Off-type plants in wheat by aneuploidy Giura A.1 1 National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea *Corresponding author. Email: Abstract Compulsory requirements of varietal purity in wheat tolerate minimum presence of the atypical variants within a cultivar. If such variants exceed the admited standards, they cause problems at the seed certification. We cytologicaly analysed the progeny of atypical tall plants in some semidwarf Romanian cultivars carrying height reducing gene RhtB1 (previous designation Rht1). The results showed that the tall plants are mostly aneuploids especially monosomics (2n=41) for chromosome 4B on which the gene is located. The increased height of monosomic 4 B plants is the result of reduced dosage for RhtB1 gene that normally acts in euploids (2n=42) as the height suppressor. Mitotic analysis on Breeder's stock of recently released doubled haploid (DH) cultivar Glosa revealed a presence of 0.44% aneuploids and even of a plantlet with 2n=63. Before being accepted and officially registered a new wheat bread cultivar is carefully verified for agronomic values, distinctness, uniformity, stability and other traits, in accordance with compulsory standards and requirements of varietal purity established at national and EU levels. In Romania, in conformity with these standards, only a reduced percentage of atypical plants is accepted and this varies from 99.9% purity for Prebasic seed to 99.0% at certified C2 stock. To keep the seed stocks as pure as possible during all steps of field trials and multiplication chain, also means a certain advantage for seed trade and promotion of the new variety. Usually, the off-type, atypical plants occurence is atributed to accidental contamination with seeds of other varieties, hazardous outcrossing, spontaneous mutations, residual heterozygosity and presence of different biotypes. Even if a great homogeneity can be now attained by developing doubled haploid (DH) cultivars, the occurence of deviant phenotypes, as genetic variants can not be completely avoided. Plants with different phenotypes could appear as a natural change in basic chromosome number due to some specific meiotic disturbances, during micro and macrosporogenesis (1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11). Common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a polyploid species of complex structure (2n=6x=42) which can tolerates well both chromosomal deficiency and duplication for each of the 21 chromosomes. The aneuploid progenies, i.e. monosomics (2n=41); nullisomics (2n=40); trisomics (2n=43); tetrasomics (2n=44), etc., dependent on their frequency and specific modification of plant morphology can be Key words varietal purity, aneuploidy, height reducing gene, dosage effect easily confused with other off-types resulted from outcrosses or mechanical impurifications. Moreover some types of aneuploids, especially monosomics are not recognizable as natural genetic variants by the testing autorities. The aneuploids for chromosome 5A with speltoid ear (monosomics or nullisomics) and compactoid ear (trisomics or tetrasomics) are exceptionally excluded from the evaluation of varietal impurity in some countries (12). However, the aneuploid frequency in wheat cultivars may be higher then officially admited levels of impurity and this could causes problems at certification. For example, in five traditional (tall) wheats, an average 1.08% aneuplolid progeny, ranging from 1.60% in Hybrid 46 to 0.37% in Cappelle Desprez was found; some values being above the standards (7). The introduction of semidwarf varieties at the end of last century has led to a new reconsideration on the meaning of "atypical form". The majority of tall plants which usually occured in these varieties are indeed aneuploid types - especially monosomics for the chromosomes 4B and 4D that carry height reducing gene RhtB1 and respectively RhtD1 (previoulsy Rht2). The increased height of monosomic plants is the results of dosage effect of RhtB1/rhtB1 and RhtD1/rhtD1 loci. Such types of aneuploids can not easily be distinguished from unacceptable deviants and add new question on the matter of seed certification. In Basic seed of the English semi-dwarf variety Brigand with RhtD1 gene a rate of 1.53 aneuploids per thousand plants was found, this value exceeding the total level of off-types permissive in the population 5 (12). Even higher frequencies of aneuploids, from 5.77% to 10.42% were registered in some Argentinian semi-dwarf varieties carrying RhtB1 gene (9). Outstanding differences of aneuploid frequencies between years of storage in the LasRosas-INTA cultivar were also noted (9). A preliminary evaluation on aneuploids presence in three Romanian wheats carrying RhtB1 gene revealed frequencies ranged from 0.08% to 0.10% reaching the standard limits of varietal purity (2). This paper presents new data concerning off-types frequencies in Romanian wheats and some morphological characteristics of monosomics that differentiate them from euploids. Material and Methods Plant material is represented by four semi-dwarf winter wheat varieties Fundulea 133, Fundulea 4, Dropia and Glosa which were released at the National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea. These varieties carry RhtB1 gene for reducing height. The translocation 1B/1R is present in Fundulea 4, uncertain in Fundulea 133 and absent in Dropia and Glosa. Samples of Breeder's seed and Prebasic I stocks were grown in different years in field plots as spaced plants. After anthesis off-type plants were easily identified by their taller distinctive phenotype. The plant chromosome complement was establised by means of chromosome counts on root-tip squashes stained by Feulgen method. The acetocarmine anther smear technique was used to check the monosome 4B identity on the F1 hybrids between monosomic plants and Chinese Spring ditelocentric 4BL tester line. An experimental field layout consisting of single plant randomization design was used to assess the variation in height, tiller number and other plant traits of monosomics and disomics (euploids). Results and Discussions Field observation in seed multiplication plots of semi-dwarf Romanian cultivars showed the presence of atypical plants easily recognizable by their height after anthesis. All of the four cultivars produced tall off-types with various frequencies in different years and multiplication steps, too. Generally an increased offtype plant number was found in the second and third year of the experiment, both in Breeder's seed and Prebasic I plots (Table 1). Such tall plants could be resulted de novo as aneuploids for chromosome 4B by abnormal chromosome pairing due to the temperature variation during meiosis (5; 6). Other factors could also contribute to the karyotypic instability and taller plants occurence like precocious ageing of seed due to improper storage condition (10). The size of the seeds after seed conditioned process may be another factor, because a higher percent of aneuploids was found in wrinkled ones (9) and, not less important factor, the correctness of purification process in previous seed multiplication fields. Table 1 Tall off-type plants frequency in verification plots (different years) Fundulea 133 Breeder's seed Prebasic I Estimated population off-types Estimated population of-types no. no. no. % no. % 7805 4 0.051 11080 6 0.054 6980 7 0.100 7080 8 0.113 3390 4 0.118 Fundulea 4 10905 8 0.073 18095 15 0.083 19765 21 0.106 16605 18 0.108 30620 35 0.114 Dropia 2507 2 0.080 4268 5 0.117 6435 6 0.093 Glosa 3312 3 0.081 7432 8 0.107 - 6 Random samples of tall plants of Fundulea 133 and Fundulea 4 were grouped in two height classes and seeds of individual plants were then cytologically analysed. The majority of the analysed plants in taller classes were monosomics (Table 2). Only three plants out of 20 were monosomics (2n=41) in the class of 9196 cm while in the class of 97-104 cm, 23 plants out of 29 proved to be monosomics. A similar high proportion of monosomics (85.0%) was found among taller plants of Fundulea 4. Table 2 Euploid and aneuploid frequencies in taller classes of plants Cultivar Fundulea 133 Fundulea 4 Classes of height (cm) 91 - 96 97 - 104 92 - 103 Analysed plant (no) 20 29 25 105 - 115 20 Meiotic analysis of F1 hybrids (monosomics x ditelocentric 4BL tester line) validated the 4B monosomic identity of tall analyzed aneuploids. The presence of euploid taller plants is difficult to explain. They could be a result of outcrosses during seed multiplication or have originated from accidental contamination. Another explanation is that the Fundulea 4 may contain a rare biotype with different photoperiod reaction and vernalization requirements reflected in an early spring development that could influence the final plant height (2). A misclassification was also possible since some plants classified as Euploids (no; %) 17 (85.0) 6 (20.7) 18 (72.0) 3 (15.0) Aneuploids (no; %) 3 (15.0) 23 (79.3) 7 (28.0) 17 (85.0) disomics could be monotrisomics or carry other combinations of 2n=42 chromosomes (9). On the other hand, a small part of chromosome 4B carrying the dwarfing RhtB1 gene might be lost. The cytologically selected monosomics of Fundulea 133 and Fundulea 4 together with normal disomic plant were studied in the field using the single plant randomization design. The results of morphological measurements revealed significant differences between euploid and monosomic plants regarding plant height, yield per plant and some spike characteristics (Table 3). Table 3 Some traits of monosomics in comparison with euploids in semi-dwarf winter wheats Fundulea 133 : 34 disomics; 26 monosomics Traits Culm height (cm) No. of tillers Mean spike lenght (cm) Euploids 92.13±1.04 12.12±1.03 9.01±0.11 Monosomics 4B 100.0±0.55 10.61± 0.67 8.88±0.14 No. of spikelets No. of seeds Seed weight/mean spike (g) Yeld per plant (g) 20.09±0.15 42.97±1.21 1.64±0.04 11.8±0.90 19.04±0.22 35.92±1.80 1.38±0.07 8.13±0.66 -1.05*** -7.05** -1.02*** -3.74*** 108.33±1.05 7.08±0.67 9.93±0.17 20.75±0.23 30.54±1.87 1.40±0.11 8.32±1.40 14.48*** 0.25ns 0.21ns -0.89** -21.71*** -1.02*** -4.16** Difference 7.87*** 1.51ns 0.13ns Fundulea 4 : 36 disomics; 24 monosomics Culm height (cm) No. of tillers Mean spike lenght (cm) No. of spikelets No. of seeds Seed weight/mean spike (g) Yeld per plant (g) ns - not significant ** P<0.01; *** P<0.001 93.85±1.03 6.83±0.52 10.14±0.010 21.64±0.14 52.25±1.63 2.42±0.09 12.48±1.13 7 The effect of monosomy for chromosome 4B compared to euploids was the culm height significant increase with 7.87 cm in Fundulea 133 and respectively with 14.48 cm in Fundulea 4. This means that chromosome 4 B in Fundulea 133 has less effect on height than in Fundulea 4. Different RhtB1 gene effect on height could also be explained by the interaction with other background controlling height genes, or to the presence of different allelic variants at RhtB1 locus. The differences between monosomics and disomics for the mean spike lenght and the number of spikelets per spike were not significant in both cultivars. Contrary, the number of grain per spike, seed weight per spike and yield per plant were all negatively influenced by monosomic condition being significantly lower in monosomics. Although seed producers take careful measures to eliminate any atypicall plants during seed multiplication chain, some aneuploids may escape and perpetuate the specific aneuploid type to the next generation. In the progeny of selfed monosomic mean spike we found a monosomic frequency ranging from 56.14% in Fundulea 4 to 61.82% in Dropia. The nullisomic frequency varied from 3.51% in Fundulea 4 to 6.45% in Fundulea 133 (Table 4). The presence of recognizable aneuploids for chromosome 4B in Breeder's seed and Prebasic I plant population of the analysed cultivars led us to the presumption that overall aneuploid frequency should be higher if other chromosomes were lost at a similar rate. In order to test this hypothesis a mitotic analysis was carried out on Breeder's seed of Glosa variety. Out of 451 analysed seeds 448 were euploids, one plant was monosomic (2n=41) one plant trisomic (2n=43) and another one had 63 chromosome, probably resulted by pollination of a non reduced meiocyte with a normal grain pollen. Aneuploid frequency of 0.44% that we found in analysed seeds of Glosa Breeder's stock did not exceed the admissible stndards of varietal purity at this seed category. The identity of monosomic and trisomic plants has not yet been established. However, it is worth to mention that the field plot was purified after anthesis and off-types eliminated before harvest time. Table 4 Euploid and aneuploid progeny of the main spike in 4B monosomics Cultivar Fundulea 133 Fundulea 4 Dropia No. germinated seeds Euploids 2n=42 Monosomics 2n=41 Nullisomics 2n=40 62 57 55 20 (32.26%) 23 (40.35%) 19 (34.55%) 38 (61.29%) 32 (56.14%) 34 (61.82%) 4 (6.45%) 2 (3.51%) 2 (3.64%) Conclusions 1. 2. 3. Aneuploids occurence in common wheat cultivar population should be considered a natural genetic variant and treated in an adequate manner. Among the tall off-type group of plants found in Romanian cultivars the majority were aneuploids for chromosome 4B which carry RhtB1 height reducing gene. The seed producers should take all necessary measures to keep the seed stocks as pure as possible during multiplication chain to prevent any troubles at the seed certification. References 1. 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