Welcome to Your Sacred Ambition Quick Assessment -­‐ where you can discover where you are on your journey of bringing your sacred calling out into the world! **Are you already on your way and looking for your next best step to stay the course? **Is your sacred ambition emerging and you are seeking support and a good container to feel safe and strong in this process? **Are you a person that loves to hold for others, work in the background and your sacred ambition is really not for the world? On the next page you will find 20 questions Answer all 20, add up your score, and then read What Your Score Means. This section has some teaching tips as well as possible next step suggestions. Have fun with this. It’s designed to give you a snapshot that could be very helpful in deciding how you would like to be supported going forward! En-­‐joy! Copyright 2015 :: Rebecca E. Skeele :: All Rights Reserved Scale 5 = Yes Absolutely! 4 = Often 3 = Sometimes 2 = Maybe a little 1 = Never Your Sacred Ambition Assessment 1. I have known since I was a small child that there was a purpose to my life. 1-­‐5 ___ 2. I feel safe with my personal power. 1-­‐5 ___ 3. I am ambitious and feel on purpose with my ambition. 1-­‐5 ___ 4. My connection to Divine Power is steady and I can count on receiving inner guidance. 1-­‐5 ___ 5. I know the essence of who I am and express it in what I do in the world. 1-­‐5 ___ 6. I share my blessing of who I am openly without fear. 1-­‐5 ___ 7. I feel safe expressing the sacred call of my heart in the world. 1-­‐5 ___ Copyright 2015 :: Rebecca E. Skeele :: All Rights Reserved 8. My sacred call is for the world and I am ready to lead in service to the greater good. 1-­‐5 ___ 9. I know my ambition is in service to my sacred call. 1-­‐5 ___ 10. I feel empowered and fully seen being an ambitious heart-­‐focused business owner. 1-­‐5 ___ 11. I want to do great work in the world and serve those I have come to serve. 1-­‐5 ___ 12. I feel confident and self-­‐assured stepping out with my sacred ambition. 1-­‐5 ___ 13. I trust inner guidance and rely on my inner connection to Source to empower the work I do in the world. 1-­‐5 ___ 14. I am comfortable sharing what I do and I feel fulfilled and on purpose. 1-­‐5 ___ 15. I define my own standard of success and do not get side tracked by the traps of the world’s illusions of success. 1-­‐5 ___ 16. I know how to clear any fear or resistance to taking risks and being seen and heard in who I am. 1-­‐5 ___ 17. I know the value of support -­‐ both inner and outer – and am seeking mentorship to take what I do to the next level. 1-­‐5 ___ 18. I see inner challenges as stepping stones to greater inner freedom and inner happiness. 1-­‐5 ___ Copyright 2015 :: Rebecca E. Skeele :: All Rights Reserved 19. I value the essence and blessings of my gifts and talents and give myself permission to express them fully in my sacred work. 1-­‐5 ___ 20. I know that I can make money doing my sacred work and those two are not opposed to each other. 1-­‐5 ___ Total up your score ________________ Copyright 2015 :: Rebecca E. Skeele :: All Rights Reserved What Does my Score Mean? 75 – 100 = You are On Your Way What would support you at this time to create that thriving sacred ambition business or initiative that your heart is calling you to? Or if you already have your business/initiative in place what could take it to the next level? Here are a few teaching tips to support you at this time: 1. Become comfortable with uncertainty. Embrace the unknown. 2. Cultivate a thriving inner conversation with your divine guidance and Source – Trust more. 3. Choose your Self over your story – clear any past beliefs/limitations/fears or family conditioning about who you are and sharing your gifts and talents. And, there’s more – much more… You have so much in place to live a purposeful life bringing your good out in the world and being of service. And, what you may find is that your momentum gets stalled sometimes when you encounter outer obstacles, or when inner doubts make you question your next step. AND, you must also have best practices in place to make that sacred ambition business or initiative grow so it can serve those you have come to serve in the bigger way. Copyright 2015 :: Rebecca E. Skeele :: All Rights Reserved These best practices include knowing your essence and blessing that is at the very heart of your sacred calling and with your sacred ambition fuels the fire in your belly to step out in the world with commitment, devotion and true consecration to what you hold most sacred. This will give your Sacred Ambition wings…and the inner resources to stay the course. Copyright 2015 :: Rebecca E. Skeele :: All Rights Reserved 40 – 74 = Your Sacred Call is Emerging And just like those first green shoots of spring this is a very delicate time in your emergent process. It’s very important to ask yourself honestly: Am I holding myself back? If so How? It’s so exciting when your sacred ambition begins to emerge, when you begin to see, even dimly, how you might be of service in the world in a way that creates profound fulfillment for you. What’s key at this delicate time is to allow this sacred call that has been singing in your heart for perhaps many years to come fully forward and into manifestation. Care must be taken at this stage to find the inner and outer support so that you feel safe and seen in what may only be a glimpse at this time. Or if you already have the vision then perhaps the work is more about the inner – learning the tools that you can apply today so that you set yourself free of whatever is holding you back. A few teaching tips for you at this stage: 1. Clear your old stuff around ambition and power including the fear that you are not safe. 2. Sacred Ambitions are seeded in the essence of who you are. Re-­‐connect to your natural innate essence and blessing. 3. Trust more – and create a thriving inner connection to your Divine Guidance that is supporting you. Copyright 2015 :: Rebecca E. Skeele :: All Rights Reserved And there’s more – much more… One of the most important choices you may make at this time is to find the outer support – in the form of a group or a mentor – that knows the territory and will walk with you through this emergent process. Sacred Ambitions are not birthed alone. Is it time to give yourself the gift of support? Copyright 2015 :: Rebecca E. Skeele :: All Rights Reserved 39 or below = You Hold for Others A good question to ask yourself at this time: Is your sacred call for the world? Or not? Not all sacred calls are. Some are for you – to live your best life; to be a great friend, or mate or parent; to contribute to your community in a behind the scenes way supporting those that feel called to step out at the front of the line. Holding a strong energy of loving, compassion, integrity, honesty or balance is a wonderful contribution to the greater good. Not all of us want to put a stake in the ground for new paradigms or change. Your gifts are simpler perhaps but no less needed. However, as you read this you may be saying to yourself, Well, actually – I AM called to step out. I just don’t any idea in what way? Or how that would ever happen considering my situation and circumstances at this time? Some teaching tips for you: 1. Seek out courses and experiences that will strengthen your inner embodiment of purpose; authenticity; presence; loving; compassion and wholeness. 2. Establish a strong inner connection to Divine Guidance and the Source of your spiritual nourishment. 3. Re-­‐connect to the truth of who you are and awaken your heart to your truth. And there’s more – much more… If you know you are just beginning, establishing your solid foundation inside is the most important place to start. Otherwise the world can take you off course easily with its illusions and traps of ‘bright shiny objects’. Sacred Calls must be followed from the inside out. And, a strong container is needed to have them thrive and flourish in the world. Be smart – start with you. Copyright 2015 :: Rebecca E. Skeele :: All Rights Reserved Possible Next Steps For All Three Scores 1. Would you like to win a free ticket to this year’s Your Sacred Ambition Event (a $397 value) or a Six-­‐Week done-­‐for-­‐you audio series, Bridge to Your Big Life, chocked full of spiritual power tools for next steps? ($197 value) During the month of May we are running an on-­‐line Facebook contest: From Sacred Calling to Sacred Ambition: My Vision… and you can WIN by entering either an image with a 20 word description OR be a rich contributor to the conversation on-­‐line. For more information go here: http://rebeccaeskeele.com/from-­‐sacred-­‐call-­‐to-­‐sacred-­‐ambition-­‐my-­‐vision-­‐ contest/ 2. And, when you join our Facebook group you will also receive the details about the upcoming Google Hangout series: From Sacred Calling to Sacred Ambition: What it Takes beginning May 12th. This series will give an opportunity to ask questions and dialogue with Rebecca and guests about where you are on your sacred ambition journey. Join our Facebook community here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SacredCallingSacredAmbition/ 3. Finally – the link below will take you to the event registration page for this year’s Your Sacred Ambition Live Event. Through May the early registration price is $197 (a $200 savings) and you can bring a friend for an additional $97. Copyright 2015 :: Rebecca E. Skeele :: All Rights Reserved However you choose to stay connected and engaged I am so looking forward to hearing from you and finding out more about your remarkable sacred ambition journey. Here’s a convenient event link in case you already know you are meant to join this year’s gathering of sacred ambition leaders, visionaries and world servers at Your Sacred Ambition Event, August 6, 7, 8, 2015. Find Out More About the Event Here www.RebeccaE.Skeele.com/sacred-­‐ambition-­‐2015 For more information: Email: Rebecca Skeele rskeele@gmail.com Facebook: www.Facebook.com/YourSacredAmbition Website: www.RebeccaESkeele.com Phone: 505 795-­‐4751 Copyright 2015 :: Rebecca E. Skeele :: All Rights Reserved