Ender's Game

English 1 (JAV)
Ender’s Game
Vocab List 7
ambitious ................... adj .. 228 ... greatly desirous of or for (something)
ansible*....................... n.... 249 ... (a made-up word)
atrophy/atrophied ........ v.... 248 ... waste away or fail to grow (in humans, the appendix is an
atrophied organ)
chauvinist/chauvinists .. n.... 230 ... unreasoning devotion to one’s own race, gender, or the like at
the expense of all others
crave ........................... v.... 239 ... to ask for earnestly; beg
cusp ............................ n.... 233 ... a pointed end formed where two curves meet (used to mean a
very important point)
deftly..........................adv .. 234 ... skillfully
discretion .................... n.... 233 ... judgment; prudence; caution
domestic..................... adj .. 228 ... of the home or family; can refer by extension to one’s home
country or home world
fastidious.................... adj .. 244 ... not easy to please; very critical; daintily refined; oversensitive;
hegemony.................... n.... 239 ... leadership or dominance (especially by one nation in a league)
impromptu ................. adj .. 255 ... without preparation or advance thought; offhand
inevitable.................... adj .. 253 ... unavoidable; certain to happen
instantaneous.............. adj .. 249 ... immediate; done or made without delay
misgiving/misgivings ... n.... 229 ... a disturbed feeling of fear, doubt, apprehension
orientation................... n.... 228 ... recognition of and adaptation to a situation or environment
pacific ........................ adj .. 228 ... making or tending to make peace
parallax* .................... adj .. 249 ... (The use of the word to define the ansible is more-or-less
made up.) the apparent change in the position of an object
resulting from a change in the viewer’s position
persona/personas......... n.... 228 ... a person; a character(s) in a play or novel
perverse ..................... adj .. 252 ... deviating from what is considered right or acceptable;
persisting in error or fault
philotic*..................... adj .. 249 ... (a made-up word)
preemptive ................. adj .. 235 ... acting before an opponent to preclude his taking action
pubescent ................... adj .. 226 ... reaching or having reached puberty, the state of physical
development when it is first possible to produce children
regale .......................... v.... 229 ... to entertain as with a feast; to delight with something pleasing
spent ........................... v.... 240 ... to use up; to exhaust
strafe/strafing .............. v.... 245 ... to attack with machine-gun fire from a low-flying aircraft; to
bombard heavily (also used figuratively)
subservient ................. adj .. 231 ... submissive; servile; useful, especially in a subordinate capacity
toady/toadied .............. v.... 231 ... to attempt to impress a superior by flattery; to be a sycophant
vestigial...................... adj .. 248 ... characteristic of an earlier stage of life in the individual or the
species and no longer developed or viable (related to the word