Security analysis of Teampass • December 2014 Security analysis of Teampass Ville Sebastian Olsson 20146404 KAIST Abstract The purpose of this paper is to evaulate the security of Teampass, a collaborative passwords manager. This is done by studying the encryption algorithm, hashing algorithm, investigating potential web vulnerabilities, query handling and the use of password attachments. No serious vulnerabilities related to encryption and hashing were found, although some properties were addressed. The feature of uploading attachments was found to be coupled with serious vulnerabilities that allow an attacker to view the contents of any attachment, unless the file permissions have been manually adjusted. I. Introduction asswords have become increasingly ubiquitous among Internet users. As the number of online login services has increased over the years, so has the number of passwords that the user needs to keep track on. At some point, remembering several dozen passwords becomes unsustainable. P Some users alleviate the act of remembering passwords by reusing the same password for multiple sites, or by picking short simple passwords that are easy to remember. Both are widely considered bad practices from a security standpoint. [1] [2] Password managers have arisen as a proposed answer to this problem. A password manager is an application that typically features a way for the user to store all his or her passwords in one place which itself is password-protected by a single password known as the master password. Some password managers are collaborative in the sense that they are designed to be used by a group rather than by a single person. This may be done by having the group access the application through a web interface. This paper is about a particular collaborative password managed named Teampass. Teampass proclaims itself to be suitable in a business environment [4] and, unlike many commercial alternatives, is released as free and open source software [3]. Considering the role of a password manager, by now one should have concluded that it is crucial for Teampass to be devoid of any vulnerabilities that threaten the confidentiality of the stored passwords. For instance, if all the passwords belonging to a company were to be leaked, it could have disasterous consequences. For this reason, one who is using or is planning to use Teampass may be curious about whether it is secure enough to be used. II. Background Like any other PHP-powered web application, Teampass is installed on a web server and accessed with a browser. The application makes use of a MySQL database which, among other things, is used to store the passwords. When visiting the webpage for Teampass for the first time, the user is presented with a login screen. This is where the user authenticates herself by entering her master username and password. 1 Security analysis of Teampass • December 2014 • a brief review of the source code • a review of the currently known vulnerabilities • penetration testing of the web interface • related work by other analyses of password managers V. Figure 1: A portion of the login screen. Once logged in, the user is granted access to a share of the total set of passwords, depending on her role. For organizational purposes, the administrator may choose to place passwords into (possibly nested) password folders. These can also be used for access control: whether or not a user has access to a folder depends on the user’s role. A role is a property assigned to every user and determines which folders the user has access to. For a more detailed description of how access control works, refer to [4]. III. Problem statement The aim of this paper is to give an assessment of the state of security in version 2.1.21 of Teampass, which was the latest version at the time this study began. In particular, this paper focuses on • encryption and decryption of the stored passwords • user authentication with the master password • vulnerabilites in the web interface • discussing the future outlook of the application. IV. Method To achieve its goal, this paper has based its results on 2 Related work A recent work by Zhiwei Li et al. [5] attempts to give an overview of the general security of today’s password managers. This is done by analyzing five password managers, Teampass not being one of them. Their conclusions have served as a source of hints of what to look for when analyzing Teampass. As for Teampass specifically, there does not appear to exist any publications that involve it. However, the project includes a GitHub page where issues – including security issues – are posted by the community. There are also various vulnerability databases on the web that host reports about Teampass vulnerabilities, e.g. the National Vulnerability Database [7]. VI. Results This section presents the findings of the analysis. I. Password encryption The PHP functions encrypt and decrypt are used for encrypting and decrypting the stored passwords. In Figure 2, encrypt is shown to be using the Rijndael cipher with blocksize 256 bits, cipher mode CTR and a pseudorandom initialization vector. The main developer repeatedly refers to this cipher as AES-256 [9] but this must be a misunderstanding since the 256 in MCRYPT RIJNDAEL 256 is the block size [10] and AES always has a block size of 128. This does not necessarily make the encryption less secure, but a few things should be noted: • Rijndael-256 has most likely not been subject to cryptanalysis as much as AES, so Security analysis of Teampass • December 2014 function encrypt($decrypted, $personalSalt = "") { if (!empty($personalSalt)) { $staticSalt = $personalSalt; } else { $staticSalt = SALT; } $pbkdf2Salt = getBits(64); $key = strHashPbkdf2($staticSalt, $pbkdf2Salt, ITCOUNT, 16, ’sha256’, 32); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, ’ctr’), MCRYPT_RAND); if (strlen($ivBase64 = rtrim(base64_encode($iv), ’=’)) != 43) { return false; } $encrypted = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, $decrypted, ’ctr’, $iv); $mac = hash_hmac(’sha256’, $encrypted, $staticSalt); return base64_encode($ivBase64 . $encrypted . $mac . $pbkdf2Salt); } Figure 2: Encryption function (comments removed). Rijndael-256 might contain undiscovered vulnerabilities. • A larger block size could introduce weaknesses. For example, the cipher Block TEA is vulnerable to differential cryptanalysis while the smaller equivalent XTEA is not. [11, p. 24] • On the other hand, with a smaller block size, the probability of getting ciphertext collisions increases. Cipher modes such as CBC rely on the property that collisions do not occur. [12] However, 128 bits is widely considered to be large enough for essentially all purposes. • The creators of Rijndael themselves state that “[the] added flexibility [of larger block sizes] may allow to extend attacks by one or more rounds.” [13] These things considered, it is recommended that AES (MCRYPT RIJDAEL 128) is used instead so that the application complies to encryption standards. Nevertheless, considering the fact that this encryption function used ECB in previous versions [14], this is a vast improvement. II. User authentication On logging in, the master password belonging to the Teampass user is hashed and compared with the hash stored in the database. Figure 3 shows that the hash function used is bCrypt, a Blowfish-based key derivation function which is reasonably slow, adaptable and has a good reputation as a password hashing algorithm [15]. By default bCrypt is called with a cost of 13 which is high enough, if not too high. Executing bCrypt with this cost takes around 0.6 seconds on a standard laptop. This is clearly a huge improvement over previous versions, where the master password was encrypted rather than hashed. It should be noted however that the function uses the PRNG mt rand, a generator which suffers from seed poisoning vulnerabilities [16]. However, it is only used as a fallback for the more secure alternative openssl random pseudo bytes. To further prevent the use of mt rand, I suggest adding /dev/urandom as a third possible source of randomness. However, the best solution is arguably to use a library that provides bCrypt instead of relying on a custom implementation. That way, the author does not need to think about maintaining the implementation of bCrypt as new vulnerabilities in bCrypt are found. There exist a few libraries for this purpose; PHPPasswordLib [17] is an example. 3 Security analysis of Teampass • December 2014 function bCrypt($password, $cost) { $salt = sprintf(’$2y$%02d$’, $cost); if (function_exists(’openssl_random_pseudo_bytes’)) { $salt .= bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(11)); } else { $chars=’./ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789’; for ($i=0; $i<22; $i++) { $salt.=$chars[mt_rand(0, 63)]; } } return crypt($password, $salt); } Figure 3: Hash function. III. Web vulnerabilities While it is true that hashes and ciphers should be devoid of vulnerabilities, the weakest link of security in this case arguably lies in the web interface. The reason is that the attack surface is considerably large, as suggested by Li [5, p. 5]. Two common types of vulnerabilities found in web application are XSS and CSRF. Versions of Teampass prior to 2.1.20 appear to have been exploitable by XSS. [19] These appear to have been fixed since then, although it is possible that vulnerabilities are still present. As for CSRF, no vulnerabilities appear to be known at this date. These two kinds of vulnerabilities have been shown by Li to be prevalent in password managers, e.g. LastPass. Li suggests the use of a strong CSP policy to mitigate XSS attacks. [5, p. 16] In addition, CSRF protection with tokens should be included in every webpage and form. [5, p. 16] Although the variable $pre is shown to be set to a (safe) prefix string in the source code, concatenating it to an SQL query is still an unnerving act, especially since this is a global variable. Particularily, if there was a way for an attacker to modify the value of the variable during execution, this would still be a source of injection attacks. It could also happen that the variable is accidently modified due to a bug. This pattern of concatenating queries is repeated several times in the source code. It is therefore advisable to at least sanitize the variable at the moment it is used in any query. This could for example be done using a prefix function that both verifies that the variable contains a valid prefix and prepends it to the base table name: $rows=DB::query( "SELECT id,pw FROM ".prefix("users")); V. Password attachments The security of handling SQL queries in the web interface has improved significantly since previous versions, which partly suffered from SQL injection vulnerabilities [18]. A minor issue remains, however: query concatenation. Consider the query: Teampass supports uploading files as attachments to a password. Like passwords, these may contain sensitive data, such as a CSV file listing the salaries for every employee. When uploading a file, it is by default uploaded into the uploads directory on the server and renamed to a 32-character hexadecimal string. As a side effect, this file can then be accessed from the browser like so: $rows=DB::query( "SELECT id,pw FROM ".$pre."users"); /76a7138f887afc86fe1c385be86b79c0 IV. 4 Query handling Security analysis of Teampass • December 2014 The file will be shown in plaintext in the user’s browser. Worse, the user does not even need to be logged in to view the file. The user can even browse to view a list of links to every uploaded file, as shown in Figure 4. • Rename the URL every time the file is viewed in a browser. • Turn on encryption of attachments by default. This entails that the files cannot be viewed in a meaningful format in the browser, however. • Forbid access to the resource, unless the user is logged in and is authorized to view the associated password. • Implement separate access control for dealing with viewing and uploading attachments. VI. Figure 4: Accessing the upload folder. This means that it is trivial for an attacker to view all the uploaded files of any server that uses Teampass, unless access to these URLs has been manually restricted after installing Teampass. To mitigate this, Teampass should at the very least display a warning to alert the users (and the server administrator) that the folder permissions are too permissive. Also, there exists an option for enabling encryption for files, but it is not turned on by default. However, even if access to the upload folder is made restricted (but not the files), this only solves part of the problem. If an attacker is standing behind the back of a Teampass user while the user is viewing the file through the browser, it is easy for the attacker to discreetly take a photo of the screen including the URL. Once the attacker has the URL, she can access the file without even being logged in. This is a likely scenario in a business environment if the CEO works closely with employees that cannot be trusted. There are a few proposed solutions to this problem: • Make Teampass forbid access to the resource by URL altogether. Future outlook Teampass is somewhat unique in that it is free and open source, in contrast to many commercial alternatives. This means that it is easier for black hat hackers to spot vulnerabilities, but also that it is easier for white hat hackers and security analysts in the community to spot them first. By Linus’ law [20] and given enough time and support from the community, this application has potential to become more secure and popularand popular than its alternatives. The addition of new features for convenience’s sake is a predictable source of new vulnerabilities. Other password managers have convenience feature such as “auto-fill”, “auto-login” and “bookmarklets” that Teampass lacks. This may be a good thing since these features have been shown to be subject to serious vulnerabilities. [5, p. 7] If features like these will one day be added to Teampass, it is suggested to not do so until the relevant security papers on the matter have been carefully studied. For instance, seeing that the recent Teampass 2.1.22 features a way of accessing passwords through an API [8], this has expanded the attack surface of the application. It is recommended to be conservative about adding new features until the ramifications in regard to security have been analyzed, maybe in the form of a peer-reviewing process. The main source of vulnerabilities will most likely continue to be web-based since new fea5 Security analysis of Teampass • December 2014 tures are typically tightly integrated with the web interface. As the number of features will grow, so will the attack surface. Unfortuately, the more complex the application becomes, the more difficult it becomes to do an in-depth analysis. One can only hope that the increased number of security analysts in the community will make up for this. VII. References [2] [3] 6 [4] Laumaillé, Nils. Teampass A Collaborative Passwords Manager [Internet]. Cited 2014 Dec 10. Available from: [5] Zhiwei Li, Warren He, Devdatta Akhawe, Dawn Song. The Emperor’s New Password Manager: Security Analysis of Webbased Password Managers. July 7, 2014. [6] GitHub, Issues page [Internet]. Cited 2014 Dec 12. Available from: [7] National Vulnerability Database. Vulnerability Summary for CVE-20143774 [Internet]. Available from: [8] Laumaillé, Nils. Teampass A Collaborative Passwords Manager [Internet]. Available from: [9] Laumaillé, Nils. Available from: Conclusion Most of the serious known vulnerabilities existed before version 2.1.20, such as cross-site scripting and SQL injection. Both encryption and hashing are adequate, but there exist serious vulnerabilities related to uploading attachments that should be fixed as soon as possible. This paper has presented some common types of vulnerabilties, but in order to truly assess the security of the application, a more thorough investigation by an expericenced security analyst may be needed. In conclusion, I still deem Teampass to be moderately safe for use by businesses. This presumes, however, that attachments are not uploaded and that the installed version is kept up to date. In addition, it is strongly recommended to use two-factor authentication with Google Authenticator in order to add an extra layer of security. [1] 2014 Dec 10. Available from: Office of Privacy and Information Assurance. Why You Should Use Different Passwords [Internet]. Cited 2014 Dec 9. Available from: Sieber, Tina. How To Create A Good Password That You Will Not Forget [Internet]. Cited 2014 Dec 9. Available from: Laumaillé, Nils. words Manager Collaborative Pass[Internet]. Cited [10] Maurits van der Schee. Available from: Cited 2014 [11] Vikram Reddy Andem. Dec 17. A Cryptanalysis of the Tiny Encryption Algorithm Available from: Dennis. Cited [12] Stack Exchange: 2014 Dec 18. Available from: [13] Joan Daemen, Vincent Rijmen AES Proposal: Rijndael, document version 2. March 9, 1999. [14] GitHub: slimm609. Cited 2014 Dec 18. Available from: Security analysis of Teampass • December 2014 [15] Stack Exchange: Thomas Pornin. Cited 2014 Dec 18. Available from: [18] GitHub, TeamPass. Available from: [16] Stefan Esser. mt srand and not so random numbers. Available from: [19] US-CERT. Available srand- from: https://www.usand-not-so-random-numbers/ GitHub, PHP[17] Ferrara, Anthony. PasswordLib: A library for generating and validating passwords. Available from: [20] Raymond, Eric S. Linus’ Law. Available from: achaney/tmve/wiki100k/docs/L 7