Proposal for Math Placement

Draft Proposal for Math Placement:
Recognizing that students continue to enroll in lower level Math courses without the
proper preparation, the Department of Math and Computer Science made the proposal to
make appropriate Compass/Asset placement score the prerequisite for Math 011, 102,
111, 112, 115 and 122. This proposal would set a bottom line for minimum skills
required to enroll in 102, 111, 112, 115 and 122. The following information was taken
into account in making the proposal.
Compass is a national placement exam developed by ACT. It is used by many
institutions, including some of our peer institutions. Significantly, it is used by
the Ivy Tech system, our primary articulation partner.
A placement exam is different than the SAT or ACT in that it is NOT a test of
student abilities. It is a test that evaluates what material students covered in high
school. The placement test does not measure ability. The admissions office
evaluates students’ ability and potential for success. The placement test evaluates
students’ “prerequisite” skills. In other words, how well they know the
background material they will need to be successful in the college level math
course(s) recommended to them.
Ivy Tech has used Compass for several years. Their cut-off scores are based on
ACT’s placement service data using all Ivy Tech schools in Indiana. These cutoff scores are reevaluated each year by ACT. Since Ivy Tech is our primary
articulation partner, it is important to facilitate articulation of these placement
scores. This proposal recommends using the same Compass cut-off scores used
by Ivy Tech because they have been evaluated, are used successfully, and would
facilitate articulation .
Compass scores are divided into 4 subsections: Pre-Algebra, Algebra, College
Algebra, and Trigonometry. The exam is not timed. The test questions are
multiple choice. Students answer one question at a time. The test adjusts to
student answers. The test begins in the Pre-Algebra subtest and if a student does
well it will automatically give the student questions from the Algebra subtest.
Similarly, if the student does well in the College Algebra portion, it will ask
Trigonometry questions.
The College makes the following proposal:
All students, except transfer students who have already taken a college-level math
course, should be tested by Compass.
The bottom line cut-off scores for ISU math courses should be ability to complete
the Pre-Algebra portion of Compass.
The following Compass placement scores and indicators be used to place students
in appropriate math courses.
For those students who only register a Compass score in the Pre-Algebra section:
In the Pre-Algebra section of Compass a score of 19-43 indicates placement in
010; a score of 44 or higher indicates placement in 011. These scores are
consistent with Ivy Tech.
For students who complete the Pre-Algebra portion and register a Compass score in
the Algebra portion of the placement test:
Scores between 1 and 41 on the Algebra portion of Compass will generate a
message by Compass that students are advised to take 011, but should consult
their advisor. Advisors will have the discretion to take high school grade point
average, SATM, ACTM or other appropriate indicators into account in
determining the correct placement of a student in 102 or 111. SAT scores
between 460 and 509 indicate that a student should take 011. ACT scores below
19 indicate the student should take 011. These are the same cut-off scores used
by Ivy Tech.
Students whose Compass Algebra scores are 41-65 will be advised by Compass
that they are ready for 102 or 111. Students whose algebra scores are higher than
66 or who complete the Algebra portion and test into the College Algebra portion
of Compass will be advised by Compass that they are ready for 115.
We believe that this proposal will allow ISU to place students in a math course most
appropriate for their math skills. It will allow advisors some discretion in
determining if other factors would be significant determiners in placing students.
However, it would create a bottom line below which no student without proper prerequisite skills would be allowed to register for 102, 111 or higher level math courses.
We will revisit this issue next Spring with data collected for Fall 2003.
Math Placement Table for Advisors
Suggested 011
Advisor may take into
account g.p.a., SAT,
ACT or other
appropriate indicators
in placing students.
Algebra or
College Algebra
66-100; not yet
102 or 111
SAT scores between
460 and 509 indicate
that a student should
take 011. ACT scores
below 19 indicate the
student should take