TJU Space Reservation Policy | Room Booking Guide

Thomas Jefferson University
Space Management & Room Reservations
University Registrar
Reserving a Space
Managed by University Registrar, Space Management and Room Reservations
The following information is being provided to help you reserve space on Thomas Jefferson University’s
This information will ensure that your request has been submitted in the proper manner and help to avoid
any delay in finalizing your reservation. Please note: Incomplete requests CANNOT be processed.
Requests and changes for all spaces must be submitted via email to
Room confirmations are typically sent via e-mail within 2-4 business days from the receipt of your completed
request. Please do not send duplicate requests within this timeframe.
You can visit our website - - to view image shots of the rooms
listed below, check space availability and submit requests for space. AVAILABILITY DOES NOT IMPLY A
CONFIRMATION. Just click the "BROWSE" button on the left to check availability; and, click on the room name
for space details.
Space Management & Room Reservations, University Registrar reserves the following spaces.
Bluemle Life Sciences Building: Rooms 101 and Lobby, 105, 107
College Building: Herbut Auditorium (ground floor), Foerderer Auditorium in McClellan Hall, Rooms 202207, 707
Note: Foerderer Auditorium is dedicated to 1st year JMC Lectures between 8:00am and 3:00pm during the
academic semester.
Curtis Building: Rooms 213-219
Edison Building: Rooms 1401, 1402, 2101-2103, 2107, 2202B-2205
Note: Edison 1401 and 1402 will be reserved in collaboration with the Jefferson School of Health Profession’s
Department of Physical Therapy.
Hamilton Building: Connelly Auditorium and Lobby, Rooms 201-226, 304, 4th floor Lobby and Terrace, 505,
5th floor Lobby
Note: Connelly Auditorium is dedicated to 2nd year JMC Lectures between 8:00am and 3:00pm during the
academic semester.
Note: Clinical skills space on floors 3-5 will be reserved in collaboration with the University's Clinical Skills
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Revised August 2012
Specialized Pharmacy space on the 6th floor will be reserved in collaboration with Jefferson School of
Jefferson Alumni Hall (JAH): Rooms 139, 207, 307, 407, 509, Cafeteria, Eakins Lounge, The Courtyard, SolisCohen Auditorium, Brent Auditorium, The Mezzanine open space and Rooms M-21, M-23, M-24, M-25.
Note: Food & Beverages are allowed in common areas only. Food is not allowed in labs.
When submitting e-mail requests, please use the following template:
Event date:
Event start and end times:
Requested space, including 2nd & 3rd preferences:
Name of Event (this information appears on the Master Calendar & Campus plasma screen;
please be brief, but specific):
Expected # of attendees:
Requestor's/contact's Name, phone # & Department Name or Student Organization:
Requestor's/contact's Jefferson e-mail address:
Will your event host non-Jefferson participants:
In an effort to ensure that your requests are processed effectively, you are encouraged to refer to the Space
Management/Room Reservation Protocol for more scheduling information. The protocol may be found at:
Please try to coordinate requests with others in your department to avoid duplicate requests.
Cancellations must be submitted in writing at least 24 hours prior to your event.
Finally, your confirmation will provide you with information to request setup, catering, audio-visual and
student computer support. It will also include a Reservation number that should be referenced in all
correspondence regarding your event, including cancellations.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Thomas Jefferson University
Space Management & Room Reservations
Office of the Registrar
Virtual EMS:
Building Address:
University Calendar:
Campus map:
Parking @ Jeff:
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Revised August 2012