College Minutes - Barstow Community College

All College Meeting
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Meeting Minutes
The meeting began at 12 p.m. in the Interim Performing Arts Center with 51 students, staff and faculty
members in attendance.
Agenda Item I – Welcome
Dr. DiThomas welcomed everyone for attending the last All College meeting of the academic year.
Following the meeting there will be a tour of the Performing Arts Center.
Agenda Item II – Administrative Procedures
Dr. DiThomas discussed the process for Administrative Procedures. When significant revisions are
made, the AP will follow the governance process which will then be sent to all college as an information
Agenda Item III - PAC Fundraising Phase 1 A & B
Maureen Stokes discussed the Performing Arts Center Fundraising Plan Phase IB which is the annual
membership drive modeled after the Kennedy Center. Phase IB of the Plan will be presented to Board
of Trustees for approval at the May 21 meeting. Phase IA, theater seat naming rights, was approved to
the Board of Trustees a few months ago and was approved.
Agenda Item IV - Student Services Reorganization
Clint Dougherty presented the Student Services Reorganization Plan which is being presented to the
Board of Trustees for consideration and approval. Clint stated that the interim Athletic Director (50%
position), the Student Life and Development Director and Outreach is being proposed for one position.
Proposal follows other models from various Districts. Director of Student Activities (take the portion of
duties related to student activities) and merge it with Athletic Director. We will reclassify current
manager student development and outreach and it will become student success manager. Transfer
Center Specialist now reports to Director of Student Life and Development. Only change is this position
will be reporting to Vice President Student Services. Small reorganization is for more efficiently and is
primarily at the management level. Plan is to take it forward to the Board of Trustees May 21 meeting
and implement July 1. Will recruit for Athletic Director/Student Life/Student Success thereafter.
Agenda Item V - CTE Presentation
Sandi Thomas shared the PowerPoint she presented to the Board of Trustees in their April meeting.
PowerPoint included summer camp program for 6th through 8th grade, IMMT and supply chain
management, contract training, equipment at State Street location, and credit-based classes.
Agenda Item VI - Strategic Priorities Update 2014
Carl Yuan provided an update on the work of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee on this
document. He reviewed the process, followed by highlights including Basic Skills program, staff
recommendations, website development, Moodle platform, and professional development plan and
budget allocation process.
Agenda Item VII - Strategic Planning Process Evaluation
Carl Yuan provided a recap of the Strategic Plan Process Committee Evaluations. Evaluations were
emailed. Responses were low but this was the first round of evaluations within this new
structure. Committees will use this information to improve the process.
Agenda Item VIII - Student Success Scorecard
Carl Yuan discussed the college profile - over 5500 students. A new metric demonstrated 1891:1
counselor to student ratio, which is higher than statewide average. Reviewing accuracy of this data.
Another item is 63%, 41% prepared for college. Completion rate over last 5 years, we are below the
statewide average. However, it is reviewed over a 6 year period of time, Persistence (did they enroll 3
consecutive semesters).
Agenda Item IX - Title V Grant
Jill Murphy discussed the Title V Grant proposal that was submitted to the U.S. Department of
Education. PowerPoint presentation included Title V grant committee membership and the proposal for
a Student Success Center and the proposed location on campus.
Agenda Item X - Athletic Logo
Maureen Stokes and Kim Young discussed the origin of the BCC Vikings athletic logo, the student contest
held last fall to create a new athletic logo and review and discussion on the proposed athletic logo.
Following a group discussion, a motion was made by Terri Walker with a second by Jose Hernandez to
accept the new athletic logo as presented. Motion passed.
Agenda Item XI - Closing Comments
Time capsule and things that represent the college today. At the 100 anniversary of the college (46
years), we need the group to start thinking about items to include in the capsule. Each department
should include at least one item. Maureen Stokes to send additional information to entire campus
Dr. DiThomas thanked everyone for their work and appreciation of the work all have done to make this
year a great year.
The meeting concluded at 12:40 p.m.
Agenda Item XII
Tour of Performing Arts Center followed the meeting that adjourned at 12:40 p.m.
All College Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, October 07, 2014
Meeting Minutes
The meeting began at 12:06 p.m. in the Interim Performing Arts Center with 37 students, staff
and faculty members in attendance.
Agenda Item I – Welcome
Dr. Dithomas welcomed everyone for attending the All College meeting.
Agenda Item II – President’s Holiday Party
Friday, December 12th is the date for the President’s Holiday Party. It will be held in the
Performing Arts Center Black Box and Foyer from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. All BCC employees and
one adult guest per employee will be invited to attend. More information will follow.
Agenda Item III – Student Success and Support Program
Stephen Eaton and Kim Young attended a conference in Sacramento to make sure that we are
on the right tract for our Student Success and Support Program and Plan. There are 4 core
elements that must be addressed through our plan: 1) orientation, 2) assessment and
placement, 3) counseling and setting up an educational plan and 4) academic follow-up support
for at-risk students. The plan will be presented to the board at the October board meeting, and
it must be received by the State Chancellor’s Office before the end of October.
Dr. DiThomas shared key changes to the funding formula for this program. Prior to this year,
funding was based on head count and new student count. In the new program, 60% of the
funding will be based on the services we provide (which are documented in our MIS reports).
She also discussed the second major change, which is that in prior years, student services were
primarily responsible for student success, now there is a recognition that the entire institution
is responsible and must be involved in efforts to increase student success.
Agenda item VI – RAMP-Up Grant
We are partners with Victor Valley College and several other colleges and K12 districts on the Ramp-Up
Grant for CTE. Mr. Eaton briefly reviewed this grant. In the discussion, Rich Johnston shared several
recommendations that had come from a meeting between high school and BCC counselors, and he will
take these to the Student Equity and Success Committee. Another suggestion was proposed to involve
industries in our outreach and College & Career Days so that students could hear from those working in
the field.
Agenda Item V – Repurposing of IPAC (Discussion)
The IPAC room will be vacated as of December 12, 2014 and all classes will be moved to the PAC.
Stephen recapped earlier discussions about use of the IPAC and led the group in a discussion about its
use to support for student success and equity.
Agenda Item VI – Revision AP 2712 (Information Only)
Dr. DiThomas reminded the group that revisions to AP’s are approved by Share Governance
Council, are sent to the College as information items, and then are taken to Board as
information items. Changes to AP 2712, Conflict of Interest Code (700 forms), were discussed.
Agenda Item VII – Closing Comments, Announcements
• Grand Opening of PAC – Fab Four – February 21, 2015. Tickets go on sale November 1,
2014 and the prices are $100, $75, and $60. The Barstow College Foundation is
sponsoring the event.
• 10-16-14 Great Shake Out
• 10-16-14 College University Days – 11am to 2pm
• 11-7-14 – “Mid-Summer Nights Dream” play starts for 2 weekends
• 11-12-14 Student Art Show – lasts for 3 weeks
• Jazz and Concert ensemble starts first week of December
Dr. DiThomas thanked everyone for coming.
The meeting concluded at 12:51 p.m.
All College Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, November 04, 2014
Meeting Minutes
The meeting began at 12:06 p.m. in the Interim Performing Arts Center with 40 students, staff
and faculty members in attendance.
Agenda Item I – Welcome
Dr. Dithomas welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked all for their attendance.
Agenda Item II – Institution Set Standards—Information Item
Since Carl Yuan was on jury duty, Dr. DiThomas discussed the Department of Education
requirement that each institution of higher education set institutional standards in 5 areas.
Although no direction for the process or approved formula to do this was given by the
Department, accrediting agencies have been tasked with including an evaluation of the process
and the results in their accreditation site reviews. Dr. DiThomas also noted that it is important
to remember that these are minimum standards not goals. Dr. DiThomas then described the
strategic planning process that our “institutional set standards” have gone through and noted
that an electronic copy of the document will be sent to the entire college. It is on the November
Board Agenda for discussion and approval.
Agenda Item III – Program Review Update—Information Item
Stephen Eaton shared that all the updates are completed except one. They should be done by
semester break.
Agenda item VI – The “F” Game
Lewis Goldstein led the group through an exercise called the “F Game.” He discussed that we all see
things (or don’t see things) from our own perspectives and sometimes this gives us different views.
Lewis led the group through a great discussion which resulted in laughter and learning.
Agenda Item V – Stump the Chumps – HR Panel
Clint, Tonia and Paulette discussed the services that the HR department provides for the college
including recruitment, screening, position postings, application processing and arrangement of
interviews. HR also works closely with several college departments, such as payroll,
administrative services, instruction and student services, to provide services to staff, faculty and
administration. After describing their service area, they responded questions from the group.
Agenda Item VII – Closing Comments, Announcements
The Counseling Department agreed to be the next department for the “Stump the Chumps”
panel discussion, so they will be on the December 2nd agenda.
Several upcoming events were announced including the Student Art Show, Student production
of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Festival of Lights & Learning. Dr. DiThomas thanked
everyone for coming and invited everyone to come to the President’s Holiday Reception on
December 12th.
The meeting concluded at 1:00 p.m.
All College Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, December 02, 2014
Meeting Minutes
The meeting began at 12:04 p.m. in the Interim Performing Arts Center with 39 students, staff and
faculty members in attendance.
Agenda Item I – Welcome
Dr. Dithomas welcomed everyone for attending the All College meeting.
Agenda Item II – President’s Holiday Reception
The President’s Holiday Reception will be held on Friday, December 12, 2014 from 5:00pm – 7:00pm.
The planning committee described the event and mentioned that dinner is being catered by the Barstow
High School Culinary Arts program, Nick Dinapoli will be providing the entertainment and raffle prizes
have been donated by local businesses for college employees. Everyone is asked to donate a children’s
book which will be included in the Christmas baskets that the Salvation Army will be handing out to
needy families in our community.
Agenda Item III – Student Equity Plan
Kim Young discussed BCC’s Student Equity Plan which will be presented to the Board for approval at the
December meeting. She described the 4 areas of focus that the committee developed in this plan and
the goals for each area. The 4 areas are:
1. Access (Goal 1: Review institutional matriculation and educational processes for potential
barriers; Goal 2: Improve Access by addressing physical campus barriers such as signage; Goal 3:
Increase Access for our local Hispanic population),
2. Distance Education (Goal 1: Ensure quality instruction in distance education through the
development of faculty who are well informed in online college processes; Goal 2: Facilitate
student preparation for online classes to improve student success; Goal 3: Improve online
course development),
3. Foster Youth (Goal 1: To institutionally improve knowledge and understanding for the Foster
Youth population, and improve campus programs and awareness, leading to better certificate
and degree completion) and
4. Poverty/Socioeconomic (Goal 1: Research specific campus-related challenges related to poverty
and student success; Goal 2: Identify strategic partnerships; Goad 3: Improve student success
through course completion and certificate/degree completion for students below the poverty
Agenda item VI – Stump the Chumps – Counseling Panel
Rich Johnston had volunteered the counseling department to be the focus of the December All-College
meeting for the “Stump the Chumps” activity. He led the activity off with a powerpoint presentation of
the responsibilities of the department and was assisted by Api, Samera, Lynna & Peggy. They presented
the needs of the department and the future plans. They then responded to questions from the
Agenda Item V – Closing Comments, Announcements
Dr. DiThomas thanked everyone for coming and reminded everyone about the Annual Lights & Learning
Festival tonight from 4:00pm – 7:00pm in the gym. She also asked everyone to be thinking about
volunteering to be the next focus of “Stump the Chumps” so that we can all continue to gain a better
understanding of the work of the College.
The meeting concluded at 12:59 p.m.