ambition - Rebecca E. Skeele


Dear Co-Creator on this journey of Your Sacred Ambition

This is my person invitation to you - to rewrite your ‘story’ from a new foundation of fierce loving, to say Yes and choose to follow that sacred call that sounds inside you and to devote all of your talents and gifts with wild joy to serve yourself, those you love and the greater good.

I am personally inviting you to join me and a group of ambitious, powerfully compassionate and devoted leaders, just like yourself, in a year-long program that will support you in clearing out the old clutter that no longer serves you. As you stand arm-in-arm with your fellow journeyers, you will witness for each other the sacred as it comes shining through the broken places and celebrate each step as you claim, embody and step forward with your sacred ambition.

I encourage you to consider with ‘new’ eyes, a humble heart and steely commitment this invitation with ALL of you – not just your mind and all the analyzing, thinking and worrying that it can do… but with your body…and with your heart.

Not too long ago I was right where you are… aching to step out in a big way – shaking, quivering and awkward – and with a heart blazing with dedication to a calling WAY bigger than who I saw myself to be. I was beset with all the fears, practical worries and concerns that you might be feeling at this moment…but what was GREATER than all of that inner noise was knowing inside in every cell of my body that NOW was the time to say YES. And when I took a moment to look ahead 12 months from that moment and imagined NOT saying yes, well, every part of my being contracted in despair.

Because, I had come to a defining choice where if I didn’t step forward I would never know what my Divine Wisdom had prepared for me. Or know unseen opportunities to find out what talents and gifts I had hidden from myself. Or what new deeper reservoirs of fierce dedication were there to discover. And what lives I could touch and what difference I could make – one person at a time – if I did not choose back.

If you are an entrepreneur/solopreneur/ business person who wants to take their message and/or cause into the world to make a bigger impact.

This offer is for you if…

If you have recently completed a successful career and now are wanting to leave a legacy because what you do matters and you want to make sure it matters in a big way.

If you are tired of keeping yourself small, hiding out and deferring your talents and gifts because of fear, wanting to please, fit in or a myriad of other self-defeating limiting behaviors.

So, if you know this is a defining choice for you let me share more about what I have prepared for you.

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Rebecca, I’m saying YES – What will we do together?

Over the next 12 months (September 2015 – August 2016) you will be involved in an epic life-shifting mentoring circle that will touch every part of your life. You will be up-leveling your business, your loyalty to who you are, your talents and gifts and your business acumen.

Here is your most powerful choice for the year ahead!






Your Sacred Ambition

Mentoring Program

(Limited to 20 participants)

This year-long Mentoring Program is robust.

The Mentoring Program is designed for you if you are ready to not only create a new foundation of grace in your life but learn how to use your divine power in alignment with your sacred ambition.

This accelerated program will consist of group and individual guidance, retreats and classes all designed to support you to create a solid inner and outer foundation for your next steps. The

Sacred Ambition Mentoring Program is not about learning new marketing tools or setting business goals – it is a deep, comprehensive, accelerated course in learning to live in step with that sacred call inside – listen, trust and follow your inner guidance – and allow the emergence of WHO YOU

ARE to impact what you do.

With Rebecca you will personally experience …

Three In-person Retreats where you will work personally with me to clear energetic, emotional and mental family conditioning, ancestral karma and your ‘story’ about YOU as a powerful co-creator.

These 3- day intensives will give you a deep experience of the divine power of who you are and the clarity to fashion your life and work in alignment with that sacred call.

U In the First Retreat you will experience your essence/blessings/ sacred calling and sacred ambition and gain clarity about how to apply your sacred calling in both your personal life and your business/initiative.

U The Second Retreat will focus on forward momentum and practical manifestation tools for taking your steps aligned with your Divine Power. I will be joined in the second retreat with

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my fellow Mentors, Kim Carpenter and Laura Pedro. Kim and Laura will present practical systems and strategies to begin expanding your awareness of you as a world server and sacred ambition leader.

U The Third Retreat will be a deeply spiritual time to experience, in a more practical and supportive way, WHO YOU ARE and create ways for that GREATER you to be more present in your life and your business/initiative.

Five Group Mentoring Thought Leadership Calls will bring rich, new and soul-stirring emphases to build and extend the personal work you will do in the retreats. There will be time for questions to add to your clarity and all the calls will be recorded for further study.

In our Group Thought Leadership Mentoring Calls you will explore the themes of: Completion,

Making Peace, New Beginnings, Uncertainty, Vulnerability, Reality Creation, Timeline of

Fulfillment, Fear Alchemy and Racially Challenging Limiting Beliefs.

The Self-Mastery Lab Plus ** will give you the practice with new spiritual power tools so you will know ‘how’ to re direct old patterns into uplifting choices for this new foundation you are co-creating. (**see the Self-Mastery Lab Plus offer)

This self-mastery lab will help you create an entirely new foundation for yourself – a new place inside rooted in self-loving and self-compassion.

THEN you can build your vision from this new reference point inside. I have taught these self-mastery tools in my Wisdom School for 10 years.

In addition - Mentoring Program will include two guest Coaches/Mentors.

Year One Mentorship Class with Laura Pedro and Rebecca Skeele

The flame of your sacred calling and your sacred ambition is a precious gift that wants to be received by the world.

There are people who are just waiting for you to show up in their lives with that gift in your hands for them. They are attuned to you – your unique expression of your passion and talents. Your message, your song will resonate with them in a way that others will not.

Laura’s work with you is designed to help you move what is inside you into the world in a way that it can have the impact you want. She’ll help you: l translate your sacred calling and ambition into a clearly articulated mission and vision for your business, social initiative or other expression l unleash your personal charisma – that quality that has people want to partner with you, learn from you, or do business with you l identify and overcome the patterns of ineffectiveness that prevent you from having the impact you want to have in service of your sacred ambition

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l develop systems and tools to keep you inspired, in action and moving forward in concrete ways l discover and take action on things that are really important to you

A little more information about Laura…

Laura Pedro has over 30 years of experience coaching and consulting leaders at the helm of billion dollar companies, non-profits and small businesses. She’s also a successful entrepreneur herself, and now she brings all of her wisdom to you in this impactful program helping you make your sacred ambition real. This is her sacred ambition – to assist small business owners who are leading from what is sacred inside to be successful, do well and do good.

And also...

Year One Mentorship Class with Kim Carpenter and Rebecca Skeele

There has never been a time in history like there is right now for social change. Across the globe a movement is calling to our souls… sometimes in nudges… sometimes in fits of anger and outrage… and sometimes from the quiet knowing of our deepest core. In a world where we see daily the rich and varied landscape of injustices, human need, and broken hearts around the world and also right in our own backyard — we listen closely for our next contribution.

You can make a lasting contribution to creating a better world.

What will your legacy be?

In this program we will build upon your essence, blessing and sacred ambition to uncover your passion and explore various ways that you could step into world service. You may choose to contribute locally or globally, in one area of need or many. Together we will create a powerful container for you to ground into your authentic power and leadership from the heart in order to make the difference you were born for. By the end of our time together, you’ll be clear on your vision and desired world service, ready to step into action.

A little more information about Kim…

Kim is committed to helping entrepreneurs do more good in the world through their business activities. She has over 15 years experience as an executive for some of the world’s top online marketing and advertising agencies. She lives her life and conducts her business from the value of being of service and wants to work with professionals that hold that ideal and value.

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To Summarize – The Sacred Ambition Mentoring Course

h Three In-Person Retreats (November 2015, February 2016, April 2016)

Self-Mastery Lab Plus ** See the Self-Mastery Lab Plus Offer

Kim Carpenter’s Discover Your Sacred Service:

Five Steps to Being and Becoming a World Server

Private Facebook group where you can interact with and support each other, ask questions and receive feedback from Rebecca, Laura and Kim


: As a Sacred Ambition Mentoring Member you will also receive:

Charisma of Cause – A Soul Map offering from Lissa Boles and Laura Pedro - $197 value

Do you know how to tap into and channel YOUR Soul’s Charisma?

The Soul’s Charisma is a potent force for good that naturally draws attention, touches hearts, and sways minds.

In this set of audio lessons, accompanied by the Soul’s Charisma Worksheet, You’ll: connection


h “Up-leveling Your Life and Work” Private call with Rebecca This 60 min virtual call will focus

100% on what challenge or issue you perceive needs to be released; accessing new resources inside of you aligned with your Divine Power and clarity for your next steps. ($500 value) h “Noetic Balancing to Clear your Energy Fields” with Rebecca This 90 min virtual session goes hand in hand with your private call with Rebecca. After the up-leveling call, you and Rebecca will schedule a time to clear your noetic reality (all the levels of you beyond your body commonly called your ‘aura’) of past conditioning, ancestral karma, limiting thoughts/beliefs, and other ways you have separated yourself from your divine reality. ($500 value)

Both of these PAID IN FULL Bonuses will launch your Sacred Ambition Mentoring Year on a solid path of on-purpose focus and intention.

AT EVENT INVESTMENT: One payment of $12,888** (a savings of $2000) or Payment Plan:

Deposit of $3,888 + 10 payments of $925 every 30 days beginning September 10, 2015

(Total of payment plan: $13, 138.00)

NOTE: Deadline to receive the Event Savings Price: Enroll by August 21, 2015 with a deposit and payment plan agreement or Pay In Full

NOTE : This Sacred Ambition Mentoring Course regular price is $14,888**

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Mentorship Graduating Class 2015

What will be the Results of this year-long program?

Honestly, I have no idea since it all depends on you and the level in which you participate. But you have already heard from individuals who have worked with me both privately and in the mentorship over this event – heard their personal sharing about the benefits they have received personally, spiritually and in their businesses. Plus, by now, you already know what you need to do to up-level how you experience yourself, your personal power and how you want to show up as

YOU living and working from your sacred ambition.

What I know from years of doing my inner work of clearing away the limitations, fears and judgments and learning and applying the spiritual tools that work to bring forward more joy, happiness, freedom and success in my life – is that if I can do it…YOU can to! Your willingness to be loyal to that inner call rather than the objections of the mind and the illusions of the world is the first BIG step.

Will I ‘really’ get personal attention?

Yes you will. I am keeping the groups small for that reason. I want to make sure you know that I am tracking you and what you are working with inside yourself AND the outer vision you are holding for yourself. AND in my experience, the container of group work accelerates learning and growth.

Moving together, supporting each other, feeling how the group ‘has your back’ is an incredible bonus to doing a course like this one. Life connections are made in a setting like this.

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Self Mastery Lab Plus

Sacred Ambition Year-Long Mentoring Program not for you right now?

Perhaps you are not quite ready for the intensity of the mentoring program but are ready to keep building on what you have discovered during the event and move more at your own pace, and have space for your own inner discoveries…

YES! I have something for you!

– Here’s another option:

Your Sacred Ambition Self-Mastery Lab Plus: Sept. 2015 – June 2016

This 10 month lab is for you if you are wanting the inner spiritual power tools to create an entirely new foundation for yourself – a foundation built in self-compassion, self-acceptance and self-loving. When you come from a grace-filled foundation that no longer pushes you or pries you with fear, shame, blame or the outer symbols of success to work harder you find there is a ease and flow to how your Divine Power supports you to bring your gifts and talents forward.

This Self-Mastery Lab Plus is the inner work that is necessary to make the outer shifts and changes in the way you DO your life. You will set yourself free of eons of mental, emotional and ancestral baggage so WHO YOU ARE can emerge naturally.

Plus you will receive the initial teaching to begin moving out into the world with knowing how to set boundaries and invite others to participate in your sacred ambition business or initiative.

The foundation must be in place first! The Sacred Ambition Self-Mastery Lab Plus builds that foundation.

What is offered in the Self-Mastery Lab Plus?

h Six Month Self Mastery Wisdom School teaching you the self mastery skills to work with yourself with self-compassion and self-loving. Themes covered and practiced in the Self

Mastery Wisdom School: Creating Your Wisdom Bridge; Releasing Shame and Blame;

Self-Compassion and Self-Forgiveness; Loyalty to the Self; New Reference Points; Six Self

Mastery Tools; your Spiritual Anatomy h February Retreat with Rebecca, Laura and Kim: An in-person experience of self-mastery, the Art of Invitation and Introduction to being a World Server h Self Mastery Group Coaching with Rebecca h How to set Boundaries, Say “No” and Ask for What You Want plus group coaching with

Laura Pedro h A Complimentary Ticket to Your Sacred Ambition 2016

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AT EVENT INVESTMENT : One payment of $3,995** (a savings of $1500) or 10 month Payment Plan: Deposit of

$995 + 7 payments of $435 (every 30 days beginning September 10, 2015)

NOTE : Deadline for Event Special Price: August 21 with deposit and payment plan or Pay in Full

NOTE : The Self Mastery Lab Plus regular price: $5,495**

NOTE : The Self Mastery Lab Plus is included in the Sacred Ambition Mentorship


“Noetic Balancing to Clear your Energy Fields” with Rebecca. This 90 min personal virtual or in-person session is designed to clear your noetic reality (all the levels of you beyond your body commonly called your ‘aura’) of past conditioning, ancestral karma, limiting thoughts/beliefs, and other ways you have separated yourself from your divine reality.

This profound experience goes hand in hand with fashioning a new foundation in your life based in self-compassion and grace. ($500 value)

So, the Choice is Yours.

This is a great time to remember “What is my intention? How will I best support that intention manifesting with ease and grace over the next 12 months?”

Which program will you choose?

Or perhaps neither?

Not sure if one of these programs is perfect for you right now – then please consider, for a moment and ask yourself …

h If I go it alone how am I going to fill the gap between where I am today and where I want to be? h Do I honestly know I will continue to do the inner work necessary to maintain my inspired action and lead from my divine power?

I totally support you to take the learnings from Your Sacred Ambition event and apply them to your life and work today.

Have you received the support and guidance you need from this event?

OR… h Do you know you need and want the accountability and support and guidance of the accelerated Sacred Ambition Mentoring Program? h Or is the self-guided, gradual and slower paced approach of the Self-Mastery Lab Plus perfect for you?

I have designed these two programs knowing that whichever you choose you will get what you need and more. If you know you would love to give yourself permission to ‘not go it alone’ but accept personal support, mentoring, guidance and lots of surprising gifts and blessings along the way then I so ask you, from my heart to yours, to say YES to you so we can get on with what you came into this life to do.

For this is my sacred ambition – to serve those who are ready to step forward, claim the Divine

Power of who they are …and co-create their personal ‘heaven’ on earth.

It’s time. I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work ... and YOU?

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What’s my next step?

If the Sacred Ambition Mentoring Program is for you… then your next step is to fill out the application, turn it in with your deposit or payment in full. h There are 20 places available. h Your application must be completed in full to be considered for this program with your deposit or Payment in Full.

h Once you make a commitment to yourself at this level, complete the application and are accepted in the program there will be no refunds or cancellations. h The applications will be considered in the order they are submitted.

If you are choosing the Self-Mastery Lab Plus completing the application, the payment information and putting down your deposit to hold your place is all that is required.

Please NOTE: Once the programs begin in September there are no refunds or cancellations for either the Sacred Ambition Mentorship or the Self Mastery Lab Plus. All financial payment plans must be paid to their completion regardless of whether you complete the full mentorship/lab or not. You will be held responsible for all payments beginning September 1, 2015.

And one more thing…

If you complete the application for either program by the end of the first break on Saturday of this event and put down a deposit or pay in full you are invited to have your lunch with Rebecca, Kim and Laura. We want to personally celebrate with you for taking the first of many inspired action steps! You will also have an opportunity to ask any questions so you are completely clear which choice is the perfect one for you.

I am standing by in support of your highest calling! Let’s do this.

The world is waiting!


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