10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You

10 Signs Your Inner
Is Calling You
and Tips to Answering this Sacred Call
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10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You
Author: Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D.
Copyright © 2013 by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph. D
Published by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph. D.
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At the Vancouver Peace Summit in September 2009, the Dalai Lama announced, “The
world will be saved by the Western woman.” I fully believe that. But I don’t think he meant
the world will be saved by women who sit there and let life pass them by; women who
have gotten so out of touch with their Divine Feminine that they don’t know how to get
reacquainted or even that they should. I think what the Dalai Lama was referring to was
this: Women (Western or otherwise) possess powerful Feminine qualities that can heal
the Earth of humankind’s misdoings. Qualities like a willingness to collaborate and share
the load, unbounded creativity, intuition, nurturing, inner strength, and wisdom beyond
their years. Yet many of us have lost touch with these qualities, as we have denied or
repressed our Inner Feminine Divinity. Many of us feel so overwhelmed by our own lives
that we don’t have enough energy left to save the world, let alone ourselves.
We all receive intuitive nudging from the Universe through gentle nudges, intuitive
guidance, and life crisis but many of us, including me, bury our sacred truth until we are
hit with the Cosmic 2x4. The Cosmic 2x4 may appear as a sudden loss, health crisis, or
other transformational wake- up call. I’m sure my story is no different from yours. I look
back on the last 39 years and see years of major health crises including a near death
experience 15 years ago that should have awakened me much sooner to my truth. But
no, I waited for the Cosmic 2x4 to shake my world.
I know all too well what it feels like to be disconnected from my truth and divine feminine
nature. I’ve been tuning out the whispers of my heart for too many years to count until
THE magical moment arrived when I could no longer deny the calling of my soul. Little
did I know one life-changing day in April 2013, which I wrote about in my Huffington Post
column article Rude Awakenings, would change my life. On that day, during a guided
meditation, I suddenly realized: I was living the wrong life. I had spent so many years
doing what I thought I needed to do to “make it” that I lost touch with the very things that
made my soul sing. That day I made a decision: It was time to stop living somebody
else’s life.
I realize now, that long ago, I lost touch with my inner goddess. Rest assured, she never
left me – she was there all the time, I just refused to listen to her in favor of following
the expectations of those around me. And while that brought me success in my chosen
profession as a Professor of Psychology, it never brought me peace. Instead, it always
left me searching. But I never found what I was looking for because all along what I have
been searching for has been inside of me, waiting patiently for me to plug in, reconnect.
My soul awakening shook me to my core and woke me up to my truth that though from
the outside looking in it seemed as if I was living the ideal life – in actuality I was living
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
an illusion. The truth is in that moment of awakening, which I’ve since come to see as a
sacred gift from the Divine, the layers and layers of false masks and truths that had kept
me hiding my divine truth, my inner magnificence were instantaneously removed.
In less than one week of my awakening, the vision of Awakening the Goddess Within, the
website and the upcoming book, was birthed through me and is my gift to owning my truth
and empowering, inspiring and supporting women like you to do the same.
I will hold the space for you. I see your truth, your beauty and your wisdom. Know that
your Inner Goddess is there for you, every step of the way.
Support for Your Journey
The 10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You eworkbook is my gift to you. Think
of it as a sacred guide to support you in removing the layers of veils preventing you
from embracing the truth of who you are: a Goddess here to shine your inner light and
illuminate the world with your gifts.
This workbook is broken down in three sections. The first section spends some time
talking about your Inner Goddess and some of the symptoms women experience when
they are disconnected from their Inner Goddess. Section two shares the 10 Signs Your
Inner Goddess Is Calling You. As you move into the third section: Answering the
Sacred Call of Your Inner Goddess you will discover exercises and journaling prompts
to guide you back to your truth.
The exercises that I present here are designed in a way that you can work at your own
pace. This is a journey of self-love, self-compassion and self-acceptance. Whether it
takes you a day, a month, or a year to get through all of the exercises, that is okay. This is
your sacred journey so do what feels right to you. Know that your Inner Goddess is there
for you, every step of the way.
Awakening, Connecting and Honoring your Inner Goddess can transform your life – if you
let it. All you have to do is say yes.
With blessings and love,
Mary E. Pritchard
Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D.
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
Who Is This Inner Goddess?
You’ll hear me referring to the Divine Feminine Essence and Inner Goddess repeatedly.
To me, my Inner Goddess is my connection with the Divine Feminine Essence/the Creator
of All Things. If Inner Goddess doesn’t work for you, you may like to think of this as your
Intuition, Inner Guide, Inner Knowing, Angel Guide, or even an answer to a prayer. It
doesn’t matter. What does matter is that all of us have a connection to the Divine – it is
within us, part of our soul. When we become disconnected from the truth of who we are
we can experience a myriad of symptoms that manifest in our outer lives.
The common thread among women that come to see me is a strong inner sense of
disconnect – from themselves, from their loved ones, from the Divine, from who they
thought they wanted to be. Although this sense manifests itself in different ways in
different women, there are common symptoms that have consistently come up. See if
any of the following are true for you:
Symptoms of Being Disconnected from Your Inner Goddess:
Feeling unsettled and unfulfilled
“Female” medical issues like painful
cramps, PMS, endometriosis, polycystic
ovarian syndrome
Feeling depressed and/or anxious
Feeling “burned out”
like you have given or sacrificed
everything you have and have nothing
to show for it
Feeling used and misunderstood
Feeling uninspired and unnourished
Feeling un- or under-appreciated
Feeling lost or stuck
Having experienced one or more “aha”
moments but have no idea what to
do next
Questioning yourself about decisions
you’ve made in the past that led you to
this point
In a constant state of overwhelm
Low self-esteem
generally dissatisfied with
your life
Lack of self-trust
Your Inner Goddess Is Calling You
If you checked off any of the previous symptoms, it’s time to go inward and spend
sacred time to reconnect with the essence of who you are. The feeling of disconnect
and discontentment you are experiencing is your soul’s message that you have become
disconnected from your truth.
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
Your Inner Goddess is calling out to you. She longs for you to remember the truth
and essence of who you are – a Goddess here to shine your inner
light and illuminate the world with your gifts.
It’s Time to Answer the Call
Now more than ever the world needs every woman, including YOU, to heal herself so that
we, as women, can begin to heal our families, our communities and our world. I believe
that’s what the Dalai Lama was referring to when he made his now infamous statement.
You may come across a variety of terms to describe this awakening or transformation,
such as “Sacred Feminine” or “Return of the Feminine.” No matter the term used, they
describe the rebalancing of the male and female aspects, or yin and yang, of the Self and
of course the world.
Up to this point, the world has been led by masculine energies such as competition,
striving, aggressiveness and survival. The sacred call is for us to reconnect with the
feminine essences that embody love, nurturing, and compassion – essences that are
within all of us, so that we can return balance to ourselves and our world.
She’s Waiting for You
Are you ready to transform your life, get your mojo back, and feel empowered? Are you
looking for clarity and focus? Do you wish you could be the pilot instead of the backseat
driver in your own life? If you answered yes to any of those, I can help.
The name you give your inner essence is very personal. For the sake of this eworkbook, I
will interchangeably use the terms ‘Divine Feminine Essence’ and ‘Inner Goddess.’ Again,
if the term Inner Goddess doesn’t resonate with you feel free to replace it with one that
does. Whether you use the term Intuition, Inner Guide, Inner Knowing, Angel Guide,
All That Is – think of it as your connection to the Divine.
Throughout this eworkbook you’ll be asked to connect with your inner essence so I
recommend finding a term or visual that represents your sacred essence. I find that it is a
powerful tool to reconnecting with and hearing your inner wisdom.
Awakening Your Inner Goddess
Before we dive into the sacred and soulful work of reconnecting and awakening your
Inner Goddess let me clear the air. YOU are a divine being of love and light and there is
nothing within you that needs “to be fixed.” “Fixing” something implies that it is broken or
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
not whole. As you are a part of the Divine essence of all that is that cannot be your truth.
That being said, it doesn’t mean there is no healing that needs to occur. There is. For
each of us. It’s part of our human experience.
Envision for a moment....
“Your inner light/essence/Inner Goddess is and has always been there. It is the truth of
who you are. Over time your human experiences created layer upon layer of what I
like to envision as gauzy veils which began slowly smothering your connection to your
truth. At times, when you are really quiet and go within, you intuitively know it is there
yet you struggle to hear and feel it. Your work is to remove the layers of veils (wounds,
old stories and beliefs) that are blocking you from seeing and shining your inner light/
essence/Inner Goddess.”
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
0 Signs Your Inner
Goddess Is Calling You
Stranger in the Mirror - Maybe it was your hair or make-up (or lack thereof)
or the way the light shined on you that set off this realization, but one day you
realized that you no longer resonated with the woman in the mirror. She wasn’t
who you thought you were or who you wanted to be. But don’t despair. Your Inner
Goddess gifted you with this realization because she wants you to wake up and
see the light within.
ou are Last on Your Long To-Do List - Maybe it was on Mother’s Day when
your children presented you with a card that had some Hallmark sentiment about
this being “your day,” before you got up to make everyone breakfast as usual. Or
maybe it happened one day when you were shaving your legs and realized how
long it had been since you’d done anything nice for them like getting a massage
or pedicure. Regardless, at some point, you realized that you’d been neglecting
yourself, your soul. Your Inner Goddess requires exquisite self-care; nourish Her
and nourish yourself.
ou Feel Like You’re Living Somebody Else’s Life – I have a good friend who
described this feeling to me one day. After 7 years of being a devoted wife and
stay-at-home mom, one day she got mad. At her husband, at her son, and most
of all, at herself for living her life for someone else, for throwing away her own
potential, for letting her soul, her very essence, wilt and wither away. Her Inner
Goddess was calling for her to come back to herself and find her Soul’s Purpose.
So she did.
our Cup Doesn’t Runneth over – In Fact It’s Empty – Many women are
trained to be “givers” from birth. After all, we are the sex that gives life, gives
birth to mankind. But giving is meaningless if you can’t also receive. Your Inner
Goddess wants you to bone up your receiving muscles. She wants you to make
sure your cup is overflowing with energy and joy before you give any of it away.
She wants you to realize that if you give from your cup and not the overflow, you’ll
soon have nothing left to give.
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
ost in Your Own Backyard – You know that feeling. That moment you are
walking or driving and suddenly realize you don’t remember getting there. Many
have also described it as an emotional or mental sense of feeling like you are in
the wrong place. Regardless, your Inner Goddess was trying to get your attention,
letting you know that when you feel you have lost your path, she will be there for
you to help guide you back “home.”
eep Desire to Be in Nature – Maybe you’re being called by the sound of the
ocean, the birds chirping, or the glow of the Full Moon. For whatever reason, you
know you need to be outside; being indoors almost feels claustrophobic. And
for good reason. Your Inner Goddess knows that in nature, you can find silence,
solace, wisdom. Heed Her call; let the power of Nature transform you.
ou’ve Had Unexplained “Female Issues” – Have your menstrual cramps been
worse than usual? Are you plagued with ovarian pain during ovulation? Have you
been diagnosed with ovarian cysts or endometriosis? No, do not blame the Divine
Feminine; do not blame your Inner Goddess. She is calling you in ways you may
not yet understand. Your womb is your power source and a source of wisdom.
When you neglect it, it cries out. So treat it with care and the patience you would
grant a child. Ask it what it needs and wants in order to feel loved, appreciated
and whole. For too long we have ignored our wombs – the very center of our
Divine Feminine. The time has come to embrace your menstrual cycle. It is not
“The Curse. It is “The Gift” – the ability to create and give birth. Nurture this ability
and see what grows – inside and out.
our Dreams Are Better Than Your Reality – Aah, the beauty of the unconscious
mind. Are you dreaming of escaping? Vacationing on a desert island all by
yourself? Doing away with your boss? Or even better – are you dreaming of your
Inner Goddess taking charge of Her life or flying Her own plane? Dreams can
be messages from our soul. If you keep dreaming of the same thing – or at least
similar topics – I urge you to take note. Tune into what your Inner Goddess may
be trying to tell you.
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
ou’ve Been Hit by a Cosmic 2x4 – Stress, loss and heartbreak affect all of us
and many times what can seem like the worst event – death of a family member,
bankruptcy, losing a job, divorce – can open doors we never imagined existed
for us. In the midst of every tragedy, know that your Inner Goddess is giving you
whatever lesson you need in your life right now. Let your Inner Goddess show
you the silver lining to every cloud.
ou Feel Stuck or Overwhelmed – While many of us try to cram too much into
our 24 hours, a sense of overwhelm doesn’t have to result from “lack of time.”
Rather, a sense of overwhelm tends to manifest when we are doing too many
things that are not in alignment with our Soul’s True Purpose. You know how time
seems to fly by when you are doing something you really enjoy? It’s amazing that
those things never result in a sense of overwhelm. We only get really stressed out
when we let others rule our days and take up our time. Your sense of overwhelm
is your Inner Goddess crying out for you to make time for Her, for You.
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
Answering the Sacred Call
of Your Inner Goddess
Stranger in the Mirror
Many women have shared their experience of waking up one day, walking to the
mirror and not recognizing themselves, not just physically but on a much deeper
level. This can be a daunting realization. I know because it’s happened to me on
more than one occasion. In fact, it took a few times before I heeded my Inner
Goddess and decided to do something about it. But what should you do?
I’m going to ask you to step out of your comfort zone. Many women are not
comfortable looking at themselves in the mirror without judging themselves.
For this exercise strip down, take a deep breath if needed and walk to a fulllength mirror. Now with the eyes of compassion, kindness, and appreciation
begin slowly and lovingly scanning your body. Admire its curves, the softness
of your skin, the intimate details that are your sacred vessel. When you catch
yourself in self-judgment – bring yourself back to loving compassion. This is
a powerful exercise that can bring you back into the body that you may have
judged and condemned for so long.
See it for the sacred vessel that it is.
Who am I behind the image I see in the mirror?
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
What do I appreciate most about the woman in the mirror?
In what ways can I begin to show my body that it is loved?
What do I want to change? Why?
What can I do TODAY to create that change?
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
You are Last on Your Long To-Do List
Repeat after me: “I DESERVE to nourish, love, cherish and pamper myself.”
I think sometimes we get the idea that facials, massages and manicures are
“luxuries” and that we should spend our money on more “important” things. But
what is more important than you? What is more important than taking care of
yourself? Nothing. I know, I know, you want to put your children or your significant
other first. I get that. But if you don’t take care of yourself, nothing else will matter
because there won’t be any more of you left to give (see #4 below).
It’s time to put YOU at the top of your To-Do list, or what I like to call my ToBe list. To make it fun, grab your favorite color pen or markers, some uplifting
little stickers and take out your planner right now.
No excuses, sit down with your planner and set the intention that you are
WORTHY of sacred time, self-nourishment and play. Ready for the BIG
Schedule the following into your planner for the next six months:
• One Monthly “GODDESS INDULGENCE” – something that feeds
your soul and is a little outside of your comfort zone. For some
it may be a spa treatment or a day trip to a place you’ve always
wanted to go.
• One Weekly “GODDESS TREAT” – set aside at least 3-4 hours
that is all yours. Curl up with a book, have lunch with your Goddess
friends, take a hike on your favorite trails. This is your time to refill
your cup.
• A DAILY “GODDESS BREAK” – schedule 15-30 minutes a day of
sacred time into your daily schedule – longer if you can. Start the
day with your favorite inspirational book or special mediation or end
the day with a favorite book or listening to an uplifting audio. It’s
your time to reconnect with your Inner Goddess.
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
You Feel Like You’re Living Somebody Else’s Life
Of all of the signs, this is perhaps the toughest and the one that is most likely to
break your heart. It’s tough because it’s not a quick fix, but there are steps you
can take today to reconnect with yourself and your Divine Essence.
Light a candle, get out your journal and re-read your answers your answers
to the questions you responded to in JOURNAL PROMPT #1. Don’t just read
the words, feel them, tune into what they are telling you. Is there anything else
you’d like to add to your previous responses?
If so, please take some time to do that. When you’re ready, move on to the
next set of JOURNALING PROMPTS below.
What did you most like to do when you were a child?
What were your dreams?
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
What did you want to be when you grew up?
Do those dreams still have meaning for you? Do you still want to be a ______ [fill in your
childhood dream]? If so, what’s holding you back? If not, what would your dream life look
like now?
What’s one thing you can do today to get one step closer to your dreams?
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
Your Cup Doesn’t Runneth over – In Fact It’s Empty
“You have to fill your cup. You then give away the overflowing,
but you keep a cupful for yourself.” — Wynonna Judd
How do you know if this applies to you? Over giving can lead to a number of
symptoms, including:
• Feeling unsettled and unfulfilled
• Feeling depressed and/or anxious
• Feeling “burned out”
• Feeling used and misunderstood
• Feeling uninspired and unnourished
• Feeling lost or stuck
• Feeling un- or under-appreciated
• In a constant state of overwhelm
• Feeling generally dissatisfied with life
Striking a chord? If so, it may be time to look at what of yourself, your time, or
your power you are giving away. As the opening quote by Wynonna Judd stated,
“You have to fill your cup. You then give away the overflowing, but you keep a
cupful for yourself.” I couldn’t agree more.
But what if your cup is already empty? How do you refill it? Doing the
recommendations in #2 above can certainly help, but the most important thing
you can do for your cup is to stop the drain. What in your life really drains you?
Can you give that up or at least start to pull away from that? Can you say no
to taking on any new obligations? Can you avoid people who do nothing but
take from you (psychic vampires)? Once you stop the drain, you can focus on
recharging and replenishing. How do you do this? There are many ways, but
when I feel like my cup is empty, I try to:
• get 30 minutes or an hour more sleep each night to replenish
• call in sick to work and take a much need “me” day to rest and replenish
• spend some time each day doing things that bring me joy
• do a guided Goddess meditation
• go outside and sit in my porch swing and just chill out
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
Lost in Your Own Backyard
Have you lost your sense of direction in life?
Do you feel like somewhere you either missed your bus stop or got off on the
wrong one?
That’s a sure sign that somewhere you’ve gotten off of your path. It’s time to do
the inner work to figure out where you got off track and remedy that as soon as
possible. Spend some time journaling and allow the answers to float to the top.
Your Inner Goddess is waiting to guide you back on your path.
Where did you first notice something “wasn’t right?”
What was going on in your life at that time?
How might things have been different if you hadn’t made that decision or gotten off
your path?
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
What can you do to get back on track?
If you still are feeling lost, it’s time to check in with your Inner Goddess. Either memorize
the following meditation or record it in your voice. Listen to it when you can lie or sit for a
few minutes undisturbed. This is a great tool for one of your Daily GODDESS BREAKS.
You are in a dimly lit, cool wide cavern sitting in front of a small water hole. Even though
you may have never been here before, you feel safe, knowing you are in the Womb of the
Mother. You hear the sound of drumming softly in the background, Calling you. To your
right is a narrow passage lit by the light of candles. You slowly rise to your feet and walk
down the path, feeling the soft dirt beneath your bare feet. The passage is just wide enough
that when you spread your arms, you can run your fingertips along both sides of the wall.
You realize that it is not drumming you hear, but the vibration of the walls – the heartbeat
of the Earth. You come to an archway leading into another room. As you enter the room,
you touch the walls and the room lights up on all sides. You find yourself in a crystal room
– the walls, the floor, the ceiling are beautiful crystals of all different colors lit from within.
They pulse with the heartbeat of the Earth. As much as you want to stay in this beautiful
room of crystals, you feel called to go on. As you look across the expanse of the room, you
notice a small archway on the other side. You move toward it, finding yourself in another
dimly lit dirt passage. The passage ends in a doorway. You observe the door – what does it
look like? What does it feel like? When you’re ready, open the door. You find yourself in the
Home of Your Inner Goddess. It might be a beach or a meadow or a waterfall. It doesn’t
matter. Just observe. What does this Place look like? Have you been here before? Does it
seem familiar to you in any way? Spend a few moments taking in the sights and sounds.
When you’re ready walk forward. As you curve along the path, you see a woman standing
before you. This is your Inner Goddess. What does she look like? How is she dressed or is
she SkyClad (naked)? She beckons you forward. She gifts you with something: it may be an
object or a message. Receive this gift. Ask her if there is anything she wishes you to know.
Ask her any questions you might have. When you are finished thank her and turn to go,
taking her Gift with you. Return the way you came, along the pathway, through the cave,
through the crystal room, and out to the wide cavern. When you are ready, slowly open
your eyes. Take out your journal and record as much as you can about your experience and
the Gift the Goddess gave you. Does this help answer your questions? If not, know that She
has heard you and the answers will come soon.
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
Deep Desire to Be in Nature
Often times when we are feeling stressed out or overwhelmed, we seek solace
in Nature. This is perfectly normal as returning to Nature - the Great Mother
- is a wonderful way to de-stress and recharge. But the very fact that you are
overwhelmed and are craving the Outdoors could mean something deeper. The
Goddess is the Earth – she lives in the trees, the grass, the stars and the moon. If
you are being called to be in Nature, she is calling you there for a specific reason.
You may know instinctively what it is, but if you don’t, going outside and spending
time in Nature may help you figure it out.
Go outside to a place where you can sit on the grass or dirt with as little
between you and the Earth as possible. If this is not possible, you could also
try taking your shoes off and leaning against a tree. Again, it is best if you can
memorize the following meditation or record it in your voice and listen to it
when you can lie or sit for a few minutes undisturbed.
Close your eyes and take 10 nice, long, slow deep breaths. Feel connected to
the earth, grounded. As you sit on the ground (or lean against the tree), feel the
earth beneath you. Feel Her warmth, Her gentle touch. Once you are feeling
calm, take another deep breath and envision yourself sinking into the Earth (or
tree). Feel the Earth’s heartbeat and feel it beat in time with yours. Stay sitting/
standing until you feel you and the Earth are One. Your breath is Her breath.
Your heartbeat, Her heartbeat. Feel yourself sinking further into the Earth/
tree and feel surrounded by warm, soft green light. This is the light of your
Heart, love at its purest, comfort at its best. Ask the Goddess what message
She has for you. Why have you been Called outside? What does She want you
to know? Wait for Her to answer. Once she has given you an answer (Note:
it may not come to you in words; She may show you an object or you may just
get a general feeling or sense of knowing), thank Her. Rest in the heartbeat of
the Earth for as long as you need to. Once you are ready, begin to come back
by feeling yourself rising to the surface. Feel your body on the ground, feel
your legs and arms, your torso. Come back to yourself. When you are ready,
open your eyes and journal about your experience. Again, your answer may not
come immediately, but may come over the next few days in the form of a sign,
a dream, or an Inner Sense of Knowing. For now, just rest in stillness knowing
She has heard your Call.
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
You’ve Had Unexplained “Female Issues”
For many of my clients, this is the biggest Sign they receive and struggle with, not
understanding that this is a Sign from the Goddess; your Womb is calling you.
Know this: your menstrual cycle should not be painful, neither should intercourse.
If you are experiencing gynecological symptoms, this is likely not the first time
your Inner Goddess has Called you. It’s just likely the first time She called loud
enough for you to notice. So how do you figure out what your Womb is trying to
tell you? You Ask Her.
The next time you are in pain or experiencing a problem, find a quiet place to
sit or lay down where you will be undisturbed. If called to do so, put on some
beautiful music, light a candle or incense and set an intention of connecting
with your Inner Goddess. Once you are comfortable, place your hands on
your womb and ask Her the following questions and allow the answers to
come to you.
What is it you want me to know?
What is causing your pain/issue?
What can I do to make it better?
Is there anything else you would like me to know?
When you’re ready, sit up and write the insights and messages you received in your
journal. If you happen to be a woman who spends a lot of time in her head it may feel as
if you are struggling to hear the answers. Be gentle with yourself. If you are still struggling,
here is a powerful exercise to help you get ‘out of your head’ and ‘into your body/womb.’
Try the exercise again, putting your dominant hand on your Womb and holding the pen
in your non-dominant hand. Though the writing might be messier, sometimes asking the
non-dominant part of your body for information can be more intuitive and revealing.
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
Your Dreams Are Better Than Your Reality
Our dreams are our window to the Soul. We can receive powerful messages from
our Inner Goddess through the messages we receive in our nighttime dreams
and also during our daydreams. Your dreams can serve to teach you something
about yourself. It is the repetitive dreams that hold the most powerful messages.
Tune into the wisdom in your dreams. Instead of jumping up each morning, begin
writing them down and looking for patterns and intuitive messages.
Your nighttime dreams – Keep your journal by your bed. Whenever you
wake up, wright down your dreams before you forget them. After tracking your
dreams for a few days, you may start to notice patterns. Journal about these
patterns and what you think they might mean.
Your daytime dreams – What do you daydream about? What do you wish
you could be doing? Where would you be doing it? Time to create a vision
board! Find some old magazines and start cutting out words and pictures that
Call you. Get a piece of construction paper or poster board and post up the
pictures and words that inspire you. Now put that board where you can see it
every day and watch your dreams unfold!
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
You’ve Just Been Hit With a Cosmic Two by Four
Our first reaction in any tragedy is usually one of anger or fear. In the darkest of
times, we often question, “Why me?” What did I do to deserve this?” Instead of
viewing tragedy through a negative lens, can you turn it around and see what
this loss is allowing you to attract into your life? For example, losing a loved one
may make you reassess how you prioritize your time so that you can spend more
time with loved ones. Going through a divorce may give you a new found sense
of freedom.
Take out your journal and ponder the following questions:
What have I really lost? It may be a relationship, a sense of identity, etc.
What does losing this mean to me? Here you can describe all of your
reactions – both positive and negative – to your situation.
How might I use this loss as an opportunity for growth? What lessons
can I learn from this? How might I reprioritize or refocus my life based on
what I learned?
What energy do I still need to clear out in order to move on with my life?
Am I harboring resentment? Fear? Anger? Grief?
If you found you still have some things that need clearing, get out a piece of paper that
you don’t mind losing (so if you have a really pretty journal, you may not wish to rip a
piece of paper out; but if you don’t mind, that’s fine as well). Using a red pen, write down
all of the things that are holding you back. [Note: You may need more than one piece of
paper if you are harboring a lot of negative emotions!] When you are done, light a fire or
a candle. Rip the piece of paper into little shreds and toss them all into the fire, saying:
Fire, fire, cleansing power, I release to you in my darkest hour
All the things I could not say, all the things I must give up today
Fire, with your power consume, so that with this loss,
in my new life I can bloom.
Thank the power of fire for its cleansing and clearing energy. If you still feel some residual
effects, this would be a great time to draw a warm bath and let the water soothe your
aches and pains and let the rest of those negative feelings float down the drain.
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
You Feel Stuck or Overwhelmed
Stress and overwhelm are clear signs that we are out of balance with our True
Essence, Our Soul’s Purpose. While many of the exercises I have described can
help you de-stress and clear negative feelings, sometimes you need more than a
fire ritual or a guided meditation. Sometimes you need practical advice to figure
out how to get rid of the overwhelm. The following exercise will help you see
where your feeling of overwhelm is coming from.
Keep a time journal for one week. This is a powerful tool to gain clarity on
where you are out of balance. Get out a piece of paper or make a spreadsheet
in your favorite software program. List the days of the week on the top and
the time of day on the side . Starting first thing tomorrow morning, record the
time you wake up and then in 15 min increments throughout the day record
exactly how you are spending your time. Be as specific as possible. So don’t
just put “work;” put “in a meeting with Betsy to talk about new product line.”
After your week-long time log is complete, I want you to analyze your time. In
your journal, record how much time you spent this week on:
Doing work-related activities?
Doing housework?
In class?
Spending quality time with your loved ones?
Preparing and eating food?
On the internet?
On Social media?
With friends?
Etc. – use whatever categories work best for you
Next, circle everything you truly enjoy doing – things that make your Soul
sing. [Hopefully you can find something in there that does.]
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
For everything that is not circled ask yourself:
1) Is this a necessary thing for me to do? If the answer is no:
a. Could someone else do this for me or at least help me?
b. How could I make this happen?
2) If the answer is yes:
a. Is there anything that would make this more enjoyable?
b. How can I make this happen?
I understand that not everything can be done by someone else and maybe
not everything can be enjoyable, but the more activities you can do during
your day that bring joy to your life, the less overwhelmed you will feel. So the
focus must be on bringing more joy to your day. This can be accomplished by
getting rid of things that drag you down or by livening up the things you don’t
particularly like doing. It’s your choice!
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net
In Closing
I hope you have found these exercises helpful and enjoyable and that you have started
forming a relationship with your Inner Goddess. Like any relationship, your relationship
with your Divine Feminine Essence takes time and requires maintenance. Devoting some
time each day to taking care of yourself and nourishing this relationship can not only make
your life more enjoyable, but also give you a renewed sense of purpose. Remember: You
are a Goddess. You were brought here for one purpose and one purpose only: to share
Your Gifts and Your Inner Light with the World.
About Mary E. Pritchard PH. D.
“It is only when we as women take the time to heal ourselves that we can begin to heal our communities
and our world. My vision for Awakening the Goddess Within- Feminine Wisdom for Today’s Woman
is to create a sacred space for the busy women of today to come together for divine inspiration,
feminine wisdom and to be reminded that within them lies the truth
of who they truly are: Goddesses here to shine their inner light
and illuminate the world with their gifts.”
— Founder Mary E. Pritchard
Mary E. Pritchard, PhD is the founder of:
www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net, owner of EmBody Heart and Mind, LLC., as
well as a Professor of Psychology at Boise University.
Mary’s own awakening and embracing of her Inner Goddess led to the birth of the
Awakening the Goddess Within online community as well as the upcoming book. Mary
is passionately dedicated to empowering today’s women in reconnecting with their
Inner Goddess, stepping through their perceived fears, and supporting them in the
journey of self-discovery.
Stay Connected and Inspired:
10 Signs Your Inner Goddess is Calling You by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D. • www.AwakeningtheGoddessWithin.net