1 Course Policies and Syllabus Day: Wednesday Time: Ref # Room

Course Policies and Syllabus
Day: Wednesday
Time: __________________
Room: ____________
Ref # _________________
Common Course Name: BSC-2085L
Course Title: Human Anat & Phys I Laboratory
Term: 2014-1 (Fall 2014)
Credit Hours Breakdown: 1 lecture hour
Classes begin: August 27th, 2014
Instructor: Dr. Justo López
Final test: December 10th, 2014
E-mail: jlopez10@mdc.edu
Phone: (305) 237 2136 (Biology, Health and Wellness Department Office)
Website: drjustolopez.wordpress.com
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 11:00 AM to 12:00 M at Biology, Health
and Wellness Department (office: TBA), or after lab, or by appointment.
Course Description: This is the first half of the Anatomy & Physiology
Laboratory, which provides hands on experience. Upon successful completion of
this course, the students should be able to complete laboratory exercises, practices
with models, charts, videos, and computers that reinforce topics covered in BSC2085.
This is one credit course where the student has to memorize all the anatomical
terms and to know the functions provided by Laboratory Manual.
Structures and terms not included in the Laboratory Manual or competencies may
be asked as bonus questions (extra credits).
Prerequisite: None
Co requisite: BSC-2085, Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Text Book:
-BSC 2085L Lab Manual: Laboratory Manual for Anatomy & Physiology by
Michael G. Wood, Custom Edition for Miami Dade College, Kendall campus
Final grades on this course will be based on your performance in:
1) Five Quizzes (5 points each)…………….…….. 25 points
2) Three Practical Tests (25 points each)………..... 75 points
-------------TOTAL ……………………….………………….. 100 points
1- Quizzes (25 points)
It will be 5 quizzes (5 points each one) about the issues covered in the preceding
lab. There is not quiz in the lab following the Practicum. Every quiz consists of 10
questions and a bonus question. They will be taken at the beginning of the class.
Because the quizzes will be on the screen, if the student comes late should wait
outside of the room to avoid interruptions.
2- Practicum (75 points)
It will be 3 practical tests, 25 points each one. Every practicum consists from 40
to 50 questions (about structures and functions) and from two to four bonus
Grading System:
A: 100 to 90; B: 89 to 80; C: 79 to 70; D: 69 to 60; F: 59 or under
Every student will have the opportunity to make up ONE (1) quiz in the semester.
The makeup for quizzes will be given only with medical excuses or other excuse
acceptable for the professor. Lateness is not a good excuse to make up a quiz.
There is not makeup for extra quizzes.
If one student misses a lab, it is not a valid reason to postpone the next quiz. It is
his/her responsibility to check the website and manual to get ready for the next
There is not makeup for Practical Tests. If the student misses one of the
Practical Tests for a medical reason, the student needs to sign an incomplete form
and to take the same practicum in the next term in order to obtain a final grade.
It is not possible to have an Incomplete if the student is not passing the class.
It is not possible to have an Incomplete for a low graded Practical Test that the
student has already taken.
The student is expected to attend classes regularly.
1- A student, who misses two consecutive labs (either excused or
unexcused) and has not made attempts to communicate with the
instructor, may be purged from the class roll and will receive a W as
final grade.
2- A student will be allowed to miss a maximum of three labs in the
whole semester. A student with four absences (either excused or
unexcused) may be purged from the class roll and will receive a W as
final grade.
3- If a student leaves the class while in session, and has not clarified with
the instructor his or her early dismissal, the instructor may assume
that the student has dropped the class and he or she may be purged
from the class roll and will receive a W as final grade.
When the quiz or Practicum begins, the student who is not in the room, he or she
has to wait outside until the quiz or practicum session is done. Quizzes always
start during the first minutes of class session.
Course Participation
The students are expected to come to class having read and done the assigned
material in the textbooks and or handouts. The students are required to bring the
textbook to class. This is a Laboratory Course. You are expected to do all the
work during the time period allotted. The Instructors role is one of facilitator to
show you where things are in the lab and to answer any question you may
have pertaining to the lab activity.
Drop Policy
It is the responsibility of the student to drop the course. Those who appear in the
final grade can be affected by the attendance record and behavior in the lab.
Causing distractions or disruptions (portable phones, pager, chatting, etc) can
cause a lower final grade. Any behavior not in agreement with the “student code
of conduct policies” can produce a lower final grade in the course. The student is
expected to get to class on time and remain until class is dismissed.
The student who has two consecutive absences without notifying the professor
will receive a W.
Note: The professor may give assigned places in the lab during regular laboratory
hours, quizzes, practicum and collaborative activities.
PLAGIARISM/CHEATING: All plagiarized papers will receive a grade of zero
and the student will not be allowed to re-do the assignment
Cheating is the deliberate act of receiving unfair assistance or help on a test or
assignment or the submission of someone else’s work as your own. Should an
instructor determine that a student has plagiarized or cheated on an assignment,
quiz, or test, you will receive a grade of zero for the work and not be allowed to
make-up the grade. The student may also be referred to the Dean of Student’s
Office for disciplinary action.
Dishonesty link: Students rights and responsibilities:
The Biology Department will only allow ONE override PER student, per class per
semester. If you have been dropped for non-payment and overridden into the
class once, you will NOT be given permission to be overridden a second time.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement
Students who have a disability that might affect their performance in the class are
encouraged to contact Access Services, in confidence, as soon as possible. The
office will aid in appropriate accommodations for the student. This is in
accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American
with Disabilities Act of 1990.
How to succeed in this course:
Attend to class regularly.
Be present when class begins and ends.
Focus on the topic being cover in the lab.
Read and do from the Lab textbook the exercises assigned.
Read the chapter before every lab.
Dedicate at least four hours of study for each hour of class.
Be on time for tests.
Do not interrupt class by chatting with your classmates.
Assume responsibility for own learning.
Be eager to learn.
Watch the videos assigned.
Do not bring audible devices such as beepers, cellular phones, beeping watches or
It is not allow having loose hair inside the room.
Do not bring food or beverages to class.
Do not expect special considerations (unless disable).
Follow the golden rule “treat others as you wish to be treated”.
Place your book bags in the assigned cabinet when you enter the room. Just keep
the book, pen or pencil.
General Biology Lab - BSC-2085-L
Course Syllabus: Fall Term 2014-1
Anatomical terms, positions and cell.
Movie on Microscope (optional).
03 Microscope practice, Tissues, and Skin.
Quiz # 1*
10 Bone histology and Axial skeleton.
Quiz # 2
17 Axial skeleton.
24 Practicum I
01 Appendicular skeleton and Joints.
Quiz # 3
08 Body Movements and Muscle histology.
15 Axial muscles.
Quiz # 4
22 Appendicular muscles.
29 Practicum II
11 November
05 Histology of the neuron and Spinal
12 Spinal cord and Brain.
Quiz # 5
19 Brain, cranial nerves, and ANS.
Extra Quiz
26 Brain, cranial nerves, and ANS.
15 December
03 Special sense organs: eye and ear.
10 Practicum III. Final Lab exam
17 Final exams week
*Every quiz will be about the topics covered in previous labs.
Important Dates
Friday, August 29: Last day to withdraw or change course without penalty
Tuesday, November 4: Last day to withdraw with a grade of W
Friday, December 12: Last day of classes
Friday, December 19: Last day of examinations
Saturday, December 20: Faculty grade input ends at 12:00 noon.
Saturday, August 30 - September 01 Labor Day Weekend
Tuesday, November 11: Veterans Day
Thursday, November 27 – 30 Thanksgiving
Please, sign this page and give it back to your instructor.
Miami Dade College – Kendall Campus
BSC 2085L Ref #: ________________
I have read and fully understand and agree with all elements of the class syllabus
as presented to me by Professor Dr. Justo Lopez
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