SOL REVIEW KICK-OFF!! January 26 - May 8 Weekly Assignments Flash Card Study- 15 minutes of vocab study Brain POPs - Watch video and take quick test JLAB - 10 question JLAB IA - 5 question quiz in Interactive Achievement Khan Academy - Practice for 15 minutes Flash Cards Each week you will receive vocabulary to make flash cards. Each Monday night, you are to study your flashcards, all flashcards but focusing on the newest ones. After studying them, your parent is to initial the calendar for Monday. BrainPOPS You will watch the BrainPOP video(s) on an assigned topic. The videos are short and easy to understand. At the end of each video, you will need to take the short follow-up quiz. You will need to send your results to me (your math teacher) at or Brain POPs Take the Quiz… Select “Classic Quiz” at next prompt. and 6 s tm ct e d o le c e h S t . i w s6 he t n m i t e g s Lo ord then u your w s s pa nd nd i a f ” o t TH “MA feature . o ch vide sear to s t l u res r r! u e o h y c a d Sen math te your JLAB’s You will log onto once each week and take a 10 question practice SOL quiz. 1 2 1 Select Math 8 3 Type your math BLOCK-your name Select 10 questions 4 Start test JLab Continued... At end of practice quiz, select green tab “All Done! How Did I Do? Email your results to your teacher’s gmail account. If we don’t receive your results, you won’t get credit. Interactive Achievement You will go to http://itest.interactiveachievement. net/VA_SPOTSYLVANIA/v7/Secure/ and log in using your student number. Select the test called “TMS _______ Review”. The topic in the blank will correspond with the topic of the week. Your teacher will be able to see your results once you complete each assignment. Khan Academy First you must set up an account on Khan Academy. You need to use your school email to do this. Just follow the prompts. Second, sign up to your teacher’s Khan Academy class. You should receive an invitation, but if you don’t get an invitation from your teacher, follow these steps. Then, you will work through your “mission”. You will complete roughly 15 minutes on skills & topic reviews. Your teacher will log on weekly to monitor your progress. This -n- That’s... Don’t forget to get your parents to sign off each night as you complete your assignment. Miss Randall and Ms. Douglas will check the computer assignments EVERY Monday at 2:45. Your calendar of signatures will be checked at the beginning of your first math class of each week. This -n- That’s Continued…. Absences, snow days, holidays, etc. will not excuse you from the assignments. The calendar is to be followed, and assignments will be checked as laid out. Your calendar and vocab cards are to be stapled into your agenda.You are responsible for keeping up with them. If you lose your calendar or vocabulary cards, it will be your responsibility to print off a new copy. GOOD LUCK! You can do this!!!! All of this extra practice and studying WILL pay off in May!! You will see a BIG improvement in your SOL score from last year!