Using Websites to Help Your Child Prepare for the SOL's Virginia

Using Websites to Help Your Child Prepare for the SOL’s
Virginia Department of Education:
Click on “Standards of Learning (SOL) & Testing” on the left-hand side to access several
good links on the VDOE website for SOL practice:
In the gray box, click on “Technology-enhanced demonstration” to see a video that
demonstrates the technology enhanced questions (TEI) students are required to
answer on the SOL test.
In the gray box, click on “practice items” to allow your child to practice various test
questions in math, reading, and science. Scroll down the page to click the subject and
grade level you want to complete. A guide is provided to help you walk your child
through the practice items and learn to use the tools.
In the center of the page, click on “released tests” to practice taking SOL tests from
previous years.
Under the “Standards of Learning (SOL) & Testing” link on the right hand side of the screen,
click on “Mathematics.”
Under the heading “Resources for Instruction & Assessment” click on the link titled
“UPDATED: Using Statewide SOL Test Results to Guide Instruction.” Scroll down to
the bottom of the page, and choose the presentation for your child’s grade level.
These power-points highlight areas of difficulty for specific SOL strands.
Interactive Assessment:
Use this website to practice technology enhanced items (TEI) for math.
Choose the grade level and type of question you want to practice with your child.
Jefferson Lab:
Use this website to practice released SOL test questions for math and science. Your child
will receive a score after answering all the practice problems.
Pick the subject and the grade level for practice. Then choose the number of questions
for your child to practice. Click on “Select Additional Options.”
Pick “Use Realigned Standards” in order to practice questions that align with the
current SOL standards used today. Click on “Next Options Screen.”
Keep checked all years in the purple box on the screen. Click on “Next Options
Pick the strand you would like your child to practice. You may also choose for them to
practice all strands as listed in the top of the purple box. Click on “Next Options
Keep marked questions in random order. Click on “Let’s Start!”
Catchup Math:
Use this website to practice different math skills for various grade levels.
Hover the mouse over the word “English.”
Choose the skill for practice. Click on the phrase “Click to Start.”
Use this website to view power-points for all subjects and to play games practicing SOL
Hover the mouse over the phrase “Our Schools.”
Click on “Kilby Shores.”
Click on “View Website.”
Hover the mouse over the word “Resources.”
Click on “STAR.”
You will come to a screen that displays all subject areas. Choose the subject and
grade level you want your child to practice. Then pick the SOL strand for your child to
Please communicate with your child’s teacher if you need to know about specific SOL
strands that your child may need additional practice.
Under social science, fourth grade SOL’s are known as Virginia Studies and fifth grade
SOL’s are known as US History to 1865.