Federalist #10 Analysis Worksheet


Federalist #10 Analysis

Federalist #10 in Plain-English

Paragraph 1.

By a faction, I understand most citizens, whether the minority or majority, who are united by some common goal which does not match up with that of other citizens or of the entire community.

Paragraph 2.

Thus, the causes of faction cannot be removed. To fix them, the effects must be controlled.

Paragraph 3.

A republic, by which I mean a representative government, allows for the opportunity of a cure to the problem. If we examine how it is different from pure democracy, we can understand both the nature of the cure and the value it must take from the union.

Paragraph 4.

The two biggest differences between a democracy and a republic are: first, a republic is run by a small number of citizens elected by the rest; and second, the republican government can govern a greater number of citizens over a larger span of country.

Paragraph 5. The effect of the first difference is that public views are refined and enlarged as they are passed through the medium of representatives wise enough to understand the true interests of the country, and who hopefully will be just and patriotic enough to not sacrifice that common good. In this circumstance, the public voice spoken by representatives will better mirror the public good than it would if the people spoke themselves.


When was this written?_______________________________________________

Who was the intended audience?_______________________________________

What was the purpose of this document?_________________________________


List one difference between a republic and a democracy._____________________

Read more: http://socyberty.com/government/federalist-10-in-modern-english/#ixzz2H2jsFBDC
