The Great Gatsby Vocabulary List #2 1. supercilious – superior; arrogant (adj.) (p. 11) 2. fractiousness- quality of being troublesome or quarrelsome (n.) (p. 11) 3. hauteur – arrogance; haughtiness (n.) (p. 35) 4. prodigality – wastefulness; recklessness (n.) (p. 44) 5. credulity – inclination to believe with little evidence (n.) (p. 48) 6. traps – outward signs or decorations (n.) (p. 51) 7. provincial – narrow minded; limited in outlook (adj.) (p. 54) 8. rent – torn v. (p. 56) 9. asunder – in pieces (adv.) (p. 56) 10. retribution – punishment; something administered in recompense (n.) (p. 69) 11. incredulous – skeptical; expressing disbelief (adj.) (p. 70) 12. juxtaposition – placement side by side (n.) (p. 75) 13. benediction – a closing blessing at a worship service (n.) (p. 77) 14. insidious – sly; subtly seductive (adj.) (p. 104) 15. meretricious – tawdrily attractive (adj.) (p. 104) 16. ineffable – indescribable; not to be uttered (adj.) (p. 105) 17. gaudiness – quality of being ostentatiously or tastelessly ornamented (n.) (p. 109) 18. ingratiate – to gain favor by deliberate effort (v.) (p. 107) 19. profusion – abundance (n.) (p. 110) 20. precipitately – rashly; hastily (adv.) (p. 131) 21. libertine – person who leads a life loose in morals (n.) (p. 137) 22. prig – one who irritates by rigid following of social rules (n.) (p. 137) 23. magnanimous – noble; of lofty or courageous spirit (adj.) (p. 142) 24. portentous – ominous (adj.) (p. 143) 25. formidable – exciting fear or awe; imposing serious difficulties (adj.) (p. 143) 26. expostulation – reasoning earnestly in dissuading a person (n.) (p. 146) 27. truculent – savage; aggressively self-assertive (adj.) (p. 148) 28. redolent – fragrant; reminiscent (adj.) (p. 155) 29. adventitious – arising accidentally or in an unusual location (adj.) (p. 171) 30. superfluous – exceeding what is sufficient or necessary (adj.) (p. 173)