DFA AP Music Theory Study online at quizlet.com/_1wva2z 1. accented NCT that appears on the beat 26. 2. accented neighboring tone NCT that is approached by step, left by step in opposite direction, occurs on the beat diminished triad triad comprised of a minor 3rd and diminished 5th 27. disjunct motion motion using leaps acronym for naming the modes I Don't Play Loud Music at Lunch 28. dissonance unpleasant to the ear 29. dominant 5th scale degree aeolian mode mode built on 6th degree of Major scale, also natural minor scale 30. dorian mode mode built on 2nd degree of Major scale 31. duple meter meter that uses two beats per measure 3. 4. 5. anacrusis pick-up 32. embellishment melodic decoration 6. anticipation NCT that is approached by step or leap, anticipates next chord tone, unaccented 33. escape tone/echappee NCT that is approached by step, left by leap in opposite direction, unaccented 7. appoggiatura NCT that is approached by leap, left by step, most often accented 34. focal point highest note of the melody 35. four times 6/4 can be used arpeggiated, cadential, pedal, passing arpeggiated 6/4 chord type of 6/4 chord that is an arpeggiation of the triad in the bass 36. half cadence cadence progression that ends in V 9. arpeggio notes that outline a chord 37. hemiola 10. asymmetrical meter meter that has an odd number of subdivisions two bars in simple triple time are articulated as if they were three bars in simple duple time 11. Augmented triad triad comprised of a Major 3rd and Augmented 5th 38. hidden/direct 5ths 12. cadence chords used at the end of a phrase results when the soprano and bass move in similar motion into a 5th with the leap in the soprano cadential 6/4 type of 6/4 chord that precedes the dominant, usually at the cadence 39. 13. hidden/direct octaves results when the soprano and bass move in similar motion into an octave with a leap in the soprano 14. changing tone NCT's that step above the main tone, followed by step below main tone, return to the main tone 40. imperfect authentic cadence cadence progression of V or V7 to I, any inversion 15. chromatic chords that contain notes not found in the scale 41. ionian mode mode built on 1st degree of Major scale common tone tone shared by two or more chords 42. 16. leading tone 7th scale degree in Major, harmonic minor and melodic minor 17. compound meter meter where the beats divide into three equal parts 43. locrian mode mode built on leading tone conjunct motion using steps 44. 18. NCT that steps below the main tone, steps back up to the original tone 19. consonance pleasing to the ear; 3rd, 6th, P5, P8 lower neighboring tone 20. contour shape of the melody 45. lydian mode mode built on 4th degree of Major scale 21. contrary motion motion that has voices moving in different directions 46. Major triad triad comprised of a Major 3rd and Perfect 5th 22. cross rhythm meter that uses a simultaneous combination of contrasting rhythms 47. mediant 3rd scale degree 48. minor triad 23. cross voicing one voice overtakes another triad comprised of a minor third and Perfect 5th 24. deceptive cadence cadence progression of V to anything but I (usually vi) 49. mixolydian mode mode built on 5th degree of Major scale 25. diatonic chords that contain only notes found in the scale 50. neighboring group NCT's that step above the main tone, followed by step below main tone, return to the main tone 8. 51. oblique motion motion that has one voice staying the same and the other one moving 77. triple meter meter that uses three beats per measure 52. parallel fifths results when two voices a 5th apart moving by parallel motion to a 5th apart 78. tritone interval that contains 3 whole steps 79. unaccented NCT that appears on the off-beat 53. parallel motion motion that has voices moving in same direction by same interval 80. unaccented neighboring tone NCT that is approached by step, left by step in opposite direction, occurs on the off-beat 54. parallel octaves results when two voices an octave apart move by parallel motion to an octave apart 81. unequal 5ths results when a P5 is followed by a diminished 5th or vice versa 55. passing 6/4 type of 6/4 chord that harmonizes the bass as a passing tone 82. unison same note passing tone NCT that is approached by step, left by step in same direction 83. 56. upper neighboring tone NCT that steps above the main tone, steps back down to the original tone 57. pedal 6/4 type of 6/4 chord that occurs when the bass is stationary and becomes nonharmonic every other beat 84. V7 chord/Mm7 chord comprised of a Major triad and minor 7th 58. pedal point NCT that is a chord tone followed by a nonchord tone followed by a chord tone 59. perfect authentic cadence cadence using V or vii to I, root position, tonic in soprano 60. phrygian half cadence cadence progression of iv6 to V in minor key 61. phrygian mode mode built on 3rd degree of Major scale 62. preparation tone that precedes the suspension (same pitch) 63. quadruple meter meter that uses four beats per measure 64. resolution tone that follows the suspension (2nd below it) 65. retardation NCT that is approached by same tone, left by step up 66. similar motion motion that has both voices moving in the same direction but not by the same intervals 67. simple meter meter where the beats divide into two equal parts 68. static motion no movement 69. subdominant 4th scale degree 70. submediant 6th scale degree 71. subtonic 7th scale degree in natural minor 72. supertonic 2nd scale degree 73. suspension NCT that is approached by same tone, left by step down 74. suspension chain resolution of one suspension that then serves as preparation for another 75. syncopation stress on normally unstressed beat 76. tonic 1st scale degree