Mostly Out of Africa, but what did the Others have to say? The migration of modern Homo sapiens (adapted from Cavalli-Sforza & Feldman, 2003 Nature Genetics 33:266 – 275) Dan Dediu Language Evolution and Computation Research Unit Linguistics and English Language The University of Edinburgh April 2006, Rome: Evolang 6, v1.1 The Question ● human evolution and language evolution must be considered together → tendency in language evolution to abstract away; ● continuous interplay between them → discussion focus on (1): influence of human evolution on language evolution; ● examples: → mode: catastrophic vs gradual [Tim Crow's (2002) protocadherinXY (Xq21.3/Yp11.2); Lanyon – this conference] → time depth: recent vs ancient [FOXP2; Johansson – this conference] Human Evolution: Deep History (14 – 2 mya) ● last common ancestor Homo & Pan: ~6 mya Africa – no consensus: Sahelanthropus tchadensis (Brunet et al., 2002) vs Orrorin tugenensis (Senut et al., 2001) vs Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba (Haile-Selassie, 2001) – common features: chimp-like size, upright walking, forested habitats ● radiation of different species of hominins → Australopithecus: ~4 mya, small body, upright walking, small brain, high sexual dimorphism, tool use (chimp-like?) → probably A. anamensis or A. afarensis – our ancestors → others: did not left modern descendants (including genera Paranthropus & Kenyanthropus) Human Evolution: Homo erectus ● genus Homo: ~2 mya, Africa – H. erectus/ergaster [H. habilis is now A. habilis (Jobling, Hurles & Tyler-Smith, 2004] – mainly enlarged brain; 750-1225 cm3 [650 cm3 (Dmanisi D2282, Gabunia et al., 2000) or 600 cm3 (Vekua et al., 2002)] – ● overall anatomical similarity to modern humans, large body size, indisputable tool use history of Homo erectus: – born late '40s: Ernst Mayr (subsuming Pitechanthropus, Sinanthropus, Meganthropus & Telanthropus) – 1983 (Senckenberg Conference): C. Stringer, P. Andrews & B. Wood: split African (H. ergaster) – vs Asian (H. erectus) → controversy continues today: balance seems leaning towards a single regionally variable H. erectus species (Jobling, Hurles & Tyler-Smith, 2004; Kidder & Durband, 2005; Gilbert, White & Asfaw, 2003; Asfaw et al., 2002; Antón, 2003) → “Daka cranium” (Asfaw et al., 2002), Bouri Formation, Middle Awash, Ethiopia: transitional form, clusters with Asian specimens. Human Evolution: H. erectus - colonizing the Old World ● before ~1 mya: repeated expansions (core areas: Rift Valley, Levant) intermittent occupation → climatic changes (Dennell, 2003) ● after ~1 mya: stable populations around OW ● brain development similar to moderns (Mojokerto juvenile; Leigh, in press) ● Earliest dates for H. erectus (blue = very early, red = early, green = more recent) colonization of Flores island (0.8-0.9 mya) → language? Human Evolution: The Recent Out-of-Africa Model ● 1987: Cann, Stoneking & Wilson, Nature 325:31-36 → mtDNA: “mitochondrial Eve” (Africa) 140-290 kya ● 1988: Stringer & Andrews, Science 239:1263-1268 → “Noah's Ark (single origin)”: – the ancestral population: recent & (understood to be) unique → speciation of H.s. in isolated population – this population already had the (almost complete) constellation of anatomical modern features – located in Africa – initial African differentiation and subsequent dispersal with replacement ● supported by most genetic & palaeoanthropological data (Jobling, Hurles & Tyler-Smith, 2004; Lewin, 1998; etc., etc.) but: Problems and Issues: 1. The “Human Revolution” “By stressing human uniqueness, proponents of the “human revolution” effectively remove the origin of H. sapiens from the realm of normal scientific inquiry.” (McBrearty & Brooks, 2000:533) ● ~40-50 kya: sudden appearance of “modern” anatomy & behavior (art, advanced technology, personal ornaments, long-distance trade) → explanations: external memory, contextual focus, integration of cognitive modules, economic networks, neoteny, language (Donald, 1999; Klein, 1999; Mithen, 1996; Gabora, 2003; Dunbar, 1996; Bickerton, 2002; Horan, Bulte & Shogren, 2005; Lanyon – this conference) ● very important critiques: McBrearty & Brooks, 2000 (Journal of Human Evolution 39:453-563), Henshilwood & Marean, 2003 (Current Anthropology 44:627-651), etc.: – defocusing Europe → larger context: demographic effect (intrusive population: Africa via the Levant) – in Africa, the transition was gradual, piecemeal accretion of (morphological & behavioral - decoupling) modernity over more than 200ky (McBrearty & Brooks, 2000; Stringer, 2002; Wolpoff & Caspari, 2000; Hawks & Wolpoff, 2001; Trinkaus et al., 2003; Henshilwood & Marean, 2003; Eswaran, 2002; Johansson – this conference; etc.) ● no “human revolution”, modernity is not a homogeneous package → no speciation event Problems and Issues: 2. Origins from a Structured Population ● Garrigan et al. (Genetics 170:1849-1856), August 2005: – global sample of 42 X (male) chromosomes → Xp21.1 locus – 2 African individuals (Mbuti pygmy): lineage (non-coding, 17.5 kb) not recombining with others for > 1my → this lineage evolved in isolation – the divergence & (recent) admixture of “(i)f the AMH genome contains any degree these: in Africa, before expansion into OW of dual ancestry (i.e., archaic and modern), then recent African replacement model in → rejects species-status claims for H.s. → its strictest definition (i.e., that of complete possibility of genetic & cultural contributions replacement) must be rejected.” (Garrigan et al., 2005:1855) from other “archaics” Problems and Issues: 3. Deep, Non-African Genetic Lineages Adapted from Garrigan et al, 2005 HS571B2 (~10kb, non-coding, Xq21.1-33, Yu, Fu & Li, 2002): non-African specific variant (35% frequency outside Africa), origins ~140kya in Eurasia, global MRCA ~490kya → admixture outside Africa between local and expanding African populations; DYS44 (introns & microsatellites, Dystrophin gene, Xp21, Ziętkiewicz et al., 2003): a lineage closest to the tree root, virtually absent from Africa, left Africa before 160kya → admixture outside Africa with local populations; RRM2P4 (Ribonucleotide reductase M2 subunit pseudogene 4, Xq27, Garrigan et al., 2005: Molecular Biology and Evolution 22:189-192): clearly rooted in East Asia (gradient centered there), higher nucleotide diversity in nonAfricans, origin ~2mya (H.e expansion?) → admixture between H.s. and H.e. The X chromosome is different (from mtDNA, Y) → introgression from non-African archaic population (even Homo erectus)? Problems and Issues: [Intermezzo 1] The Phylogeny So Far ● the X chromosome is “deviant” and points to: – a structured (non panmictic) population of origin in Africa (Xp21.1); – admixture with “archaics” outside Africa, after the expansion (HS571B2, DYS44), even Homo erectus (RRM2P4) Consequences: ● speciation process as opposed to event; ● non-species status for modern Homo sapiens versus “archaics” (Homo erectus?); ● introgression of X chromosomes (also coding sequences?). Problems and Issues: 4. Primate Models & the Speciosity of Homo ● models for extinct Homo: living primates - usually humans & great apes (esp. Pan) → speciose model for Homo (Tattersall & Mowbray, 2004; Harvati, Frost & McNulty, 2004) ● Papio vs Theropithecus (Jolly, 2001; Holliday, 2003; Hunt, 2003): – morphologically distinct → usually classified as distinct genera (Holliday, 2003) – divergence ~5mya – but: - they hybridize both in captivity (Jolly, 2001) and nature (Hollyday, Theropithecus gelada (Gelada) 2003; Jolly, 2001) - hybrids viable & fertile (Hollyday, 2003; Jolly, 2001) → allotaxa: “phylogenetically close, but well-differentiated and diagnosable, geographically replacing forms whose ranges do not overlap [...] in which characters are clinally distributed” (Jolly, 2001) → botanists: syngameon (Lotsy, 1925; Skelton, 1993) → polytypic species (West-Eberhard, 2003; Wolpoff & Caspari, 1997) Papio hamadryas (Baboon) “[a] strict paionin analogy would therefore argue that all Homo (sensu stricto) were interfertile” (Holliday, 2003:659) Problems and Issues: [Intermezzo 2] What are species? ● important difficulties in defining species (like languages?) (West-Eberhard, 2003; Skelton, 1993; Howard & Berlocher, 1998; Hey, 2001; Tattersall & Mowbray, 2005; Holliday, 2003) ● “the biotic world is self-evidently 'packaged' into units” (Tattersall & Mowbray, 2005) → intuition about species but species counts are meaningless (project boundaries on an intrinsically messy world) (Hey, 2001): splitters vs lumpers ● plethora of definitions (Hey, 2001 counts 24): – biological species concept (BSC) [≡ isolation species concept (ISC)]: “groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations which are reproductively isolated from other such groups” (Mayr, 1942, 1963) – → reproduction phylogenetic species concept (PSC): “irreducible (basal) cluster of organisms, diagnosably distinct from other such clusters, and within which there is a parental pattern of ancestry and descent” (Cracraft 1989) → morphology ● palaeontology: only (incomplete) fossils, chronospecies ● allotaxa: same BSC but different PSCs Problems and Issues: 5. Regional Morphological Continuity one of the oldest arguments (Weidenreich, 1947) falsifying replacement scenarios ● natural selection can mimic regional continuity (e.g., skin color, body structure) → most informative traits must be neutral (Wolpoff & Caspari, 1997; Relethford, 2001; Lewin, 1998) ● the mandibular foramen (Wolpoff & Caspari, 1997; Relethford, 2003): – polymorphic (horizontal-oval vs normal), probably neutral – H-O virtually unique to European fossils → unequal admixture (Neanderthals low) (Relethford, 2003; Relethford, 2001) ● skeletal & cultural continuity between H. erectus and H. sapiens in China (Wu, 2004) ● regional continuity in the Far East (morphometric analysis of 45 fossil crania) (Demeter, Manni & Coppens, 2003) ● transitional forms (peripheral regions: Australia, Czech Rep.), pairwise comparison → dual ancestry (Wolpoff et al., 2001) ● oldest European modern H.s. (Peştera cu Oase, Romania), 34-36 kya: a mandible): “mosaic of archaic, early modern human and possibly Neandertal morphological features” (Trinkaus et al., 2003) Problems and Issues: 5. Regional Morphological Continuity Abrigo do Lagar Velho ● discovery (Duarte et al., 1999) in central Portugal, Lapedo Valley: – largely complete skeleton of an ~4 years old child, ~24kya – morphological hybrid between modern H.s. and Neanderthal → criticized by Tattersall & Schwartz (1999) (“simply a chunky Gravettian child”) → reanalysis (Trinkaus & Zilhão, 2003): the mosaic seems real ● window of opportunity for hybrids: very short (unequal population The fossil. From Duarte et al. (1999) – sizes) cannot asses: the fertility of this hybrid nor its degree of admixture (F1 or later) – socially accepted (not a freak, human-animal monstrosity): burial context (Zilhão & Trinkaus, 2003) – strongly suggests admixture between modern Homo sapiens and Neanderthals → falsifies a model with replacement Note: regional continuity is a regional/local and not global pattern (contra e.g., Lewin, 1998) “The broader implication of Lagar Velho I is a final rejection of the Late Pleistocene Out-ofAfrica with complete replacement scenario for modern human emergence” (Trinkaus & Zilhão, 2003) Problems and Issues: 6. Ancient DNA – Neanderthal mtDNA ● 1997: Krings et al. (Cell 90:19-30): 1st Neanderthal mtDNA → difficult (decay, contamination) ● 9 samples: Vindija (Croatia), Engis (Belgium), La Chapelle-aux-Saints (France), El Sidrón (Spain), Pairwise diffs: modern humans, Neanderthal & chimps. From Krings et al., 1997 Mezmaiskaya (N.Caucasus) ● overall: Neanderthal mtDNA is different from living modern and contemporary early modern humans (Relethford, 2003; Krings et al., 1997; Lalueza-Fox et al., 2005; Caramelli et al., 2003; Serre et al., 2004; Ovchinnikov et al., 2000; Krings et al., 2000; Weaver & Roseman, 2005) → taken to imply different species [e.g. Johansson – this conference] ● ● population diversity: similar to modern humans pairwise differences: outside modern but within subspecies range (Relethford, 2001) ● European modern mtDNA not more similar → admixture of unequal populations (Relethford, 2001, 2003) Adapted from Relethford, 2001 Problems and Issues: 6. Ancient DNA – How Informative is it? ● mtDNA sequences are different from all modern sequences: divergence 365-853kya → Neanderthal lineages failed to survive but: ● Nordborg (1998, 2004): any single genetic locus (including mtDNA) cannot rule out Neanderthal contribution simply because population history ≠ locus history – can rule out trivial models only (panmixia or no interbreeding) but cannot reject any more complex demographic model → many independent loci required: ~50-100 (Wall, 2000) ● Adcock et al. (2001): ancient mtDNA from 4 gracile (Lake Mungo) and 6 robust (Kow Swamp) – LM4, LM15 & LM55: Holocene; LM3: Pleistocene (62±2kya, redated at 40±2kya by Bowler et al., 2003): – mtDNA outside living gene pool (partially nuclear insert) KS: Pleistocene-Holocene boundary, morphologically outside modern Australians but generally agreed to be their ancestors; mtDNA within current range of variation → recent selective sweep/genetic drift excluded LM3 mtDNA from current gene pool ● contested (Cooper et al., 2001) but authors responded credibly (?) Problems and Issues: [Intermezzo 3] The Phylogeny So Far ● the X chromosome: structured population & Eurasian introgression ● ancient mtDNA: not informative ● regional continuity (incl. Abrigo do Lagar Velho): – admixture/introgression → against replacement & species status for modern Homo sapiens Consequences: ● speciation process as opposed to event; ● non-species status for modern Homo sapiens versus “archaics” (Homo erectus?); ● introgression from non-African “archaics”. Problems and Issues: 7. Global Trends ● seemingly, the fossil record shows some global trends → very controversial ● increase in brain size (Lee & Wolpoff, 2003): gradualism & continuity vs stasis in some lineages vs different rates in different regions – 94 fossils (1.8-0.05mya): cranial capacities → trends in log-log transform vs time – support a single evolutionary process – incompatible with punctuation – same process for earlier and later data ● gracilization (Wolpoff & Caspari, 1997): much harder to quantify ● explanations: – common selective pressures → parallel evolution – gene flow → spread of globally adaptive alleles/combinations of alleles genetic drift ● if confirmed, could support a single BSC view of Homo, connected by global gene flow Problems and Issues: 8. Genetic Structure of Living Populations The Apportionment of Genetic Diversity ● modern humans: genetically very uniform (Jobling, Hurles & Tyler-Smith, 2004; Relethford, 2001) – ● vs chimps: 3x (X, mtDNA), 7x (Y), 1.5-2x (auto) (Harding & McVean, 2004; Yu et al., 2003) “orthodoxy”: variation 85% within, 15% between populations - Lewontin, 1972 (Evolutionary Biology 6:381-398) mtDNA): → confirmed by later studies (avg. autosome ~83-88% vs ~9-15%, exceptions Y & but the conclusion inferred from data is wrong (Dawkins, 2004; Edwards, 2003, etc.) ● Rosenberg et al. (2002): ● Bamshad et al. (2003): ● gradations in allele freq: ~150 loci enough globally no. loci predicting pop appartenance: 160 Alu & microsat: ~100% accuracy Long & Kittles (2003): FST in humans: violation of hidden assumptions → 0.10 ≤ FST ≤ 0.15 due primarily to statistical artifact. → there is genetic structure in humans → not pop-specific alleles but distributional properties of many ubiquitous alleles → “race” is genetically meaningless Adapted from Templeton, 1998 Horizontal axis: FST Problems and Issues: 8. Genetic Structure of Living Populations Its Evolutionary Interpretation ● usually: taken to support ROA with replacement: (1) higher genetic diversity in Africa + African rooting of genetic trees & (2) genetic uniformity of modern humans → interpreted as: speciation in Africa → subpopulation split (bottleneck) → WO colonization alternatives: longer African history (ROA) or larger long-term African population size – ● larger pop size: supported by ecological/palaeoclimatic models (Relethford, 2001, 2003) long-term effective population size (Ne): usually estimated at tens of thousands: → bottleneck (speciation and/or migration) → or a metapopulation model: made up of transient populations connected by migration, subject to extinction and rebirth by colonization, as well as fluctuations in local size (Harding & McVean, 2004) - better explanations for “anomalies” (TMRCA spread, young Y MRCA vs mtDNA, very low FSTs) Adapted from Harding & McVean, 2004 Problems and Issues: [Intermezzo 4] The Phylogeny ● single polytypic BSC Homo (allotaxa) ● greater long-term African population ● long-term global gene flow ● expansion with admixture ● ROA with replacement: ruled out; ● must have: – allotaxa status of various Homo “species” – pervasive global gene flow, allowing: – synchronized world-wide trends – regional continuity – the special role played by Africa – expansion(s) out of Africa with admixture The Class of Plausible Models: “Mostly Out of Africa” ● John Relethford: Mostly Out of Africa (2001, 2003): bi-dimensional classification: – mode of transition: speciation vs multiregionalism (coalescence in a gene flow network) – spatio-temporal coordinates (location & timing): African-recent vs delocalized → main shortcomings: – not specific enough – lacks backmigration/gene flow into Africa The Class of Plausible Models: “Out of Africa Again and Again” ● Alan Templeton: Out of Africa Again and Again (1998, 2002): nested cladistic analysis – phylogeographic method (GeoDIS program): ● starts from the tips of the phylogeny and incrementally constructs nested clades one mutational step at a time ● nested clades with significant geographic differentiation → explanations based on gene flow, isolation and expansions ● 3 main migrations out of Africa; ● 1 major out of Asia; ● prevalent recurrent gene flow. → main problem: the inference key (Kobling, Hurles & Tyler-Smith, 2004) Other models: Eswaran's “Diffusion Wave Out of Africa” (2002) Conclusions ● Recent Out-of-Africa with replacement: rejected ● some alternatives ● Milford Wolpoff (Thorne, Wu, Caspari, etc.): multiregionalism → framework – Relethford's MOOA, Templeton's OOAAA, Eswaran's DWOOA – multiregional even later ROA (e.g., Stringer, 2002) – implicitly multiregional (admit admixture) Language evolution: – ● not constrained by a putative recent “speciation” - gradual, accretionary model most probable ● favorable “mutations” (genetic and cultural) spreading across gene flow networks ● discrete/catastrophic events defining “modern language” features – improbable (FOXP2) ● open-mindedness and criticism when considering human evolutionary models