Speech Organization Patterns: Topical, Chronological & More

Organizing Your Speech
Traditional Organizational Patterns
Topical: a pattern that divides a subject into subtopics, each of which is part of the
whole. In general, the subtopics or categories may be presented in any order. Sample
topical speeches:
There are three different routes a person can take as a CATA major.
There are six guidelines to consider when communicating with persons with
Exercise is important for four specific reasons.
Chronological: a pattern that presents points by time or sequence. Events must occur in
a chronological sequence with a clear “first, next, finally” pattern. Sample chronological
There are five stages in the grief process.
Children progress through several developmental stages.
Spatial: a pattern that presents points by place or location. Main points are arranged
according to some direction or existence in space, which constructs a mental map of how
things fit together as a whole. Sample spatial speeches:
There are three distinct regional weather patterns in the U.S.
Bridges are constructed in layers.
Causal: a pattern that presents reasons (causes) and implications (effects) of a topic.
Sample causal speeches:
Viewing pornographic material may lead to sexual deviance.
Television violence facilitates violent behavior in children.
The lack of available organs for donation affects many people in our society and
there are many reasons for this shortage.
Pro-con: a pattern that presents arguments in favor and arguments against usually
controversial issues. This pattern tends to work best in informative speeches when your
purpose is to educate the audience about the complexity of an issue. Sample pro-con
Fetal cell transplantation is a controversial medical procedure with both
proponents and opponents.
There are plausible arguments both for and against physician-assisted suicide.
Problem-Solution: a pattern that describes a problem and a possible solution or solutions
to it. Problem-solution organization is often used in persuasive speeches. Sample
problem-solutions speeches:
High blood cholesterol levels can be lowered with diet and exercise.
Prohibiting students from having cars would alleviate the parking problem on
Below are several preview statements from speeches. Identify the organizational pattern
of each speech.
1. I will describe the myths surrounding killer bees and explain the truth about these
2. Today, I will explain why so many amusement park accidents are happening and
describe the effect this has on those involved.
3. I would now like to explain both sides of the controversy over condom distribution in
the public schools.
4. I will explain who the Amish are, describe a few of their basic beliefs, and summarize
two problems that confront the group’s way of life.
5. There are four stages of sleep.
6. New York City has five boroughs: Staten Island, Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and
the Bronx.