Errata for Data Mining Introductory and Advanced Topics by

Errata for Data Mining Introductory and Advanced Topics by Margaret H. Dunham
Updated 3/3/05.
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
 Example 3.3, p54: Formula for P(h1 | x4 ) has an extra “)”. It should read:
( P( x4 | h1 ) P(h1 ))
P( x 4 )
Chapter 4:
 Last paragraph on p79 correct fallout/recall as follows (Thanks to Nick Street) :
“fallout(percentage of irrelevant that are retrieved) versus recall (percentage of relevant that are
Last sentence on the bottom of page 79/top of page 80 should be changed to read: “The curve is
constructed by examining tuples classified as relevant in a particular order, such as descending
order of similarity.”
Equation 4.26 on p101 should read H (
Corrections to calculations in Example 4.9 on p102 can be found at .
Exercise 2 on p121 should read “that the Output1 column is the correct classification and Output2
is what is seen.”
Exercise 3 on p121 should read “assuming Output2 is the correct assignment”.
Exercise 7 on p122 should replace <Jim,M,2.0> with <John,M,2.5>.
Exercise 21 on p 122 should make guideline plural.
2 2 3 4 2 2
, , , , , ).
15 15 15 15 15 15
Chapter 5:
 P 144, total cost complexity for PAM should be k(n-k)**2 (Thanks to Lars Helge Hass).
 Example 5.9 on p158 uses a threshold of 0.2 (not 0.6) (Thanks to Aryya Gangopadhyay)
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Page 198, Last sentence prior to section 7.2.1 should read : “An alternative markup language such
as extensible markup language (XML), provides structured documents and facilitates easier mining.
Page 212, Table 7.1, 4th row should be labeled as: “Maximal forward references”
Page 212, last line should read “in Example 7.4 is shown in Example 7.5.”
Page 213, first line after Algorithm 7.2 should read: “… for Example 7.4 is shown …”
Page 215, Example 7.7, second line should read: “data in Example 7.4 …”
Page 215, Paragrph label at bottom of page should read:
“Maximal Frequent Forward References”
Page 216, second line should read: “… Looking at Example 7.7 and the …”
Page 216, the sequence on lines two and three should be <A, B, C, A, C, B, C, A, C, D, C, E>
Page 216, the maximal forward references on line four should be :
<A,B,C>, <A,C,B>, <A,C,D>,<A,C,E>
Page 216, the first line in second paragraph should end with: “... mine maximal frequent forward
references “
Page 216, title of Algorithm 7.3 should be: “Maximal frequent forward references algorithm”
Page 218, Exercise 5, should read:
“… indicate the sequential patterns, maximal forward references, and maximal frequent
sequences …”
Page 219, The last two lines of Exercise 6 should read:
“Identify the maximal frequent forward references when the users can be distinguished as
well as when they can not be. Assume that a sequence must occur twice to be large.”
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Please let me know of any additional corrections which should be included. Thanks, Maggie Dunham