2013 winter - School of the Cathedral Mary Our Queen

The School of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen
The Report Card
Winter Newsletter 2013
Schools Week
he School of the Cathedral
celebrated 2013 Catholic Schools
Week January 27th - February
1st. Student Ambassadors
Tommy Dendrinos, Elizabeth Stamas,
Helen MacKay, Paul Kinkopf, and Maria
Arrázola kicked off Catholic Schools Week
at the weekend Masses by sharing what their
Catholic education means to them. The
following are some of the students’ reflections:
Student Ambassadors Tommy Dendrinos, Paul Kinkopf, Helen MacKay,
Maria Arrázola, and Elizabeth Stamas.
Helen Mackay — Cathedral’s academics challenge students
and our teachers push students to do their best. Cathedral’s teachers
help students learn and study material in interesting and productive
ways. Students learn the importance of hard work. When the time
comes for them to graduate and leave Cathedral behind they are
well prepared for the world of high school and beyond.
We dedicate one period of every day to enhancing our
knowledge of our Catholic faith in Religion class, where we study
the Bible and learn important facts about our faith. We also pray
throughout the day and attend Church as a school regularly. At
Cathedral, we do not only learn about our faith, we learn how to
put our faith into action and become the people that God intended
us to be. At Cathedral, the importance of helping others is instilled
in us at a young age. We regularly donate food to our Daily Bread,
raise money for good causes, and take part in numerous service
Happenings Around School
Christmas Celebrations
The Hon Ball
Alumni News
Paul Kinkopf — Not only has Cathedral taught me all
about my faith, but it has given me countless opportunities to
build off this knowledge by taking action in the parish community.
For example, I am preparing to be confirmed with the rest of my
classmates this year. In order to be confirmed, we need a certain
number of service hours. Through Cathedral’s guidance, I have
been given the chance to be a part of Camp Smile, a weeklong
summer service camp. I have participated in the Sunday Bridge
program, which is a service event, a Mass, or a fun activity that
takes place every Sunday and is accessible to all Cathedral parish
middle school students. I have become an
altar server here, which I might have
never done if not for the spiritually
stimulating environment at the
School of the Cathedral. All these
things have helped me on my
journey to being confirmed and
have let me grow. Through all
of my years here at Cathedral, I
have been taught to be a better
Catholic and have been encouraged
to make a positive difference in any
way I can.
>>> Continued on page 2
SCMOQ Winter 2013 Newsletter 1
Catholic Sch
n Tuesday, the School of the Cathedral held its Open
House from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Parents were able to
visit the classrooms and enjoy lunch with their child in
the cafeteria. Mass was held at 1:30 p.m. for all students and parents.
n Thursday, students celebrated
Student Appreciation Day. The Middle School
held its annual Stars vs. Stripes volleyball tournament in
the gym. The Stripes claimed victory!
n Friday, the teachers and staff were treated to a
luncheon sponsored by CASPA. Also, the school wore
purple and had an Out-of-Uniform Day where students,
faculty, and staff dressed in purple to celebrate their favorite team
in the Super Bowl, our Baltimore Ravens.
We are grateful to Mr. Michael Wright, Assistant Principal,
for organizing the week.
Art Award
aley Nickel, a 5th grade
student, won 2nd place at
the local level, 1st place on
the state level, and 2nd place
nationally in the Catholic War Veterans
patriotic poster contest. Way to go! ■
2 SCMOQ Winter 2013 Newsletter
n February 1st, the Intermediate Grades- (3rd, 4th, and
5th) gathered together to assemble and decorate breakfast
bags to be given to My Sister’s Place. They asked for
donations of juice boxes, fruit cups, granola bars, and wrapped
muffins. Over 350 breakfast bags were stuffed in the cafeteria by
the intermediate grades. ■
Why I like
of the Catthe School
hedral …
22nd Annual Grandparents
& Special Friends Day
he school celebrated Grandparents and Special Friends Day on
November 16, 2012.
Guests joined the students in their classrooms for games and
presentations, and also had a chance to share their own stories
of school when they were younger. Mass was held in the Cathedral of Mary
Our Queen, celebrated by Monsignor J. Bruce Jarboe. This is always a
heart-warming day for our local and out-of-town guests. ■
SCMOQ Winter 2013 Newsletter 3
Three Kings on the
Feast of the Epiphany
n celebration of a long-standing tradition at the School of the Cathedral,
our school is blessed after the Epiphany Mass. This blessing ritual is
based on an old Eastern European house blessing. The house blessing
is modeled after the journey of the three Magi: Caspar, Melchior, and
Balthazar. Above each doorway in the school, a strip of paper is placed with the
symbols 20+C+M+B+13, which stand for the three kings and the New Year. ■
Christmas Tree
Lighting &
n Friday evening, December 7th
parishioners and friends of the
Cathedral gathered by the big fir tree
in front of the church for the 4th annual
Tree Lighting and Caroling. At 7:00 p.m., Father
Pete Literal and Monsignor J. Bruce Jarboe
blessed the tree while onlookers held candles
and gathered by the tree prior to entering
the church for Christmas carols. Afterward
everyone enjoyed cookies and hot chocolate
in the Parish Center. ■
Christmas Convocation
Celebrates Cheer & Good Will to All!
4 SCMOQ Winter 2013 Newsletter
By Lisa Hudson
n Saturday, April
27, 2013 parents,
and guests of the
School of the Cathedral of
Mary Our Queen will gather
together to celebrate The Hon
Ball. Michele and Dennis
Tadeo and co-chairs Amy and
John Sweeney will take center
stage at The Hippodrome
Theatre to welcome guests to
The Hon Ball, celebrating The
Charms of our City.
The 52nd Annual Ball
is a long-standing special
event that directly benefits
the students of the School of
the Cathedral. The proceeds
raised this year at The Hon
Ball will go toward technology
upgrades including laptops,
iPads, and software programs.
Funds raised from The Hon
Ball will also go toward tuition
assistance for families in need.
Many volunteers assist with the
planning on a wide variety of
committees including Program
Advertising & Sponsorship,
Live and Silent Auction, Raffle,
and Class
year, Sheila
Muldowney & Ginna
Fingles Kelly ’90 are chairing
the Advertising Committee.
This committee has been
busy acquiring corporate
sponsorships, encouraging
guests to support at the higher
giving levels, and accumulating
a group of program sponsors.
There are several ways to
support the school through
corporate giving, including
Center Stage, Orchestra
and Balcony, and Corporate
Sponsors. Participating at the
various higher levels of giving
allows guest to begin their
evening at 7:00 p.m. at the preball cocktail reception. This
reception gives attendees a
chance to socialize, peruse and
bid early on the auction items,
and enjoy delicious passed
hors d’oeurves. Advertising is
a wonderful way for sponsors
to support the School of the
Cathedral and can help grow
their business.
The Center Stage of the
Theater will be transformed by
Decoration Chairs Leslie Rose
and Shannon Walsh into a
Baltimore skyline highlighting
the many charms and
landmarks of Baltimore.
Guests will be busy bidding
on fabulous Live and Silent
Auction items thanks to Auction
Chairs Anne Marie Barbour,
Cathy Morgan-Dendrinos, and
Melissa Taylor. The Auction
Team has been busy collecting
and packaging a wide variety
of items including sports
memorabilia, event tickets, fine
dining, trips, and much, much
more. Our Camp Auction, led
by Lisa Melancon and Jenai
Paul, is an annual favorite with
our school community.
As always, the coveted Class
Creations will be well sought
after thanks to Committee
Chair Lauren Connor and her
hard-working committee. This
committee is in the classrooms
working with the children to
create wonderful works of art
and memories that are always
very popular. Under the skillful
direction of veteran co-chairs
Kathy Norman and Chris
Kearney, the Raffle Committee
will be encouraging everyone
to buy tickets for the chance
to win one of four $500 cash
prizes. Many thanks go to
Caviar and Cupcakes, LLC,
co-owned by Cathedral Mom,
Leanne Mohler for generously
underwriting the cost of
printing the raffle tickets.
When not bidding on Auction
items, guests will be enjoying
the food provided by local
catering company, Rouge,
including flamingo themed
cupcakes. The Ellis Brothers
Band will keep the beehives
rocking and the boas moving
all night long with their popular
So many other volunteers
make this event a huge success.
They include Rebecca Foley
(Treasurer), Katie Ketchen
(Reservations), Leanne Mohler
and Michelle Craig (Tuition
Raffle), Patty Darby and
Daniel Tadeo (Webmasters),
Mary Miller (Protocol), Lisa
Hudson & Lauren McQuaid
(Public Relations), Leanne
& Hugh Mohler (past Ball
Chairs), and Emily McGeady
(CASPA President).
If you are interested in
attending The Hon Ball, please
contact Katie Ketchen at 443804-5156 or katieketchen@
yahoo.com, for additional
information. For questions
regarding advertising,
sponsorship, or donations,
please call Michele Tadeo
410-598-4111 or Amy Sweeney
443-824-6572. We look forward
to seeing you April 27th at
The Hon Ball! ■
SCMOQ Winter 2013 Newsletter 5
The 19th Cardinal Cup
Fun Run and Race
t’s time to get into running shape for the 19th Annual Cardinal
Cup! This year it will be taking place on April 27th at 8:00
am, with a 1-mile course on school grounds and a 5K course
through local neighborhoods. Last year, we had over 500 runners
and walkers and are looking forward to another big turnout this year
from the Cathedral community. All students, parents, friends, family,
and alumni are welcome! This fun, family-centered event, which is
sponsored by the School of the Cathedral and the Cathedral Parents
Association (CASPA), has been organized to benefit the students of our
sister school, Mother Seton Academy (MSA). Thanks go out to our
Cardinal Cup Chairpersons: Patty Darby, Amy Matteini, and Lorie
McGuinness. For more information and to register, visit our website:
www.schoolofthecathedral.org. ■
And the Winner is…
A Stor y of
ongratulations to Patrick and Laurette
O’Malley, Brigid MWPB, and Mary
Cate 3B, winners of the School of
the Cathedral Tuition raffle! Tickets
were sold during the month of October and on
Grandparents & Special Friends Day. The O’Malley
family will receive one year of full tuition for 2013-14
at the School of the Cathedral. Many thanks to all
who participated! ■
n February 6, 2013, the
4th grade students heard
about life, injustices, war,
and intolerance from
Holocaust survivor, Rubin Sztajer. ■
Students enjoy
the annual
icked, funny, warm, romantic and touching, THE MUSIC MAN JR. is a special
adaptation of the classic masterful musical that will be performed at the School of
the Cathedral from March 22nd through March 24th. The story follows fast-talking
traveling salesman Harold Hill as he cons the people of River City, Iowa into
buying instruments and uniforms for a boys’ band he vows to organize — this despite the fact he
doesn’t know a trombone from a treble clef. His plans to skip town with the cash are foiled when
he falls for Marian the librarian, who transforms him into a respectable citizen by the end.
Ya Got Trouble, Seventy Six Trombones, and The Wells Fargo Wagon are just a few of the
unforgettable songs that we have been rehearsing since January.
Save the date! You won’t want to miss this one! ■
6 SCMOQ Winter 2013 Newsletter
The School of the Cathedral
Annual Fund 2012-2013
his year’s Annual Fund is designated for the enhancement of
technology and upgrades to support digital-age learning.
Your help is greatly appreciated. Every gift makes a difference and
no gift is too small! Our campaign runs through May 31, 2013.
Make your gift online www.schoolofthecathedral.org or make
your checks payable to: The School of the Cathedral and return in the
enclosed envelope.
Annual Fund Gifts of $500 or more will be recognized on our
Giving Tree in the foyer. Thank you for your support!
Alumni News
Julia Murphy Burne ‘90 and her husband,
Andy, welcomed their first child, Tabitha
Elizabeth, born on September 8, 2012. They
reside in Brooklyn, New York where they are
both architects.
Steele Stanwick ‘04 is currently living in
Baltimore after graduating from UVA in 2012 as
their all-time leading scorer in lacrosse. Steele is
offering private wall ball lessons and runs clinics
in the Baltimore area.
Front row: Kane Delaney ‘06, Kevin O’Neil ’06, Coach Terry Kimball, Diego McQuestion ’06, Topher
Lobo ‘10, and Antonio Barbera ‘06. Back Row: Ryan Arthur ’06, Colt Miller ’06, Bryan Willis ’06,
John Lobo ’06, Andrew Basler ’06, Jared Alexander ’06, Brennan Kimball ’06 and Coach Paul Lobo.
Class of 2006
Members of the Class of 2006, pictured above,
got together for an impromptu basketball game
with Coach Terry Kimball and Coach Paul
Lobo on Thanksgiving weekend, November 24,
2012. They enjoyed a lively game, shared lots of
laughs and caught up with each other’s college
lives. Thanks to parents Kathleen Willis and
Cathy Lobo for organizing this great reunion!
Former Cathedral parents, Dr. & Mrs. Karl
Diehn, wrote us to share the great news about
their family! Their son Kevin ‘02 is a PhD candidate
in chemical engineering at the University of
Maryland. Their daughter Kate ‘99 is a fourth year
medical student at the University of Maryland
and is applying for family practice residency.
Karl ‘96 is a chef at Baltimore’s Woodberry
Kitchen. Megan ‘93 is graduating from a nurse
practitioner program at Johns Hopkins. This
is her fourth degree! Congratulations to the
Diehn family.
Katie Baird Johnson ‘94 and her husband,
Kevin, live in Federal Hill with their 2 children,
daughter, Ryan 24 months and Patrick 4 months.
Katie is co-owner of Johnson Sterling Marketing
& Communications, LLC. Clients range from
Silberstein Insurance Group (local) to Bosch
Solar (international) and in between.
Amy Baird Buttarazzi ‘93 and husband, Will,
welcomed twins Matthew James weighing 7.8
pounds and Samuel Joseph weighing 8.7 pounds
born Dec 10, 2012. The boys join Peter 7, Luke 5,
Paul 3, and Anna 2.
Sheehan Stanwick Burch ‘93 and her
husband, Ryan welcomed Dori Teresa on August
23, 2012 and joins big brother, Bing 5 and big
sister Minnie 4.
Lacey Aumiller O’Neil ‘93 and her husband,
Ben, welcomed Robert “Bo” Benjamin O’Neil on
August 20, 2012. He is joined by his big sister,
Carrie Kroll McMullan ‘93 and her husband,
Shelton, welcomed their first child, Charles Grice
McMullan, on December 29, 2012. Carrie and
family live in Washington, DC.
In Memoriam
Benjamin James Myers ‘04, January 22, 2013,
brother of Patrick Myers ’06.
SCMOQ Winter 2013 Newsletter 7
U.S. Postage
Spiritual Strength, Academic Excellence
111 Amberly Way
Baltimore, MD 21210
The Report Card is produced by the Development Office.
Questions or comments: mmiller@cmoq.org
Edited by: Susan Hughes Gray and Sue Seiler
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