIC CAPACITY (ml/kg min) SUB.JECr #6 EROBICCAPAOTY (ml/kg min) SUBJECT #7 70-r---60-t---- 60~---------------- 50+--- so 40 40 30 20 10 0 30 20 10 0 TESTS Figure F.6 Capacity Values for Subject 6 Figure F.7 Capacity Values for Subject 7 AEROBIC CAPAOTY (mllkg min) SUBJECT #8 AEROBIC CAPACITY (mllkg min) SUBJECT #9 70.---------------60 so~--------------- 40+--- so 40 30 20 10 0 30 20 10 0 TESTS Figure F.8 Capacity Values for Subject 8 TESTS Figure F.9 Capacity Values for Subject 9 AEROBIC CAPACITY (ml/kg min) SUBJECT #10 70~----------------- AEROBIC CAPACITY (ml/kg min) SUBJECT #11 so~----------------- 60+----S0+==--40 30 20 10 0 TESTS 40+----30 20 10 0 TESTS TESTS Figure F.11 Capacity Values for Subject 11 Figure F.10 Capacity Values for Subject 10 93 AEROBIC CAPACITY (ml/kg min) SUBJECf #13 AEROBIC CAPACITY (ml/kg min) SUBJECT #12 70r--------------- 80 so 60 30 20 40 so.---~~--------­ 40 20 10 0 0 TESTS Figure F. l2 Capacity Values for Subject 12 Figure F.l3 Capacity Values for Subject 13 AEROBIC CAPACITY (ml/kg min) SUBJECf #14 70r-~==------------ EROBIC CAPACITY (ml/kg min) SUBJECf #15 GOr----------------- 60 50+---- so 40 30 20 30 20 40 10 10 0 0 TESTS Figure F.l4 Capacity Values for Subject 14 TESTS Figure F.15 Capacity Values for Subject 15 AEROBIC CAPACITY (ml/kg min) SUBJECf #17 EROBIC CAPACITY (ml/kg min) SUBJECf #16 so~--~==---------- so~----==~--------­ so +-----i~ 40+-----r·.::•ij·· r------- 40 30 20 30 20 10 10 0 TESTS 0 TESTS Figure F.l6 Capacity Values for Subject 16 TESTS Figure F.17 Capacity Values for Subject 17 94 AEROBIC CAPACITY (ml/kg min) SUBJECf #18 so~--------------- 40+---30 20 10 0 TESTS Figure F.l8 Capacity Values for Subject 18 Table F.l Values for Bruce Protocol SUBJECf# ACfUAL 02 UPfAKE (ml/kg min) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14.6 19.1 22.6 18.1 31.6 22.8 19.4 29.6 1 5.4 25.1 1 5.5 20.6 30.8 24.0 16.4 16.4 17.3 16.7 19.6 25.4 29.8 27.7 36.5 27.2 28.8 43.3 20.1 28.8 18.3 28.7 37.0 46.0 21.3 21.4 23.9 18.9 25.1 34.3 25.8 24.1 23.1 23.7 29.1 22.6 ESTIMATED 02 UPfAKE HEART RATE (ml/kg min) 13.4 21.4 31.5 21.4 31.5 31.5 21.4 31.5 13.4 31 .5 13.4 21.4 31.5 31.5 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 21.4 31.5 41.9 31.5 41.9 41.9 31.5 41.9 21.4 41.9 21.4 31.5 41.9 41.9 21.4 21.4 21.4 21.4 95 31.5 53.4 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 125 103 136 103 121 110 126 143 123 122 111 122 117 117 123 123 137 113 148 120 157 1 15 134 128 162 180 144 135 127 150 142 151 140 133 154 130 169 141 173 151 152 149 176 146 Table F.2 Values for YMCA Protocol SUBJEcr # AcruAL 02 UPfAKE (ml/kg min) 1 2 14.5 20.1 23.8 33.0 16.622.9 27.0 18.6 27.2 32.2 17.0 22.1 21.2 29.5 33.6 17.7 22.8 27.7 29.5 37.5 18.9 24.5 23.2 27.3 32.4 16.7 19.9 29.1 24.6 33.0 27.4 35.0 44.1 19.2 23.8 30.8 20.1 23.4 15.9 22.8 12.8 17.2 22.9 21.4 27.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ESTIMATED 02 UPfAKE (Umin) 0.9 1.2 1.8 2.1 0.91.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.8 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.8 1.2 1.5 1.8 1.5 1.8 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 1.2 1.5 1.8 1.2 1.5 0.6 1.5 1.8 1.5 1.8 2.1 0.9 1.2 0.9 1.2 0.6 0.9 1.2 0.9 1.2 126 126 120 111 113 120 131 138 143 124 114 130 116 115 131 121 120 145 HEART RATE 148 157 138 123 127 140 153 158 173 137 140 152 130 130 1 54 141 135 168 156 141 154 171 153 162 146 153 150 Table F.3 Values for Siconolfi's Protocol SUBJECf# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ACI1JAL02 UPfAKE HEART RATE (Umin) ESTIMATED 02 UPfAKE (Umin) 1.9 2.4 1.2 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.8 1.7 1.3 1.6 1.3 1.7 1.4 1.5 2.1 1.7 1.6 2.2 2.0 1.7 1.9 1.4 1.4 1.9 2.1 1.4 1.4 1.9 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.2 161 114 129 108 120 127 139 109 155 1 16 144 128 101 1OS 137 147 154 149 2.5 1.7 1.6 2.6 2.8 2.6 2.1 1.6 1.7 2.0 2.6 2.2 1.7 2.6 1.6 1.9 1.7 96 2.8 2.3 2.1 2.9 2.7 2.3 2.6 1.9 1.9 2.6 2.9 1.9 1.8 2.6 1.9 2.1 1.9 1.7 184 141 152 122 139 146 163 134 181 136 177 158 114 137 163 163 176 174 Table F.4 V02 max Values for Bruce Protocol SUBJECf# From ACIUAL Cml/kg min) 1 2 3 4 5 6 31.6 53.6 43.5 88.5 52.3 50.7 37.4 45.2 30.9 45.6 33.1 41.1 50.6 67.4 33.3 33.9 36.7 31.2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 From PREDICTED Cml/kg minl 42.5 76.7 61.7 95.5 75.5 85.3 40.8 43.3 40.3 89.1 50.6 47.0 64.8 52.0 56.3 56.6 42.7 58.4 Table F.5 V02 max from YMCA Protocol SUBJECf# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ACIUAL Cml/kg minl PREDICTED Cml/kg minl 32.6 44.6 39.2 55.0 40.0 46.5 33.5 48.3 29.0 45.4 35.7 48.7 72.4 40.3 29.1 38.0 39.5 34.3 22.1 36.1 36.7 32.5 32.1 34.6 27.8 38.8 24.9 38.7 25.3 36.2 71.9 33.8 30.3 30.3 39.3 31.3 97 Table F.6 V02 max Values for Siconolfi's Protocol SUBJECr# AC11JAL Cmlikg min) 1 36.8 52.4 31.7 46.1 39.9 48.3 39.8 34.9 30.7 43.9 35.8 36.5 51., 43.6 31.6 28.4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PREDICI'ED Cml/kg min) 37.6 50.9 35.5 48.1 38.6 45.8 43 38.1 31.7 48 38.2 34.4 52.2 43.2 33.7 29.9 34.1 36 33 34.8 Table F.7 V02 max Values for Astrand-Rhyming and Sharkey's Methods SUBJECf# , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ,1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 HR. @5th HR oost Astraod V02 Cml/kg min) 175 142 134 145 121 135 162 130 174 139 168 137 , 10 140 158 151 168 161 170 136 123 139 125 127 147 1 10 172 130 , 61 122 92 134 140 135 157 155 35.5 59.7 54.6 55.8 44.7 52.5 38.8 63.4 32.9 48.5 34.9 52.8 78.8 54.7 38.7 45.6 35.2 38.0 98 Sharkey (ml/kg min) 34.3 43.3 45.6 39.6 46.5 46.1 39.8 51.8 30.9 43.3 36.3 45.8 64.3 43.6 39.0 40.6 33.6 34.3 Table F.8 Mean Values for Each Protocol PROfOCOL MEAN (mllkg min) Cotten A strand Queen Bruce Sharkey YMCA Siconolfi 56.1 48.0 46.9 44.8 42.1 41.8 40.0 Table F.9 Mean Values for Gender GENDER MEAN (ml/kg min) Males Females 43.5 47.9 Table F.10 Performance Means by Gender PROTOCOL Males Females Bruce YMCA Shark Siconolfi 51.1 41.5 41.6 43.7 53.8 47.2 56.4 Queen Astrand Cotten 99 38.5 42.1 42.7 36.2 40 48.9 55.9 Table F.ll Performance Values for Each Subject (ml/kg min) SUBJECT ASIRAND BRUCE COTfEN QUEEN SHARKEY SICONOLA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 31.6 53.6 43.5 88.5 52.3 50.7 37.4 45.2 30.9 45.6 33.1 41.1 50.6 67.4 33.3 33.9 36.7 31.2 45.7 64.9 62.4 50.5 61.7 68.3 51.8 64.8 42.6 62.1 42.1 56.3 70.2 60.4 54.6 57.4 47.8 47.0 44.6 58.0 40.1 49.0 57.9 63.7 43.0 45.7 33.5 56.9 49.3 42.8 48.2 61.8 38.5 40.0 35.8 35.7 34.3 43.3 44.0 39.6 46.5 46.1 39.8 51.8 30.9 44.9 36.3 45.8 64.3 43.6 39.0 40.6 33.6 34.3 35.5 59.7 54.6 55.6 44.7 52.5 38.8 63.4 32.9 48.5 34.9 49.3 78.8 54.7 38.7 45.6 35.2 38.0 100 37.6 50.9 35.5 48.1 38.6 45.8 43.0 38.1 31.7 48.0 38.2 34.4 52.2 43.2 33.7 29.9 34.1 36.0 YMCA 32.6 44.6 39.2 55.0 40.0 46.5 33.5 48.3 29.0 45.4 35.7 48.7 72.4 40.3 29.1 38.0 39.5 34.3