English - Y9 HW Grids

Y9 War Poetry Homework Grid
You must complete the level assessed task. Your teacher will set this during one of your
lessons. You can choose which other homework tasks to complete each homework day.
Put a nought/ cross through each one you complete.
War poem
Create your own propaganda war
Find a war poem that you like. Print
it and annotate it to show the main
ideas that the poet is trying to get
Consider AFOREST as you plan.
Diary Entry
Write a diary entry from the point of
view of either a soldier or someone
left at home. Use a range of emotive
and figurative language.
Dear Diary…
Conscientious Objector
Research and find out about
conscientious objectors. Create an
informative fact-file.
New Report
Write an informative news report
about a major battle during WW2.
Include the presentational and
language features of a newspaper.
War Poem
Warfare Design
Write your own poem imagining you
are a soldier at war. This could be
about how you are happy to fight for
your cause OR how you wish you
were not fighting.
Write a story from the perspective of
a soldier about to engage in their
first battle.
Design a suit of armour for
modern warfare. Label your
Write a paragraph explaining your
BONUS TASK: Enter the War of Words competition and have the
chance to win a kindle – see Miss Nowak or Mrs Kendall for more
Y9 Multi Cultural Identities Homework Grid
You must complete the level assessed task. Your teacher will set this during one of
your lessons. You can choose which other homework tasks to complete each
homework day. Put a nought/ cross through each one you complete.
What Is Your Identity?
Jet Setter
Write a short story (at least one A4
side) about your identity. You can
make it a short film or graphic mininovel or indeed any form you wish –
how about a short movie?
Write a poem exploring your identity
Write the script of a conversation
between two teenagers from two
different cultures. How are their
hobbies and beliefs different?
You must use the following
Use alternative forms if you wish;
write a letter and become fictional
pen friends!
Title Page
A Place
Complete your Title page for
Multi-Cultural Identities.
Write a short description of a place
which is important to you.
Make it stand out and include some
detail about your own identity as
well as other identities!
Researching Cultures
Explore a different culture. What is
different about their:
You may complete this in your
preferred learning style.
Don’t forget to include lots of
descriptive writing techniques to
engage your reader.
Top Tips
Research a piece of fictitious work
which presents cultures.
Create a poster describing your top
tips for descriptive writing
What culture(s) does this piece of
writing present?
What have you learnt about different
cultures as a result of reading this
Did you enjoy reading this and if so
Think about including a range of
descriptive writing techniques like a
simile/ metaphor..
Y9 Romeo and Juliet Homework Grid
You must complete the level assessed task. Your teacher will set this during one of your
lessons. You can choose which other homework tasks to complete each homework day.
Put a nought/ cross through each one you complete.
Dear Diary
How times change
Poetic links
Write a diary entry exploring how a
character of your choice feels toward
Write one page exploring how you –
a modern British teenager – respond
to Romeo’s behavior in Act 1 Scene1.
Read the poem, Funeral Blues by W.
H. Auden and write down a page of
notes in your draft books about how
this poem links to Act 5 Scene 3 of
Romeo and Juliet.
Remember to use first person.
Use the following:
A complex sentence
A semi colon
Discourse markers
Your teacher can give you a copy of
the poem.
Title Page
On Stage!
Complete your Title page for
Romeo and Juliet.
Create your own stage setting for a
scene of your choice. You must
consider the mise en scene:
Make it stand out and include some
detail about themes and characters
from the play!
Poetic Verse
Character Tree
Write your own love based poem or
turn the play into a love ballad.
Write 3 PEE chains about how
Romeo or a character of your choice
is presented and developed in the
Create a character tree of all the
characters and their relations to one
another in Romeo and Juliet.
Use the following:
Consider RAVE.
Be as creative as you can!
Y9 Text to Film HW Grid
You must complete the level assessed task. Your teacher will set this during one of your
lessons. You can choose which other homework tasks to complete each homework day.
Put a nought/ cross through each one you complete.
Stupendous Stories
Film Genre
Script Writer
Write a short story set in a
different country and time period.
Research and create a
presentation (visual) on the
different types of film genre.
Consider; character, action, plot.
Write a script for a short movie
version of a book you have read.
Ensure you include stage
directions as well as character
Include: setting, a character,
range of punctuation and
vocabulary choice.
Title Page
Film Review
Complete your Title page for
Text to Film.
Make it stand out and include
some detail about themes and
characters from the movies!
Write a report for a school
magazine about a movie you have
seen. Be as detailed as possible
but don’t give away the ending!
Use a range of punctuation and
literary devices.
Costume Design
Report Writing
Design the costumes for a
character in the text that you are
Yourhistory of
Research about the
cinema and movie-making.
Record your findings as a written
Reports include:
Bullet points
Text boxes
Design the set and scenery ONE
SCENE for the text you are
studying. You could draw this OR
actually make a mini version!
Label each costume with fabrics
and explanations of why you have
chosen them.
Write a paragraph summarising
how this costume is suitable for
your character.
Write an explanation for your
choices and label your set.
BONUS TASK: Film your script and bring it in for the class to watch.
Consider your use of props, staging and cast.
Y9 Non-fiction unit Homework Grid
You must complete the level assessed task. Your teacher will set this during one of
your lessons. You can choose which other homework tasks to complete each
homework day. Put a nought/ cross through each one you complete.
Presentational Features
Create a collage of as many
advertisements as you can find
and write about all of the
presentational features you
Inspirational News
Writing Skills
Read an entire newspaper front Visit the website above and revise
to back. Pick one article and distil
your sentences structures and
5 important quotations which you
feel sum up the main points of
the story.
Why has each one been used?
Find a leaflet and work out the
Prepare a 5 minute starter for
your class on a form of
punctuation. It can be on any
punctuation mark you like. Your
lesson must have a clear
objective, provide the students
with helpful resources and
achieve its intended outcome.
What is the SUBJECT?
What is the PURPOSE?
Who are the intended
What are the main MESSAGES?
It Is Your Choice!
Hit the Front Page!
Reading Skills
Create at least 1 of the following
in your draft book:
Create a front page for either a
tabloid or a broadsheet
Using the website provided,
revise all of the headings under
reading. You should make notes
in your draft book to show to
your teacher.
An article discussing
something you love or
A leaflet outlining the
dangers of smoking.
A Year 7 assembly script
on the importance of
You should include your own
version of 2 real life stories that
are being read about right now
and 1 fictitious news report.
Don’t forget to present your
information to suit the purpose,
audience and style.
Bonus Task: Keep a journal of your favourite news stories during this
Y9 Animal Farm Homework Grid
You must complete the level assessed task. Your teacher will set this during one of your
lessons. You can choose which other homework tasks to complete each homework day.
Put a nought/ cross through each one you complete.
Farm: A documentary by
Prepare the script for a wildlife
documentary about the happenings
at Animal Farm.
Research Task
Orwell’s Own Words
Research the story of how both
Lenin and Stalin came to power and
write a half-page summary of what
happened in your own words.
Read Orwell’s “Preface to the
Ukrainian edition” of the novel.
You could even record the
documentary itself!
Write out five quotations to sum up
this article and why he wrote the
Title Page
Theory of Evolution
Complete your Title page for
Animal Farm.
Write a debate arguing EITHER that
humans are unique among animals
OR that humans are just like any
other animal.
Make it stand out and include some
detail about themes and characters
from the novel.
Include at least three separate
points in your argument.
Try and capture some of the style of
Russian propaganda!
Press Release
Character Tree
Write a press release from the
OFFICE OF NAPOLEON explaining the
happenings at Animal Farm and their
impact on the world.
Write 3 PEE chains about how the
character of Boxer is presented and
developed from the start to the end
of the novel.
Create a character tree of all the
characters in Animal Farm.
Use AFOREST in your work and make
sure it looks official.
Consider RAVE and make sure to
focus on language.
Break the animals down into their
different groups and write briefly
about their personalities.
Bonus Task: Create a satirical piece of writing on a current or
previous political figure. Can you experiment like Orwell did and turn
your political figure/s into specific animals?