Long Abstract Template

Long Abstract Temple with Paper Title Here
A Author*1, B Second2, other Author names
Replace the text in this sample document with your own abstract, NOT using the original abstract of the
paper. You are required to write an abstract within 150-200 words.
Long Abstract
Nowadays, submissions for conferences are always required to submit a long abstract or extended abstract
with different length limitation in different template. It’s often required to be written within one or two
pages, also normal to see three or four pages limit. The reviews will accept or reject your paper according to
the submitted abstract. So it’s important to learn to write both short and long abstracts, which both should
include the five sections: motivation, problem statement, approach, results and conclusions. You can find a
good guideline four short abstract of “How to write an abstract” on the website
http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~koopman/essays/abstract.html. You can find another guide with an example on
http://papyr.com/hypertextbooks/comp2/abstrac1.htm. You may find the following wet site, which is found
by Tang, PeiDong, helpful too http://urc.ucdavis.edu/howtowriteanabstract.html.
Enter text and possibly graphics or tables as you wish – ensure you do not exceed three pages, but not less
than 1300 words. Three pages is the maximum. If you include some graphics or tables, please be sure to
have titles for graphics or tables, with the title below the graphics (see graphics 1) but upper the table ( see
table1) as the examples below. Both the titles for the graphics and tables have one bland line from the text
as below.
Graphics 1. Example of graphics in the text
Table 1. Example of tables in the text
This file has the correct settings already, but in case you accidentally change something, the settings should
be: 10 point Times New Roman for the text; default A4 paper margins with 2.5cm top, down and 3.17cm
for left and right. The paper title should be 12 point Times New Roman, followed by, author information in
10 point italic Times New Roman, then one blank line before the abstract. All paragraphs of the long
abstract text should be set single line space with a 0.5 line space between two paragraphs.
Your abstract assignment should be named as StID_Name_Abs1 in pdf file. Please submit it to the course
ftp site in the directory abs1, NOT to the mailbox of instructor or teacher assistant. Note the first abstract
submission deadline is 9:30am, March 30, 2009.
Paper Source
Please list the paper source as the following example with complete information of authors, paper title,
journal or proceeding name, volume(No), page and date. This is the formal format for references.
David Patterson, David Ditzel, "The Case for the Reduced Instruction Set Computer," ACM SIGARCH
Computer Architecture Nes, 8(6), 25–33. Oct 1980.
Answers to Questions
“Can I write the abstract for the papers uploaded on the course ftp site? ”
Yes. You can use the papers on ftp site, and you can find paper yourself as well. The important thing is that
you are required to write a review for the fourth reading assignment, so you are commended to select the
papers on one topic. If you randomly select the papers to practice writing the abstracts, you will need more
time to finish the paper review.