Neckless roughNecklace@n_D := Block@8<, HGraphics@8Circle@D, Table@Rectangle@8Cos@tD - .05, Sin@tD - .05<, 8Cos@tD + .05, Sin@tD + .05<D, 8t, 0, 2 * Pi, 2 * Pi ê n<D<DLD H* here the entire procedure is in one command line. it works just fine, but it is difficult to make it do more, as it's a long, complex function *L roughNecklace@8D square@sideLength_, center_D := Block@8shift<, H shift = .5 * sideLength; Rectangle@center - 8shift, shift<, center + 8shift, shift<D LD H* first we make a procedure that will create a square of a certain size, centered at a certain point. we could do this for fixed sizes, but it's better to make it an input-based procedure, thereby giving it more flexibility *L Printed by Wolfram Mathematica Student Edition 2 MyNecklace.nb basicNecklace@n_D := Block@8beadSpots, beads<, H beadSpots = Table@8Cos@tD, Sin@tD<, 8t, 0, 2 Pi, 2 Pi ê n<D; H* make a table, using trig, of n evenly spaced locations *L beads = Table@square@.1, beadSpots@@iDDD, 8i, 1, n<D; H* table of squares. note that we've fixed the size of squares here, giving us a great idea of where to make this a more flexible program *L Graphics@8Circle@D, beads<D H* this is the command to turn stuff into graphic objects *L H* note that Circle@D gives a unit circle. but here is another opportunity to add more inputs, to adjust the circle *L LD basicNecklace@6D Printed by Wolfram Mathematica Student Edition MyNecklace.nb basicNecklace@20D H* here are some examples of what the basic program is capable of *L secondNecklace@n_, beadSize_, laceColor_, laceSize_D := Block@8beadSpots, beads, lace<, H beadSpots = Table@8Cos@tD, Sin@tD<, 8t, 0, 2 Pi, 2 Pi ê n<D; lace = Graphics@8Hue@laceColorD, Thickness@laceSizeD, Circle@D<D; H* now we've made a graphics object that is our unit circle. Since I'm giving it more inputs Hcolor and thicknessL, I've moved it outside the Graphics command for more ease in readingêcomputing *L beads = Table@Graphics@square@beadSize, beadSpots@@iDDDD, 8i, 1, n<D; H* we've added beadSize, and since I made the circle a Graphics object, I'm making the beads intoa table of Graphics as well *L Show@lace, beadsD H* now I'm displaying the Graphics *L LD Printed by Wolfram Mathematica Student Edition 3 4 MyNecklace.nb secondNecklace@8, .2, .5, .05D thirdNecklace@n_, beadSize_, laceColor_, laceSize_, beadColor_D := Block@8beadSpots, beads, lace<, H beadSpots = Table@8Cos@tD, Sin@tD<, 8t, 0, 2 Pi, 2 Pi ê n<D; lace = Graphics@8Hue@laceColorD, Thickness@laceSizeD, Circle@D<D; H* there are a few ways of making the beads colored *L beads = Table@Graphics@8Hue@beadColorD, square@beadSize, beadSpots@@iDDD<D, 8i, 1, n<D; H* since this is where the squares are converted to graphics, this is where we add color details to those squares *L Show@lace, beadsD LD Printed by Wolfram Mathematica Student Edition MyNecklace.nb thirdNecklace@8, .2, .7, .05, .5D rainbowNecklace@n_, beadSize_, laceSize_D := Block@8beadSpots, beads, lace<, H beadSpots = Table@8Cos@tD, Sin@tD<, 8t, 0, 2 Pi, 2 Pi ê n<D; lace = Graphics@8Thickness@laceSizeD, Circle@D<D; H* I went back to a black lace *L beads = Table@ Graphics@8Hue@1 - i * 1 ê nD, square@beadSize, beadSpots@@iDDD<D, 8i, 1, n<D; Show@lace, beadsD LD Printed by Wolfram Mathematica Student Edition 5 6 MyNecklace.nb rainbowNecklace@20, .1, .01D randomNeckless@n_D := Block@8unitC, beads, coloredBeads<, H unitC = Graphics@8Thickness@.02D, Circle@D<D; beads = Table@Rectangle@8Cos@tD - .1, Sin@tD - .1<, 8Cos@tD + .1, Sin@tD + .1<D, 8t, 0, 2 * Pi, 2 * Pi ê n<D; H* this is a one-line construction. note the length of the command *L coloredBeads = Table@8Hue@RandomReal@DD, beads@@iDD<, 8i, 1, n<D; H* here's one with random instead of rainbow. and I removed the other inputs, just to see *L Show@unitC, Graphics@coloredBeadsDD LD Printed by Wolfram Mathematica Student Edition MyNecklace.nb randomNeckless@10D anotherNecklace@n_D := Block@8beadSpots, beads, beads2, lace, lace2, rings, rings2<, H beadSpots = Table@8Cos@tD, Sin@tD<, 8t, 0, 2 Pi, 2 Pi ê n<D; lace = Graphics@8Thickness@.03D, Circle@D<D; lace2 = Graphics@8Thickness@.01D, Circle@80, 0<, .5D<D; beads = Table@Graphics@8Hue@1 - i * 1 ê nD, square@.15, beadSpots@@iDDD<D, 8i, 1, n<D; beads2 = Table@Graphics@8Hue@1 - i * 1 ê nD, square@.1, .5 * beadSpots@@iDDD<D, 8i, 1, n<D; rings = Table@Graphics@Circle@beadSpots@@iDD, .2DD, 8i, 1, n<D; rings2 = Table@Graphics@Circle@.5 beadSpots@@iDD, .1DD, 8i, 1, n<D; Show@lace, lace2, beads, beads2, rings, rings2D LD Printed by Wolfram Mathematica Student Edition 7 8 MyNecklace.nb anotherNecklace@20D christmasWreath@D := Block@8green, berries1, berries2, berries3<, H green = Table@Graphics@8Green, PointSize@.6D, Point@8Cos@tD, Sin@tD<D<D, 8t, 0, 2 Pi, 2 Pi ê 8<D; berries1 = Table@Graphics@8Red, PointSize@.06D, Point@8.7 Cos@tD, .7 Sin@tD<D<D, 8t, 0, 2 Pi, 2 Pi ê 10<D; berries2 = Table@Graphics@8Red, PointSize@.06D, Point@81.3 * Cos@tD, 1.3 * Sin@tD<D<D, 8t, 0, 2 Pi, 2 Pi ê 10<D; berries3 = Table@Graphics@8Red, PointSize@.06D, Point@8Cos@tD, Sin@tD<D<D, 8t, 0 + 2 Pi ê 20, 2 Pi + 2 Pi ê 20, 2 Pi ê 10<D; Show@green, berries1, berries2, berries3D LD Printed by Wolfram Mathematica Student Edition MyNecklace.nb christmasWreath@D Printed by Wolfram Mathematica Student Edition 9